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Editorial Chips And Splinters

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- A newBpaper wag wrltes the uatoc of Priuce Ede, tuusly ; Qyinphysque. - Tlic Halmeinann Medical College of C1iIcbLO lms graduated its fint woman student. - The Radicáis rciy on ,000 enfranehlsed ioqs ot' llam to save theirbaeon iu Oonnectlcut. Carpct-bag WhUtemore ís campatgniug tor a new elcctlon. lic wants a etmnee ai auother cadetshlp. - Tlic men and women of Minnesota are to vote for or against woniau suüïagu ucxt fall, - iu separate boxes. - And now comes pt-jinnts, through Senator Abbott, of N. 0., and ask to be protocted. AVliut say Wanl, Field & Co; - Tlie Radical journals figure np 4,000 colored votéis in Delaware, and clalra tlie State. "Oountlng cliickcus beforc tliey are batched." Tilton lias noia'natetl Miss Antliony for Govcmor of New York. No onc would tilinte of namlDg Tilton for the place, not even Sulan. - A. movement has been started in Chicago to enforce tlio law against lelllng liquor on öiinday. Wlth tliat law enforesd would Chicago be Chicago ? - Qeorge F. Train lias got luto Michigan agaln, and Laleclurlng in tlie villages. - Free Press. Wbat have the villages done that thcy should be torniented tliusly ? - Cari Benson uses the World to npologise to Greeley. lie has long thought him "the most Ignorant man in the unlverse,' but now tinds that Forney wins tbc belt. - Wyomlng has a femáis justice of the peace. Shc 1 a wife, the mother of tiiret grown lip 8OUS, is naraed Esthei Morris welghs 1Ö0 lbs., is 57 years old, and don' care who knows it. - The llotise bill abolishing the frank mg privilege has not y.t heen moved in th Sonate. The benate is a very conservativo body- that is, when the privileges of Senators are at stake. - In dover - that lonc male Wyomlng juryman who was impanncled with eleven tamales of the period: providcd they were youag and pretty, and lic didii't have to inake au all-night sessiou of it. - Tlie World perpetrates a fraud apon Detroit by locating Moses W. Field, one of the brilliant iinancial genlusea of its lioar of Trade and the calcium liglit of its Manufacturera' Association, at Troy, N. Y. What robbery. - The glrta noar Erie, Pa., go oa hunts after the wild raccoon, - Ex. Ilaven't "tlie girls near Erie" a rlght to exercise one of thelr inalienable rights- go a coouin' - without liaving some newspaper feller teil of it ? - Covode, who wasu't clected to the present Congress, but was nevertheloss :ulmltted, lias been provcd to have appoiuted a cadet- living out oí hls district - vvhlle a member of the last Congress. has )iot yet boen traced to Covcdc's hands. - It was Anna Dickinson whoderaffnded the tnfrancliisemeut of the negro to offset the "dirty Dntch and Irish" - womanly words, aud uow a woman sufl'rago association at St. Louis calis for the ballot for vromen to oft'set the negro. Where is this offsottlugbuslnes8 to stop? - Ex-Senator Grimes wrttesfrom Naples that his health is improving. - The niale citizeus of Zanesville, Oliio, have petitioned that women may bi invested with all the rights of citizenshlp, and also with al] its dutles: namely - that they be Hable to military, jury, and road duty ; llabillty for thelr own and thelr husbrtiid's debts ; and that Ifa woman refuse or uegleot to provicle for the support of lier liusband and family, a divorce shall be granted, awavdlng allroony to the husband. - The Washington correspondent of the Clnclnnatl Ccmmereirl - a loil Journal - insinúales that Dlck Yates has gone back on Senator Wilson's temperance society, and engaged lu personally testing the Tice meter. - That semi-rcliglous Journal, the Advanee, puts thisconuiulnim ; When Congressraen parce] out the various nominatlons in tliuü' gift as payraeut for the campaign ciuicussing that secured tlicm thcir seats or for other politienl "services," how ïmich better is it than Mr. Whltlemore's busincss-like mcthocl of disposing of Ihcm ? IIow about Prcsidenllal "gift enterprises?" - Miss Alice Cary has writteu many a botter stanza tliau the following froni lier closing Anthony birtli-dayocle : A perftct worafln nobly planncd, It Live8 op.ioy to muse o, Taki itt-r for nll n all , wa ne 'er Shall sgc tho mntch fur Stison. But we can forgive the llmplng muse in view of llie perfect truth of the last line. The worlil breathes freer for being guaran teedagalnst 'the match of Siisan." - Au Indiana editor abuseil a man to tlic extent oí a half a column, and statei the next week that it was a slip of the pen. - Ex. We know Eeveral men that we'd like to make victima oí a similar "slip of the pen.' We wou't teil their names now : Some o thcin are in arreara for the Anous - severa years ; and others have ordered job work and advertising, and furgollen topay.


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