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The Circuit Court Is Still In Session

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.bot can see through, having dfscharged Jialf the jury ycsterday moruing. Wecontluue abstract of the proccedings niaking no note of coutiuuccl cases, refereuces, etc: Edwrd J. Doyle o. Thos. II. Kearucy 'cw trial granted. Ezra Sanford ts. Leisjtf. Plielps. Terdict ior plaiutiff, $8.50. Isaac Uale and Jamos B. TVhcelcr V3. P. y Purtel. Verdict lor defendant. Luciua B. Parsons is. Gilbort M. Browu. Replevln. Verdict for plaiutiff. Gaie and Wlieclcr es. ErnastHiucs. Verdict for plainün", llö.öO. Irvlng Glass admitted to citizeiisbip. B:ce A. Beal m. Ann Arbor Trading Association. Verdict for plaiutiff, $158.G2. Johnson and Wheeler ts. O. A. Kelley Jndgment on default, $32.51. Xatlian White ts. "VVm. Freeraan. Verdict for defendant. IVm. Mnil;olland i. Thomas Vandevort Verdict or plaiutiff, $15.00. John Q. Anrirews w. Wm. Sanford. Ver dict for plaintill', $15.00. TVm. T. Haifrlit m. Henry Druse. Verdict for plaintilt; !5.U0. jLeopold Shinsuiner et al. is. Chriatian Diehl and John Diolil. Pica withdrawn, judgment for plalotiff, L151.19. Wni. II. Stopheus vs. Liicius D. Co!e. Fiual judgment, igSoü.OO. Henry Druse o. Aaron R. TVhceler et al. Trespass. Verdict for plaiutiff, 0 cents. Clark Button VS. Robert Lindsley. Verdict for plaintiff, (!4.C0. Michael Stabler rs. Albert M. Cooper. Replevin. Verdict for defeudant, $40.17. Wm. Hnlburt rs. Henry Goodj'ear. Judgment by dufault, ó'25.83. Johnson aud AVheeler rs. Wm. M. Brown. Judgraent by defanlt, S4TÜ.G2. Wing and Wood o, llenry Goodyear. Judgmcnt by default, 161.1-1. Sedgwick Dean and Henry S. Doan vs. Charlts 11. Hiohmond, et 'al. Jury disa grced. Julia Howard w. Adam Klager. Judgment by default, ?30l.75. Wm. C. Bchlede, Geo. Huss, Chas. Schulz, John Karberg, Richard Flanuary, Jacob Binder, Frank Ötaffan, Jr., and Gottlelb F. üwinuer, were admitted tocitizensbip. J. D. Bradfleld, H. D. Sabin, L. A. Hartwick, Eldridge Morse, admitted as Attorneys. 3eo. W. Arnold ts. Volney II. Potter, John Brown and Margaret Arnold. Verdict for plalutifl". L B. Parsons t. Q. M. Brown. Replevin. Judgmeut for plaintiil', damages 0 cents. Frank P. Bogardus w. Asliley Minor and Enoch Yost. Judgment ou detault, $108.60. Hoses Marks w. John II. Davis. Verdict far plaintiff, $24. ' George D. Hili m. Ambrose V. Roblsou and Charles Baxter. JSrow ou. John Eisele, Frank Nobel, John A. Volz, Gotleib Bischoff, Siraon AVeber, admitted to citizenship. The Irish oitizona of tbis vicinity celbr&ted the auniversary of tueir patrón Saiot, yesterday, in au appropriate manucr. The Zouave Band went to Ypsilanti on the rly train to escort the Ypsilauti delegaron, which arrivcd liare on the mail train. Ia the meantime the Ann Arbor, Northfleld, nd Dexter delegations had assembled at the depot, and a procession was forined In toe following order: lt. Band 2d. Troop of Horse ; 3d. St. Joliu's Society of Ypsilauti ; 4th. Washtenaw County Free School Association ; 5th. The Boys of the School; 6th. Ccltic LiteWry Society. Aftcr marching through the principal 'reets, the procestion proceeded to the Cstholic Church, where a Grand High Ms was held, after ivhich thcy proceeded to Finnegan's Hall, ivhere reireshmcuts we served by the ladies. At half past one n exhlbition was given by the children of Thomas' School under the auspicei of tt Sisters of Charity, at llangsterfcr's 'wil. Such were the ceremonies of St. trick's Day, nothiug occurring to mar e general pleasnrc and good feeling which baracterized tkewhole celebration. The Public Schools of tliis City will doe on Friday, the 25th, for a racatlon of ne week, the ncxt term beginuing on Slona&y April 4tli. On Thursday, the 24th, a public examinaion of the High Solwol scholars will take pace. Thts examlnatlon pareuts and all atH Ulterosted are cordially invited to na, Examiuations will be conducted 8S IOllows : A'rithmífc'11 Bkl ni8tOry' Geometry and .. 'Örammar mtry 0ry, Algebra and " SoSi1' Algobra' Enli81 Oram :M ÏSSSJtÊ0"1 Algebra' Literatee aud ,f JatóSSj?0"' AI=ebifceura, Oeometry, nud Men.) Phiuiophy. UüindayeveUing,the25th, the anuual Ubitionoitho Junior Class vvill takc ioZ t AS aC bject of thiB' hlbltlon is mT arud for the illcrease üft1 %a beuooi Library, 10 cents admissio KxeJ o-' Doors Pen at 0:30 P. M. ■rwses cotnmenco at 7:30. ft!76 W6lC0me the '-WwUy Tolodi Tho Spring serios of Teachers' Exam Inations ton this Coiinty, are otiBonoced b; the Superintendent to bc heUl is folio wa : :■■:, April ■.'(!. in iho Union Schoil Bnlli Al Salloe, A).ril mh. in Unios School building. Al Uanchntor. April Utb, In LTnion Bctaool building Ai Oholaea, A)ril Utb. In LTnion Scl ""1 build'ng. Ai Ysi'a"ti, April '.'"th , in Union School building. At Aun Albor, Ajml !8d, In [Jnlon School building. For Uit further accoinmodatlou of teachers the Superintendent will hok! tlon8 at hls office - wlilch is lu the Coart House, with the County Treasarer - every SaturUay, ciccpt April LU ntxl 23d, uutil the lst of 3Iay. The cxiiiiiinatioiis will coramencc promptly at il o'clock a. m., on the clays appoütted, and be both onil and writtcii. At t)ic State Teachers' Iustitute, to be beid in Dexter, coinmoncing líarch 8th, - of whlch notlce was giren ia last woek's Argus. - a County Teachers' Association wlll be organlzed, and an Inrltatlon is extcuüod to thosc wlio are Interested in our schools. Anipleaccominodations aro promised by tiic citizcns of Dexter. The student Douglass, obarged with robbing the postónico box of Dr. Keí.looo, was convictcrt iu the United States District Court, Detroit, on FrMay last, the jury recommending him to -the mercyofthe court. On Satnrday, Jurigc Lunqyear senteueed him to two yoars In the Dctrort House of Corrt'Ctiou, tlie lowcst seutccee permitted by the luw. Before liis sentcuee he was perraltted to place on the illes of the court au atBdavtt tliat he was innocent of the charge, and tliat he had oever opened the box in qucstlon or abstracted any letter therefrom. " Game to the last." Temperanee meetings aro be'iDg held iu the Court House Baturday evenings aml Sunclay afternoons. An einleavor is belng made by tlio leaders ín this movement to secure the name of every man, woman and child in the city to a plecige of total abstinence, thereby doing away with the demand for ardeut spirits. The meeting Satnrday cvening was quite well attendcd, but was termlnated rather suddenly by the alarm of Ure. Suuday aftcruoon au address was dellvered by Rév. Geo. Tatloe, whlch, by request of the aiulieuce then present, will be rcpcateil by him next Sabbath aftcruoon. At the specinl sessioa oí the Board of Supervisors held last weck, a rcsolution was adopted authorizlnj; the Soperlnteadents of the Poor to cxpend'uot to excecd $4,000 in crectiug and fornishing a new building. The $400 nppropriated last full fora stenographer, were trausferred to the contingent ftind, and the Olert anthorized to draw on that fund for the same prorlded otlier counties join iu employing a stenog-. rapher, and appropriate $1,600 for the 1 inent of his salary. Our citizens and all interesied in the Toledo, Ann Arborand Xortlieru Railroad, will be glad to learn that satisfuctory ar rangemeuts liave been made for a running connection wlth the Jnckson, Lansing and Saginaw lïoad, fromOvvossonorth, niaking our roart a link in the road to Mác&lnaw and to a conneetion with tlieXoith Pacific. Negotiations are also pending for a southern connection, which if successf'ul will Insure tlie iramediate commenecment and prosecution of the -work. Since our last report the folio wing towns have voted aid to the Toledo, Ypsllanti and Satriaaw Air Line: Ilolly, Oaklaad county, 13,000 Mllford, " ' " 10,000 Hlghland, " " 10,000 Ida, Monroe county, voted down a proposition to M t!ie same company 1C,000; for whlch our Ypctlantl fïiends transely neglected to send thelr complimeuts to Anu Arbor. Judge CooLEi' is to deliver the olosIng lecture in the Law Department. - The Lavv Commeticement will take place on the afternoon of Wednesday, March 30th. The address to the graduating class will be delivered by Hon. Wm. P. Wells, of Detroit. Mr. Wells is an a'ule lawyer and a fine writer and speaker. His address will be worth hearing. Mr. Erastus Wualey, of Lima, " entertaiued an angel uuawnres," a few evenings siuce. A strangercalled at his dwelliug and roquested permission to remaiu during the night, which was granted, aud during the evening he admiuistered some anesthetic agent to Mr. W. in a pipe of tobáceo. After retirlng, the eccsntrie stranger arose, possesscd himself of whatever he found dcsirable, and " vamoosed." The Uuiversity Glee Club is posted for a Concert at Hewitt's Hall, Ypsilanti, to-morrow cvcning, March 19th. " The boys" are credited with makiug good malle, and we commend them to our ïieitilibors down the Huron. They are also ou " the slate," for Adrián, Marcli 25th ; Monroe, Maich 20th; and Aun Arbor, March 28th. We Lave had all gorts of weather since our last issue, two or three snow storms, a freeze, a thaw and a freeze,- with mercury bclow zero, with several diverse wliuls : but it is so mild and pleasaut this - Thursday- afternoon, that wc will utter no croaklugs, cspecially as we are afsured that "it is good ior wheat." The Railroad aid election will be held in Scio, next Monday, Murch 21st, and in "Webster, Tuesday, the 22d. Voters in those towns are requested to give the arti. cle in another column, taken from the Dex ter Leader, a careful reading. At about 9 o'clock Saturday night a flre broke out in the shop of A. Bodwell, on Fourth street, but the flames were ex. tinguished before any material damage was doiid Our music loving home readers will gcarecly need to be reralnded that the Mcndelssohu Quintette Club give anotlier concert, with au catire ncw programme, on Monday evening next, in the M. E. Churcli; Tbe closing exercises of the night school for colored persons will be held at the oíd Episcopal Clxurch this evening, at tyi o'clock.


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