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Ikmm üimtorit. : ,;. B. FROTHINGHAM, M. D., ffiVSIClAN' ANI SÜ1WBON. O lik e over Driii No. 7 (ïnron street. ResUlence, No, 8S mompwa rtreet. Office hours, s to 11 A. M , and ïluSI'. M. GEOÏÏGB GRENVILLÊ, jÉ.vS.ÏP. IN DIIUOS and Medicine, Xo. 5 South Sin Street, Aun Arbor. -HULI., KUlJIiN.SON & -1 . éïEOCKR. Produce andCommlssion Merchants, Xo. OSoulb ' ELLIg & KISSELL, PBl'UGISTS. and jtenien In Prints, Olls, etc Ko. 2 Soltt .Mühi Street, Ann Arbor. THKÜDORE TAY LOR & CO., PEAI.EHS ir Qtscertes, Provisln8, and Couutry Prüducc, Hq Soutn Mkln Street, Ann Ail)or. JOHN KECK & CO., DKlLEHS in Furiiiturc of all kinds, No, 33 South . Anu ArLur. J. Q. A. SKSSIÜNS, ATTOÜN'KY :i"l Counsellor at Law, Real Estáte linnnee Agent. Canvyanc(iig and Uollection of C'ïiiiiii promitly attéaced to on liberal ternis. (f■'■ eoutb of t'iift Naliwnal li:r Uiri.Simtb llaln Street. Ann Arbur. W. il. JAGKSON, PÉXTIST, sucecspor to C. Ii. Porter, Office, corncy Hablad Unroo Streets, over the .stort' f K. '. Ellis it Co , Ann Arbor, Alich. AiUBdthetlca ailui'Mistemi if rcqulred. W. F. BRËAKEY, M. D. fITaClAN ANDSURfiKOX. Olllce at resideuec. iJÉHr of Hurón and Dívímuü S[i.-ets, lïrr-t (lotr Kis'tot Presbyteriiin (Jhcrcli. Aun Arbor, Mich. B. J. JOHNSON, DF.M.ER IN 1IATS and CTops Pare, Straw 8oodv ■■ !-':;n,i-h!".' Goods, &c , No. 7 South Main 8UTHERLAND & WIIEDON, UlL aüA Pire Insaraaee Agcnfs and dealers In BaaJ átate. Officeou 11 f o $úet. Alio eeli lir:- Sewliij Machines. NV. 1). HOLMES, K'J''T fyr He Florence Si-m r;ir Machino. and dealer ui Picture. Prnnii s, &c N'. 'Si ívist Fiaron Streel LËWIS C. KISDON, KAl.Kl: in Hardware. Stoven, House Fnn.lshlug Oiwds. Tin Wro. &c„ N'o. 31 South Main Street. BACH & ABEL, ÉÏ:?.ti:i!S in Dry doods. Oroceries, &c, Ac. No. C llalli Street. Aun Arbor. C. II. MILLEN, PF.AT.KIÏ Ín Dry iioods, Groceries, &., &c. No íouth Maiu Street, Aun Albor. ' 8LAWÖ0N & SON, SROCÉns, ProvUIon and Commtaion Merchante mnd deifera in Wnu-r !.i:nc. Land Piaster, und l'lastfr Paris, No. Il Eset Dnron Street. R'lfÖNDfiEIM, ÍHOIESALE nurt retail dénier in lleady Made Clothüx. Clinit. Cftwimeres, WstinL. anil (iems1 Fur-: ith Muiu Stft. WJI, WAtJXKK, litER In eaáy taAe .Clotliing. Cloths, Gasaierei nd Veetlugs, Hats. Capn, Trauks, Curpet Bj3,&c-, 21 soutli lUUi Street. UÍLMOKE & FISKE, KLLERS and SUtloners, Medlcnl, Lnw.ind College Ten liook-s. School and Üiacellaneooa Bookj. No. 3 Hfrtll Jfaln Street, Grcgory Bloek, Aun Arbor. FINLEY & LEWIS, ÍEAWSJS n Boott, Shoes, Galtere, Slippcis &c, (fe, í Esst iluron Street. E. TAKRANT 1 Fashionable Shoe House, No. Ü4 South (In Street. A . CKOSBV,V1 "41T GREGORY HOUSE Ulular Office Hours, 2 to3 o'olock P. M. (JüTc "k e u y GiiASSWAEE & GPOCERIES. J. & P. DONNELLY Initorca largestock of Crockery, Glasswttre, "■■MVtn.Cutlerj, Groceries, &c, &c, all tobe "MMuoiiiuiall} lu pric -. n, 1SEi.t Hun ni int,. Aan Arbor. W[_ J.fc .f. DONNfcXLY. Qlït LINE OF HACKS ! &0BISON & BAXTER, Prop's. L 'SnufdivT0-8 ' rad from th il!rjF"ilera''' 'tended, and elegant turnouts furim , sm:lki"íí Prices reasonable. tuü'ii i' at (;"'k'Hotcl oi at tUoirofflce promptJtaidto._ _ .,iMf JOHN G. GALL, FBESH AND SALT MEATS. IARD, SAUSAGESi, Etc, ■nu"S"',"':it'"1 "n'1V",-,!,r.y miei with the brut 'u m the m.irkct. 31 Kast Washington atreot. A0Arbor,Sei)t. 10th,1369. )235tf D&. C. B. P0RlrÈR7 3DE3STTIST. in the NEW BANK BLOCK, AUN ASBOE. 411 Oprations on the Natural Teeth, nw x&roBMXD iiith cakb, USÜRP4SSED FACILITIES AND EXPERIEWCB SSTTIN ARTIFICIAL TEETÜ, Dnur T IVI' EACH 1N'"IVIhl;Ar-. ra 0 the pT'tjur eizc, íhape, color, Jiimnctt and . natural crpreuion. ]i_M4 "PHE iiA&jBKST ASSD Best selected stock of Plaid smm; also the new and elen PLAID HEPS tobe had at the J' FARMERS' STORE. fBYSWlANV I'Twríplinn ccurately and Carefully PreL h R. W. ELL1S c6 Go. i nn he MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INS. COMPANY OF DETROIT, MICÏÏ, (ESTABI.ISnED IN 1SG7 JOHN J, BAGLEY, Pïidskt, JACOR3. FARRAND, Vlce Prieiünt. JNO. T. I.IGUETr. SteraUrr. .IAMKS _'. WATÍON. Acluurv. I). O.I'AKRAND.M.D., Muíical Ejuniíur. A Sllccpsfll Hieblgaa t.ife ÏDirnc Compaoj, orgftii7d for the mue of PbrDshiBg Insurance upoD uves Ht THE LOWEST COST co.mi'atibi.i: wmi Absolute Security, and Por the furthcr purpOSt of Illflli IIOXEY AT HOME, whicb beretofore has been Rent Kast, IUTES AS LOW AS SAFETY PBEMIT8. ESTIRE MUTAL1TY .;.nd STRICf EQXJITY Hurk the yntBi nnd 'reveil in tl. e . dtti-ibutiun ol ÁHHUAI DIVÍDENOS TO THÉ INSLRED Wliü rrovtslOTM of tlie Strtle Lav, an by Ihtir own X . ALL POLICIES ARE NON-FORFEITABLE. FUaXIfilED ITC.'X ALL DESIRABLK FLANS. All tlie BEST PEATUBES of the OU Companies ADOl'ïi:isl! thcir JtBKOBS AVOIDKÜ. SECURITY, ECONOMY, EQUITY AND THE WEST, ITS MOTTO. L■L" For Agencies -apply ot the HOM K OFFICE, ank iilock, Grissvold Street, y i, M. TIIAVER.Gen'l V_-.-nt. FRED. I..A#N, Agont. IS89J I A. WiDENMANN, REAL ESTÁTE AGENT, . arbor, men: OFSRS IFOIR, S-AJGE r 3 acres of land, within ono half niüe froni the city, tobe soltl ia whole,or paréela, as follom : 24 acres tm seetí'in lít, ,:n the tow.n of nn Arbor' burdcrii) u en the ♦■ n - t ou 1he ruad Itftdtng to Cor n wc 11' aper milis, a ii'l ou the cou' h un 15,'a ncies nitualod On tbe northwest corner of ttie Úorbun rortil a'l the sait Corüwell Facto ry ro -.rl . (TIiïp is une of the handaooiest situatioos in the ooigbborboo4 of Adb Arbor ■) 13 ' acres Improved land joiningr the above 15,S' acre aud fronting Gorham Kuad. l nerfl of land with a new two ftory frame on liionijison, Spoor & Thun)iou'H additiuu ,ï" tinCity ol' Aun Arbor . 71oUof Tö acre each, on Thompson, Spoor kThpmy souM Additiou. 1 acres oT land, with a splendid grove, joininfr tbe rireint-n's Park on the Wejst. I HousA and 1% Iota nf land, with Bnrn, VuhKitebeo, Car rit ge, nml fi nimibtr of paodem i in prove in pi: f , ilie nor tl west coruer ot Fourtb and Pacfcard Streets. l Elnime and Lot in the 2d Ward, on South I.ibrty Btret. 1 lloue and 3 Ixts in the 2d Ward, nöar Êd lïard School llgusi1, 1 Hougeand 4 Lota, near tho li.C.R.R. Depot. J20ftcrs oikod In thesouih of the siatn of Miouri , near the llannitml .oiwh Hailruad. 2 City lots near 2d Ward ftobool House. A. VIDENMANN, F0RE1GN EXCHAN6E BROKER, ANN ARBOR, MICH. SELLS ATID BUYS DKAFÏS, ISSUES LETTERS OF CREDIT ON' AIX PRINCIPAR PLACES In GREAT BRITAIX , OKHMAXY, FRANGE, SWIT7RRI.ANI, etc. -M j dlreot connections with Buropc inable me to otTor as fair rate asnny New Tori Houie. Hempniïtfïr. I am tit nn airciit of mv lir :iv(. in this cou ntrv , hut I am bftTlog direct communication viilh tbe bent housen iu Kurope. COLLEGTIONS IN EÜROPE BV I'OWKR OF ATTOUXEY OB OTHKRWISE, WII.I. BB rnoMrïLY attkndkd to. PASSAGE TICKETS yor Steamer to anel frrm New Yol k to all principal porte of Eurorre 1 uil] wil as lulluws : Frorn New York to Southamptfln, H.ivref ï.otulon, BfMMM or üamburg, lCUp. 2dClnss. Stef-aïe. $U0. $T2. 1(25 in Gold. r.turn tiekctd, -.'.5. J30 01 ' " Froiu auovc (laces to New Vork, lítelas. 2il Clans. 3.1 Clais. Ïl-'O 72. 40 in Gold. i-'i-om Xew Yorktft I.ivcrprn'l, Caljin, SS to $100 Currency. Steerage, $30 n Curri-n. y. From Liverpool to New York, Cabin, Sidfl. ü. WIDENMANN, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT .A.3ST3ST AEBOB, For tlie ÏIowiiM Inuranci" Co., ín rw York , nno of the oldoBt nnl bt Compañía in the country. Th o Tnitnnia. Insurince Company in Cleveland, TIn lionoratjlft anrt fafe manaiíenirnt ol thís in-ti♦ utir.n tías madr Itoae of th1 mout re idbk Fiic In-uracc Coniri1 niMin tlie Wm t .


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