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The Woman Movement

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A srood many masculina philosophers aow-a-days declare tbat the world is paasiug iulo a materialiNtic age, in which tiod will disappear, and tha only religión WÍII bü the woisliip of a material naturo or a glcyified self. The vsorld is advaneicg iu the knowledge and oonquest of pbysical natura mere rapidly tbau over befere ; but this ia tbo least item of its progress. The greatcharaoteristic of our day ia the coming forward of vvoman to íier rightful ond fiual iufluenco iu huinaa affairs ; aod tilia nieans the coming reign of trutli and beauty aud love u the world. The reaaou womnn is tlius advancing to her rightful placo is, that tbe Chriatian religión bis prepared the way for her; has brought civiüzation to a point where matei iul force aud sclfishness, and mero intellect, and will, can no longer do tbe work of tho world. Thia age ia tho most religious of all tho ages, and because it is &o, woman is coming forwaid more dÍ8tinctly in human afTaird. I don't attempt to predict the methods by which woman will fulöl her new obligation in the years to come. I don't know preciaely wliat new thinga woman will be oiilled to do u our Rcpublic, or just how stie will do old things in new way?. I dou't beüeve any man. or all meo, can teil her how to do her work, er just what tbat work sball be. I don't btlieve any special class of women ; the fushionable women, the Hterary women, tho domestic wotneii, the married ! en, the unmarriod woinen, tho Women'fl Rigliis women know a great deal more ahout it than I do. lint the best women in our country, and in all countries, now have a fecling tbat, in God's providencc, tbey are being callcd to guidu QDd blcss tbe world aa never bofore. - God will show tho women of this country wbat He wishes them to do, and how to do it; will show them iu proportion aa ihey live up to the highest womanlood they can now cmppreliend. It isn't necessary that auy aasociation of smart wonien should Ecold American ! men from the Allantic to the Pacific, from tho Lukes to tho Gulf. Tho wisest aud best men in America ara ready to welcomo Amerioan wom:tnhood to aiay new pojition it reallj desireo to assume and feals competerit to fill. We aro waiting to know what tho best women in American society want to do, aud we thall uot iind out by being c:illed tyraota aud other unpleusant mines ' from lbo public platform. We deliro and expect to enter our New Jerusalem t'.imuh KhU gato of piarl; but we wish to be sure wc are entering the Now Jernuletn, and tlw gate is one genuine pearl ; for tn!i hns suft'cred a good ilenl in tbo past by following the lower orders of women througi; gates of tib-uiüg bi'iis into eities of deatii. Wcman can lead nisn down to tho lowcst. helt, as she can guide him t the bighest hcavcn. So we wait with great longing ! to bear the íii a' conclusión to whicli the noblost Amercin womanliood ihall oom e, Aa boou as that wcmanbood ppeaks out with certain voice, with its rjuiet conscioufness of a divino culi, we shall fullow it as man al way 8 has foliowod woman towards the kingdoin of Gud. - Star in tht West.


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