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An Outsider's Views Of Michigan

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Prora the Chicago Pust. Wc doubt hetherany portion oftbe Northwest is at tliis timo"marching on: iu full force more maguilicently than the State of Michigan. And by this we mean that the l'eninsular Stato is not only rapidly developing its natural reaourees and augraeming its material wealth, but that its people are devotiDg no lesa attention to moral and intellectual advanoement than to iutereats more of the oarth eartliy. The Stnto Uijiversity of Michigan is celebrated throughout tlio couutry, und, indeed, throughout Christendom, as a fouutain of Bcience uid classical learning, and ns an iustitutiun also tot excltisively devoted to the examiuation of fosEÜiferoua rocks of ages whioh it would tire the wings of tlio strongest imaginalion to fly to. Theie aro everal other institutions of learuiüg oi'high merit and extensivo repute, íf the State may almost be said ! to bc pre-eniinent ds respecta its inslitutions of classica) and scientiñe learning, it is not surpassed in respect to its exten?ive and efiicient syslem of popu!ar education, whose advantagea about three huodred thousand children annually enjoy. The charitable and penal iustitutions of the State aro scarcely less oelobrated llian its Univcrsity. The growth of Michigan íijs been singular. The population, according to the different enumeratione of the people by the United States is shown by the fuüowing Uble : 1810 4702 1820. ...t 8 7(5 1880 31,039 21267 IÖ50 897,654 l0 749,113 The popu'ation will be, acoording to the census of the present year, it is presiimed, iu excess of one million souls. Tha ratio of increase for tho twenty years from 18'20 to 1840 was greatcr thau that of any other State. Froin 1830 to 1840 it whs five hunded and seventy per cent. Aftenvard, as compared with other Northwestern States, the growth wbb less rapid. And this was altogother natural. The position cf Michigan as to the lakes gave the State peculiar advantogtg before the raihvay era. That veiy position became isolated as to raihvays upon the inauguration of the Dew era. The great through linos of that immense railway fystem of which Chicago is the geographical aud coramercial center, passed by Michigan, so to s;iy, or those of the'm whicb eutered the Stuta had their routes near tLcsouthern limit, The result was, of course, he emptyiug dut of ccmincrcc oud in;migration Hito llÜLois, Iowa, Miniicsola, 'Whconsin and other States more than into Miohigao, whosfl growth, nevertlieless contitiucd, steady and healtby. An'd nowthatit has a railway system of it own, penetratlng most parts of the State, connecting it with tt.e extotisive system refericd to, it i in tho midst of ao era of remarkablc progresa. Therc are at this timo about fifteen hund,red miles of lailway in operation in Michigan, and about one thousand moro in process of construction. The Upper Península is not so wull adapted to agricultuie es the maio body of the State, but the fonner is exceediugly rieh in mineral deposi's, and is likely to bocouio in rtspect to wealth galbered therefroni, the mest valuablo portldu of our republic. The capital invested in the I Tl1 I ■ .1 coppcr mines oí jXiicuigan aione ís not less tlinn sixty million dollars, par valué of stocks; perhars it is more. The yield of iron ore was G57,000 tons, worth 85,290,315, or an increase of nearly 100 per cent, over the yield of 1868. Tlie capital invested ia the Granl Rajids gypsum beds is, vo believe, Í400 OOlT. Yet Uit jear's product was 277,350 ton?, worth more than a million dol'. ars. Tho lumber trade of last year etnbraced -1,000,000 feet in excess of thatof tbe year btfero, and is fet dovvn iu dollars at thirty-four milHons. The salt deposits aro of great valué, but woi ks fbr tho production of this prime artiele of comrnerco are yet i n their inl'ancy. The Stiginaw Yalley Salt Works last year produced about two inilliou busliels, and considerable quautities wcre elsewhere nianufactured. lo addition to the grent riehes of tho forests nnd mineral depusits of .Michigan, there is a mint of wealth in the 'peaoh región" of the Stato. This is a elt of from six to twelve miles widealong ;he eastern ihoro of Late Michigan, not til of whieh, by any means, ig yet in cultivation. Tho product last ycar emraced 751,030 baskets of peaches 141,740 bushels of npples ; 3,754 baskets of Mars ; 1,100 pounds of grapes ; large quantities of plunis and cherriea, and aerries beyoud computation. It is the 3oradÍ86 of fruit for the Northwest, and, what is ir.orp, a paiadiso tluit grows bettoinud bigger every year. Uut, not to dwell further upon statistics tvhich muy be dry reading, it is cerUin ihut MioLigaD is ;.t tliis timo moving on to the fu 11 developmeut of her vast (ind varied resources ut a most gratifying rato. The staplo productions ofaggriculture, the luscious producís of tlie nuble orchnrd8 of tlie Stat, are incteasing with each passing year. Kailwnys are beiugextcudcd, so that every looality inay Lave a homo markét, Tlie ineshau?tblo mineral Wcaïth of the PeniDsnla is comuig to marUi-t n greatcr (tiantities every year. Tho lumber foresta will return lor gmcrations an an DUally inereasiug auiount of moiiey. The peculiar gengraphical posiüon of tlio Stato gives it a tlimate remarkably pleaníint and healihful. áibove all, the pcople are enrncstlv devoted to in'.ellectual culture and refinement, and to ele vated morality. Tlie poel Saxo reputa to the follpwiog 6nuil) trom tho Lowell Courier - " Saïe broke his irtn tho other diy. Too bnd ! Wc hopo ii liu.Mi't vtiuiiiui n!ly Injand his humerus." Tlimks tor jroat knul comlolence ; I would write A merry rhyme, in Rnswcr, f 1 mlght'; liut tlion- couIuuikI tlio ï'ull !- tiiu fi stonc Tbat broke my hMruru liurt my fmmybone ! ï'.Y a MIsi:nuI,K BCOUKDBEL. Tlie rlglits of womaii wlio (têniand, Thosu womenftre but ion-, Tho greater part liad rottier stuud Exactly as thcy do. Beauty has claims, for wlücli slic flglits Ai ase., wii li wlnnjíig arins; The wocun v. : ■ omsn'K ri.lif; Want mofttlj m ■iuüd's chii)


Old News
Michigan Argus