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Anti-woman Suffrage Women

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Col n miras Dispntch lo the Cindnnatl Oaz-tte. lino followwg memoria] signed bv 141 women of Loraiu Countj, was read in the House to-day, and was listened to with proíound atteDtion by cvcry meniber present : We ncknowledge no nferiority to mea. We claim to have no iess ability to pftrform tho duties which has imposod upon us, tlian they have to perfonn those imposed upon them. We believe that God lina isely and weU adapted each sex to the proper perfcrmance of the duties of each. We believe our trusts to be as import'int and sacrcd as any that exist ou erth. Wo fecl tbat our present dutics fil] up the whole measure of our time aud abilities ; and that Ibey are such that none ïiut ourselves can perforni. Their importance requires us to proteet against all offortg to oompel ua to assume those obligations which can not b'e aepnratcd from suffrngo but which cannot be perforrned by us without the sacrifioe of the highest iuteresls af our families and' of society. Itisour falhers, brothers, husbands and son, who represent us at the ballot box. Our fathers and brothers love us. Our husbands are our choice, and one with us. Our soca are what we inake them. We are content that they represent us in theeorn field, the battlefield, and Ht the ballot box, and we represent them in the school room, at the Ëreside, and at tho eradle ; believing our representation, even at the ballot-box, lo be thus moro full and impartial ihau t could possibly be, wcre all women allowed to ote. VVe do, therefore, respectfully protest ngainst anylegifilatiou to establish "Woman's Suffrage" n our land, or in any part of it. Tha readingr f tho memorial was no oner finished tliaa Messrs. Ball and Baber, tho two dis'iiiguished statesmen ■who cliampion the cause of female suffrago in the House, secmed a little de moralizud, and retired for consultation bh to how they might best rebut the representatioo. The following are a few of the nameg attached to tho memorial. The gentleman who preeeoted it assures rao that all tho ladies are of similar character and respectubility to tlioso named be low : Mrs. Ir. Dascomb, Obcrlin ; Mrs. President Finney, Oberlin Mrs. Prof Morgan, Obcrlin; Mrs. Prof. Ellis Oberlin; Mrs. Prof. Sbur'.leff, Oberlin ; Mrs. Prof. Smith, Oberlin ; Mrs, Hewan E!y, Elyria Mrs. N. B. Gates, ülyri ; Mrs. S W.Baldwin, Elyrb ; Mrs. J. W. Cnry, Elyria ; Mrs. J. W. Hulburk, Klyria; Mrs. J. A. Mudge, Elyria; Mrs. J. Metcalf, Elyria ;- Mrs. Gen. Boynt&n, Elyria. There are in America and Europe uiore than 250 mauufuctories of rubber art'clii, employing come 500 operatives ach, and coneumirg more ihan 20,00o,iquiid vi gum per ycar.