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pOR CASH yo:: can B Lumber, Lath and Shingle AT A BARGAIN, AT TUK YARD OF C, SUTHERLAND & CO. Ann A rboi", January , 1870. 1252 F IVEHY AND SALE STABLE. AXTKLL Se IIAMAO-K. Corner Main and Oathniinestreets. Horses boartledonrcasonableterms. Secomi hand baratas, ent tcrs and harneas for ealc. l'J.j2yl ïTTTTTTTïTmI TO HIK OORRING CLA 99v- We are DOifprepftnd tü fur nish all cI&UBCfl ■ i I li COUBt&nt eOJploj B t hou', !] winde of the time or for tbe ipure nn inent. Bast Desa oew.ligbt, and profitable. persona ■f t-itlier sex oasily cara fiom 50j. to $" per ovening, nnti a proportlonaJ Bum by derottng tiie'r wlmlrt time to the business. Jïyys nil gtili earn nc.-irl :k mut'.ti a# men. Tbat alt a)i (■ Ibtfl Bö tic e ina y en il t Ix-ir aU1rf";.s, and tit tho bnsinefts, vvo mak e thi anpftfN llfle-l offer : Tu siic lia s are nt veil retiifled.we wlll seod S' topay for tbetrouble of wrlUog. Pull partieolars, a ralmble sample, vhlcfa wili doto commeaoe w 1 1 k od, aol a oopy oi The Pcr.ple' lAUrary t lirgORt and best f imi [y ne w pipen publUbed - kil Bn1 fr e byiTKiil. HeafU'r.if vm '.aut j.Tu?anont profttable irork, ruMrewi E. CALLEN &CO , Au-, usía. M-iine LORILLARD'S S au excell--nt artT "EUREKA" viñL;8:::::::;;1 Bmoking Tobacco vcriaiivdmfrei. u U put up la h Mi-lsuino Auslln bfi'js, n wbioh urdors for Mi'-i schauin Plpei ar' dalljr jjacked. LORILIjARD'S otaned by all wlio i num riT rrn oonranw t as tl.e lüoni jJjUL m;l,1,.„r,ii,cl.;,icc,t Smoking Tobacco Meaf rown; itlsnnII nervousin itp KlrotlOf h;t been rtrai't'-'i ; i t lea ves no dtáagrteabla tattfl iftor Bmoking ; it R vfry niiM, UgUt in eolor and weigh, henee i onspoBDd Wlll iMt long as tliroe ol oiilin.irv ín bacco. !n tl8 braii'i vvb hIsd pack orders evory iifty for flrst fjuality MciTcliaiiin Pipes. Tiyit nndcnn viiiVself ft ia klIUeUlmstO bc," THE FI.NKsr OF ALL." I.ORILLARD'S Tol" of Fine CRITTS BF OtOhewlnTbieo CtñiTURY íkvSS: Che-wing Tobacco. without Uouüt the bast cbOTlng totaeoo in the country. LOHILLARD'S 1 1T ■" " in DMTTTin Icaner] use íd tba S l-( I-i S Bolled SUtse ot k_7ll LJ X X O llO peau, uidsUll : ■' HieWst " win ti ■vit usiil. If your itorekeeper doea nol In these articlps for ul, kakhimtogattbem; tlwyanaold lr rospectable obbera almost everywhere. Circular or prices fnrwanh'il m apjiltcation P. LOKILLAHI) & CO., New York. EjiOJR THE N EXT Sixty Days the Farmers' Store will Sell Goods Cheaper than any other Store in the City. poll SALE ! A honsc &nrt loí aíljfjítiiu'; Untverslty fcronndw The bouw La tuo ttorlea and hu alna rooniSt Oelliir, Cittern and VVood Tero8 reavoiiftblo. Enqulre al No.SöSouthlngalla Btreet. LW8W61 s. DILr.S. ; Finost Assortment of Toilet Goods in the City, by ft 4& mis &6&,$m0gi gy otice ! TT1 3P.A.-ST3 TO OO TO TriK FARMER'S STORE, And Learn their Frices before buying your Goods at othcr Places. SIUEÍlLÜD CAN BE HAD VERY CHEAP AT HDLL, BOBINSOy & CO'S, nEMOVAL. j. keckT co. Have rcmored their STOCK OF FÜRN1TORE And Undertaker's Goods, T.) Mack & Schmid'sBlock, No. 52 South Main, and No. 4 , West Liberty Streets. TUE LAKGKST STORE IX TIU CITY, AND BUILT KXPRES8U? FOR TIIEFÜRNI1URE TRADE. THETBAVE NOW IN STORE THE I.AltGESTanaFINEST STOCK OF FURXITURE EVER OFFERED IN THJS OOfXTY.OF THKIROWN MAN'UFACTL'RK, SDPERIOB BOTH IN QL'AI.ITANDSTYI.E, WHICH TUEY XOW OFFKR TO THE PUBLIC ClIEAPER TIIAN CAN BEHOrOHT ANY WHERE ELËEIN THE f STATE. THEIR STOCK INCLDDES EVERY ARTICLE NF.F.DF.D TO FURXISH THE best nousE from top TO BOTTOM. ] I TlielroM putronsanrl tbc public generally re mU" tu i ve t!.Pm a oall. J. KKCK i CO. Aun Albor, .Iiinuarj, iftTO. 1251 BLOOMINGTON, ILL. NTTRSBRY. 19th Year ! 800 Acres ! 10 Greenhonses , 1 . be?.t stock and hiuning fftsllitipR. APPLE, ] r)iitcheas.Trancradnt,Blalep 1, 2 and 3 jcar. 1 'T-GRAFT8. chnlo, inc-uiliiigabove. ] ROOT-GRAFTá, Paar plum, Cherrr. SEEPS, Applo Pr. fc., wil.rGOO?F, Mi"fr. Lombard. . ]:ii;l!Kr.N'S.ROPF.S.l.nOO, Í100 Pubhm. QIalolaa,Tubrow,GREKNHOUIR.M4tlDc7la. SeoJlCc forCataloitue. V. IC. PHOENIX. 126012 PÏITSÏCÏANS'1 Prescripiions Accuralehj and üarefully Pre pared hy E. W. ELL1S d' Co. QRENVÏLLE, DRUGGIST ! No. 5 Main Street. Kast Sida, KKEI'S COKSTANTLY OK HAND FAHNESTOCK'S LEAD.GROUND IN OIL AND DRY COLORS, Oils, Varnishes, Putty, PATENT MEDICINES! BBUSHES, IBl'UTO.V'S TOBACCO ANTIDOTE, COLGATE'S SOAPS, HAIR OILS Sf JIAR RESTORERS DSUGGISTS' SUNDRIES. 1TA.TR DYES, FLAVORIXC AND BTandkerohier Extracts GLASS liUBBER, AND METAL SYBINa.ES, TRUSS ALL OF BEST MAKERS, PURE NAT1VE WINES AND X.IQXJ OR3 1 AGFNT FOR TEIR 0 RE AT U. S. 1EA COMPN'Y. PrencriptloiiB put up wtth Care at all Hours. Stortopen on th Sabbath Irom 7 to 10} A MJ, 12 Iu2,aol S toS I'. H. OR VIU.E h Fl'LLER'S ACCOUNTS, 'IF KOT SETTLED BY APRIL lt, TTILL BE I.EFT W1TH TUK I'ROI'ER OFF1CKRS fOR COLLECTION GEO. GRENVILLE. MaicliSth, ie69, 3WEETEIMIÑG ! SWEETENINGl! S FOR YOURJ J SUGAR and SYRUP OO XOJ E HULL, ROBINSON & CO. DRY GOODS ! GROCERIES, CABFETS, OIL CLOTHS ! AT THE FARMERS' STORE. tpLOUR AND FEED STORE I1ST 3STEW BKIOK BLOCK NO. 14 WEST LIBERTY ST. Delhs Flour ! AN'D ALL KIND5 OF FEED AND COARSE GRAIN Vnsi ".ut ty mi hand, and dulivered to cu stomers in iny part of the city. JOH V G. LAt'BENOATER Ann Aibor, Nov. 169. 124Jmfi ANN ARBOR CITY MILLS! BEST FJLOUR 3.00 per 100 lbs. OR AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. LEAVE OBDER3 AT THE TOST OFFICE. J. T. SWATHEL. SEPT. 21it, 1R69. 123(itf T UMBER YARD! O. KEAPP Hau a lurge anl wll ittncked Luniber Yard, on ,ïtf. VrHon Stront , I n the nouth pHrt of t City, aml wi [ 1 itM'j.o'ttist,mUv on hand an excellent r&riety of LUMBER. SHÍNGLES, T.ATH. &O. whlch will be xold k low as can be alTorded in 1 his maiket. Qual i i v and prices fuich that do ono nfed to go to Detroit.. OONRAD KBAPF, Ann Arhor.Oct.Ut.18S9. Hiidtf POR SALE! Thf Hnbncribers offer for sale the house, and all or n porrion of the groamta 011 Ann Street, betwt'oo Fonrtb 8nfl Flfth Strccts, bolnit the residence f the late Voluey For tenns apply to C. A. Chapín. Alboabout3iicrrnnn Mlllcr Avenue. C A. HAPIN, ) V. CHAPÍN. .Ir. Adniinistratore. 8. S. WALKEK. J AnnArbor,Apr!129th, ISO. 1215 Go to R. W. ELLIS & CO's 1 for choice Wines and Liquors for Medical Purposos . ■ ■ ' V rTMIE BEARS ABE AEEAD! JOHNSON, THE HATTEE, Has Just oponed a Largo Stock of WINTER COODS! Incluillng tvn-ot Slylio of HAÏS & FURS ! WUicli will besold LO-WEH THAN EVER 1 ALSO A LABQI STOCK OF OLOVES, COLLA RS, NECK TIE8, HANDKERCIUEFS, SATCIIEI,S, CANES. Umbrellas. Parasols, &c. Picase cllindexamiu inj goode beforei)urcljB ig elnewlicre. 0. 7 MüN 8T., - ANN iRBOR MICII. November, 18C9. 121stf jlJALT! WALK IN!! S. SONDHEIN!, Lucn:ssoi. xo M. Guiterman & Vo. AT THE OLD CLOTH NG HEADQUARTEKS II.VS JCST OTKND A FALL GOODS I.VCI.IOINO CLOTHS, CASS1MERES, TEBT1NGS, $C All of tUe Best and i,ategt Stjles, Togethcr with LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OP READX"-MADE CLOTHINGj AND GENTS' FÜRNISIIING fGOODS, WITII THE LAKCEST 6T0rK OF Bovs' and Youths' Clothicg EVEK OFFERKD IX TUIS MAÜKLT VTllIeh he offers at JJGieatiy Rednced Prlces "DA'0 Inrgc lot of ITBAVELINQ TÜTJIISS 1 Cr.OTHING JIAPK TO ORDEK [ N T n E BEST SïYLE Cali and examine lor yovrtelves I No. O. Soutïi Jlain Strefit, AN AnBOR.SEI'T.,lg69. 1022H %ff w Bé ,iliji.!jjffl ïh.Bia nu iMi'KNT AlL-.mciNK HUMBUGjgolien ip to dupe the ignoran t a mi credttlou, nor ia it rep f.-fiücil na bei n " compowd of ra r6 trui proclout Dbsfaneefbroughi froga th(4arcorDernof the :arriedeven tlmeaao:ote the QreatDeaeri i röt tarali m ibH bttcke of Ic'urtf't'I1-i'1(l-siiinl liniuhl icross the At!;i ut ie Ocen pO two htpR.:i i i. n 8ÍM'Ie mild. $oolki-ng Ueinfdtj, pe.rtrc.t. p cijic j'or Cl'KHII ;itnl 'COLD I N 1 UK 1 1 KA ,'' ;il-(i !it i'ü.'.WW ireath, l.oBfor Inipnirinfiit of the StMisc t[ Sniell, Ptateor Brm r, nteríngor Wenk Kyos, Pin or 'ressu rr i ti ilcHii, n i.t n eaofted, ji-s ihey all uut iDfrqu6ot,v ar-, hy iht' riolcneeoi'Cafcarrh, We offer in %wi] faitii a Bkindlngrewari oí $500 'ora cftse ofCatiirrhtliat we cru n í oí I TOR SALEBY Most DRUGGISTS IVERYWHERE l'BICK H.VLV 60 ClINTS Sent by mail. pot Dald.oñ rmelpi "f ?Wrt C'ints, Miur pack ixe$ Tur ï'i 00. or 1 Down foï W .(ltSenil h two cent stamp for Dr, Say:'.-, jaiuphlet on Jutarrh. Adilress the Projirit-tnr, R. r.PIERCX M. I) . l-"lm8 IÍUFFA1.U. X. Y $10,000 EWARD! GREAT IXCITBMENT ! ! amonq Farmers. SOIO IVEXXXjS WII4, l'AV TUK DIGBKST CASH I'HICKS FOn COÖU WJIKAT. M.l. PihMERS W.'LI. DO WK1.L TO CALI. TUEKE BEFORE SEUJKQ LL3EWIIERE. BKI.VCi YOlll GOOI) WIIKAT TO ■CIO .1HM..S. 12S0 N. W. 13KIGGS, Scio. GotoR.W.ELLÏS& CO's for itnrictly Pure Brugs and Modi cinee! Pa inte, Oils, &c. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, l'OJB PtRIHUti THE BIOOU. The reputitHoo this exs' "v. cellent metlidno cnjoys, Xr} -. -, i.s derived froii it3 cures, SÍL-Mr 'éM m:my "r wllich !1 trulv S ef&ga m? marvcllous. Ii.vetcrate & -- - cases of KiTofulous dl( M eae, where ihc syatem VJ eccincd saturntcd with fiBoM [C Cj corruption, have bcea UgpM purifi! and curcd by it. ï ... Si'rr.rul ui affcctions and ?LKfl9flH&r ilisonlcr.-i, wiiich wc re agrGstSSSBÊÊÊttge grnvatuil by the scroftithry -weve ptüufblly nfBicüng, hav'e bron radlèaUy cured Ju inicn great mimucrs in almoit ever set:. non ol nmtry, that the pubUc scarceljr need to l)e intormeu ol its virtucs or nses. ticrolulous polsoii ia one of the most destructiva epemleaofonr race. Often, (ii ui n SdïnfcU tenant of the orgünismundorniincKthocoDetltoÜon ml Invites the attack of enfeebüngor total dlieaW wltbontezdUnsasuspIolonofitspTeacnce Asnin it secms to breed iiilection throughout liodyTaiui tlipn, on some favorable occasion, rapidly ilevclou into onc or otiier of its liiileous forms, eltfier on tho fsiirface or among tlie vitáis. In Ihc latter, tubcrcica n-.ay bo smldenly depodted In lbo lungs or licart, or tumor formcd in the llver, or it shows it3 pi-esenco by eruptions on the tkin, or fotd uk-erations on gome lian of tlic lioly. Ilence the occaFion.'il o ol a neutle of this Surannarilta is ndvbjable, dvcu when nu active nnnntoms of di-ease appear, Penons smicted n-lth the followine'coinpiolnta gcnerally tind immedlote roller and at lenctli, cure, by (lie use of lliis SAJtS.-WAUILI.A: SI. Anthony' Vire, „r Knnipelat, TelUr, Salí ltheum, ,sral,t Heml, ln,,g„„rm ".T.", ■■. 8ore Bar, nnd other enmüons or vi.-ible forras of Savfulou dlseate. Also in tho more eom-p.iled forins, ns Dutjwpiia, ltvonny, }ien DiM-aar, llts, EjAlJpsy, XmraWa, and the variona fin ons airect'oiis of the muscu' lar and nervons Bystems SyphUUoT r"nmni mi Wmreurtai Dlxrnnr are pui-ed l.y it, (lioujrh a long time i requirió for siibduing these obstinate malaaicsbynnymedldiM. Bat long contlnued use of this meiliciñv will curo the complalnt. ieueorrhma or Whitts, Vterine Ulcera tions, and 7);-nr, are commonly foh relieved snd ulttmately corad by its purlfying and Invlgoratlng effect. Slinnte Uirectione for cai h coae are Ibnnd in uur Almanac, eupatis. JtliittiiKttixiii oud (out. when eau ed by nccumulattons of extraneoni matters In the ljlnod, yield qalcUy to It, ru ;ilso l.irer VomplaintB, TorpitHtf, VongnHon or Inflammntion ol the tirer, and.ainrfire.whenarlainir ris they olleii do. from the rankling poisons In ttVj Wood. This 8 tn.s.w ti.-u i.i i, a great restTirer ror the strengtti and vigor of the svstem ho nro Lanmild and JAttttm, Dr.inoji(ii. sitjepUê, and troubled with Xtrrvmit Agtpr I, .„.-,„„., or liurs, or iiny of the affections 'VV'l'.l ■Uu; of Weaktims, will tlnd imnifdiate reliel and cnuvinciug evideuce of Ita i-egtorutiva power apon trial. P i: B PA BSD UT Or. J. C. AÏEB k CO.. kVMreU, Wajfc, Practical and Analytltal ciicmi.its. SOLD UY ALL UHUGG1STS EVEKYWHERE. SoM at Wholesale by FARHAXf), S11K1.KV & COI Detroit. r í eb . , v.B. I 1 M ii s 8 r 6 M H A ffi o .s I g M cq s ái Z ! Ü o X i m Ö [E8o ? 1 0 2 @ m a ' i W O Ph t5 PHOCKERY! U GROGKERY ! IN FULL SETS OR PIECES, IN ANY VARIETY, AND OF THE NBWE8T PATTERNS, AT tpOR SALK CIIEAP! A. ]VTediuin Hand Fress In good condition lnqnire at the ARGUS OFFICE. Ann Arlxir.Aug. 6th, 1809. pALÏTAT THE Farmers' Store, and see tlieir Goods and Leara thelr Prices. Everything in Dress Goods Maiked Down. PHYSICIANS' Prëscrïpi tions Accuratoly and Care fully Prepared by Ji. W.ELJ.lS&CO.


Old News
Michigan Argus