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How To Get Fat

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Tt is a otrikiog faot that most persms want to iveU mora than tbey do, and mesure their hoalth by their weiglit, as }{■ man were a pk;, Taluable in proportion to bis Iicaviucfs Tlie racer is not fat; a good plough horso bas but a moderato amount of flesh. Heavy men are not thoso which expei ienced contrnctors euoploy to build railroads and dig diiches. Thin men tbc world over, are the men tbr work ; for enciurance ; they are wiry and hardy ; thin peoplo live the longest ; tho truth is, fat is disease, and, as prjof, fat peoplo are uever well a day at a time, - and are not suited for hard work. Still tht-re isa medium bet.veen being as fat as a bul ter-ball and aa tliin and jiiiceles as a fence-ruil. For mere looks, a moderate rotundity is most desirable, to have enti;;h ilesh to cover all angularities. To accomplish this in tbe sbortest time, a man shnuld work but Hule, sleep a groat part of the time allow nothiug to worry bira, keep always in a joyous, laughing inood, and live cliicfly on albumin iteg, B ch fis boiled craoked wbeat, and rye, and onts, and corn, and barl.'y, with swtct mik, nnd battermilk, and meats. Sugar is tho best fattener known. Some ycars ago there was a very rcraarkablc man in Wall Street; bis uame was on every tongue tb.rougb.out the country as "the man irbo made paper," tbat 18, signed other meu's uainea to note? pajable to hirr.self, and sold them to banks, brokers and moneved men in the strekt at largo discounts. Most of the purebasers knew that tho riamos were forgcd ; but terapted by heavy discounts, and tbe "maker of paper" bcing known to tako up his notes nlways fore they werc dut, the ball rolled on and up to hucdreds of thoiisands. It was s'ated on o:ith at the trial, and corroborated, tbat bo alwsys had the headacbe, and tbat lic was never seen down town without a eigar in bis moutb ; al ways thin, always complaiuing. He was sent to tbe penilentiary - was so faithful to the laws, a:id so attontive to bis businss, and withal so jfreüable, tbat a clerkaëip or sonie cay berth was giveo bim oí a very quiet sedenhu-y charaeter. In tb&feccMid month of bis imprieontnent he had gai&ed fifteen.pounds in weiglit. He was nevar üllowcd to fmoke. Within a year a man was charged wilh somo infraction of tho laws, nnd w is Bent to prison to aait trial, with uit the knowledge of bis wife, to wbom he had jast hefure been married, aftera short courtship. In about three montha she aseertained wbere hc wns ; and, on being shoun to bh cell, sho at first did not reoognizs bim, he had "fleshed up o." These are cases among ten thousands of other.s whieh could le nurraUd, where persous have grown fatfer by goiug to prison; the rules of prison iifo fully accounting for the fact. They do nothing but eot and sloep. Tbey eai regularly of plain meats anti coarse breads. From all the statemeots made, the oonelus-ion is undeuiable, that a safe, healtbfiil, and suremethod of incroaeing the flesli, is to live a .uiet, in-door lite, sleep a great deal. tat icguiarly of plain meate and coarse breads, or any of the grains named, cracked in pieces, boiled well, and eaien with milk ; keeping the system cool by tbe use of cold water, and maintaining a daily and free action f the bowels, which last is pretty sure to follow a dioi composed mainly o: ooarse breads and crackad grains; be cause chemistry bas demonstrated tha the most nutritious and strengthening part of corn, oate, rye, hatley aud whcal are ia tbe outer part, in the sbell or braD, whioh is unfortunately separated from Iho iuner portion, giving us the pure white and cotnpaiatively innutri tious flour, wbüe the mosr healthful and invigoratiug part, tbo bran or outer shel is thrown away or given to hogs, borse and cattle. Fivo ounoes of sugar daily, will ac cording to Banting's observations in crease a man's weisht one nonnH in Week.-


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