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"Sheridan 20 Miles AwayP' ■ A.. A.. TERRY, (80CCB8S0B TO KKML'KIt i; D1EIIL,) Its on baad a large and Wl selected stock of ■VIHSTTEI GOODS includiag a fulllme of HATS & CAPS! La test styles and best qualily. Ladies' and Gents' Furs, Gents' Furnishing Goocfa, Gloves, Collars, Neckties, &c, wliich will be so'itl at the VER Y LO WEST FIGURES! ÍW Kcinember the placo, No. 15 South Main Street, the okl store of John West. Ann Artior, Dcc.CS, 16(50. 1249tf Estáte of Lucas Kittcl. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. County of W.ishionav.-. ?,. O Notiee is horebygiven, tlnt bv an order of tl bate Court for the Cuimty of Washtenaw, made on the twenty-elghth day of Febrnary, A. D. ïïo, six months I'ri.m that ilate were aliowed for creditors ' present tïn-ir claimt agaiaat the ostati; of Lucas Kittel, lata of said County, deceaeed, and that all sredltors oí said deceased are rcqnired to present thcir iliini to said Probate Court. ut the Probate Otlice in the city r.f Aun Albor, for examlnatlon and allowancc, on or bcforu the twenty niuiii Say of August noxt, and that such claims wil] De hea fbresiiid Probate Conrt, m Bntnrday, the thirticth l.iy of AnU, and on Mondar, the"twenty-nlnlh day of Auguat nezt, at ten o'dock in the forenopn of c:id of thoHo days. Dated. Auu Arbor, Fubrnnry 2Sth A D . 1570 HIRAM .1 BEAKBS. UB ' Jndge of Probate. Estáte of Keiran Costello, Jr. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Washtenaw, BS. Notiee Is bereby l-íviu. tbatbyan order of the Probate Conrl for the QoaDtyol Washtenaw, made on the uimh day of Harch, A D. 1870, monüwfrom that date wt-rti allowéd for creditors to p theirdaima aealost ii" estáte "f Keiran Costello, Jr., Inte ofsald i-oooty. deceasei, tmi that al Hora of aald deceaaed are reqalred to preaexit tbeir claims to Siiid l'robate Court, at the Probate Oflice, in thi City of Ami Arbor, for examination and allowanco, on or before the ulnth day of September, nezt, and snch claims wlll be hjaaid bafore sa Coqjct. on Saturday, the seveuth day of May, and Frulay, the ninth clay ot September, nezt, atte"n o'cIocU in the forenoon ofcach vi thoee Dated, Aun Arbor, Maich9th . I. : HIKAM .7. I1IÍAKES, 1-OiwJ Judyc of r. Estille of Samuel J. Freeman. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Washtenaw, M 0 Notlce U hereby given. thatby au order of the Probate Conrt I inty of Wasbtenaw, made mi the ti ii i li day uf March, A. 1. 1SIU, ;.t montha from that' were alluwed for creditora to present thefr claims agnrast the ei-tate ofSamnol J. Freeman, late ofwild l'onnty, deceased, and that all credltors are reqnircd to present Probate Court, at the Probate CHV'co, in the City of Aun Arbor, f-ir cxammalioii and alteiwaBca au ■ Urnth day of September, next, and that snch claims -H1 be kirá before said Probate Conrt, on Saturday, the fonrteenlh day of May, and on 3aturday, the tenth day of September nezt, at tun o'clock in the (orenoon of each of those (livs. Dated, Ann Arbor, STBrcti IOth.1870. IIIKAM J. BEAES8, lí'"bvl Ju(Tj; of Probate. Mortgáge Salo. WUEEEAS, Cbarles Sconfon, of Grass I.ake, in theConnty f Jackson, and State of Michliran, on the seveuth day oí Oo'ober. A. D. !■ to Charles Whedop, of the State of New Ifork, to secure khe paymeut of eertain principal and interest for the pnrchaee m sisee tberein mentloned, whloh mo was recorded In the oflice of the ■i'liccds in the Connty f Washtenaw, and State ol.Hl' aforesaid. on thn li'th day of October, A. I). 1 i A. M. of said (ii.v. In liber 31 oi moi . on pair: :■! : And wherea, defauli has been for more than thirty days in the payment ofan Installment of s;;i! Interest moncy vbtoh becauedne on the ei reason whereof.and pnrsaantto the terma ni"-;:iiit mor said mortgagee elects thai so mncb ■ f -;l i-riiicipaï !s remáis ■ m pai I with :s or interest thereon. shall bëconie dno and paynble Iramcd and whereae, there li on said mortpage at the date of tbii notiee thn shpi of iivi) ■ toUars tor principal and intcreft, also i Attornsy's fee ol thirty dollars shoulil mi 1 taken to fi mortgage and no snit or proceedings h Btituted elther In law or eqnlty to recover the same or any pnrttheroof: Notiee, therefore, is hereby giren, that on Satofclay, the elevcntb dny of June, next, at two o'clo.cU In the aftenioon, :it. tl:e sou th door of the ConrtHonae, in cilyofAnc Arbor, liein the bnildlng In which tl' Clrcnll Court for the Connty of Washtenaw and State aforesaid is held. and by vlrtnc ol' tti'1 powi r cr Bal con In saidmortgage, l shall 01 at public anctlon :s described in said mortgage to satfafy amonnt of principal and interest above claimcd as due, wlth the Attorney't thirty dollars ond charees of sale, to-wit : All those certain pleces or pareéis of land si:;:,it'-i n the Uwnshi ofSharon, and County oi Wathtena-w, and Stuk' of Uichlgan, described as fbllows, to-wit : the eastpartof the sonthwest fractiooal qmiricr of section N". Beven f7; in town three eonth of range three (:!) e8t.contaiDÍngcl(;ht} acres of land ; also the west half of the 'sonthwest qnartcr ol Nnmber seyen f7j in township tftrec (Sjsonthoi range thrce C::j cast, contatning sixty acres of land, moreot Uated, March 7th.i-.TD. CHARLES WHKDON, Mortgagee. Jonx N.OoiT, Attoruay. for Mortgagee " 1480 JMortgage Sale. DEFAl'I.T havlng been made lc the condlilon ora certain mortgage executed by Frederick ■ and Mi'.ria Barbara ' oyor, bis wlfe, to Dcnstni mer, on the lOth day of Jane, A D. IS 07, re with the power ofsale Iherein coutained, in t:: of the Register of Deed for the Coitntv of Washtenaw, in the State of Michigan, onthaioti Jnne.A. D. J837. al IJío'clock P.M., in Ubertêoi mortgages, nn page T7S, and by an Instrument of assignment hearing date the 5d day ofJnly, A. D. 1809. and recorded in the otllce of the Re Deeds aforesaid, on the :M day of .Tuly, A. 1). ft o'elot-k P. M-, in liber - of assiguments of mortnises, (ii page ! B ' 8nly assl red oy said Den 1 i" Maria Barbara Mayer, on which moi there is claimed to be due at the thesum of thres hundred and one dollars and ten cents, and In tei est from the date hereofat the ratc of tec per cent., beeides the nists and expenses thts toredosure, inclndlng an Attomey fee of twei Uve dollars, Bhoold any proceedinge be taken to foveclose safd mortgage, and nn snit or proceedings at law or iu chancery baving been Instltated to recover the sum po due or any pari thereof Notiee Istherefore, hereby Lven, that by virtno of the power ol1 ; in said m1 rtgae. which bas hèoome operatlTe by the defanlt aforeeaid, and in porsnance of the Btatnte in such case made and proi !1 at pnbllc auction, to thehighest bidder, on Che fmirih day of Jone, A. I). 1-70, al ■„' o'clock in the afternoon of tltaL day, at the sontn door of the Cotirt. House, in the City of Anu Arbor. in tl Couuty of Wasntennw, and State of Michigan, fthi tatag the place of holding the circuit Court withi sald Countyi thepremteesdescrtbedln as foliows. viz: That pared of lnnd bein; ön tfil part of iöction twenty Lylng easterly ofSwtft aru Denbelta mtUpoad, town two sonth f range si cast, and State of Michigan, commencing at tb Bonthwest corner of a ce ranningfroi Pontfac Ptroot westerïy to the uortbeast corner land dedod by Norman Chapín and wlfe to John 1 Bwathel, thence northeriy along the line of lnnd no owned by Jacob Seabolt, to land owned ! y James a Smtth, thence vreeterty along the line of sata Smlth' lamj ti satd millpondi thence aoatherly along th margin of sa3d pond to land now owned by ' sal 3wathel, theses along I tte northeriy line ■ 8wathela laud in nn easterly direction to the placo o i iniiiiiL', o ntainingftbontfive acres, more o aïways reserving the riLht to enter opon erti.l pren is s at all ttmea al iii'1 wetorly end of the abov mentioned bI reel - 90 as to gln acocas with á team o otherwtBe to the land now owned by Baid Swathe and ) i n ir sontherly Eïora eaid flve acres. Dftted, Aun Arbor. Mlch., March t0th18T0. MARIA BARBAR MAVER, Riohabd Bsaiia, Aatlgnee oi Attorney lor Assi,q;nee. 12C0 Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT havtng boen made in the condltlöng o acertain mortgace made by Nathanlel o. Gatei o Thomas F. Leonardi dated the 2oth day of Decem ber, A. 1. 1806, and recordcd 011 the liHh day t,f Octobër, A. l). is.iii, at ?}, o'clok r. m., in the 'oflke o the Register i Deeda vat Washtenaw Ooanty, Michi gan, in llber 86 of raortgages, on paeel76,whlcl said mortgaffe was dnly assigned by said Thomas F Leonardto Godfrey l'avid Frederlck by asaignmeni bearlng tlatc the stl day of Pebtuary, A. i. l?ö7 and doTy recorded In tlic Registert office aforeudd on the 2Bth day of March, A. D. 180T, at í'í o'clock i'. m.. iu lilKir B6 of inortLragcs. on pflrc 370, apon vrblch mortgaffa thero fa uow claim ed t be dueat the date of (hunotiCfl Iho mm of thrce hundred and thirtysix dollars and Berenty-five cents, bèsidee a reosonable Attomey's or Solicitor fee providud fr in sald imrtL';ii,r'.' and do snit or proceedlng at law ruin equity havinje been Enttltnted to recover the same any part thereof: Now, thefefore, by virtue oí the power of Bale in Baid mo Llnedj and by trirtiteof the statu te in tnfade and provided. iictico is hereby given, that on Satarday, theSSd iny of April, ncxi, af i" o'clock in the fbrenoon of :hat day, al the f unth of the Court Honsc. in hedtyofAnn Arbor, Connty of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, (being the place of holdiuL' the Jircuit Court wilhin said Countyj, there will be sold it public auction. to the hlghest bidder, the premisos teicrioed In Baid morteage. or so much thereof as nay be neceesary to uat&fy the amonnt dne os sald Dortgaffe, wlth Laterest, an I 1 rpenses llowed by law 1 whjch aaid premtBea are described Bföllowa: tiots No. one, foar, flve and eight, in ilook No. flvt in Iïrown and Pul!erfl Addltlon to the 'lUajte, now City of a mi Arbor, in the Couuty of Vasiiicüaw. in the State of Michigan, Dnted, Ann Arbor. Jan. 28th, 18T0, AUGUSTUS WIDENMANN, Administrator of the Estáte of Godfrey D. Prederlck, deoeáüied, EDiTAttn Tï. SlawsTn, Attornt'y. [ IVE ÖEESE FEATHERS FIRST TT-A.XjIT"', ConaUntlyQuhand apdforsali JtJtïïTf ABEL Morlgago Salo. ULT baring been made In the condition of a tin mort gago xecated by I-": fdéi lek Mayer and Barbara M--r ■ íuhniid, on ; I ény of Juno, A"). ' - ,wor o" sníe thcrefn eontaincd ín the offi of Deeda lor the Connty of WaHhteuaw, 'm t; itrau.onthcS th flay of Jnoe,A. I). - 4:1 ' ocIocb i'. M.. it Hboi date the Bd dayofJnly, A. I. Ifif4ï, and ■ od ín the oiilccof i: I of Deeds a ui: U'. M.. íu llber 9 or assfgnment of j': .:,i;u]y :hïl'Maria Barbar Maver, and snbsequentiy hyftfiother Instrument of RBsljoiroent, ":ir;jjLr dat of Harch, A. í). i -mH. and i ■ ■ on the 3d day ;' ! A. 1. 181 :■: i ■ o'clock P. M.. in liber ■_' of , on pase -í:;:. dnly re-nsned Rrbara ïlayer tö aatd Frederick Schmld,and aflerwards, by a further Instruí assignment hearing date the 2d day of Marcb A. l. lèïi, and recorded in tbe office of the Dencis aforesald o the 4 day of Harch A. D. i BTO ;ii M'1 ; o'clufk A. M., in Hber -j oi nsslgnment&of mortgAgee. on page -tin, again re-assigned by said Frederick Schratd to said Maria Barbara Mfai whirii ma ere ís clalmed to be duo at the date of this notïce, the sum offlve hnndred nnd -two dollars and twenty-two cevts amfntern thedatehereofal ;ht per cent., bcildee the coels and expenses i :losnr, lactattlng ati Attorney Fea of uveuty dollars, ehonld any proceedings be taken ;■ said mortgage. and no suir ot procfedlnga at law or in cbancery haring been instltnted to recover the siim ro due. or any part thereof: NotieO is, therefore, hcreby given, tliMt by vhtuc of the power of wie contaloed in said mortgaoe, whlch ha i ftlïve by thedefault :Uu'i-:ii(l. nnd in paraaance of the itatnte In such ie. and provided, I shallsill at public anctlon, to the highèst bidder, on tho fourtb day of Jtin'd. A D. lSto. at two oviock in tfternoou öfth at the soDih dooi of the Conrt House, in the i Ann Arbor, in the County of Wadhtenaw and of HichlRtui, (that being the place of holding the Circuit Cow t wUhid said Coontyj, toe p de&cribed In sald mortirair. bs föilowi, z: Bitoated in the County of Washtenaw and State ui Michigan] in lirown & Kullr's Addltloii ro the vllïage of Ann Arbor., (now dty), commentlng seTenty-eeven ï -t n rtnwesterly from the southerly corner of block in Baid Addltlon, on Mili rtreet, running t henee oortherly alone MUÍ street abont stztytwo ft et to the lino oi' Pontiac Street, thenct; DOrthLhelineol Pontiac streel BerentyHwo feet thence eascwardly about 5ftyand one hal thence northeaetwardry ftfty-elght and one li.ili Peet, lodthwestwardly and parallel whh Broadway aboni one hnndred and forty-two feet to the p bezinning, contalntng forty roda of land r more. be thé same more or least ït being the same, pi conveyed by warranty deed to the sald Pre Haver by Volney chapín and wnfe, Norman Chapio anawife, Charles A. Chapín and wlío, on tfreSOth day Of Jane A i. IBH. Dated, Ann Arbor, Mioh., Marcb 1' th, 187(1 MARIA BARBARA MATER, ItïciiHi Tíkahax, iee of blortgagee. Attorney for Anigxce, Mortgago Sale. DEPATJLT hav&g heen made in the conditfon of a certainnaortgage, eaecated bv John Diehlanü Margarette DiehUnla wlfe, of the city of Arin Arbor, County of V" ■■ hlgan, on thel5th day 01 JnW, a. !). i-i"-, to Philip BacU, of the same place, and recordedi wïth the power of .i; thereln conirof Deeds for the of Wasbtenaw, in tho State of Mi ;.i thel2thdayof ingust, A.D I8ö5, at twoVclock P.M, Lu ttber m of mortgages ou page lal, on u'hich mortgage and promlssory nota accompanying theeamotherela ctaimed to be tjue at the date of this notïce, the sum ofseveu hnndred and ntnety0 cents, principal and In besides th&coïtts and expenses ofthia forecl and au AitorneyS fee of twenty-fire dollflre, any prpceeólngs be taken td foreclose said mor andnö flaUorproceedlngsaclaw or in qoit] id to recover said sam or any part I Noflr, therefore, noticeis bereby giveiii that by virrue of the power of sale in said mortaa sluill sell at public anctión to the highest I on the 28th day of May uext, at two oclock in the on oí that day, at tbe soutfa door ol the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, Coanty of Washtenaw. and State of v . ing the place oi holding the Circuit Court wïtüiu Conuty,) the premlses described in sald nioi or so niudi thereof as may be nccessary to ■ the amonnt dne on said ntortgne, with interest and coate and exp ases allowed by l&w, which aid preniises are described as folio W9: All the piece or parcel of land beginning at the sontheiisterty corner of Traver'a A'Mifi(iMuimier two to the viliage of Ann Arbo ■ . tbem e northwesterïy atong t)", sotKnerly bdandaofsald addition ionr ch:iins, Lh' nee aortheaster y ulongthe WfSterly line of lot nomber two ii Baid addition eleven chatns aiul twelve links t; tho aorthw cornerof said lot nnmbertwo, thence north fonrdegreee east,oñechatn three and ;i half llnk to landajüeeded by Abaalom Traver to z.S. Pnlcipher, th-ncesou'h thirty-six degrees east, al ■ dphers land Blxchaine nnd twenty-two links to the ea-toily bonndfl of s;ii'l addition, thence south fortylimites est. nïn fifty and oiïe-hfllf Unks along said eaterly booiuls to the place, of Ix-irinn ' h . Ive acres and flfty-eight bundiciiths of an acre, be the éftme more Dated, Ann Arbor. Feb. 88th, I RtOHAim i'.n.iFiw, Attorney. Mortgage Sale. DKFAi'Tr haidng been made in the coodltioua of a ceitain mortgago mat! leocgeKlagerto Anthony Bntke, Juhn Bar%e, Jr., and i . of January, A. 1 1 ■ maary, . i. ■ ■ ■ ■ rt'aal Connty, Michigan, in Hber BS ot morl on page 235, which said nu rtage wan flalyas ■ Ihony Bnrkc and John Iturke, -Jr , to the said Bnrke, by dt eü of assij the cl even th day of! . which s oftice i, mi the eleven th day oi , ■ 2 uf assignmentsof mortgages, on pi apon which mortgase there is nowcTaimed to be doe the sur., of ftve hnn I tho sum ofthirty dollars : an Attorney or Solicitora fee provïdec for in eald and no snit or proceedings having be o at law to recover the Bum nmv flne and secnred by Baid mort►rary part thereof, now. therefore, by ot ;!n"i-' w i r of Bale and by virtue. of the statatetn saoh cse ;v prorided, noticeis h tat c:i Saturday, the twenty-first day O May next, ar 13 nooüi ot' timt dty, at the eontit door of the Coorl House. Arbor. Connry of Washtenaw. and 8tatecf Michigan, Cbclng th place of holding tbe Ci ctïtt Cotrb-wlthin &ald Connt"j, there wil] be sold at public auction, to the bighest bidder, the prGtnises descri!) ti In said mortgaije, or so mu thereof as m y be necessary to-. autdne on saidmortage, n'ith ih interest and costs, Includiniran Attorney foe of tl asaforesalt n aich aiil premise 1 aa followa : The sonthwe tqnafterof the ontfiwegt qn ar ter of - Ni), tweniy-eiirht. tounship No. oae sonth of strip il' land two rede in widtn, taken froi.i the sonih end of the uortbw,Ei qnarter of the southwest qnarter of sectiou Nft. tweni townshtp one sonth of ra except a Str of land two 10 taken frora t'e e of the rtrsi above described paveel all the above derribed lauda being In the state of Michigan. Dftted. Pebraary SSd-, 1870 EDWAED BUE R.Bbaüax, aijee and Assl Atiorncy forMortgaget and .'. Mortgagc Sale. DEPÁlfLT having been made in the conditionsof a certaln morí gitge, m tde u,-'. ■ l lott" ■ ".i! ITriedrick, nnd Jakobioa riedrtok, hJe wife, 'f Ann . . Connty, M i to Tromftn Schram, of tbe day of Pebrnary, A. l. -:. and recOrded In the -'s HMce of Washteaaw County aforosald, on the 18th day February, A. !■ 1886, ;.t 11 (., of eald r tav ti líber 33 ofmortages, on page 284 ; w&lcbsald raortgage was dnly assigncd by the said TAman Schram lo E. H. Spanlding, byanassign , ment dated the i-th day of March, A. D. l8C6,itndrecordcdin the Reniater'a Office of said County, on the ■ oJ March.A.D. 1866, at 9 J o'clock A. M., in libcr SS of mortffftges, on page 4('; whJ mortgac was again duly asslgned by te said H ■ Spanldinp to James F Koyce,by an asstgnjonent dated the 8 flber. 1865, and recorded in the Kefflster'e cftlce of said County on the Tth Janoaxy, A. i. IS68, at 6 o 'cl ode P. M.. In libér ï of Asslgnraehts of Mortgages, on page ".ij apon whleh mortgage, and the ootev aocompmnying the Bamd, thora la now elaimed to be tiue at t lier oafe of this notice, the Biun of fo?.r hnndred and sixty 1 enty-nim cents, bcsides ftn torney'i? rae of tweiity iiollars provuled for ín san mortgage, and no -ai or proceedlng bavlng bee inetitóted at law or n chancery to recover tii samo or aiiy part tliercof : Now, therefore, by virtu of liití power of sale contained ir said mortgage and by virtuO of the sta tu te io sucb cace mi provlded, notice ia hereby given, that onSatarday the Ttii (;iy of Way, . E. i -:■■■ i I :i ■'■ lodü in tli forenoon of ■ .::'! tlay, Bi the sonth door of the Coat !, lntheGUy ot Aun Arbor, Couotr ol Was) tenaw, and State rl Mlchiffan, tbeing toe place holdipg the CtrcnltConrt wkhin snid Connty.) ther wïll bo poM at public anction, to the hlghest bidder the premiaos d Bcribetl in said mortxage, or ao muc thereof as nay be ■ amona due on SAÏd tpogairei with interest and rost and ex ■ allowed by law which said prentlsei scribed aa foHowa: All the followlag describí or parcela of land sltuated in Ann Arbor,antl Coant of Waehtenaw, and State of Michigan, beicg il: sonfhcafltqiartcrof the northwest onarter, and th nerth halt' of the northeaet qaarter of the eonthwes qaarter of eection hutu'.ht twenty-threo, in townahi] two sonth of ranire sfs eaat, containlüg elxty acre of land, more or ' Jatcü, ajiii Arbor, Feb. Uth, 1870, JAHE3 E-v ROYCE, Aislgneo. KmvAKn ïi. Slitoox, Attorney. Mortgage Sale. DEFAVLT haTing been made in thocondliioii of a certn ■ exeented bj Bliaa EUch to Qarriet O. Asbüby, on the twenty-eignth day of September. i. 1854, recorded, wlth the power oraste therein contatned, in the oflice of the Reüator o] Dceds for the Connty oí Wáshtenaw, Lu tbe State of Michigan at one o'clock r. h., on tlu olneteenth diy ui September, A. 1865, In Ubcr No, %l ot roe on page 788, and by an instrument ofajaaj beanug date the twentyfoorth day of January. A.D. ind recorded in the office of the Register óf Deeds aforesaid, at -;;'; o'clock i. w., on the second lay oí November, A D. lStíO, Inliber ' oí assignnents of raortgftgea, on page 394, dnli h ■ satd Barrlet Q Ashby to Lucy A. Olds. on whtcb ■ there i. claiiDfid to it due at the date of tiüs . tbc suni of twelve hondred and ten dolían r cents, principal and interest, and nosnitor llnge at law or in dbancory having boen instiuteil to recover tlic sum so due, or ariy part thi , therefore, hereby eïveo, that by vlrtae of ie powor of sale contfiined ju s:tid mortgage, which : i!l aforesaid, and n pnnmance of the Btatnte io sm i cam made and trovided .the sald moraffe wül,at the Coart Bonse, n the City of Aun Arbor, in tbe County of Washteaw, and State of Michigan fthatbelng the place of toldlng the Öïrcnit Oonrt wlthio $uu County) on aty-third day of April, A.D.187O, at eleven cli etc in the forëclosed by a Bale of the bil w: Bltuatcinthetownsbip of ïork, in theCoqnp oí W"ahteoaw(and8l ateo thosecertain acta or pajcoéla of laad known and degcribed as the irthwest qaarter of thesoutheaftqtnirtcr, and the Bt piarterof the northeast quárter or eection o. twenty-two '-.'jj, in townsnlp fonj sonth of ranpe latfig eighty aerea : alao one otl parcel orlana, being all that part o orHkeast qwarter of the somïnvett qnarter ofsaid T Mtion fcwentj two, which Hea sonth and cast of the reatKidffO Kond, rnnnlng thronch Baldland,excoptngthcrefrom two aerea lying in the sontheast corner oreof and bounded north by aaid road, eaat by the nd herein deflcrlbed, and eonth by laud ovned by ,. M. 1' Dated, Aun Arbor, January 2Tth 170. I.rrv A.n;,n... gagelï.F. Oeasgee, AtLornoy, Mortgage Sale. DEPAl LT b&vtpg been made u the comlition of ■ maOe ai d eau cntëd lv WT11inmM, llruwn i E. tfrown, lii wlft, oí Uancheetttr, n ti-e V uuty of Wai hteuaw a.d Mtte I :;ui . t Wil Ham Iluibert, of the city of nu Ari:(,r, ÜotiBty of h ashteiuw ftftwesald. od i:. ■ f the i; ji-ti-r oi' Deeds for flro Connty of W . 'tid, on the Stöth day ofJjuuiary, D. l ii'' lm k r. t. of Bai I day, i;i lib i'.1'.1. saiii tnortga) ilnly ;.-- ! YVilliani HnUxTt to me, jij tüe :;u;li t tv oi [iecember, a. ij. 180ü, in.d recordedla . 'l Connty oii the LStfa day of a r.. in Èiner Nu. 3 of aMlgibnencá af m , u:ulfli;u . Uktc Lsnowdnonponfi i d'cmpanyh)}í ihe eanie, the som of two l t'Mir hiimlnui nnd nlaety four dolli furty-aix ■ ents. nlso ■ fee af thlrty do Ïan staoald ■ . ■ ln#s be taken in forecroee raid . , oud uo ; ■ at ï:iw or in eqnity Ad t: recover pafd &nm or iny piart now LhejfQforc, notfce ItfberebgpgiveDi that by virttie of a power of snit: in said mortga ■ wined, T eb all solí :.t public aactlon, to the Dghest .■ OÍ April neXt. at at the front dóór of the CouK House, ia the C;ity of Ann Arbor, County afureSAld, all those ceriïiin pteces or parcela of land lylng and beIng in Lownehlp f Mancfaestar In ilic Coirnty of WashtenftWftnd State ':i .Miri;;:n. known and deHcribcd as the sbutheast qtiftrter of tlic norl qnanter of aecdoD No. ten, am! the aoatbest qmirterof the Dortowc?tqnarterof eecüon oomberelé townsblp föÓT sonth of flñne three eaatac cordinc to ruiicii st-n--.■ ■; tuningeJjjhfcy :uin' more i:1 Ie. Datcd. January 2Sth, ISTU. JOHN W. CORVAN, John N Ott, Jtmtenee f saic Mortg; Attorncy (br Aelgne of sald n:-i Mortgage Sale. DEFATTLThávingbeen made in the conditfon of n cèvtain mottgaKe muelo and execoted on the b day ofOctober, A. I1. 18 T, by Bsra W. Whitmore and CaroKne . Whttmote, of the City of Ann Arbor, Couoty of Wtejhtenaw. mul to Witliam II. Parker, ol Lowell, M;i - and recorded ia the office of ta of Washtenaw Coonty aforeeái ï, on Ihe t'Jtli day of October, A l. [86 o'clo k f. m.. in lior; ages, on i and that tlifre Ís now claimcd to be ffóe upon sMd note and mortgnic thesum of thirtcen huudii:;l and xty-four ÜOlíare and thirry seve: also au Attorncy'a fee cf thlrty dollffra should any ■ f:ikcii to foreciose raid mortgage, and uoproccedingjx at law.or eqnlty having been had tu :u,orany part tbereof 1 Now, therefore, uotlce iy hereby íiven , that by vlrttte of a power ui' sale i,n Bald mortgage contaïned, I Bhallsellal ptibïiC auctiGii, to tilt; hlgheflt bidder, on öaturtlay, uu: i';;cl f.:ty of April, 1S70, at 2 o'dock p. m. of said day, t the frouï door of the C-ourt House In the city of "Aun Arbor, in said Couuly. all that certain Elece or parcel oí landsltuftted in the townshïp of ima. Conn.ty of Waífatenaw, and Staieof Michigan, kiiown. t)ouni!fd and described as follow, I i '--ciiiL' the BÓnth forty acr'Hof ike wirtfi ouö hundredandten acres of the northe - of seo tion numher twenty-seven , (27) In townehlp No. two (2)soath of range number four eat;B iW fortj acres of land lies itorth and :h1jlíiis James Hchell'á land. Jainiitry. i'üth. IÖ7é. VVILLIAM II. PAREER, Mortgflgee. John N. Gott, Att'y. for Hortgagee. 1264 Mortgage Sale. TjEFAUIr havin been made in the condition of U a certain mortgage éiecutedoy Lorenzo I);tvis. of Ann Arbor. Michigan, ou the Uih day of Jone. A D■ e, of said City, and recorded ra the office of i ds, the, eist ■ ■ ■ . o'clock i' -1! , in H" aiortgages, on page T. on whföh mirtLr;iLr there ís I to be doe at tbe OateoftUa naw. thé ram of five hundrud a,nd tour dollars tmei seven cenbh nd that there wlïl a aid inorti:-' the Mtli day of Juut1. A. D 18T1, the som huudred and eleven dollars and and Interest froia the date beteof át ten percent , i!ie costa and expenses oí' t!iis forcclosure, Includfng reiisonable chncgfs for t Botfcioeuit ur proceedlngat law or In eqnlty h [nstitnted to rëcovei the ■' auy pari thereof, Doüce is hereby giveft, tbat by '.rtue of the power of sak in said mortgage contained,! . at pnblic auötlon, to the nignest bidder, on day of April, A. !. 170, at 2 o'ciück in tbe afternoon of that day, al the front door of the Conrt Honse, ín the City of Ann Arbor, in thcCotinty oi WttshtenaWt aod ! liigan, ihe premlses ss fbllows, to-wtt.: Five acres of land in llu1 - l ornr of the norlbwest quarter of scctlon number U'Jïy-threc, in townpinp nnznber two (SJ sonth, In range number slx tG) ei.-!, in Aim Arb' r. in the Oonnty of Washtenaw, in the ta cnahis and eleven links in lebgth, east and west, and cighteeu r(Í!í wido, north and aputb, . Dated,Jannary 28tb, [STO. ilKNUY L. JAMES and U SN D. JAM] Execntors of the Iaat will and testament of Enovh James, late oi Washtenaw John X. Cott, Cotihty, dei Attorney urtho Kxccutors, &c. 1ÍÓ4 Real Éstate for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Ooimtj of Washtenaw.M, lu the matter of the estáte of Oilbert Showers, ■. gïven, that In pursnance of an ótdergranted tothe nndezwgned, A dmln Ut rator of i ' by the lïon. Jude of i róbate for the Coanty of W i , on it.c twenty-. ol Pebroary, A. 1. ÏSTO, there ie, to the hlghest bidder, at tbe offleeof the 1 ■ terk, In Sylvan, Ld the Connty of W'asbtenaw-in said Siate, on Thnrjday, the Êwenty-flret day of April, A. O lv7o, ai one o'clock In the aiternoon of that day. (subject toall eucumbnme. i e exlsting ar the tluie of death of saïd dece&sed) the foltow. iz : Conunendng thlrty -i of the northeaet corner of section twenW! ■■' '. ín townshlp two sonth of ranire three east. in s.iid Stille thence v - wplüaeto the northwest corner of laK of the northeast qaarter of satd WfCtlon tweaty-two, thence sonth on tbe west line of said lot to the center of th" '1 ïial roa Bterlj alone the center of Sfiid Territorial road to the pluce of bezinning, con taining íbuír acres, more ot lesa. Duted, Pebrnary 28th, A. D. lTii; qboköb v. Tr':xi;n.T,, 1259 -ïor. Cbancery Notice. 4 T A 3ES8TON of the Civcuit Court for the Ceunty jt. of asht :naw, be d at the Conrt House in the ity of Ann Arbor, Pebrnary ïötb 1TO present Unii. Samuel Higby. Circuit Jodge. ty of Waahtenw. In the Circüt Conrt for tho Connty ol Waelitenaw, In cluuneR-. Bill filed by CfanuahliO tafnant c.. Solomon Vanfleet, HenryL James, Lyinan D. James. John i and lielran Coetello, Jnnior It ap] .etorily to the Conri thnt Ilcnry ; I-. James ana Lyman l .Jamo-? ure non-iesldi thia State, and residente oí theStateof Massachnsetts; and qn motioji of E. C. Seaniun. Bdlicttor for : i' i 'inplainnnt. it is orderêd that said HenryL. ml Lyinan I). James, canse thelr appearance to be enterea and notice thereof given to complfününfa Sollcitor within three months IVom the date of this order, and in case of thtir appearance that they canse thcir aofiwers to Complainanfs Bill to be nd a cupy thereof to be served on Complain:m" NoUcttor within twenty days after servir-' u' a copy of s:üd blll. and in defanlt thereof gald bilí may be (aken as conibssed by them ande&ek oXthfl b it is í(irh'r ordered that wfthin twenty davs the Comptalnant canee a copy of this orderto' Hshed In the Michigan Argw% a nov?;npcr printed and pablished i:i the Connty of Washtenaw and that satd pnbllcsiion beconttnaedtnsaid paper once in icessive weeks, or that she canse ;i cupy of this order to b? personally served on said Hciiiy L.Jamesaad Lyman D. Jantes at leftsl daya before the time shall expire for the appearaneë ot sald defendanta. , Datetl, Febrnary ü."th. 18T0 SAMÜBt HTGBT, E.C Sbiman, Circuit Jndge. Solidtor for Complainant. 1260 Attacbment Notice. JOTO MdDKRMOTT w. Patrfck McDennott, Jamos Meüormoit. Owen McDermott, Margaret McDerUarr McDennott, Michael McDennott, AnnKcDennott, Patrfck tïnston Thorate Huston. Charles Hoston( Jasnes Ènston, liichael llnston, iiary llusiiui and Ntr:ili Huston, Notice 1 Even, that a vt of attachment was, on nth daj of Janoary, 13T0, out of the Circnii Court Utr tbe Cotuaty of Washtenaw; at the snit of too. abore nftmed piaintiff, John McDermott. agsnst the lands, tenementoi göodsi chattles, moneysandeffects nf Patrick McPormott, ■lames McJJennow, (.'wen .McUermott. Marfraret -icDermott, Mury McDormotf, Michael SIcDcrmott, McDermott, Patrlcfc Haston, Thomas Bastón, Charles Iluston, James Hnston, Mlcbae] Ilusión, Mary ïlustou and Norah Boston, defenlants, for the sum of eiirht lmndred doHan, rctarnáble 011 ttie fiftli day Dl' April, next, .1 . . m Dated, Ann Arbor. Jlnn-h Ith, Iüilw6 KJSRNAN, Att'y. for Pl'ff. Attachment Notico. OTin' is hereby irivop, rhpt on the second day of -i I- -1 ; -: i ■: :- . D i'i.'tiiivii li:i mlnxl and sevcuty, a writ of attachmcnt was issned i :n . f tlie Circuit Coart for ('oitntv of W'ashiiu.iw, in faor of Joba McOregor and Thomas WcQregor, plainiifïs, ■ Ebeïands anrt te; . - iris , ohattcls, mmiiiMiid eftVcis of L. H Biitctioiclor, defendant, ;iin o:' two liundred and twche dollars and sevent'j"two khü. tliat Bal il wi it of Uachment was retnrbabte on Monday, tlie lHh day of Februa; v. . - ren htmdred and sevënty, and that ii Hppears from Ibe return of saffl "'rit thal property h-is heen attached ihereon, anti tuat said defendani eonld not betoond. Dated, Maren 0!h, 1S70. JOHN X. fïOTT, 12O0w8 Attorney for Plalniiffs. Commissioncrs' Notice. STATE OF SIICIIICAN. Comity v! Wajshtenaw, (": The nndèrslgned havinK been appointed by the Probate C'onrt for raid Coimnissioners t"o recamlno and adjust all chüms and demandsof n!l persons ngatnst the estáte of Kr.ra nongbtnn, late ifsaul CoiBity, deceaaed, h ■■■.■i-iiy gtve notice that ís. inontbs Drom date are allowetl, ny order of said robato (.'ourc, for creditors ro present their claims cataet tlu: estáte of said deceased, and that they vill meet at the residftnec of said deceased in the ownsMp of Webster, jn said Oonnty, on Katurday, he fomteenth lay oilisy, and Wednesday, the sev. ii t hi day QÍ September, next, at ten o'clock A. M. f eaeh of said dAys, to recelve, examine, and adjuet aiil claims. Dated, Karcb rth, A. 1. l-JTd, lMOwJ' VVlI.l.iAil R. WALDHON, r.OIrlTr,!s5,m,ra ROBERT McCOl jCommissioners. Commissioners' Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Conntyol i The nndèrslgned havtng been appointed by the robateConrt for said County, ( ïommissiQiiera to re. ;tnd all claims and di'mands of ■;ini. estáte "f Daniel Hixson, ate of ?:tiil Connty, deceaaed, hereby rive noce that i-ix months from dat" are allowedby orr of said ProliatcCourtforcreditors topresenttheir ■.ul;liattht'v l of Snow & goyea in the villucè ■ nty of Iienfewte, on Satnrday, i ath day of April, and Monday. the twellrh c i. at ten o'cloek A-M.ofeach i o receive, examine aad adjust said Dated, Warcb llth.A D. 1S70. ,201 :-.)1k1ATkey1:s. qomnriylonw. GotoB.W.ELLIS& CO's for strictly Pi: re Drugs and Medicines, Paints, Pils, &c. Estnto of Samuel Cïements, Sen. OTATE I tó[.Co'iBí, 0 Alasessloi he Probate Coxrt rr the Cuiuitr 'rVa, holden at the Probate office In th i city of A1111 Arbor, mi Saturday, t)le twelfth oW or Marcb, 11 the year one thonsand eight humlrêfl Present, Dirán J. Beafces, Jadee of Probate In niatterof theestate of Sommi clement Sen. deceved. ""m, Andiew -I Butuerland aod Charle II Worden Mof il,.! !::ri win ml testcmenl of said ie' 1 me nto Coort and represent tbal thryarr uow prcpaicd tu ïtuar tlielr flual accouut, a'm,t, Utlll-S. """ pon it la Ordered, thal Tredend, th thlrteenth iloy of April oeit, al ten o-cloci iu the furciionu be ansigned for examlnine nnd allowiug raeb acconnt, and that the le",rtes Si. law of sald deceued.' aud til other persons interested lu said estáte m Treqnired to appear at a session of sald C.iirt-'thpn ti In the Citv of Ann Arbor In sald Coonty, and show canse Ifany Ibere bc why the sald ai nnj nfconld nol be Andlbti rurther ordered, that said Kxecntors gire notlS itedln said estáte, of the wiii dency .1! said acconnt. and the hearins thenoftm ofthle order tobe paolUhedln'the wr prfnted and cl.-culatlna ive weeks previou (A tniecopy.j II1HAM .1. BEAKES. _ ' ■ "_' _" Jndge or Probate. Estáte of Elias Nortoo. Ö Ataseesionof the Probate Conr fortnéooúnf? ofWashtenaw, holden ai the Probate Olrkeithr o Satúrela, the twelfth dáy „r ;;,.:v;r ""i: u " - :.IIir:im.r. ncakrp.J-idgeof Probate demued. "':'"Cr ül' """ Bteto uf m[" Uilham Jarvis, Administrator of said estáte eome Into Cur. and representa ibat he is now re-' pared to rendei nis anal aecouni auch A(iminis'irL Thereupon it 1 Ordered. that Moirdny, the elv, enth (lay ol Apnl next,. „ o'dock n fhetorenoo ned rprexamlning and allowins such .- count and that the helrt at l.-uv of sald cl.-ceajed an all otbet persons tnterested In ad .-Mate are il qanv. I t- apprar at s BesslOB of sald Conrt. ttlcb'to in at the Probate Office, In Um Cttj of Su n said Connty, and show canse, ilanv there be, why the said acconnt shonld not be aíallowed : And it It fiirther ordered. that said Admiuwtrator gjvo notlce to the persons Inierested üi rofsaWacconnl and the hearing therepf by cansina a copyoft hls Order la be pablished in the MlchiSn Ariiu 1 nemnan printed and drculaUng In said County, thresïecesstre week 1 prevlone to said d.iv of hearbui Crn?,coPy-J UIKAM J. HKAKlfs'. 1J "A Juduo of Probate. Éstate of Thomas J. Brnoki. CTATE OP MICHIGAN, Omntyot Washtenaw . r-' seasIon ?f the Probate CoartfprtheCut nrwashtenaw. holden ar the Probate Office in thé eitrol Ann Arbor, on Thnrsday, the teuth d.iy n, In tlic year oue thoiisaud eiciit hnudred and serenty, üiramJ. Meakes, JucVeof Probate matter of the estáte oí ïhomaa J. firook, Onreadbigand filiiifrtbe petHIon.anly verlfled of Jü ha G Brooks, praxlng i!i-u rhg at tob uther stiltable perfon, may be appototd AdblnUtratrlz of the estáte ofaald deceased. - Ordered, that Mondny, the clevciith day of April mxi, at ten o'clock in the rorrnoon, be assigned for the heariuK of said potltipD, and ihat the hslrsatlawof said deceased, and allothcrpergonsinterested n sald estáte, lid Court, then to be holden at the Probate Ofticc, i u the City ol Inu Arbor,and show canse, Ifany there be, 'hvtheprayc? oftbe petitiouer ehoold Dot be granted: And itii mrth r ordered, that said petltioner eive uotlce to tüe interestcdin sald estáte, of the pendency ol saldpetitlon, and tlie hearing cauitiga1 copyofthta Order to be publlshed in the Michigan newspaper printed and ch-cula iugin sald Lonnty, threesaccegBlte v.-eeks prcvioustosald d &f Hearui. 3 (Atrueiaap.] HIEAM -T. BEAKES, 'Ml Jndte of Probate. Eskite of Eunice ti. Wuroer. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw.m '. - At a Bcssion of the l'robat Court for the Conuty vt Washtenaw, hulden at the Probate Oftice. in the Cltv ui Ann Albur, on TueBday, the lllti c-ntli day óf Hareh, n the year oue thonsand cijht hnndred aiui siiveuty. Present, Hiram 3, Beakes, Jndge of Probate In the matter of the Estáte ui Kim Ice L Warner minor. ' On readingnnd ÜJinj; the petition. dnly verifled.o Fredenek Warner, Oqardlan, praying that liu niavV' ; to sel] certain real ettate bèlonglog to said minor. ThereupoE it is Ordered, that Wednesday, the thirteentk day of April, next, at teno'clockin thcfore-, nooc. be assigned for the hearing of said petition, andi that the next of kin of s'iid minor, and all othcr (nterested Ik ereqnlrèd to áppeár at a Bession of :.M Court, theu to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, Ifany thére be, whytheprayeroftb.epetitionershotfd not be granted : And it is dirther ordered, that sald petitiouer give notice to the next of kin of said minor, ;:;ii all other persone intereated in ssidj estáte of the pendency of aaid petition, and the cansingacopy of this Order to oe pubfeheá in the Vickigat :wspaper prluted and eiren, lating tn sald Connty, three sccesstveweeljipreTlon to said day of hearüi. (Atruecopy.; HIRAM .T. BEAKE8, li'ütd Juilsto of Probate Éstate of Calvin K. Becker. STATE OV MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw. ,- At a Besslou of uie Probate Conrt i'or the i'ooDty of Washtenaw. holden at ihc Probate OfKco, iu tha dry of Ann Arbor, on Houday, the sevuDbda; of Harch, in the yeai oue thuusand eight lmiidred'snd' seventy. Present Iliram J. Beakes, Jad'e of Probate In the matter of the Estáte of Calvin K. Becker; deci-o - On reading and flllng the petition. dnly verified.of Mary I . Recker., praying a certaiu catrament now on flleln tblsCbnit, pnrportng to be the last will and testament of said deceased may be admittet? to probate, and tbat Bhp and Wesley Birchard may be appolnted Esecutora threof Therenpon il is ordered, That Tnnsday. the flfth day of April. next. at ten o'clock in ' the forenoon, hicthe hearing of sald petlttOD, and that tne l iseea and beirs at law of said deceased, and all her persons lnterested in said estáte, are reqnired to appear at a sesslon of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer if tho petitioner should not be granted : Anditis firrUrer ordered, that said pctitioDer i ïive notlce to the penóos tptereaied in sald estáte uf i the pendency of sald petition, and the hearing there-' of. by causlng a i-ii]iy of this order to be puhlinhrd iu the M . a newspaper printeo and circnlatinc: in said tbree puccessive weeks pre-' vloue to said ilay uf hearing.' (A trne copy.J ÜllïAM .1 BEAKES. i-On .jiid-e of Probate'. Estáte of Polly Gould. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Wanht'eoaw, fsi O At a sesalon of thO Probate Court for the Connty tenaw, lioldeu at tbc Probate Office, in (ha City i F Ann Arbor, on Satnrday, tne Sfth day i't March, tn the yeai oue thonsand eight hnndreJ" and serenty. nt, Hiram 3. Beakes, Jndge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte" of Polly Gouhi, deceastid On reading and flllng the pctitimi dnly verifledof Anna Osborn, praying that .lohn 3. Roblson or some other enltaole peraon may by appointed Admiaistratoi of the estáte of said deceased Thereupon it is Ordered, that Tnesd.ny, thê fifth day of April, next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned fur the hearing of said petition. and that Ibehelrsat lawof said deceased, and all other persous interested in said estáte, are reqnired to appear al a sesslon "fsaidConrt then to be holden atthe Probate Office, in the city óf Ann Arbor, and show canse, ifany there be.wh) theprayerof the petitiooer should not le granted: And it ia fartherordered.that sailietitioner cive mticeto theperaoQsInterested in saidestateuf the pendency of said petition, and the hcariD, tlureof, by causing a copy of this Order to be pnbïished ïnthö Michigan Ar ■.?, auewsptiperprintrd and circulating in said i'mu'ty, throesnccessive weeks previoutto said dav of hearing. tA trae copy J ' HIBAM .T. HEAKBS. l-'Outd Judsrc of Probate. Estato ot Joaeph Marriott. STATEOF MICHIGAN. Couníy of Washteiiaw. ?s. - At a session of the Probate Court for the Countx ol Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Oflïce in thé City of Ann Arbor, ou Wedneaday, the secon dny of March, tn the year one thotfsand efghthnndreo and seventy. Present, Hiram J. Beakes, Jndge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Joseph Marriott, deceasedLewls 8. Anderson, Admlnlstrafor of Aid estáte, comea into Court and representa that he is now pro pared to render bis final account as such Administriilnr. Therenpon it is ordered, that Mouday , the tweatvelghtb day oi Mascb, nexfc, aï trn o'clock in tíííi forrnoon, be aSBigned for examlning and alloin snch account, and that the hel at Uw of taid deoeáBed, :uh1 all other pereons Interested ïns.iid estáte, are required to appear at a seasioil of said Court. then to be holden at the Probato Office, In the City o! Ann Arbor, in said Co'.mty, and show canee, if auy why the aaidaceonntshonldnotbeitHoyrea And it is fiivther ordered that satd Adinniislrator eivt' notice to the persons interestod in saidestate, ol the peudency of Baid account, and the hearing thorcof, by canstng a copy of this order to be puUlUhed in the Michigan Argus, a newspapor printetl and eiren lating in said Coimty. threu snecessivó weeka previoaa to said tlay of hectrlng. (A true ■};■■■) 11IRA.M J. BJEAKS& Iza) Juclj:e ol Probato. Estato of Eber Pattee. QTATK OF MICHIOAX. Connty of Washteniw. jk. salon of the Probate Conrtforthe Connty QfWahtenaw, holden t the Probato Ollup, in th City of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the oiirhth day of March, in the year one thomeamd eight hundrvd and seventy. Present, iliram J, Beakes.Jndge of Prohnto. ï ii the matter of the Batan of Ebor Patteo fleceitsed. On readlngand filing the petition, dnly rcrlfled, ot VVilHam H. PhilUs, pravlng that hë( or toma ther snitable pcison, niay bc ippolnted Ailmiiiistraïor f the c?t:itt' of s:iiii deceased Thereupon It is ordered th;it Tursday. the fifth lay of April, oeit, at ten o'clocfc in Üe 'oreiioon. lo as-ÏL'ii'd for the hearing of ?aid petïlon, and that ti"1 heira al lav? of said depaaited, ind all other persona Interested In pald eetatdi ire reqnlred to appear ai a sesslon ofsakl ConrL holden at the Probate Office, In the Gltj of Vnn Arbor, and show canse, ïf any there be. hy ili-,; rayer of the petltlonei nhould not !■ irntud:.Ina it isfuriher ordered thatsafd petitioner lotice to the persons tnterested in said í'sr.-ite. ofthp ndencyol n,aud thehearint; iheiTof. by au&tnga ■ I oed ñ tbe fickiffaw Arfttti, anevspaper priutcdaod cSrcDlating anty, toree bi rione tosald dr of hearing, IIIKAM J. BKAKKS, Atruec ■ Judoof Probate. l2ÖOtd ■"PÜÏSICIASS"1 PBESCRIPTIONS" . ; ::at;:i,y and CAREFULLY PKEPABED BY U. II'. ELL18 CO.. DRUGGISÏfr . - ; - ■ . ■


Michigan Argus
Old News