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A New Specimen

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uur j. vrmu teiia a capital utory. liere is 0110 of bis beat : Oua day when I and mv brother weut uto tho wocds, he shot a ehickea Lawk aud a orow, and wbile iro lollini u tlio shade of a tree, he pulled the tails out of tbe bïrd-1, aud Uien, fuoling round and talkiag Le linully built the orow'i tail iuto tlio chicken liawk's trausom. Whcii we Bavv what a neat job it was, we thougbt wu would keep it. Wben we got hume wc were luto for wipper, and we jast dropped it on tbc porob and rushed in. VVre bad a sort of aneakipg hope thiit (hu old man aud our unclo would got bit witb it, a:y way, beeause tbcy were ahvay.s pottering over geology or uatural higlory, or Sütnetbing they knew ucthing at uil about. Whilo we were at supper, tliey carne aloog and fuuud the bird, aud we heurd thum diüeubjk'g it uud talkingall kiud-s of astoni-h;:;cii t. Direotly tho oid man cauic in - having tbu b:rd by the k-g - and eayn : "Jioja, where did jou get tliis bird ':" "Sbut biiu in tLu wpode, sir." "Did yuii ever ouiuc acrus," any otber birds libe tiiis arouod Lerc ''" 'No, s:r, tbis id the tr.t." ''Boys, du you kno.v wbat you liave done ? - yuu'vo discovtred sumetliing tbat will makc you kuowu ovcrywlicre. Thu bird is a uuv fpeoies." Aud he walked out, aud e board him aud uuelo coucluuu ihat thëy wuuld labul it witb their own uanus and seud it to irofusior IlageubuLiu, utAlbany. Pretty soou, tboagli, the old man tuok liold ui tbu tuü aud puücd it out, und wo beard botb oftheiu swuar a litóle. Wben wc carne out lhc bird was lying on one side of tho fenns and tho tail on tho olher. We did Lot dare to hugh oor to lut on aboui overbeariug ihcir talk, either Uut about a uionth íifíer tliis thcre cauiü aLug une of thu rattiest spcc'mna of a boy you ever say, and waiited to Stay sith us. lie vas all rags und tuller.s, and ii:vd uut vvitU ruuuing awjy iVoin bis muster somewherc. Hú siiirt was hangiuíí at lialfma-t ibrough his troustra, aud two-thirds ot' tho tüil of it was a piuco of blue lluuncl that bad boeu sewed on. Wbilo tba poor fcüow was catiug his diuaer, uuc!e uud the oIJ man worc otudying wbat tliey had better do with bim. And finaily they said : "I3y Georye, they did uot kcovv what to do with hiui." Just then tbc boy roso and swuug bis colore) into view, aud brother Bob says: ''Fathcr, you might send bim to Professor Hageubaum, U Albany." It was the liiot time the old man kuew we bad ovorheard the bird talk, aud 60 be whuled us botb. 11e sy, "I'll learu you to play trieks ou your old fathcr."


Old News
Michigan Argus