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A Newsboy Winning An Heiress

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About tho tima tho war broka out, one of the abrewdcst newsboys that ever sung the song of the bulletin board raanaged to got down into Yirgiaia vith a Massuchusctts regimeut, and finally coutrcllcd the exclusiva salo of New York and Boston papers, in t'ao wake of a antier, .i le waa fifteen yoars oíd at that timo, bi't he had the business capacity of a íucrchant's cierk. All bo needed waa opportunity. Brains were bis capital, for most part, Jn the course of a year' the newsboy accurmilated $2,700, which he investod in tobáceo and oigars, aud smokers' goods geuerally, Eeing & clever, accomrnocJating boy, Le raade friends with everybody, aud, cousequeotiy, did a thrivicg business. Ador awhile hu got out of tho tubaeco busine.-'s and went to Washington, where he hung out h3 shinglo as a grooer, in a, sidp.11 way ; and, haviug aa extensivo aoquaiatanoe among the Massachusetts soldiera, and knowing ahiiost every ofíicer of note, Le eütablisljed a Jarge trade u 4li3 -,7ay of furnishing luxuries, eto,fortha ofEcers and their friends, and finally bis plaoe bréame & sort of hüau(uarters for the outfit of sutlers, When the war closed, and aífcor G-rant and Lee held the memorable con-, fub ur.der a certa'n apple-tree, our newsboy fouad hinisclf good fur 230,000 or 640,000. But ho did act leavo Washington with the retura of pcace. Ha liogered there uutil proSt3 waro small and trade was on thu wíine, aud vvben Lo did leave for Boston ha bi'ought homa with him the heart of a youug heirees, vvhio!) lie had the year beforo attacked, and nhich had capitulated to him. The events which rendered the }'oung lady au heiress were íraugLt with sorrow. When sho was but a Lelpless, wailing baby, her mother fled her home and child, and was drowncd. Her only brother, a wild but high-spirited youth, shocked at his niother's conduct, put to soa in a rrerchant veseel engaged ia the Chiua trade. The vessol perished, and the crew wero never more heard of. Her father, whose so!e heiress sbe now was, sent tho yonug lady lo a faehionable boardiug school (it was 'the year that the rubeilion cornmenced), whero she rcm'.jitied uu'il tho eoaipletioa of her eigbteentb year. Slie ad learned to siijg, dauce, play, s.nd dress fashiouably, and was well acquaiuted with the namea er natures of patriotism, beneficence, social duty, or moral responsibility and life seuiaed to her a gorgeous banijuet. She went to Washington witb friends, hoping to captivate some young and brave, afïluect and noblo man, in the career ol fashiocable Ufo, when sha was met by thu perambulating Boston newsboy, who proved himself as shrewd ÏD lovo matters as he had been in business affairs. The intelligent glapees of u pair of the bandsomest hazcl cyes ia the univeise reached down iüto the palpitating heart of the heiress, aud after a vhilo the "two souls with but a single thought, two huarts that beat as one," were made man aud wife. Tho happy event oocurrad on Washington' Birthday, in Boston. The young man saya ho owes his success in life thua far to a diligent attention to business, bonesty, go-aheadativeness, and polite treatment of both irienda and strangers.


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