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Abolishing Brevet Bank

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It is related in army circles Ibat one day near tho closo of the war a mulo was observod passing along the linea of :ho Army of the Potomac, then lying in front of llichmond, whose sad couotenance attracted universal attontion. Hia nead hung clown in meditativa mood, his bslf-oloséd ces rovcd in v vacant way aloe tho grond, end hia long, expresaive eaw vibrated in tlio-pecuüar manner thctahowud the workings of a busy but r.iortiSed spirit. Tho sympathy of the idla soldiery was awakened. In groupa of two or thrse, ofEcers and inen came. from front and re-i" ind both flanks, and looked wonderingiy at tho curioussiuht. Ho %yas an oíd, a vsteran mulo, and his evident distress esaoted tho tributo of respect. At last a hardened old teamster, who had been kaown to boast of having, with out whip or spur, sworu a sis mule team up a hul, caught this poor mulo by hig ragged, straw-protruding collar, that hung in tatters about hisears, and rough ly jerking bhn to a dead halt, asked ia ihuuder tones : "What in ■ aro you crying about ?" "Beoause tbey won't mako me a Brevet Hcrse " wa3 the reply, drowned ia sobs and heralded by a burst of tears. If the satire of this fablo was so ap parent in 1865, what must it be now, wku nearly cvery officer above tho rank of Öcoonti Lieutenant has tailed to hia name from ouo to four brevet? ? If all desorved this distinguishing mark, what is lef t to bs doao for those who signalii-. ed tueir career by somo peculiar act of daring or Belf-saciiüoe ? The power of couferring brevots was exercined so lavishly that it had becomc a uuiaanoo beíoru it bccatue ridiculous by the introduction inlo Congross of a bilí that oonfcrred on auy regular officer the brevet for the rank that he had held as a oom-r mander of volunteers, aud tliis without i-eferenco to hia ability to prove that ha had ever smelt powder. Each of tho important army bilis now before Con-i gr8i, including tiiat of Gen. Logan, wliich pafsod thu House on Thureday, oontftjns a provisions for tho abolition PÍ brevet raak. - iV". Y. Sun. One of the ladies ou the late jury ia Wyominjf writos that '"she fait no serious disoomfort from beiug shut up four dayt, and would havo held out four moaths rather than be eonvinced by sucj au argument as that made by the cou&, sel for the defcose,"


Old News
Michigan Argus