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Official Announcement Of The Death Of Maj. Gen. Thomas

Official Announcement Of The Death Of Maj. Gen. Thomas image
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P Washington, Marcb 29. A general order from the headquarters of the army announcts the death of Gen. Thomas. It givcs an account of his life and services, and says that the General has known (Jen. Thomas ntimately nee they sat aa boys on ihe ■ame bench, and the quality in him wbicb he holda up for the admiratiou and example of the young is his complete and entire devotion to dutv. - Tbough sent to Florida, to Mexico, Texas and Arizona, when duty thcre was absolute banishm.eot, he went cheeriully nd never asked a personal favor, exémption or leave of nbseneo. In battle he never wavered. Firm and of full faith in his causo he kuew it would prevail, and he never eought advancement of rank or honor at the expense of nny one. Whatcver he earned of theso were his own, and no one disputed his fame. Tbe very impersocation of honcsty, ntegrity and honor, he will stand to us as the lieau ideal of a soldier and gentleman. Thougu be leaves no child to bear his Dame, the old Arniy of the Cumberland nnmbered by tens of thoucande, called Kim father, and will weop for bim in cara of manly grief. Ilis wife, who cheercd him with her meesages of love in the darkest hours of tho war, will Mourn him now in sadness, chastened by thesympatby of the whole country. The iast sad riles duo him as a man and a oldier will be paid at Troy, New York, on the arrival of bis remaioa, and the frietids of bis family and all of his comrades who can be present are invited thore to share in the obsequies. At all military pot-ts and stations flags will be placed at half mast and 15 guns firod on the day ufter tlie receipt of this order, ard the ufual badges of mourning be worn 30 days. The Detroit Tribtm heads a lengtby fuloey on tbe late Haj. Gen. Gkoro'e H. Thomas, "The Orauditt General of tbe Wr," and this regardlces cf the Grant "who eremkes his pipe and takes bis ease" io tho White House. We fear tht the Tribune is getting disloil. The House, on Wednesday, concurrid in the Snat amendment to the bill edroilting Texas, by a vote 132 to 50. The conditious are the same aa imposed upoo Virgioi. '


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