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speecli wbtcli Hon. Cari Beban denveren recently on the G .-;;::. The argument presented was beth stroiig ind original, and te nflrm ns In our previoua opinión tht it wonld be better tp remand tho State back loto :i territorial condiiion, and keep it thero uutll il waa tboroughly paclflecT, tlia-o to gttte it n -nomlual State governmënt, wlille Fn Itls only o. fedwat proviaecs If II la absolutelynecessavy fou tlie emftty of the Siüte ot Georgia that Governor Bullocfe símil he retalned 1d office fr two yeara longcr, that object can bc nccompllshed ly n'ipniiitinjr bim a territorial envernor; bu lf Georgia ÍS to bu a Stille, liie peopla OUglit to be ftllowed to chooce thelr ruiers, iu tle time snit in tlie manoer prOVidW Tor by their State constltutlon, without tolerference bj Congrcss. Tbere is In oor opinión, no neceaslty for leglslatlng Governe Bullock arbitrarily Into-offlce tor nnother twoyean Let eTcry tub stand on Hs own bottum. - íeñiee Journal. la wliat clause of the Constitution wül cur cotemporary discover tho r i _r ! 1 1. of Congres8 "to remaod the State back into a territöi al condition "? We had 8iipposed Ihat Georgia never was n territory of the UniteJ States or iu "a territorial cunditiou ; in faet that s'.io was One of the "original thiríeeo," entitled to equal privileges with New York, Pennsjlvania. or even Msschusett8. - If Congress can "remand" the3e Staten "back" into a coDdition ibey oever held, then tuay that augusfc bocly manipúlate Georgia at will. AVc can see the saite ight fnr Congress to prolong IJillock's term till the rsiíleiiiuui that it has to adopt the Buggestions of (ho Journal, thiit it luis to hoïil co-ejuül States as military provinoes er sa'rapics, or tha' it bas to c'o the handred rthr monstrous acts it hiê dont u tlie 1 :st ft;w yeais. Purty ne;essi'y, party sup'etuacy, party perpetuation in power, aud not the requireiuLi!t3 of the Constitation are tho goveruing inaxiins at Washing ton, as our coteiijporary Ouglit to know if he has his eyes open. We trast that the ctanaie 11 psrsiit in i ts rcfuanl - notwitliítanding tlie personal lobbjing ut i:s doors by Proefden! Grant - to ratifj t'no treaty fr tbe purchaso of San Domingo, wiih is eirthquakes and fevers, drgradcd r.nd miacegenated populttinu, and ruincd estates. We doti't heliere in St. Tlmuiss or San Domingo, and cau't eee wht on eartk they ïc wr.ntid for, unlcss to próvido teats for BHndry pnlit icians wLo don't SDCcccd in winning the confidence of the electora at heme. Au oommerciul or coal statiors thcj' nro nlmott of no nccount, r.uti wouM prnvc only ütt!o elephants of the Alaska breed. If Alaska could be swüpped off fur the two tropical islande it miglit be agood trade, and tlie Secute wou!d be jutlificd in udvixrg tr.d consentlng to a treaty to tbat effect ; and then, St. Thomas and San Domiigo should be Bwapped off for a yeilow dog, aüri the dog shot, or sent bj espress to Fiesidect üi:ant, charges unpaid, - unlefs AUska Sjswahb could prove a prior claira to him. - Cuba is tlie only islaad tvorth acquiriog, and i! let alone or nured c-aro fuliy tbe "gei of the AnlUles" 'iil fall into our greedy mnirs as a wcll-r'ptncd plum into tho bands of a boy wiib magnctio attraction n bis fingere' ends. The Presideat sent a epeeiul mesFPgs to Congrees on Wedneiday, accon-.panied by a proclsmation of the Secretarios State, ancouncing tho ralidcation of the XVih amecdment. This proclamation will be found in anotber column. - The message comm&nds the uew-born electors to the coneidcration of ibc herctofore "more Javored race;" exhorta that no "legal privilege of ndvancement to the new citizens" bo witbbeld; and urges tbe adoption of meafures for thcir education. We will give it placo nest week. Msantiico Radical candidatos for office can join in singiog, " The year of jubilee lins como." - Seorelary Fisn, it will be eeen counts New York both ways, postscripts Georgia, and recognizcs the iilrgnl ratification by Indiana, The farco cf compul8ory ratification Ly States out of the Union- how did Ibey pet out? - and miarepresentcd [in Congrcss is eompleted. In the HouRe, on Tuesday, Gen. Logan reflected teverely uron a letter written by Gen. SHSRUAH to Senator Wilson criticising the biil passcd by the House reducing the arroy, and also the pay of general officers. Logan thouglit the letter remarkable, let, for being written at all, and 2d, becauso of its statements. He cvidently don't recognize the right of tho General of the Army to dictato in in&tters cf legislation : which protest, howcver, comeB at too late a day, and not with a very good grace, from one who has aided to place the military abovo the civl power, not only in the conquered province?, but by making the President - though commanderin-chief - subordínate to the General of the Army. The Radical leaders have anewreadng for this clause of the Coustilution : "The United Statea ühall gnarantee to ovcry State a Republican forra of governiüent." They omit that Hltle and mcaningless word "forin," and substitute for "governiiiCDt," aiministraiion, a synoDymous word io their vocabulary, and then the reading is : "The United States ehall guarantce to cvery State a Rcpoblican administration." Don't this givo Congress tho right to roconstruct TeDnessee, compel Georgia, Texas, &c., to come to their terms, and to deal ith Now York, Now Jersey, Kentucky or any other Stat? presumiügto elect Democratie cfficers ? Mn. Mcnoer, of Ohio, is credited with giving oarpet-bag Wiiitteiiohk, pending a vota on the rcspluüon for bis expulsión, information as to how to keep li ia seat. It was conciso and to the point : "Get a Deinocrat to contest it." ünt Democralio ffieodfeio New Torn are playing the fooi in Bttemptinf to legisláis so rr.ucli fbr the prty nnd bo llttlc for the peop',0. If they will eink the party for a liltle w'riile anti have on]v tbo intorests of the great State tliej represent u view, they uill ftrengthen their position, Á it is, in figliti? over the fpoils thaj are sure to cive the Riste over the encniy. Give New York L'ky a good charter, liased ou excricnoe aii(ï cnmmon Benie, and it will bc suro to remain a Democratie ;ity, for gratitode'i sako if nuthing else, bat disrogatd these landmarks to fix the lomoeraey in power, and the crack of doom ia at hand. The pnme of othcr oities, and of legielalion upou St.i.10 nterosts. _ Míj. General GhoröL I'ï. Thomas died, at San Francisco, oa Monday niog last, of apoplesy agcd 53 years, having b:ea bowl in SouthainptJn cíunty, Virginia, July 31, 1816. Oen. Thomas graduated at West Pmot iu 1840, and entatetl service as secood lieuten&nt ia tho 3d U. S. Artillcry.- He wod nn honorable name in the war, and at the breaking out of the recent rebellion he was on duty on the Indian frontier. His career durifiz the war for the preservatiou of tho Union is fresh in the minds nf all, and it is suf ficient to eay tbat he was oue of the most efEcieat, enorgetic, popular and beoved oEcers of the army. His death Ls a great loss to the army and. the county. Havino íaid such n tariff on iron, slee], nnd cvery other arliclo ontering into hip bailding, tbat ship-yarils have boen closed, and Araericnn bottoias driven frotn the Bea, the Preaident sets liimgelf up as a doctor and proposes a remedy. It m not, es a man of common sense wxjld naturilly suppoFC, to abolish tlic onerous rest:iUion", remove the burdebsnmo tixes, and put comiaerce upou istwn legs ; but it 3 to tas the eople and give the raoaey io owners of ilosnisliip Koes. Th is reroarkablo nies;age tv il 1 be found in another column, iiid we invite nofc only a roading of it, jut refk'ction upan the propn&itios. U.nöer the hending, "How the People ire Kobbed," the Civil Service Jouraal, [Washington, D. C.,) gtves a list üf ihe progcuy of "Old Subiidy" now nsking nharity of CongrefS. It figures in raoney and land, to steam&hip and railroad coirpnnies, only $511,000,000. A verj unkind cut at "the governmont," eonsidR'ing that it has jast eent in a fpeciol ïr.essoge urging Congress to grant eubsi dies to stenms'iips. Üur Washington eott mporary must bs careful whusc eorns he treads on. TüE wcmeii of Utah - some cftheia - have luid a public roectirg, dennuncod the meddling of Congres with their lüeal affairs, and pronouuecd in favor cf pulygamy. - per centra. A tr.ass meeting was held at Corinne, ou tbe 2Sth, the Imn bill endorscd, its fupporters ; có, the Senatc urgcd to pas3 it without elay, and polj'gamy denounccd "nsbarbarous and a crime against iho law and moraüty cf the age." Tui Toledo Commercial puggests thtt Dr. Puck "feels uo alarm" becauso the Democracy run two candidates ngainst him, "as he once beat four men at a single eleotion." Ye BU[poee that the Democr.tls despairing of the suecess of any candidate they could put in theSeld, thought to ease up their defeat by dividing it between two. That may not be the reason wliy two were placed iu nomination, but we'll bet a glass of Maumee fluía that it is a better one than wi)l be assigned. Dkfavlting and absconding Collector Bailev, of Now York, has been heard from. He ha writtcn a letter, but from wliere is not exactly known, to bis successor, Gen, Pleapaxton, congratulating him on bis appointmenl - Lind Baii.ey - and begging him to retain os many of his employés os posoible, noce of whora he eays ore responsible for Iiis delinquencies. TnE Senato Committee on Finance has reported a bill continuing the odioue ncorae tax indefioitely after 1870, at ihree per cent. There ia no hope of relief from nuequal and burdensome tasation until the old fogies are turned out of the halls of Gongress, - the Angoan Stablca cleansed, - and men frsh from the poople installed in their places.


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