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The High School Exhibition

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The High bcliool Junior Exhibltion was held on Frhlay evening last, the hall belug well-filled wlto pareuts aml frieads of the school. The folio wing programme wasobseived : TROORAMME. ïlusio - l4u.' Bat Wc'ce Stemmed the Slreatn,' FUTB, By Kev, w. J. Erdman. MvtlC-Jnlhan, " Exall Hm all ye People." 1. ('h'iractcr, Qeorge L. Alexander. 2. Pioneers, Mary Bidwell . 3. The Archilrcl, Thomas F. Graber. Mcsic - ." Hwile on the .Vea 4. Stepping Simes, Lilla E. Burnctt. 5. 7'n. Whcilon Bmilb. n. iamaehutt, Amiie Grungor. Misic- " SqfUy Smila the Summer LtgM." 7. Itrrnkcrs Ahead, John A. Stewart 8. ftf ., Clara B. Wcodruff. 9. Ovr Country Benjamin H. Bradshaw Mt-'ETf: - 4k The American Riuign." 10. Jifoilcrn Mania., Mary li. Grenville. 11. Publi: Ilencfkence, Almond C. Pareons. Mcsio - Solo, 12. Change, Ada J. Hcaley. 13. Rtfirrm, Cliarlcs T. Harrjs, JrMl'SIC - i% Gjtheriug llome." KENED1OTK1S. The luembers of the class acquitted tiieiiiselves wel] - so ■well that we are not disposed to crlticlse nny short comings. The ïtusic was furnished under the dil'ectlon of A. WlLSET, and was cominended i the warmest terras. AVe even heanl it sald that it beat the Mendelesohns, aml to uutoi-tured ears wu think it did. - We vish the University classes wou'd disijense witU a uoisyslam-whanglngband, and get up some Lood vocal music on simiiar occasions. - The schools wal open again ou 3Ionday next. The bftttle for the Air Line was waged ftercely north and sonth. Probably never in the history of ratlroadc, and seklom in the warmest partisan campiiigns has siich a stroggle been witoMged. It was fought inch by inch. Two days before electlon in ouc tOWB north there Beeraed not to be over 25 persons in favor of votlug ald. ]!y dint of bard work, risUlng from house to house ehattlng wlth t!ie women, dandllng and klsslng thn bables, electlon day showed 40 In our favor. Another town soulh was carried by like cö'ort - Ypsüunti Commercial. M'liat a haüle ! and what n victory ! ! "Watorloo, and Kew Orloans, and Inktrinann, and Gettysbnrg, and the. thousand hcroic struggles, ancieut and modern, pale into insignifleance before it. Aud to thtnk that the great victory was won without powder and bal], shot and Shell, the pcaceable wcapons beinjr woínen and bables, gab and kisses. We hope that the historian of the air-linc campalgu - a windy air-line - wi'I remember the important iact in the great strugglc. - By Uu; way, down in Ida, Raisinville, and Bedford, there njust have been a lack of vromen and bables, else they wcre not so susceptible to soft-soap and kisse?. IIow was it, Pat ? At the session of the Board of Kcgents held on Momlay and Tuesday, Dr. A. B. Cuosky was elected Professor of Surgery ; Dr. H. ö. Cijeevf.r, Professor oí Materia Medica aml Therapentlca ; Dr. Geo. E. Frotihngiiam, lecturer on Ophthalmology; and A.LBBBT Reed, Hospital Stewart. Prof. Ceebtsb has successfully held the chair tu vblch he has been elected twu years, and Prof. Ckosuy during the session jast closcd has proved blmself an able and sUillful Surgeon and popular lecturer. In the Llterary Department,AMl8tant Prof D'Ouge was gl ven leave of absence for twu years, to visit Europe , and it is understood that Prof. Jones, the popular Superintendent of our CLty Schools is to flll the chair during hls absence. - We shall further noticc the doings of the Board next week. The polls will bo held on Monday Dext at the followlng places, opening at 9 o'clock a. m., and elosing at 4 o'clock p. m., Ist Ward - at Sorg's shop. 2d " -at T. Vr. Root's office. 3d " - nt Court House. 4lh " - at Fircmcn's Hall. Sth " -at the shop of G. EL Rliodes. Cth " -at the Deans' Room, Medical College. The Boards of Rcgistration will be in session to-morrow frora 8 o'clock a. m., to 8 o'clock r. m. All nevv residents of the city, all who have chauged Wards, and all wlio liave been jiaturalized or become of age sinee tlie last electlcn shoukl sce that theirnames aretregistered. bec notice of places of meeting inlxnother column. Il cv. Dr. LivKUMoiiü, President of the Meadvllle Theological School, ivill occupy the desk of the Unltarlan Church of this ciiy, on the next two Sabbaths, morning an d evcning Dr. Livehmoiie is ouc of the strong iricn ofhis denomlnatlon.


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