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The Annual Jleetiuj of the Ladles1 Llbrary AssoclatioD will be held on Monday, April llth, at 2 o'clock P. M., in tho Ladies' Parlor of tho Presbyte. lian There will bc an cloction of offlcor and flvc members of tho Board. The annual tai also will bc due at that time. S. W. HÜNT, Sec'y. Store Opening. The Ladies of Anu Albor aro CRpecially Invltcd to the opening of the new store, No. 47 South Main Street, wbich occurs Tnesday evenlng, April 6th' Everythiug In tbc line of Millinery and Fancy GoodsDress Trimmings, Hosiery, Gloves, &c, will be ex hlblted. Come aud aee them. n. cohén. I design to keep thi cpring a supply of the very best fruit trees whicb I will sell at my place, adjolnln the Fair Grounds, at the following prices, vii : Apple Trees, 3 ycarsold,4 to 6 feet, 20 cents each Í18 per 100. ' Pear Treos. Standard, 60 to 70 cents each. " " dwarf, 40 cents Cbay sparinjly.) Cherry Tiees, 4'J cents each, 3 for $1. Peach " ]0 cents each, 14 per 100, $60 for 600 The above prices are at the gold standard, but greeubacks will not be refused. Evergreens of all kinds, all elzes and prices, from i inches to 8 feet, and for 5 cents to ï'2.50, aud by the 100 at low rate. A large proportlon of tho small evergreens are imported trees. A few choicc decid uoub ornamcutal trees will bc kept for gale. Ann Arbor, April, 1370. H68WÍ .1. D. BAI.DWIN. Dlothcrs, Read tnis Irknou Irdgmcnt From Mrs. F. M. Ely, of Laucastcr, N. Y.: Dr. KELLOGG: Kind Sir:- Your ludían Rcmedy has been the means of eaving the üfe of my chlld, who otherwite would have died wlth Croup before medical assist&ncc conld have arrlved. One dose gave entire relief, working like magie. Heuse eend mo a enpply. Mrs. F M. ELY. No parent should bc without the Remedy in the house. 12C2v2 lloiiniy to Soldiers. Those who cnlistedin 1861 on the flrgt cali of President Lincoln, and who were honorably discharged before the explralion of the term of their cnllatment. are cntilled to $100 each, as bounty. And soldicrs cnliating under act of July 4th, 1SG4 are to be allowed the unpaid iustulmcnts of bounty if they wcre discharged by expiratiun of service The abovo classes should inake application to the undsntgned. UarchMtb,18T0, 1-C-wG JOHN H. GOTT, Bounty anj Claim Agent. specie Miaran uesined at bach & ABEL'S. For the next thirty days persons buying goodsat our Btore, in amounts over $1,00, will RECE1VE TnEIR FHACTIOSAL CHANGE IN SPECIE. In order to make room for the largo stock of gooda which we shall open about the Jat ol April- bouglit exclusivcly for caeh- we shall offer for the hal.ince of the monih our cutiré stock, includin;; our January purcliaees of Blcach and Browu Cuttons, at Xew York Priccs. nACH & ABEL, No. 2ö Main Street, Anu Arbor. SPECIE PAÏMEST REBVBEO AT C. H. MILLESS. FOU THE XEXT THIRTY DAYS. 1 will pay specie on making chango up lo th; even liilliir, en n'il purchaeee of goods at my store, !- Ing 50 conts, and on payment of all accounts dtic me. O. II. MU.I.EX. Ann Arbor, Maren llth, 1PT0. l-'(iUw4 f mhxl tüm. A COUGH, COLD, OR SOKËTHaÖAÏ Mtokk Btquirei iinmeiliate at tention, nu ne VJvsSaitüT? i:U"'t ofti"n resu'ta In an iiiouiable KUMJBWtffirown's Bronchial Trochss ?"or Uko.ncíiitis, Astiisa, Catarbh, Coxbcmpttvk aol Tiiroat Dikeasb-, they liave a .soothin; oifect. SINGEB8 and PCnLIC 8PJBAKGB8 use them to c lea rA ml Rtreni(theu the toícc. Ovring to the gno.l reputation nnI popularify of thf Troches, tnany wortkUê and thtap imilatiovt are nffered,wkich art goud for n-Jtking. Ho sme to ohtaix tlie truc BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES. pOR CASH YOU CAN BUY Lumber, Lath and Shingle AT A BARGAIN, AT THE YARD OF C. SUTHERLAND & CO. Ann Arbor,Janury,1870. 1252 JT IVERY AND SALE STABLE. ASZXICLIL. fc RAMAGK, Corner Main and Catharinestreets. Hor608boardcd on rcasoniiblo terms. Scoml hand bujigies, cuttersandharnoss for galc. ISS&Sjl TO THE WÜRKING CLA8S - W are dow prepnred to fur uish all classes with constant eraployment at honpe, tho whole of the time or for the spare mo inent. Business new, lighttand profitable. PerRoo of either gex easily earn f rom 50;:. to $5 per evenin$r, ana a proportioiial eum by devoting tbeir whole time to the busineR. Boya and inri? earn nearly as ranch a men. That all vh nee tliis notie c ma y swnd their addresii, and test tb e bitst 0611 , we make thi un paralle led nffer : To suchasare not well aatisned, we will send $) to pay for tho trouble of writi ng. Fu 11 partícula rst a valuablo snmple , ivhicli will do to coinmeoce wo rk on, and a Jcopy of The Pcfple'ê IMerary Companion - on of tlie lait:"Kt and best f.inii ly uewspper publislK'd - a 11 sent fïee by mail. Ueader, ïf you want permanent, profi tab Ie workf addresB E. C. ALLEN &C0 , Augusta, M-ilnc LORILLARD'S e q excellent artitlJI1? tKfl7' Virginia; wherercr BfcwB k#H introiluced it is uniSmoking Tobacco I verialljr admirod. It U put up Ín hJtnds.miü munlin bags, In irhioh order for MeiM'Sclmum PtpM are daily pacUed. LORILIiARD'S clasKca by all wlio tt nrrm riT ttti eonwuM it sa thfl IÜUI1X yjnUD madoof thecliï.icest Smoking TobaCCO leafgrown; it is anti iiorvousin its ffecta,ai tbe NioottiM has been extracto'l ; i t lea ves no disn$iree;ble tasto a f ter Rindkng ; i t i ví-ry nild. Hgbt o BOtof a !il irlght, h9BC l'tiiiiiíl ill l;-.7-t as Jiimj: :is tbree oí ordinary tobáceo. ín thiö brand we al#o pack orders every dy fortirst quality Meerncbaum Pipe. ïiy ii feDdoOB vinco yourself l(tl all it claims to be, " TUE t'INEST OF ALL." IiORILtiARD'S Tnis brand of Fine APAITI IRT%%# CutChowinjr Tubacco fi-9"i% JB W Ims nj -(ualorsupe■ ■ "- ■ ror anywhero. It io Chewing Tobacco. ] without doubt tue best showíag tobáceo in the country. LORILLARD'S 1 llilve now Dfen in OTTTT1I in I pnueral ue n the K ÏV li W Unfted Ht,ute over ftcknowlodged " lbo beat M wherever usfd. If yuiiv storekeopor does not havo these nrtïclea for ule4aflkhim toget thom; thoj aro sold bv ruspectable jobbers almot ei t-r vhere. Circular oí pricea forwn,rdod on app'ïcftt ion P. LOIULLA.RD Ss CO., New York. 125) m 3 fiOfi THE 1? EXT Sixty Days the Farmers' Store will Sell Goods Oheaper than any other Store in the City. POR SALE ! A house and lot ftdjoining Unlveraity gtojtnin Tho house it two Btortefli and hap niue rooma.-Cellfrt Cistcrn and W'ooil lïouae. Tmns, reaso Euqolre :ii N. JU South Iugnlls street. l8w ' S. PILI.S. Finost Assortment of Toilet Goods in the City, by gy OTICE ! it :f-3l"x-js to g-o TO TriB FARMER'S STORE, And Learn their Prices before buying your Goeds at ether Places. SILYB PLATED WARE CAN BE HAD VERY CHEAP AT HULL, RQBINSON & CO'g. DEMOVAL. KECkT COHavo removed their STOCK OF FUTURE And Undortaker's Goeds, To Mack & Suhmid's Block, No. 52 South Main, and No.4 West Liberty Streets. THE LARGEST STORE IN' TOE CITY, AND BUILT EXPRESSLY FOR THE FURNI1URE TRADE. THEY HAVE NOWIN" STOKK THE I.AEGESTaml FIN EST STOCK OF FURN'ITURE F.VER OFKERKD IX TUIS COUN'TY.OF MAXUFACTUKE, BDPEEIOR IiOTII IN QUAI.IT ANI1STYLE, WIUC11 THEY NOW OFFER TO TUE I'UBLICCHKArER THANCAN BEBOUOIlf AMY WIIERE EI.SEIN TUK STATE. THEIR STOCK IKCLDDE8 EVERT ARTICI.I'. NKEDEDTO FCRNISII THE BESIHOUSK IKIM TOP TO BOTTOM. Tlieirnld patronsanO tlie pabilo getierall v are ni :;cl to give tliem a cali. J. KKCK & CO. Aan Arl)or,.Ianuarj, IS70. 1251 BLOOMINGTON, ILL. NURSERY. 19thYear! 5C0 Acreii ! 10 Greenhouse I.arirst , 1 iitock and RhlpplBC ftkOtHtfn, APPLE, l . Tran lüiciit . Hisli]i 1, 2 imd 3 .venrs. APPLBROOT-GRAIflS, obnloe, udinir.boV(. ROOT-GilAFTS, Peur Phiin, CheitT. SKBD?, Apple Pr. ir., WIl.nCOOSF, Uinrr, I.mnharrt. I'lunis, KVERGREENl. ROSES. 1 000, 100 flalilms ülailiolu, Tuben ra, ,ii.'.VHn:r Plnni, f ■-. 1'. K. PHO5SIX. 1260wl2 FMYÏÏ10IAN8' Presoriptime AccuraUly and Carrfully Pre pared hy 17. W. ELLTS fi Ca. QRENVXLLE, DEUGGI8T! .'. 5 Main Street, Kast Bid, KKEI'3 C0N3TANTLY ON HAND FAHNESTOCK'S LEAD, GROUND IN OIL AND DRY COLORS, Oils, Varnishes, Putty, PATENT MEDICINES! b n xr s k: e s , _ ;buiiton'S .tueacco antidote, COLGATE'S SOAPS, HAIR OILS Sf HAIR RESTORERS DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES, HAIR DYKS, FtiAVORIXO AXD Handkej o'iiei Extracts GLASS RUBBER, AXD TRUBS ALL OF BEST MAKERS, PURE NATIVE WINES AND X.IQT3 OBS 1 AGKNT FOR TOE QREAT ü. 8. 1EA COMPN'Y. Prescriptlons ptit: up wlth Care at all Houra. Storoopcn on th Sibbath trom 7 to 10)í A. MJ, 12 lo 1', auj 0 lu S 1'. SI. OR VIM.E 4 FIXI.ER'S ACCOCXT3, 'IF NOT SF.TTLED BY APRIL lit, WILL IIE LEFT WITH THE PROI'Er. OKFICERS FOR COLLF.CTION GEO. GRENVILLE. Mftrchótli, 1309, IJALT! WALK INI! S. SONDHEim, SVCCESSOR TO M. Guiterman & Co. AT TUE OLD OIjOTH NG HEABQUARTEKS HAS JU8T OPKNBD A FALL GTOOrS INCLV1IOJ CL O TH S, CASS1MERES, FESTJNGS, tfC. AU of tbe Best and I.atest Styles, Together wltli LARGK AND VVELL 8ELECTED STOCK OP READJT-MADE CLOTHING'j AND GENTS' FURNISHING (GOOD8, [WITH TnK LAltOEST STOCK Oï Bovs' and Youths' Clothing EVF.K OFFKRKD IN THIS JIARKET. Wlilch he offers nt .Greatly Reduccd Prlces BAlso a large lot of [TBAVELIKG TH.TJ3STKS 1 CLOTHING J1ADK TO OUDER] IN THE BEST STYLE Cali and examine tor youruht t Nry. P, South rnsn St:?rt, A"V Ar n--T, i ri im, lr ( Ayer's Oathartic Pilis, For all tho purposes of a Laxativ Medicino. j! Ferhaps no one tnediLM cine is so univcrsiilly reJBT quired by evcrybody as jf H catharflc, nor was ever $&3ê3BF2& n11-v bcfore so universalTHHBüöIBM ïy udopted nto use, ia V tË]l cvorycountiyandanionjc 1 ii 'Wm n" c'assS ■ tliis mild IÜWIokSs Jut efficiënt purgativa v T27 JH. Tlie obvloas reaJjgr-.. , rtííy fion is, that jt iá a more re3bB liable and l:ir more ciTeo - '?Tj tiial romedy tiran any "" otlurr. 'Allooi! who huve ried i!, kno'.v tliat it curcd them: tliose who huve lot. know Ebat U curoa tUcir nelghbora and fricnda, and ail know that what It loos once it doca ulways - that it oever 1'ails thioiigh any íiult r ncfílectof ts co:inK)5ition. W'u have tíioasanda upon tlioulauda pfcvrtífloatea of tbelrreniarkablo cures ot' tho 'ollowlug complalnts, ijnt 6uoh cures are known i very nolghbarhood, nnd we need not publtoh them. Atlaptcd t- all agee .and conditions in all olbnateaj ■ontuininncithcr oalofDel or any deteterious drnff( ;hoy ntay be tiikeu wltii pafoLy !y anybody. Their ïuftr coatlog preserves tliom evor and makes e-u) plo&snnt to take, whilo being purely vegotablo id liann can arise IVoni tfaefar nt! in any quancity. Tiiey opérate by their powerfül Influenoe on Uio ntcriial riacera to purify tlie blood and stimulatc it uto licalthy action - remove theobstructions of tho ttomach, bowelo, liver, and otlier orpins of tho orly( restoring their Irregnlar aetion to Health, and y correcting. wheraver they exist, such dcrangoiicnt - m are t hrr flr t orlgin óf ■■ e. .MinuUi dlreotion are giren in the nrapper on h.; in.-t for tho followiü complaintdj whioh ihee PW rapidly cure : - For c.v'"--is or Xnli$-Rtlon, 7.i(Ic. '■. Knntraor and loi f Awpetli, tliey thould lie taken moderately to 6timulale tlie stoiuich and restore it.s heaithy tone nnd action. For Jjivir Ckn! int and lts vnrious flvmpnu, Rlllcu Urutlactao, HicU Sï Jt h-, JTuuoilIca or Onra Mlcbiii'u, nsiliou i'-ili and Ritinuii Fenn, they snon)] lc ialiciotuly taken for each case, f o corre'ct the discaseU iction "V remove the obstrnctlonn which cause it. Kor Mnmtrrv or niarrSiuea, hut one mild tose W tfonerally ro-iuired. Ftir K!n'ii.n;u;ni, io:i. ravcl, Calpllitlo-j f the. llc.lrt, laln in thfi ilm, H-.icU nuil I,iui, they shouid be continuonüly ivqulrcil, to chance the diaonsed nctloncif the gygtem. With siicli changa those comuluints [laappoai'. For Draw; nnd ro!ical Sw!Ilnp thoy should !■■ taken ;.i largo and Iroqoent doña lo produre the i-Ooct of a drastle purge. For Mu]iri-aaiu a larae doae honW ho taken ts it proüncos draired effloot bv sympathy. Aa :: Winner l'U!, talie one ortvo l'illn u proïiule digestión and relieve the stomach. An pecaaional dóso stiniulatos the ptomach nnd towela ulo licalthy aotlon, restores the appetiie, md invigoratea iii; systcm. Henee t Is orten advnntajceous where no serioiia dcrantrement cvits. Une who tbebl tnlerablvv.nll.oilen llnds that adosa oftnese l'illn makea lum foei ilecidedly beller, ivoin heir cleansins and renovatinj; efleet'on the digesïve apparatus. DB. J. V. AYISTt S: CO., PraeHonl Chemltts, lOWELZ. DIA SS., xr. B. A. Pol.l at wholesale by FARÜAND, SHKLEY & CO Detroit. Un il -I I . tj 8 " ■ I O L 1 ; B h M 1 o - . 5 hl .2 -I í,rf Wíl R ÜJ h 2 jl ■Si ü O 3C 3 o s n8o P 5 11 R CC W rn V O P H o ■ g M O H O H A NN ARBOR CITY MILLS! BEST FLOUR $3.00 per 100 Ibs. OR AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. LEAVE ORDEH3 AT THE TOST OFFICE. J. T. SWATHEL, SEPT. 21nt. 1860. I138lf JÜMLRrARD ! C. KRAPF Hnsa Inrgeanil wellstnckfil Lumber Vr4. on Jofferson Strsot, in the south part "f tht' City, u.l wüi koopconntantly on hand an excdlrnt v.i riuty of LUMBER. SHLGLES, LATH, &C. l,i,-h will eLordnstw as can be afiorded inlMs maikot. QualitT aud prices snch that co one nceü to go to Detroit. COXRAD KKAPF, Ann Arbr,Oct.lst.l860. 980tf Go to E. W. ELLIS & CO's ' Ifor choïce Winos and Liqucrs, for Medical Pnrposep .


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Michigan Argus