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THIIE BEAllS AKE AHEAD! ÍOHNSON, THE HATTER, Has juet opened a I.arge Stock of WINTER GOODS! Iuclu-Ung InijWl Slylra of HATS & FURS ! WUicli i!l Bi -old LOWEIE?, TKAN EVER 1 ALSO A LACtl. STOCK Oï 3LOVJB8, COLLA BS, NEIK TlL.S, UANDKIC1U HIKVS, STC1IEÍ,S, CANES, Umbrellas. Parasols, &c. Pifase 'íriI.'i a dtixaixütt 'o v uodsbefurcpurcliaa dr el.sewhere. 0. 7 MAIN 8T„ - ANN IRBOIt MIOH. Xovcmbír, 13(ií. lïlstf 'T'HEODORE TAYLÜlt & CO., (srrcEsfloKK xo c, n. thijmvson a co.,) Wholesale and Ketail Dea le r Ín GROCERIES & PRODUCE FEU1TS, EXTRACTS, SPICES, Orockery, Glassware, Lamps and Oil, fable Cutlery, Plated Goods, Ijooking Glasses, STONE, WOOUEN, AND WILLOW WARE IIouiï KstablislHd In 1850. Ho. 13 Sonth Malmlreet, A.NN ARBOB, IVIIOH Theo. Taylor,' A. J. Sutherlandj 1217 V "V. rbe.lo, 200 pieces OF SIDE STEIPE MERRIMAO D. PRINTS, JUST KECEIVED AT TnE Farmers' Store ! AND FOR SALE AT 12 1-2 cents per Yard. 1241 Düï YOUB Looking Glasses or W. D. HOLMES, Ann Arbor, FOR 3 ltKASUNS. First, becauso hekefpstho best of Iraported Glaaa, and a good aBsortineulof square and archtop frames, and bellg OHEAP I Socondly, becautethey brtrjng to hjs buütness. Ho make tbem a specifllty, does bis ownirork, and eau a Hord t sell Tiilrdlj, Beeause he manufacture! tbem. and cao aait iviil .sell the of au y on e in the city. He also sella PICTURE FRAMES! The chet pent of anyboiy in the State- asfar as Leard f rom. NICE OVAL FRAMES FOR 6O CTS. Picture Cord, Tassels & Nails! PRENCH GLAS9- bj the Iight or box_ Forl'ictures orfor HOUSE G-XjAZiXIV-Gfr ! 3 BAST IIURON STREET, A.NN ABBOK, - - - MICH. llTStf T IVE GEESE FEATHERS PIBST QTJALITY, Constantly on hand and for sale by ABEL. Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair lo ïts natural Vilality and Color. JfrJfck " dressing wliich h ftfii 's a onco agreenble, yjáEÍJSfN hcaltliy, aud etïectiial ftdWBnl. hair. Faded or gray K r'jHSS aii' ' SOOÏ restored cffB&KSËSiSi with the gloss and ■=-JIüJHPb" Thin hair is thu-ltencd, falling hair checked, and balduess often, thoiigli not always, cured by its use. Nothiug can restore the hair whero the follicles are destroyed wr tho glands atrophied aud decayed. But such as remain eau be saved for usefuluess by this application. Iustead of fouling tho hair with a pasty sediment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. lts oecasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, aud consequently prevent baldness. Free from thosc deleterious substanues which mnke some preparations dangerous and injurious to tho hair, the Vigor eau only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothiug else can be found so desirable. Contaioiug ueitlier oil nor dye, it does not soil whito cainbric, and yet lasts loug on the hair, giviug it a rich glossy lustro autl a gra'.eíul perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analïtical Chejiists, IjOWELIi, MASS. PHICE $1.00. ioM at wholnaia uj PaKKamu, PHELEY CO1 letrcit. Al retüi 'ly all tlruggibts und nu'i'c-hauüisd ï alerrevm-ywbfr. "Sheridaü "2ÖMiïësAwaT" A. A.. TERRY, (HUCOKSSOV TO KKMTER & DIKHL,) Hs on hani a Uurgd and vntl ïek-cted stuck of WIISTTER GOODS iiicl:n;iiiL' a U'.W 1 of HATS & CAPS! ]AteBt f-iy les anl bost quality. Ladies' aml (ïeuts1 Furs, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Gloves, Collars, Nccktics, &-c, which wil! bc soUtut til Y ER Y LO WEST F1GÜBES! CS' Reraember t!c place, No. 15 South 3Iain Street, the oW slure of John West. Ann Artor, Drc.Ü, 1Í69. IStttf T ATEST NEWS ! WM. WAGNER, lían justopened a large stockof FALL GOODS ! 1SXLUDLVG CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTING8, &C. LATEST SÏYLES iND BE8T QÜAL1TIES WUICH UEOFERS 3LO WER than EVER Alto in Store a large stock oj READY-MADE CLOTHING AND Gents' FURNISHIüa Gooda. OARMËNTSMADETO ORDEEIN THEJ Alao LADIEl'and GENTS' MOROCCO SATCHELS No. 21, South Mala Stioot- Eastslde. CALL AND SEE THEM. WILLlAM WACNER. Ana Arbor,Seít.,1669. DEMEMBBE TH AT HULL. ROBINSON ï CO. KEEP A FÜLL ASSORTMENT OF 80LD CHEAP. 1245 pALL AT T1IÉ Farmers7 Store, and see their Goods and Learn thelr Prices. Everything in Dress Goods Marked Down. PBOCKERY! Ü CR0CKEB.Y ! IN FULL SETS OR PIECES, IN ANYVARIETY, AND OFTHE NEWEST PATTERNS, AT mu, wmm Sc eo's. PflYSICIANS' PreBcripi tions Accurately and Care folly Preparod by li. W.ELLIS&CO. r ADIE8' FABHIONABLB SHOE HOUSE. 2... "3?JXfEl.k2SIE. ■M soutu Mam Stieet, Dealer In LADIE'S BOOTS AND SHOES, THE [NEWEST STYLE3 UT Kid? Oalf, and Cloth, Al wavs on h;iulf and Stock and Work Guaranteed. IP YOL' WA Ni A BOOT, A. GAITERJ A liUSKIN", OK A. SLIPPER, CALL AND EXAMINE UIS STOCK BÏÏORE PUB CHAÍIXC. PRICES LOWEB than tha LOWESTR. TARRANT. Ann Arbor. MJ 171h, 18. A ÜÜUD CUP OF C3 dL 2?" "XP 3SS 353 l IF Y OU WANT THE WHEREWITH TO MAKE IT, GO TO HULL,_ROBINSON& CO. fjlOAKlKGS ÍUÜU, CHINCHILLAS ! ftMiiAKAN AND SCARLSi BiiuniibLüiH .A.T THB FA li MEES1 STORE. A FULL AND CHOIC3 LXlsrEOy GROOERIES! MAY BE FCrtTND AT Huil. Eobinson & Co's,_ TnOR"AflJLirLÏ'NE 0F PLANNELS, PLAÍDS, NAPKINS, TABLE LINENS, BLEACHED GOOD9, TICKINGS AND DOMESTIC GOODS OHEAP, GO TOTHE FARMERS' STORE DIY GOODS! GROCERIES, CARFETS, OIL CLOTHS ! AT THE FARMERS' STORE. DEGISTE ATI ON NOTICE ! The Board of Hcistratiou of the Citv of Ann Arbor will meet on SATURDAY, Al'KÍI, SKCOND, fc70, ut the followiüR places In tlie overal wards : lst Ward, at the store of E J. John.-iiu, 2d " " " ' ' Oro F. Lute. Sd " " Shcriff-s Office, Court IIousc. 4th " " Kiremen's Hall 5th " Shop of G. II. Khoden. 6th " " Doau's Room, Medical College. Comnienclng at ft oVlock a. m„ and cloüin at 8 o'clock H., Tot thp purpose of correcting and completing the severfii Wftrd rtigistratlon lista. All [kt. Boni? vho wlll bc cntitled to voto at the charter election to b held Moudiiy, April 4lh, 1870, should register their nnines. By order uf the Bonrd of llcsistration, GEO. II. KHODES, Ch'ii. E. J. Jouneon. Secfy. Ann Arbor, March lTth, 1ST0. I261v3 Attacbment Notiee. JOHX McPERMOTT . Patri.k McDermot t. Jumes MyDenr.oit, i)wn M Ocrrnott, Miirgaret McDitmott, Mary UcDermott, Mlchael McDermott, Anng McDermolt,Patrick Ilusión. Thomftfl 1 Fusión, Charles Bostoiii Staaw Un9ton, Uicbael Huston, Mary lla6ton nno Norall HuÉTton, NoüCQ li luifi-y '_■:■. 'ti. that a wrlt of attachraent vn8, on the teventeenth day of Jauaary( 1 ïTO, lsned out of tlie Circuit Cimrt for tbe County of Washtenaw, at the euit of tb above hained phtintiff, John McDermott, agarnst the lands, teuemtsats, yoods, chattles, morcysand eilccts of Patrick McDonnott, James McDermott, Owen McDermott, Margaret Mc Dcrmott, Mary McDermott, Mlchael McDormott, Annc McDermott, Patrick Hneton, Thomas Boston, Chiirlt1 Huston, James Hnston, Mlchael Ilusión. Mary lltiMon iid Mornli Hmton, defendsntSi for the ëum of i ilit liuruired dollurs, rcturnnble on the fifth day of April. ïicxt, at ten oc]ock, ■. u. Uiit-(i, Ann Arbor, Maroh 16th, 1ST0. 1ÍÍ61W8 i'. EBSNAN, for PlUt Attaclimcnt Noticc. NOTICI5 ie hereby iivi-n, tl fit on the second day of Februury, A i) 3frhfieeo hundred mul seveuty. a writ of attuchment vtBB issue. l out cf tin; Oircolj Oonrt ror tbeCouatT of Wns-hti-naw, in favor of John MoOregor und Thomas MoQragor, phiintitfs, ftgahiat the Uuids and tanemeots. joods, chattels, moneya and effecta of L. R Butclu-lder, defeodant, for the .om of two bandredand twclve dollar and ■eventy-two centa thal Mid wi it of attachmeot was retnraable on Mouday, the 14th day of Pebrnary, A. 1). civilicen handred and eeventy, aodthat It appears trom the retara jf sjiní writ tbal property hu been nltached thereou, and that said dvfendiint could not befound. Dated, UarchOth, 1SV0. JOHN X. OOTT, 12Ci)w6 Attormv for gklaiiffs. Estáte of Jcrusha L. Judkins. PTATEOP MlCHMAN.Coanty of Wahtenaw. ís. u Notie; in herehy'iven, tl, at by an order of the Probate Court for the County of W'ii-vhtenaw, na the iwenty-lirsl day UI Maieh, A. D. ]TO, six montbi trom thal date were allowed f,r credlton u present tliuir claims aaalnst the astato of Jernaba 1.. Judkins, late of said Connty, deceaaud and tbat all creditors oí :i:l deceaeed are requlred to ]iv-rTir Huir (luimt to lald Probate Court, at the P Ollice in the city cl' Aun, for examinaUop and allowance, onojrbefoi tbe twsnty first day of September aext, and thai sach olalms iil b ■ beforc snid Probate Conrt, on SAtnrday, the tweotynntday of May, and on Wedneaday, the twcnty-Urat day of Beptember m-xt, at ten o'clock in the forenoon ofeacli of thope days Dated. Aun Arbor, March iUt A. T.. 1-M HIBAMJ BSAKE8. 156a" Jodge of Probate. Real Estáte for Sale. CJTATBOPMICmGAN,Conntjof.WahtBii 7 In the matter of the estáte of Ollbert Shojvers, deceased Nol y giveu, that lu pui of : lt i order granted tothe nnderstgued, Administrator of tlie satate of sald deceased by the Hou. Judo of Probate for tlie County of Wuslitenaw. on tBe twenty-etehth brnaryi A. O. io, there wlll be sold :.t pnblii bidder, at tbe ofilceof the Townehip Clerk, iii Sylyan, in the Couuty of Washtenawtln sald State, oti Thnwlny, twent.i List. day of April, A. I) ïTc, at one o'clock in the afternooB Of that day, ttbjed toall encambróneos by mortgags or otherwfee exlstipg ai the time .'i' the aeatb pi è.ii'! djetpaicdo the (hllow■liiittl real ehii,;.'. rlai OommeBdng tliirrv roos west of the northeast Cijrui i1 tventytvo, in towuship two of range threo cast, in said State, thence west iili.n Baid HejOUon line to the northwest corner of the east lialf of the northeast ouarter of sold section tweuty-two, iticm-.' touthon the west line of taiit lot to the centvr of tlie I rial roatl, tbence aöviheaaterlj ilnnr; the center of öEiid Territorial road to the place of Deglnmng, cou tainiiiL' four acres, more or lesa, Dated, Kebimiry 88Ü, A. I. 18T0j GEOHOI W. TURNBULL. 12M Admlnlatralor, Comraisaionerö' Notice. Staïk OF MICHIQAN,Oonnty ofWashtenaw, : Tin? under&igued hav!u# been appoluted by the Probate Cour) for ald Coquty. Comralt ;imine a ml adjust i!l clatfuB mul (Wmh.-iihIn of all peraoi I Le estáte of Erfralloughtou, lato of Mld County, decoased, hereby pflve ootlce thnt !i;t monlliS trniu date W alluwwd 1)V Ordr uf Mild Probate Ooiwt, forcredltorg to present theii lüiüin.-; tl of 9&ld fl( -i ■:. itiül that Llu y will meet at the luto r ia teel in the townehtp of w' bster, In salü Confity, on Saturday, thefourteenthday "f Bfay, and WedneaÜay. the aevi , al ten o'clock A. ftf. uf eacb ofsaiddaya, to reeeïve, eiumiuc, and udjiut said cl alm b. DaUd. alarch Tth, A. 1. Ifiïfl. 12fi0w-l W1LUAM R.WALDRO& l CommiMlane i; ERT ttcCOLL, JConunisslone. Estáte of Keirno CoHteïlo, Jr. STATBOF MICHIGAN, County of Waehtenaw, aa Notice i-; luTcliy etveu, ihai by an order of the Probate Courl for the County of Washtenaw, w the uiiuh day of Harch, A D. 1870, sta mouths from tiiat date wure allowed for creditora to . thelr clattns ajtalsftt the estáte oí Kei ren ii.. late ofaatd umuty.deceaaed, and that all credItorfl oí' Bald deceased are rvquired to present thcir claims to sald Probate Coart, at the Probate Ofilce, m tbe City ui' Aun Arbor, for xamlnatton and allowance, on or before the ninth day of September , next, and that Buen olaimj) will benean) bsforo said Probate Coturt, on Satarday, th.' tsevi-ntii iy of M?iy, and Frlday, tho ninth day pf September nexti at ton odock in the fbrenoon of cue h uf those rtnys. Uatcd, auu Arbor, Marchi'iii A. - IIIHAM J. BSAKRS, ■1-J01W4 Judge of i'robute. Eatate of Samuel J. Freeuian. STATU! OV MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, bs Kotlce is bereby gtven. thatby an order ui' the Probate Cuurt for the County of naebteoaw, made ou the teiuh day of March, A. l). I8Ï0, slx months from Ui.'ii ,;..■, tedfor cradttora to present thelr dafms agaiuat the estáte of Samuel J. Preeiniin, late of tak! County, deceasedi and that all creditora of Bald decea&eq are required to preseut thelr claims tti B&td Probate Court, at the Probate Office, in th' City of Ano Arbor, for examinaUon and allowance on or before the tenth day of September] ïiext, nud that eucii claims will bc board before Bald Probate Court, on Satarday, the foorieenth day of .May, u uil on Saturday, the tenth day of September hexty at ten o'clock in the forcuoon of cach of cnose flays. Dateü, Ann Arbor, March Mih.l&70. UI1ÍAM J. BBAKES, 129ir4 Judge of Probate. Commi&sioners' Notice. CjTATEOFinclUCiAX.Cimntyol WimhtPiiaw. as. O Tin' andcrslzned bavlng been áppolnted by the Probate Conrt i'i'r."i'.l County, Oommisaionersto recelre. examine] and a4Jn,at ;tll claims and demanda t ;ill persone againat ttíe estáte of Daniel ilixson, late of aaid CauDty, deceased, hereby glve notice that tix OftúlLtbe from flaCe &ra allowedby order of sa:l Probate Cqnrt forcruilitors toprenentther claims agalns! theef I iceased, oud thatthey wil) meet at the officu uf s, b tn the villuge of Clinton, in the Uottuiv i . on Saturday, the alxteenth day of April, and nbnday, the twelfib day of September, mxt, aí ten o'clock A. M. ofeacfa of sald days, to receive, exíiminc ana iiüjubt aaití claims. Dftted, March mh. A 1. 18T0. UQX DraSSunrn. }commiBoner8. Mortgage Salè. DKPAULT having been made i the enndition ol a certaln mortgage executedby Loreiieo Duvte, ol A mi Arbor, Michigan, ou tho 14 ih day t Jone, A. D I8CÖ, i ■ ity, autl recorded in the office of the Register óf Deeos, the, Slet dayol Ju ut', A. D Isüü, atoli o'clock P.M, in überlMio! morfgages, oö page ts, on wblch moi clalmed io be due at tiiu date of tiüs nonce, ihc aum of five bundred and tóur dollai b and seven cents, am' that tbore wilï become apon sald - the Uih day of Jone, A. D. 18T1 tho aam of two hmulrctl a'id eleven dollara and forty aeven cents 9ieet fifom the date hereof at ten per cent., besides the cotL3 and epenaea of thiej forecloeure, Includlng reasou able charges for Ai toioey's or Sollcitor'a services, and no suit or próceedlng at laW or 'u eqalty having been Lnsütated to recater the debt, or auy part tbereof, notice bereby gieren, that by vlrtne of '„he ijuu'pr of sale in said mortgage containedtl shall --ü at pnblic auclion, to the blgbefit bidder, ou the23d day Of April, A. D. ISTO, at '2 o'clock in the afternoon of that day, at the front door of the Court House, iu (be i rbor, n tiieCouuty of Waehtepftw, and State of Michigan, Ihe premisea dea rtbed In said mortgagü, ?. follows, to-wit.! Five acres of land In ihc of tho northweet qaarter of Bection namber thlrty-three, in towosputh, in rai six föj eaeli iu Aun Aro r. in the CoHaiy of washtenaw, in tne Btate of Michigan, being eleven chainsand eleven links in iength, cast and west, and eighteen i' ds wido, north and south. Dutcil. danuiuy 39thi 18T0, HENKY L. JAMES and LYMAX D. JA:: Kxccutori of tbe liit wUI and leetament gif Enoch Jamee, Uiiu ol v7ashteñaw Jaux N. Cotí, County, de ! Attorney for the Ejecutora, &c 1ü5J Mortgago öale. WUEREA8, Charles Scouton, ofGraestake, In theCouiuy of Jackson, and Statu oí Michigan, ou the sevento day of Ociober, A. 1. exeented a mortgage to Charlea Wbedon, of the Btate of New York, to secure ihe payment of certain principa] and Interest for the parchase möney ui the premises thereiu mentiuncd, vrhlch mortgage was recorded ín the office of the Regteter of Deeds in the County of Washienaw(and8tato ol y. aforesaid. on tbe I2th day of Octuber, A. D. i : 9 o'clock A. M. of said day, in Uber 'M ot mol I on page ZdS ; And whereits, dcfault has been made ï. r more tbau tbirty days ia the paynwnt ot' an installraent of Bald interest money wnich became due on the seventh day of October A. D. 1SGÍ, by reABOn w hereof . and pursuautto the terms oí' said mortgage, saïd mo.rtgagee elects that bo much of b.-iiil principal na rcuiJiius urjpaid with uil arrearages of interest thereoa, ühall become duo and payablo immcdlatelTi and whereas, thcro i.s clalmea io bc due mul unp;üd on said mortgajre at the date of tiiiá notíoo tliö sum of two thoueund and thirty-fíve dollnr f(r principal and interest) aiso an Attorneys fee of thirty dollars should any proccedtngs bo taken to forcclose sald mortíísge. and no auit or proceedings have luien inBtitntewúither in law or equlty to recover the i obiq oranj part thereof: Notice tiiercforc. la glven, that on Saturday. the clcvcnth aay of June, next, at two o'clock in tho afternoon, at ihe soutli door of the Court House, ia the diyofAoo Arbor, belng the building In whioh the Circuit Conrf for tho County of Waahteouw and State aforegald in held, and by virtuc of thé power of sale contained in said mort jrae, I abaU BêU ut puhUo auclion, to the bjigeet bidder, the premisea degertbed in said mortgage (o aatlsfy the amooni of principal and ba teres t above dalmm ;t? dae, with the Attormy's fee of thirty dollars and cha?L of sales to-wit : All those certaln pieces or prcclsof laud situatod in the towoship orShflfon, and Connty ot VVavbtenav, and State of iUchian, deftcribed as follows, to-wit: the enetpart of the southweat fractional qaatter of BOCtiou No. sí-ven (') in town tbxee Boath of range three (?) east.coAtalnlng eïijhty acres of land aleo the west half of the fsonthwest qaarter of sention Nuinber eeven (T in townshlp three '■') eouth ot range three (:ij east, coutainiug sixty acres of laud, more or leB. Dated, March Tth. 18T0. ( iiAiu.KS wiii'DOX, Mortgagee. John N.Gott, Attoruey. for Mortgagee. 160 Llortgago Sale. DEFAULT hcrlng been made ín the condMion oi'a certaln paortgage exeented by Prederlck Mayei and Uarla Barbara a ayer, bis vvife, to Desnore Cramer, on the lOth day of Juue, A. O. I wirh power of sale tberein containtd, ín tlic office of the Register ui' Dceds for the Coiiuty of Wasnte naw, in the State of Michigan, on the loih day of Jnne, A. l. 1887, at T ', o'clock IJ. M., In líber 35 of mortLojres, on TTs, and by an instrument of date the 83 day ofJnly, a. D. 186Ö. and recorded In the offleo ofjhe Register of Deeds Aforcsatd, on tbc 2d day of July, A. T). i 5 o'clock P. M ., in Uber 2 of ai of mortgageíb orí pace 28ü.duly aattigned bysaid Deusmorc Cramer to Maria Barbara Uayer, on whlch mortgage Ihore Is Clalmed to be due at the date of thts nollce, theanm of three hundred and one dollars and ten cents, ami inteicst from the date hereof ut the raio of tei: per cent., bebides the costs and expensesof tlii.4 toreclosnre, Inclnding an Attorney fbeol twentyi:i- dollars, a hou ld any proceedinge be tafeen i i fóreiid mortgage, aiul ii' uit or proracdiagB at law or in chancery Imviug been I i recover the som 8 éne or any part thereof. Notice is therefore, hereby given, that by vtittte of the power of Bale ooptained In saUl m 'rtgaL;e, whlch bas become operatlve by tbe defíiult aforcsald, and in pursuauco of the statate In BÜcb case made and provlöed, I bliull Bell ut public auctiou, to the hlghest bidder, on the fourth day of Juno, a. 1). 18T0, al 2oolockin the aftornoou of that day, at the soath door of the Court House, in the Cily of Ann Arbor, in the Coáutyof Washtenáw, and St te of Michigan, fthat beluff the place of holding tbe Circuit Oourt within said Countyf the premiees descr]bod In sald nu ; follows. vin: That parcel of land beine ou that part of sectioa twenty lying easterly ofswlft and Denbell's mili pond, town two sonto of raí sast, and Stilte of Michigan, commenctng at the soutbwest corner of a oertaln Street ronjolüfrom Pontlac street westerly to the uortbeast corner of land deded by Normftn Chapín and wife to John T. Sw al hel, thence northerly alonff tho line i' land now owned by Tacob Seabolt, to land owned ■ ■ Bmith, thence westerly along the line of said Smith'e land to sald millpond, thence soatherly along the margin of said pond to land qow owned by aaid Bwathel, thence alone the northerly line ofeaid BwatheÜfl land Ln as aásfeerhr áireenon to the place of l)i gtuuiug, conlaining aboat fn e acres, more or lesa ; always reseivlng the rlght to enter upon sald prómÍ8' e at all times at the weterly end of the ahovcmentioned Btrwt. so as to galo aoeeas with a team or otherwise to the land qow ownod by Bald Swathei, and lying southorly from said iïvc aerea. Díitcd, Aun Arbor. Mich., Murch mth. 18T0. MARTA BAKBAR MAYElï, Biovavd Biaban, A.-igueo ofMortsgeo. Atlorncy lor As8i:nce. Mortgage Sale. DEFAUT.T having been made in the condltlons of .i cortatn mortgage made by Nat hun iel O. Qat to Thomas P. Leonard, dated the Sïoth day of December, A. 1). 1865, and recorded on the 19tn day of October, a. i. i ■ ' lock y. ii., in tbe office of the Register i i íor ashtenaw Oonnty, iiichigau, Ln liber 36 of mortgages, on p said mortgage ras duly assiguod by Bala Thomas P. Leonard i Öodfrey i avid ETrederlcK by asslgnment bearlng date tho 6tb day of ffebrnanr, A.l. l6T, and dnly recorded In tbe btegisters office aforeeaid, on tbe 26th day ol Murch, A. !. LSCT, al -i'i o'clock i-. 3i.. in libcr :■(■ of mortgages. on pftffe 1T6, npou wblch mortgace there is uow claim ed to be due al tbe date of tnia notice tho thundred and thiny six donara and seventr-áre rent'-, b provided for i;: sold mortgage and ao suit or proceeduïg at luw or in equlty bavfng been htwtitatefl Eo recover the same or any part Üiereofs Now, therefore, by vtttue t the power of sale In said .■■..- :.■- contained, and by vlrtue of the stat uto ln Bticb uctice i hfireby glvcit, thfti ii" 8atai day of April, next, at lo o'clock Iü the furouoon of that day, al the eonth door oftbo Court Hoküc, in Uu city of Anu Arbor, Oounty of Washtcnaw and 3tate of Michigan, Cbeing th placo of holding the Circuit Conrt wiihin Bald Goünty), there will 1 u publle lui-titm, to Ihe hi ■ descilbed in said m so much thcraof as aecessary w witisfy the amouirt due on i al i mortgage, wlth interest, and eoets, and expenses kllowed by taw ; which Bald premiaaa are deacrlbed isfollows: Lpts No. oue four, ftve andelght(ÍD ilock Ño. Uve. in Brown and Puller'a Addltlon totbe Vllkige, now City uf Ann Arbor, Eq the County of Washtenaw, ln tho State of Michigan. Dated, Auu Arbor. Jan, SSth, 18T0, AUGUSffüÖWIDKKMANN. Admlniitrator of th Bátate of Gorifrfy T). Prederick, deoeaoed, Kdvakp T. SlawbCHi Attoruoy. 1284 Morlgagt! Salo. DEFATJLT haring been made In the rond i t ion of a ■ in i Barbara May r lu I redt rl 'M Bel mld ou i !■. v ui' J uur. A. I). L864,rocorded with the powoi of wie thorc 11 contal n cd In t)i of&co of i i Pci''i - ior the County of Wavhtunaw in thi f Michltfiu.oa tho 8 tb day f 1 1:10 uclock 1'. M.. lu llber 32 of mort; i by :tn Instrument if fttaiitmcnt tx lulo tb Jujr, A. J. ; ■■.', imd i ii in tho otttce of the of Deeds a ■ )E Ihe Sd dn y Jöl, A. 1. I8fi3, il i.' _, v. .M.. in llber 2 of asalgnmenl ued by biiM P'rederick Schmid to . BubscqueoUy by nncther 1 1 - 1 1 i r, m ■ j( M:inli, A. l. 1870, and reeorded In i! lú-.i-i. . . ■ Lforf j-üiil, on the Rd day of Man-h, A. 1). 1670. al i M vi(.(k P. M.. lu llber 2 of i monta of mortgatres, ou pace 43, duly re ne hy :iil Marta Barbara Mayer to 8a id Frederfck Schmld iijtt aPterwarde, by n fnrthcrinrtí iment of nieutbearliig date the 2d day ol Marcb K. D. id recorded Ed Un1 office of the Retrister of iforcaald on the 4th day of Mnrch A. 1). W1 ■u ic1 't o'clock A. M ■, Ín liber 2 of asigu menta of . pago ■ ■ íigaln rc-aeelaued hrald to Buld María Barbara Maver, on whi-h i m i . í r lj ;■_'■- there La claimed to be dueat the ate of iiii-' no Ice, the Bum of flve hundred and wo dollars and tventy-t.. o estfrom the date hereof at ther&te f ■; the costa and expenses of thia foreí locludlng mi Attorney lee of twenty dollare, ghould aiiv proceedlnga be tnkun tqforeclose sald mo juni no Bult or proa edlugs at law or Ln chaui ery bavhl' been Instltuted to recover the snm -o due ór any l;trt thereof : Ñottce la, therefore, hereby chai by vlrtne ol thu power f sale cootalned ín Baid mortga by thedéfanit aforeaafct.andin punnance of tho b tata te a case mude and provided, 1 shall a -M at public auctlon, to the higheat bidder, on the fourth day of Jone. A. I). !-.;. at two o'clock In the i fternoon of ti:;'.r day, at the BOitfh door of t He Co Aun Arhov, ín tho Conniy n! Wnsbtenaw and State of Michigan, tthat belng the place, ol holding tho ■ i withln aaid Couuty), the premises deecribt'd ln Baid mortgage, as follows, víjs : 8 in the Coanty of Wasbtenaw and State of Michigan, in Brown A Fullers Additton to the village ol .muí Arbor , (now ctty), comía' oty-seveu fet u rinwt-Btei'ly iïom tUc aouthsrly corner of block seven ln :ií l Addition, on Mili Btreeti running thence northerly along Mil! street about two fcet ut the line oí Ponti ic Btreet, thence aorth. along tbe Une ol Pontlac Dty-two feet, thence eastwardly ahoul flfty and onehaír feet, thence northeaatwaruïy ftXty-eïghl and one hall feet, thence eonthwestwaxdly and parallel wlth Bj ■ abotit ne hmidred and forty-two feet tr the place of beglnnlng, containlng forty rodsof landor au the ?ftint; more ur Ii1., it beim: the same premlpec conveyed by warranty deed to the said i'! UayerbyVolnev Chapín andwife, Norman ! ■. Charros A. Chapín and wlfe, ou the ilJtli dayof June A D. ísJ. , Aun Arbor. Mlch., Marcti lOth.WTo. MASÍA BARBARA MAYER, liiou'K ÜKvii.iN, Atasnee -'i Morí Attoruey for AseÍfQce. I2C0 Mortgagc Sale. DËFAULT haviii been made iu thc con di a certain mortgage, eiecuted by John Dlefal and I -'ühl, ola wlfe, of the city of Ann Arbor Couutytjf ' . - .iclúgnn, on the lüth day ol .luly, A.D. Ifeü-J, t , of the .same place, anü recorded, with líiu power of bale thereln coutained In tho office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Wafihtenawt iu tho State of Michigan, om the L2lh day of Angustí A.D. I86ffi m two oclocb X. M., In Elber 84 of mortgagös, on page liti, ou which mortgage and promisdory note accompanying methereis clauned to be due at the date ol iuiicet tlio suni o 1' even hundred and ninetyfoordollara and two fonLís. principal and Interest, beaides the costo and expenses ofthls foreclosare, and an Altorney'j fee of twoury-ilvu dollard, should any proceedlngs be taken to foreclose said mortgage, and uo snit or pruceediugö al luw or in eqolty havlug been hád to recover sau anin oje a.ny part thereof. Nowi thereforOi notlceifl herehygivetti infttby Tlrtnc [KAver of sale in sakl mortgage cod tained. i Bhatl Beu at public auctlon ;j the btghesl bidder, ou thu S8th day uf May nest, il two o'clock in the aíteruoon of that day, at tho south door of the Court Ëonse, In the City oí' Aun Arbor, Coonty i Washt naw, and Btate of Uichigan4 (beiDg thc place ot holding thé Circuit Court wlti Couuty,) Ihe preoiees descrlbed iu 8ú'l mortgage, or so mach thereof as may be nocessary to satisfy thc aroount due on said mortgage, with interest and coeta and expeasea allo wed by law, which sjiiü premises are described as folio ws: All the piece or parcel of land beglnning at thc Boutheasterly corner of Traver's Additioii number two to thevillage of Ann Arbor, Wasttfenaw County. Michigan, thence northwesterly atong the Boutherly bounds tt Baid addition four chaina, th nee nortneaatery al w. sLt-rl v line of lot mimber two In Baid addltion eleven chaina and twelvo links to the northw corner of baid loc n amber two, thence norl four degrees easti otne chala three and a half link- to landsdeeded by Absalom Traver to 2.S. Puicipher, thf-nco south thirty-sï sala Pnlclpher'a land bíx chaina aud twentytwo liuka to tiic easterly bounds ol said addition, thence south forty degreei aod Uiteen minutes wedt uiue ch.ïins ana fifty and onehalf links along si bounde to the place of begínn Djí, containlng Bve aerea -if.:! fifty-eijjht huudrctlths of au acre, be the eumc uiore ur fess. Dated, Am: Arbor, Feb. BÖth, IS70 UAOIÏ, Slortsageo. RimivRD BbaVah, Attorn I ■■ Mortgage Sale. DEFAÜLThfl .n the conditlons ol n eer tuin inortage made by Johu Gh to Anthony Ln. ;,'. . John Burke, JrM and Edward Burky, dated tlie ninth day ot' January, A. D. l. s, and recorded uu the uien teen tb dar of January, A. i. IOT?, in the '■ rof Deeda for H'ashten:nv C'ounty, ïfichigas, iu líber of mortgoges, ou paiic 233, which said nu ly thesald Anthony Burke nd Johi I tiie Baid Bdward Burke, by ded of assigDmt the eléventh day of September, A. l). 1869, which . as daly recorded lu the Re aforewaid, on the eleven th day of October. A, D. (.689 in llber 2 of asslgnments of mortgages. on p i pon which mortgago there le no o be duf the Bum of ftve hm. . . besides t tic Butn of tiürfy dollarfl as an Attorney or Solicitóla fue provided for in caid mortgae; andno su i t or proceediniïs havlng been LumuuWO at law to recover the aam now due andsecurcd by safd tnortor any part thoreof, now, thereore, by virtue of the pi wor of sale contained In saldi m aud by virtue of the Btatuteln tuch casa maduaud providvd, notlce is hereby glven that ou Satarday, thc tweuty-flrst day of May nest, at 18 oclock noon, of that day, at thc soutli door of the Cour! li" ise, in the City of Ano Arbar, f Vahtenawrand State of BCichigan, ■■ holding the Circuit Court wilhln ald Countrl, there will be &old ::l public nitctjoü, to the hfghest bidder, the premlsefl dewsrib il i -iiivi uiortgatfo, or so mu?h thereof as m y be uecesaary tosatlsfytheamountdue ou s;ud mortgage, with ih 8, inchniIngan Attoruey fee of thlrty doUara as aforesaid, which Baid premisos aro dèscrlbed as follows: The 8OUÜtwetquarCBrol the Bouthwest qoarter ol No. twenty-eight, township No. onaaoutO of rauge : ; and alacha Mr,[ uï land two roda in wldth, takon from the Boathendof the uorthwe&t quarter of the sonwest quarter tl ■ . twenty-cight lownMiip one Bouth of raí of laud two roiUs Ln witHli. taken from tbo eaatuide of i he flrsi above descrlbed paveel : n'. iic above deBCribed lande belng In the Statfl of Uicbigan. Datcd, February 23d, 1870. BDWARD BITHKB, R. Bkahn, Morlgagee and A. Attonu-y for Mortff agee and Abslj ntee. 158 Mortgago 8üle. D'AULThaving ' :' the condlUonsol :i certain mortgage( made and executed by Gott" fried David Priedrlck, and Jakoblua Priedrick, hts wife, of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Ml to Truraan Schram, of the same place, ou the I7th (lav oí February, A. ]. ;. aud recorded In the Registe ra Office of ashtenaw County aforeaald, on the i-i i day Pebrüary, A. !■ 1806, ac i;; - ov lock A. At., ofaaldday iu Iiber33ofmortgages, on page --': which said mortgage was doly asslgncd by the said Traman Schram to B. H. 8pauldlng. byauaseign ment dated the 17th day of March, D. LSGö.aod recorded i ti the Registert Office ui sald Couuty, on thu lSth day oi' M:;rch. A. O. ISCö, at 9 o'clock A. M., In líber 33 of mortzages, on page 402; which takl waa agaln duw aaeignra by the sal I 8pauTd(ng to Jtinica Y Koyce, by an asslgnment dated Ihe ytii day of September, A. i 1666, and recorded in the liexi&ter'a cfllce of sald County on thoSTth day of January, A. i. IS8, at ■' o'clock 1. -M„ in liberl ui' Assigomenta of Mortgatree, i upon which a tl tho uotcaaccompanylng the same, there ia now cla ■ due at the date of thia notlce, the aum of foïr hundred and Blxty i ree dollars, and seveoty-nine centa. bcsidea an Attonifv's fée of tweuty doUara provided for la Baid mortgagt,aud no aait or proceediug havin Inetltated at law or In to recover thu same or any part thereof; Now, thèrefore, by virtue ut ihe power of sale contained m eaid mo and by virtue of thfi provided, notico la Uercby iveu, that onSaturday, Ehe7th day of May, A. D.Ï lü o'clock f u the (brenoon of aaid day, at tho sonth door ot' the Court En the ity oi Ann Arb,or, County ol Wahtenaw, and State j Michigan, tbeing the place of the Circuit Court wiihiu Baid County J there will be eoldat public anctlon, to the high ent bidder, thu promlsea descrlbed in Baid morteage, or so mnoh tbereofaa may be neceasary to eatiefy the amount due on said mortgace, with interest ándeoste Bind expenses allowed by law; which Baid pn i scribud as follows: All the foHowlng describí [tfurttèd in Ann Arbor, and I of WaahtenaWi and State of Michigan, beicg the soutueast quarter or thu northwest quarter, and the ii' rth half of tbc uortheast quartor of the aootiiwest quarter of Bectlou number tweuty-three, In towoship two south of raneo slx east, coutaiuiug sixty acres of land, mora oí lees. ratcd, .Uiu Arbor, Peb. Vlth, I8Ï0. JAMES V. ROW : Eowari H. SLAW80N, Atuniit-y. 1256 Mortgage Sale. DEffAXTLT havlng been mada In thecondltioD of a eertaio naori rage executed by BUaa EUch to Harriet a. Ashbjr, iü the tweuty-elgüthday oï 8 bor,A. i'. i;:'4. recorded, with fche power oléale thciviu coutalned, In the office of the K.-Uti'r of I)i èda for the County ol Waahtenaw, In the state of ; at one o'cJock p. m., on the nineteenth day of Septembf r. A. i. 1865, ln llber Ho. 21 of moi onpage7SS, and by an Instromen! ofasslgnment date the twenty-fourth day of January . " 1865, :ív.[ recorded lu the office of the Register of Detids afo p.w. on the sécond lay ol November, A D.1809, Inliber S of aselgncnentsof mortgajreB, on page B?4, duly thesaid Qarrl : to Lucy A. nimed to be due n the chite of thia ootlcc, the sum of twelve huudrod and ten dollars tnd four cents, principal and Interest, and no auit or procecdlngs at law oriu chancery havlng been Inetl iuted to recover Üie èuïn so due, or anj part thereof, aotlce is, therefore, hereby ftlven, that by Lr tic contatned ín said rnortgage. which tas o come operatíve by the default ftf ii pqrwance of tite statute ln Buch case mi trovided thjo Baid mortgage will.attheConri n the ('!■■.■ of Ann Arbor, in the County of Washteiaw, and SCnteof Michigan (thatbctng the place of the Circuit Court wltuln said County) on ;he twen ty-third day of Apiil, A. l. 1870, it. eleven ; n the Foreno u,be foreclosed by a Bale of the . describad in said mortgagc, Bubstantlaily aa . of York, in theCouny ol Washtonavr, andStateof Michigan, thosecertain ,racts or pareéis of land known and described aa tliu torthWesi tjuarter of the southeaat quarter, and tho ipathwest quaricr of the ikOrtbeaat quarter of aectiou ïo. twenty-two '■.'.-. in townahip four Bouth of ranee rtx east, conti I ■ aerea : also une other adoinlug paipej oi Land, belng all that Kirt of the lortheaet qnarter ■ f the Boutnwi section twentj two, whloh Hes south and eaat of the irr:i! Bidge Road, ruunng throush satd landt exceptng therefrom two acres lytag in the Boutheaat corner hcreof. and bnunded uorth by said rond, east by thc and hnreindescribed, aud south by laud owucd .by L. M. Rose. Dated, Anu Arbor, January 2T(h 1ST0. ' UCY A. fLDa, ;il-f Of U0 B. F. Gbaroibi Attornoy. Mortage íSale. DU I.T hiivin - ín the cnmÏÏtion of ;i '. i rLaiii u execnled ly Wiiliam M. UrowD mul Laura B. Brown, bis wifi, ol ■ il Mi.U: ol Michigan . tu WUliam tlalbert, oj the City of Aon jw tloresflUl, uu ihe 27tb ■ or the Count) of tt'a&uie. of Jauoary, . . J) 1 o'clock ■■. ■ i1 &5 of . n Web -."iii : ■ Wüliam II ulbei . iiiu li tl;iy ol Det'em uf ! Kegisier ol ■ tuntv o.. ■ . . libor No. 2 if ai ftUO bül '.' MUtl uf IWO d tour hundred and ulnety four dollars and feu ui thirl y Bhouid ay pn I w Baid mortgauc and no ; ■ ■■ ■ : euin or any part ■ -y -.■ivcii, iltüt by vlrtne of a power uf sale lo said mortgaj t-ilneil, at public anctlon, to tb; blshvst bidder on I be - 3d dy of April next nt 2 o'clock r u. of saiuday, at the front ao n of the Conrt House. City or Au Oounty aforesaid, all and bcin i ii the towoahipof Manchester, in the County of n . ■■■ ofMichigAD, known and deBcrlbed aa boqi er of the northeast : of we Uo Ni, ten, and the nouthwest anar of il1-" northweal auarterof uccliou numtx r eleV(.11. in townshtp fonr sonth of range : kl States gunrey.containingeighty aerea oí I ame moro ur lean. Datod, Janoary 23lh, 18Ï0. . JOIIN' vr. COWAN, Joan N. Gutt, tffnee of salé Mortgage. Attorney i' i ttortgage. U..4 CLanccry Notíoe. VT A 8ESSTON of the Circuit Coart forthe County of Waehtcnaw, held at the Court House in tho City of Ann Arbor, February 25 th] Uon. Samuel HLigby Circuit Judge, enaw. In the Circuit Court for oiity at Washtenow, in Uhanceiy. 13i!l fllcd by Hannah Loulse Sackett, Complainant w. Solomon Vanfleet. Henrj L ■ oan D. James, Julin Costello and Kelran t'ovUu. Junior Jr ap] ifactorily to the Court Uutt Beorj . i. man i -■ :,ieiits ui tfdssachuaetts i . Sollcitor for the Complalnani . it is ordered 1 3 1 n t said i James and Lyman 1). Jamea. cause thelr üppeamncc to bc enterea and notice thereof glven to compiainant'fl Koliciior withiu throe months frota the dat of thïs order, and in casu of thtlr appearance that ■ ust; their answers to Complalnant's bill to le and a copy thereof to be served on Complain anta Sollcitor nithln twonty i lya after sei ■ ■ f itid blll. and In delanlt thereof aid bill may be taken asconfesst b oftbein ; and It Is further ordered Ome withtn twenty ü Complainant causea copy ofthls order to be puba newspaper prlnted and published lo the Connty f WashtenaW and that said publicUou be conilnued In said paper ■ nee ín r: ch week for sfx succcsalve weeks, or that ehe canee :i copy of tbia order to ba personally b rvd on iald Hrnry L James and Lyman 1). James at least twenty I expire for tho appear&ncti ndants. Duted, February2üth,lST0. SAMUEL HIGBT, IC. C HaáiiAK Citcuií Judge. ■ nplainont. 1260 Estáte of Samuel J. Tanner. STATB OF tCountyofWashten A l a session it' the Probate ( onrt for the Connty of WaehtooaWi hulden at the P se,In tinCity of Aun Arbúr. on Tuesday, the day of March. in the year one thonsand elgfcthuudn ï and aeventy. -rut. Hlram J. Beakes, Judge of Probate. In tiu: matter uf tliu Estáte uf Samuel J. Tan ner, éèt Andrew Iit:ll, Bxecntor of the last will and tebiamentofsald ■ Blnto Court hi sents that ne Is now prtpured tu render bis final icutor. Th. reupon it Is ordered, Taesday, the ninoteenth day ui' April, next t ten o'clock In the fore uoou. be asslgued for examlulug and allowl t, lintl Ukat tii" leg eca and Luim ;it l;iw y: td, and all other i)(jroiiK intarI to appear at :i sesslon of siiict Court, tiien to no holden at the Probate i 'ii the City of Ann Arbor, In sftid Oounty. and any therobe, why the said I nol be allowed : And it i further i thatsaMExi Lotice to tho persons IntérLn said télate, of tb ■ said account, and the hearing thereof, by caus-ing a cop) of this .-i uewspaper printed nud chcul i !uuni y. three successlTe weeks previous t: said day of beariog. III I. Jtulo of Probate. Eatate of Thuinelua Sayer. QTATEoi WÏCHlQAN,Co1irKTYOWABeii O At a sesslon of the Probate Conrt fortheCoumy of Waahtenaw, holden ar the í'robttteOfflce In the City of Ann Ariior, on Priday, ttio eighteenth day ol Síarch, in the year ouu tliuusand eight himdred and bc Present, tl tram '. Beakes, Jndge of Probado. 1 1 1 the mattor of the Estáte of ThuaneMa Sayersi dece - On readlngand filin tli1 petiiion, tl til y verlfled, of AmelU M. Kordman, prayinirthat a ovrtaln Instrument now j ii Ole in tbia Court, purporüu to be the last %'iiE and ■ ■ s,aid deceaeed, may be adkt the may bu appointcd sol Thereupon it is Ordered, that Monday, the eigh■ [ April, next, at teno"clocl; ini noon, that thi ■ i end heira at lan ofeaidde. anaal! óther ld eatate, are requlred to appe ■ ' i tart, then to be holden :it the Probate Office, in the -ity of Ann ow c ittse, Ifany therebc, why Ehcprayerof the petitioner uhonld notl ■ : Andlt is ed that said petitioner glve notice i the persons Lntezosted In snid estáte, of the pendency it titlon, and the hearing thereof, by causinga to be publlshedin the MiclUgan tvspaper prlnted and circnlattog in said County, tbree BUCoewBive weeks previoue tosaid day of be ■ Atruecópy.j HIRAUJ. BEAKES, i62td J:jdt;e ol Probate. Estáte of Elam Smith, STATBQP MICHIGAN i naw, m. aaesfion of -1 url for the i'öunty ehteuaw, holden at the l'rohal ■ Ann Arbor, on Priüay,th bday oí ia the year onethousandclghthundredand seventy. Present, Himm J Reakes.Judge of Probate. in the matter of the estáte ofLlam Smith.deceased. Charles H. Worden, Esocutor of the last nUland qi atofsalddeoeoecd, comclnto Court and represeats tnat he Is now prepared to ronder lus flnal account as buco Executor. Ihereupon it in ordered, thnt Honday tl teenth öay of April next, al ten o'clock in the rorenoon,pe assiened for examining and Buch account, ana that the leg . i f said leceased, and all oiher utre?tö(l in saidci pear ata eessïon of nald Court. then to be holden at tho 6 Office, in the City of Aun A said Couuty. and show cause, if any thero br, hy the said account ahoald not beauowedr And it ü further ordered that Buld Executor give notice to the persons interested lu said estal . deucy f eold acconnt, and the hearing theïeof by cauöfngacopy of this order to bc uublUhed iu the Michigan Argot a d wrinted andcirculatlog in said County, thicc Buccessive weeks prejious :o &;iil day of hearing. CA trae copy 1IIEAM .7. BEAKE, i-.: ji J .Illlí of Probate. Esfcatö of Hcnry Bower. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Count} of Washtenaw.B iu of the Probate Court for the County of Waahtenaw, holden at the Probato Office, in the C lV óf Ann Arbor, pn Priday, the' etghteenth day of Bfarch, ia the year ono thonsaud uight hundred . -i.r f. Present, Hiram I ■ Fudge of Probate, lu ilic matter, ui the Eatato uf Ueary Bowor, sed. On readlng and Slingthe petition, fluly verffled, of retG. Bower at Bhe oi some other Buiuibl ted admiülstratrlx of itate of said eo ased. eupon it ie ordered, Monfl a oclock in the foreuoou, be asslgnecï for tl ld petl.';tl that tlio helrs m Ibw uf said deceased, .i said t state, are required to appear al a resslon of said Court. ttim to be bolden at the Probate uftice. lu the iow cause If ay ü why the praycr of the petitioner should not ic grauteti : Andit Isfurthez orderedi Ihat b tioner ed in iaid of sald petition. mul the hearine tbercor, Dy caueinga copy oftliU o Lshed in tbo MiJagan Arffu a newspaper, prtuted and circolaiinfc 'iU miM Connty, threesuc : iv of b arlntf. CA truc copy. j Hl RAM J. BEAKES, l2- Jiulgo uf Probate. Estáte of Thomas Bright. STATE OF MICHIGAN. Connty oí Waahtenawtia At asesslouof thi ïourt for theConnry of Washtenaw, bolden at the Probate Office, In the city of Ann Arbor, oo Sftturdsy, the nineteentli dy .March, iu the yc:ii' unu Lhoouand eigKt huudre and Beventy. Present, Öiram J. 8ea] ' Probate. In the matter of the Estáte ofThomas minor. On readlngand illine the petition, duly verlfled. o en, Guardian. praying Chat he m.-iy b d to sell cerlain 1 estáte bclouging lo sai minor. Thereuponit Is Ordered, that Mondnjf, M teenth Uay ot' April, oext, at ten o'clock In the fore iift! fpr the hearing óf said i il the nuxt of kin of said minor and all othc persous . ld estáte, are requlred t appear al a i '■ n oJ sa d Court, then to b holden at tb ■ of AnnArbor and8bowcauseiifaiu there be, why theprayorofth petitioner should not be gran ted : Abditlsfui dered, that Baid petitioner glve to I of !.n of said minor, and all other persone Ínter estëd in Baid estáte, of the pendency of said pot: iiim,:iinL the hearing tb reof, by cauelng a copy c Ier to be pubilshed in tl '■ ■i.i" . newspapei printed and drcula.ting in sftid County threeauccesaiYe weoks previous tosaid day ui'licai '"(A tniecopy.) HIRAM J. BEAKB6, Jiidjíi1 o t' 'obal '■. Estáte of llebecca Smitb. STATEOF MICHIGAN, County of Waahtenaw, ss. At ;i aession ol' tho Proba te Court i of Washtenaw, holden ai the Probate Office In tho cuv of Ann Arbor, on Priday, the elghteenth (piy uf Maxch,in the year one thousand i.htlmudred and eeventy, ut, HirauiJ. : in tne matter uf the estáte of Rebécca Smith, a lunntic. Charlea Worden, Guardian oi Bud i conK'ö into Court and representa that he i. now preto rendcr hts til account u such Guar Therenpon it ia orderod, that Mouday, the cihtccuth day of April, next, at tea o'clock in thu iied for examinin'' and aliowing ■■■juut, ttud that the uext ofk,iu of said lunatic, and all other persons interestcd ire requlred to appear al of eaid Court. then to be bolden at Probate Office, In the City ot Ann Arbur, in eaid Cuimiy, and show cauao.if any there be, why the said account Bhould not be all And it la fïvthet ordered, that said Gi ted In Baid i II the i" ■ üi ■ ol said account, and tbe h thereoby caushig a oopy of thia order to 1 liahed In the U Pr l'"ted ind cl ren lating In ■ ■ three Buocesslve eeka previoas to s-úddiu1 ol bearing. ' truecopy.) ' HiBAM J BEAKS8, I.,,! JuíIc ol I'rubato. látate of Levi Pratt. STATi: (!■' MÏCHN i, N. Coitnty f Washtenaw, sa' Pro ate Conrtfor theConntj f Washtenaw, holden ut the Probate Office, in the City of Aü'í Arbor, mi Xsesday, tho twenty-sec. otid iluy ol March, in t ha year oue thousaud etyht :mndred and soflity. Present, ii.ütt'.u J. IWmke 8, Juri'c of Probate. 1 11 : iic natter uf tliu estáte oí Levi Prutt, de. Ou readlngand tiling the petitlon, dtily verified, of kV. i ratt, praylng tbat aome snitable persou niatiulor of the catate of pon it s Ordered, t!iat Mo&day, theeJgh. tcenth dat ol April, next. a', ten o'clöck in the forcaooii. l).' aesijrncd for thv hearing offsaidpetl. tlon, and Umi tho hetra at In of said deceased and all other persona lntvreated In said estáte are roqulred to appear ut a '--moh of said ('ourt theu tu be holden at the Probate Office, In the citv of Anu Arbor, and show canse, lfany therebe, whyuiaprayet ol petltioner should cot be granted: fnrtber ordered. that said petltioner glve noticc to the uterestcdin sala estáte, of the pondency ol said petlifon, and tne bearlng thereof, by causinj: & eopy i' tiiis Ordei to be published intheWckigan ■ newspaper prlnted aud ctrcnlatlng in saia cim'ity. thrtxi süccesslvc weeks prerions to euiddayol hearing. (A true copy.) UIKAM .1. BEAKES, 12C2 ..'id-c of Probate. Estiite of Samuel Clcaieota, Sen, OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County af 'aaWopaw, fa lo At a sesslou of tho Probate Qoort for the Couut ut, holden at tiic Probate oftice in the. city of Aon Axbor, cm Satnrday, the twetftb day.' of Maren, in the yeftl one thousand eight hundrecj ij! - ■ ent v. Present, Hintiu J. lïeakes, Jodg6 Of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Samut-1 Clenients, Sen. . deccai-ed. Andiew J. Sntherland and Charlee n. Worden, 1 ;-.■ colon 'f the last. will and testament of said de■ e;:.-ed, comí' intu Couit nul n present that thcy aro uow prepared tu renCer thelr ana) account as such, Therenpon it ia Ordered, that Wcdnefday, the Urirteento day of April next, at ten o'clock in' the forenoon be anslgned for examining and al. lowlng rocb accooni, and that the legstee, de:ind heirs at law of naid deccased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at it session of said Conrt, then to be holden at the Probate Ofllcc, in the City ofAuu, Arbor in said County, and show causf If any tiiere be, e -:iiil account shonld uot be aJlowed : And it is further ordered, that said Bxecotors ïiive notlea to the persons Interested in said etstate, f thepen. of said account, and the hearing tbereof, by ;i Cff of ttiis order to be publlahed in the . Argüí, a newapaper prlnted and dcrnlatlne in said Connty, thrce successive weeks previou tu sai i íaj of hearing. (A mu-copy.) U1RAM .7. BKAKKS. l'.iiHd Jtidre of Probate. Katuto of Elias Norton. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Coran oí WianTimw.M Atasesslonof the Probate: Conrt for tbe Connlj il Washtemfw, holden at the Probate üillce, in the city of Anu Arbor, ou Satnrday, the iwclfth day of March, tu the year oue thousuud eJght hundred and seventy. Pre&eut,Hlram J. lieakes.Judgeof Probate. lu thu matter of the liatute of Elias Xorton dece: Uilüam Jarvis, Adminiitrator of eaid estáte comí .- irán Courl and representa that be ie unv prepared to render his Ucal account as snch Adniinistratur. rhereupon u is Ordered, that Monday, the elev. entb day ol' April ucxUat ten o'clock In the forenoou tor exauïininii and allowing sueb ac count und that the helre at fan of oaid deceased, amv all other pen . state, are r. quired to appear at n sess'ion of said Conru then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City oí Anu Arbor, in suid Connty, and show cause, if auy there be, why the eaid account yhould not be al. allowed: Aud it is forther ordered, that said Adioiu ■ i glvo notico to the persons interested iu tate, of tlit: pendency of said acconnt, and the hearing thereof by caiising a copy of tuin Order to be publlshed in the Michigan .in,i, a newnpaper printed md drculatlng iu said County, thiee uo ska prevlow i said day of heariiiL'. CAtrueeopy.j ttlHAM J. BSAKBS, Itd Jude of Probate. Estáte of Thomas J. Brooks. STATIi OF MICHIGAN, Connty óf Washtenaw.s At asesslon of the Probate Conrt for the County nf Waahtonaw, holden at tne Probate Office in tbe city ol' Ann Arbor, on Tbnrsday, the tenta day of March, iu the year one ihoiifaud eight houdred and seventy, - nt. II i rata .ƒ. Beakeg, Judpe of Probate. In the matter of the ebtiite ol Thomas J. Iirooks, deCe: On readlngrand fllingtbe pctition.duly verifled.ol Julia C. Hrooks, praylng that bhe or sonje other auitable perton, may be appuluted Aduiiuiatrntris üi the estáte uf sald deceased. Thereupon it is ürdered, that Monday, the th day of April next, at ten o'clock in the forenoou, be uelgned for the hearing of suiil pctnion. and that tiie heirs at law of haidd.. ■. Mud all other personslnterested in nid ettatc, are reqniredto appear at . ourt,thei to be holden attbu Probate tfficei iu the City of Anu Arbortaud show cause, i f any therebe. why the pravei of the poütiouer shoold Dot be granted: Andítla further ordered, that v;,:,i ; renoi Ice to tbc persons tnlert estáte, ot tbe pendency ol Baid petition, and the hearing tbereof,bj( cansinga copyofthis Onli-r to be publlshed in the M ickigat newsjpaper prlnted and clrcnla'ingtnmkl Uonnty, threOéuccesslTe weeks previous to said daj of hearing. tAtrnécopy.J HISAM .T. BEAKKS, l'-Cl Judte of Probate. Estáte of Euuicp L, Warucr. QTATEOPMIcmOAlf, CotlBty of Washtenaw, n O Ataaeaslon of the Probatw'Court for the Connty ol :naw, holden ai tbe Probate Office, in the City Of Aun Arbor, ou Tueday, tiie liluemh day o) ihousaiid eLht hundicd aud neventy. Present, liratn .1. Beakes, Tudge of Probate. In the matter ol the Bstate of Ennice L. Warner, minor. . readlng and flllng the petition, duly verilled.cif Fredernic Wanu-i-. üuaröian, praylng ihatbe maybe lleensed to stil certaiiu real et.■te bcionglng to said minor, Therenpoc :t IsQrdered, that Weduosday, the thirteentii day of April, next, at ten o'clock In the foreuooc. be assigned for the hearing of said petition, ssd that the neït of kin ol' said minor, aud all other Interested in wüd estate,arerequired to appear ' ouit, then to bc holden at the Pro■' ce, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause il' any there be, why tbe prayerof the petitionershould Kitited: And it is further ordered, that said petltioner clve notlce to the next of kin of said minor, and all other persone intecested in eatd estáte of the pendency of said petition, and theheadnf thereof. by cAtisinjí a copy of this Order to be publiobea in the -. ipei ;t iiitedand eirculating in saivi County, thrce snccesslve weeks previuua to said tiay of heAring. (A true copy. J HERAM .T. REAKKS, 121 td Judue of Probate. Estáte ef Calvin K. Becker. STAT:; OV MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw. e. Al asession ( the Probate Cmrt for the Count; of Waahtenaw. holden at Ihe Probate Off.ce, In th city of Anti Arbor, on Monday., the sevonth dsy of March, in the yeai oue thouauüd cight hundred aud seventy. Present Iliram J. Beakes, Jndge of Probate. Iu the matter of the Estáte oi' Calvin K. Becker, deeeased. On readlngand fillng the petition, duly verified, of Mary : . taln instrument now ou tire in this Comt, purport Dg to be the last wül and testament tf saió deceased may be admitted to probate, and that Bhe and Wesley Blrchard may t)u appoluted Bxecutore threuf Thereupon it is ordered, That Tnesday. the flfth day of April, next, at teu o'elock iu the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said politlón, ant that the legatees, devlsees and helrs at iaw ol said deoeased, and all o'hcr persons iuterested in saii! . state, are reauired to appear at a session of sara . i to be holden at the Probate Oftlce. in Be Ann Arbor, and show cause, if auy there be, why the prayer nf the petïtioner sholtld not be L'rr.ntOd: And il is further ordered. tliat said prtinonet jrive notlce to the persona interested in said estáte of '■i petition, and the hearing thereof, by caueing a copy of Ibis order to be pnbliflVMl in the Michigan Argut, a nevspsper printed and clrculatiufi iu said Couiity, three Huecestive weeks previons to said day of hearing (A true copy.j 'IIIRAVi J BEAKKS. 1SS0 Jud'e of ProbCJte. Éstate of Polly Gould. STATE OF snOHIGAN, Oonflty Of Washtenaw, e. At a Bession of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Anu Arbor, on Saturday, the Bftb dav el Match, in the year oue tiiousand eight hui.drcü aud seTeniy. Present, Iitram .T. Beakes, Judije of Probate. In the matter of the estáte" of Polly Gouhi, deceased. On ronding and flllng tb,e petition duly verified of Anna Osborn, priytnfi 'thiit .lohn J. Robison or f ome other sui taol penoo may bu appoiuted Admiatstratoi ot the estáte of said decer.sed. Thoreupou it is Ordered, that Tuesday, the fifth day of April, next, at ten o'clock in the "ij, be aaslgned for the hearing of saW petitiou, and that theheirsat lawof said deceased, and all other persons iuteresied iu said estáte, are reQutred to appear at a session ofsaidCourl then l" be holden at the Probate Ofllce, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, lfany there be.whj thepiMverof the petitioner should not be grfittted.' And it i's further ordered, that snidpetUiöner give notïce to il1 e persoQSlntecested In'sMdestale of the pen of said petiiion, and the hearing thcreof; by causing a copy of this Order to bepublished lnthö , Argits, a newspaper printed aud circulatiiijï in said coonty, threeüuccessïve weeks previoutto said dav of hearing. (Atruecopy J UIKAJ1 .1. HEAKES. l.d td Judceof Probaio. I'state of Eber Pattee. OTATE OP MH'IIICrAN. County of Washtenaw, sttCl Ata session of the Probate Court for Ihe üountj of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Oftlce, iu th# Citv of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the elghth day oí Bfarch, in ttie year one thousaud eight hundrtd and sr Ilram J. Beakes, Jndge of Probate. In ihe matter of the Estáte of Eber Pattec, deceased. I tdlngand Uling the petition, duly verified, oï Willlam H. Phillips,' praylng that he, or mnn other laltable person, may be appointed Administrstor of the estáte of satd deceased Thereupon It is ordered that Tuc!y, the flfth day of April, ne.vt, at ten o'clook in the forenoon ■■ !'"■' the hearing ol' said pet:-Urm, and tnat tne heirs at law of said deceased, and all Other persons iuterested iu said estatOi are to appear at a session of said Conrt, then to be holden at the Probate Ofllce, in IbaCit] "t :,;i in cause, lfany there be, why the uer should uot bc pranted :- .-lm' il UfvrO . ihateald petiiioner glvo luterested in ..i.! e. tan', ofth jendcucy ol said petition. and the hearing thereof, by acöpy ol' this to be publUhed in the Irfus, a newspaper printed and circulatiBK . liree snecessive w eeks previruis tosai Syoihoarlng; HIKAM J.BEAKES, eopy. Jud-e of Probate. l260td P1ÜS111ÍANS' PBESCRIPÍW ACCLRATELY AND CAREFULLY PREPABED BY K. II'. ÉLL18 f' CO., DRUGGlfilS. ■■ ' - -t .- ia-


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