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The Fire

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Tiic gooii lortnnc oi our City, wlueli Jins eontlnued fjr the past twenty yeara, bas at lust been bioki'ii, and it ttecoines ooi' dnty to chroniclo onc of the ïuost destructiva con96rat'ons 'liich liaï occuired liere In t!it length of time. At nbout two o'clock Öundny uioruing last, the people of our c::v were aroused trom thelr shimbers by the alarm of flre, and flainvs were cliscovcrcd in two different locallties - the liclisnge barn, In the öil ward, and the bani ,,. Mr. II. öEssiox!, in the lst ward. In btith places the buildings on flre were surrounclert by other wooilou ones, very dry anJcoubustible.and the flamea flodlogsach good material on whlch to fijed, made rapld progress. In the lst ward the dames were ittjíd níter having destroyed the barns of IbHrs. 8bsioh,.Q. II. Foed, and C. F. QwraNEB. A horse, cow, carrinRO, buffer, te, were also burneil ii the barn of Mr, whlle tlic contents of thc otlicrweresaved. The flre'whlch origlnated Ín the Exclmngi! bnni was not so easily sub dueJ, and tho buildings adjoinlng were gooncoDsunicd, as was also tlie Excliangc ltsclf: vrliile thc Monitor and tlie Monitor tod Gregory House barns feil au easy prey to thc devouring clement. Tliauks to thc esenry of our citizens and flremen, and a (tvorable wind, thc flames wcre conflned to the buildings nbove muutioncd, though the itore belonglng to Mr. Boirer snstaiued considerable damaa;p. Tlie losses, as near as we can asccrtaln, tmount to 47,560, as folio ws: Mr. G. Q. Watkixs, oa Monitor property, $14,000, wltli no iusuranec. Rogers & Tkeadwell, on agricultural íWck, Ib the' Monitor, $0,000, no lofiuranco. G. D. IIii.i., on Exchange and bsrns, 30,000, insured for $10.000. A. A. & E. M. Gkkooiïv, on barn about (1,090, no Insurance. Thos. F. Lkokard, on livcry stock in Oregory Houso barn, ?S00, no Insurance. A.SCCDDEH, hotel l'uniitura Ín Exchange, wnt $1,200, no iusuraucc. H. E. II. BowBR, daruage to building and íroocls by 11 re, $1,500, fully Insured. II. Matthews, Market in Kxchangc Block. Loss $150, no Insurance. M. Lucas, Barber Sbop in Exchange Block. Loss slight. Thos. Bil, damages to. building nnri by water and remo val. Loss $1,000, fjlly insurcd. H. Jounsox, on houschokl lnruituve,$200, to Insurance. H. Bkmiokb, barn and coutcuts, ?800, nnwlfor300. Geo. H. Foüd, barn, 400, wUhlWUn. íurancc. C. F. Qwinkkb, barn, nbout $500, fully Insurcd. The origln of tho Crcs is anknown, but without doubt, tlic wovk of Incendiarles w!i"íe object was plunder. The firemen of Ypsilantl, rvith thcir cuiincc.iine to our asalstancc, and we bol W that we are speaklng the lentimeots of til o onr city wben we tliank tbem for tüelr prompt response to tUe cali for help, and the excellent services which they renred. Itisnot neecssary to say that onr fircmtnworked wlth a wJU, for they nlways lothat, but we would to nsk if our citiiens uow see the necessity of more wartnrtgreater facilities to extinguen lires, wllladay or two serve to erase froni Ibelr memory the fact tliat we ever had a ík, ami to save a few dollars expeuditures Hl let our city reinaiu an easy prey to the devonriug element ?


Old News
Michigan Argus