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A Meeting Of The Now Common

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cil was hekl ou Monday evenlng last, Mayor Hakbucaü presiding. We abstract tlio proceedloga as follows : L,Thc following ofllccrs were electcd ; Irmuurer - E. J. Johnsou. Atlorncy- E. D. Ktnne. Sircet Commissioners - lst & 2d Wartls, J. G. Leiand : 3d & 4th Wards, C. A. Chapín ; 5th & 8th Wards, II. Rhodes. The Major aunouuced the following standing Comniittecs : On Streets - Alderraen Portcr, Rhodes Lcland, Hoys, Seyler, and Fautli. On Finance - Alderman Hhodes, Chapín, and Leland. On Lamp-posts-A.l(crmeD Scylcr, Holmes and Porter. On Licenses - AlderracH Jolinson, Holmes, and Recorder lanlj'. On, Bidtuxükt - A.ldermen [.[olmos, Johnson, Mann, Pcek, Cliapin, and Besimtr. A city seal was adopted wlth the followni; dfvice : In the center a Burr Onk tree, and a ron ml sakl tree the followiug woi-ds HOltyof Ann Arbor, Seal." The cleanlng of the streets and tlie printing ('or the city were ordered let to the lowest bidder, and Aldennen Johnson, Mann, and Peek ftppolnted a committec to recslvc proposals. Oificers of the Firc Department ere ap pointed. Sec notice "City üovernmeut." On motion of Alderman Johnson, the thanks of tlie Council were extendetl to the YpsilanU Fire Department tor thcir prompt response to tlie cali for aid on Sunday morning last, and efficiënt services. On motion of Alderman Rhodes the Mayor was authorizcd to ofl'er a reward of f500 for the arrest and conviction of the Snnday morning or any other future Incendiarles. A list of the city otficers, on motion of Alderman Peek was ordered published. See list. Sandry bilis were reported and allo wed. The Chief Elimineer was authorlzcd to seo to the repair of flre engines and hose. Adjourned to next regular meeting. The sidewalk committco of tho Univcrsity, supposed to bc composed of students in their Freshman year, made their nnnual raid lastMonday night, and as ft consequence Tuesday morning many of the walks iu the city wcre in a very unsgttli-d condltion. Someofthe yomig gentlcinen-had their "cntliooziasin" squelched while endeavoring to elévate gome of the planks in front of a residence on William Bt, by tlio flring of several shots, which ghould be a "gentío remindcr"' to those tvho may hereafter voluntarily engage to serve upon this coramittce, and wantonly destroy. pro perty not their own. Ii the civil authorltles and the Univcrsity Faculty have no power to stop these proceedlngs, then citlzens will most assuredly bc justitled in defending their property in the bt'st way they can. AVe don't advise mach shooting, bat lfneither good words nor gcntle meaug will do, Uien, &c. - It does seem to lis that young gentlemen, young gentlemen claiming, many of them, to belong to the "F. F. V.," young gentlemen students of the first University of the land and eujoying superior advantages, might find some other outlet for a surplus of "spirits" thau in tearing up sidewfilks,- respecting not even those of widows,- breaking Windows, and doors.carry ing off gatcs, etc. We like fun but distruction of the property of others ccases to be funny. - The same nlgbt "Gideon's Band" serenaded sundry parties wlth horos, bells, tin pans, &c, making the night hideous, and at the same time nttracting atteution from the sidewalk raiders. Ja8. N. McGifi-in, a clerk n the store of Sam & Pete, and well known and 1ik1ily esteemed by many of our citizeng, dlod at the Qregory IIourc on Tuesday evening, of consumption. The day before hc was in the streets and also the store, and nothin;r unusual was noticed in his appearance or condition until withln a lew minutes beforc his deatb. He was about thirty years old. We aro indebted to 3. Fkep. Meters, of the Civil Service Journal, for a copy of the Treasury Report of Í8C9. As none of the Michigan delegation in Congress have any knowledgc of the existance of the Angub- or, perhaps, are too partizan to recognize it- the frequent favors recnived from our brotber typo are appreciated. The Porter Zouaves, aceompanied by their excellent band, are posted for nu ontcrtaininent at Costeüo's Hall, Dexter, uext Mouday evening.


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Michigan Argus