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Xvth Amendment Celebrations

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It was Imponible to hannunize thu cUffercnce of the two factions of colorccl clttzens in our city, mui the conscquciice was that it took two days to celébrate the adoptlon of the X V'tli Amenilment. The frec-dlnnerites held their joiliflcation on Monday, and, allhough the woather was not as picasant as it niight have been, agoodly number was in attemlance. Vpon the arrival of the mail train from the east, a processiou was formed at the depot, headed by Aray's (colored) Band, consistí ng of delesations from Ypsilanti and Detroit, and after marchlDg throagh th principal Btreets proceeded to the residenoe of Prof. Cooi.ey, who, in response to calis, made a brief speech. The proecsyion then re-formcd and iroceeded to the Court House, whcie speeches were made by Gov. Ficr.rn. K. E. FlUZBn, Esq., and Messrs. Harqo and Cabtbr, the regalar speakers for the occasion being splrlted away by tlie other faction- which was a joke not very well relished. Alter llstenlnir to the speeches the procession agalu took up its line oí maroh, brtnglng up at Good Templara' Hall, wliere a free dinncr was la waltiiijr. The ilay's festivities closed iy a festival at Good Templara' Hall In thuevenin.ï, and a dance at Beshner's Hall. The cfilcbratlon of Tuosday ?na vcry much tlie same as that of the day precedlng, save the nnislc, which was discoursed by the talented jmislcians - Porter Zouave Jiand - aud tho free dinner. Vote op the Intehiou CiTnca of MicniGAx - At the recent electlon, the íollowinjí interior clties cast the uunibar of votes priated belovv : Gtatnd Raplds, 2,043 Jackson, 2,1G4 Easc öftghmw, 1,702 Adrián, 1,701 Anu Arbor, 1,370 Laoslng, 1,030 Marshall, 994 Saglnaw City, ■;.' Jiattlc Cieek, 010 Estiinatlng the popnlntion of the diffurcnt localities at six for each ?o ter, the mini ber 01 lnh&bltanta of tiic diUereut placw WOUld bc as follow : Grand Rápida, 15,858 Jackson, 12U84 East .Salnaw, 10,212 Adrián, 10,202 Aun Arbor, 8,22U Lanslng, C,08ü Marshall, 6,964 Saglnaw Citj% 5,832 Bsttle Creek, 5,400 Iu Grand Rapkls, as the EagU of that place statos, a Culi vote was polk-d, In Jackson, more than 150 voters remalued awav irom th'e jiolls, for causes already Btated In these columns. Bv the estímate abovo raade, and addlng thosc vcho fuiled to vote, it would place the populatlon of the Central City at 13,885, which is probably correct. In the above list we do not include the vote of Kalamazoo and Hiles, which we are u-jable to obtaiu. - Juekton Citúcrt. The vote of Ann Arbor was not full by more than one hmulred. At the last Presldentlal election the vote of our city was over fourtei-n hundred, and a Aill vote now would give liftten hundred. As to ?ix ]erson?o evcry voter, the average will not bc that in Jacksou, Aun Arbor, or auy other city In Michigan. A destructive fire viisited the villnge of Chclsca last Monday mornlng, originv ting in the tailor shop of Qeo. Rcki., lo the Noyes & Glazier Block. The (lames coukl not be stayed uutil the entire block- conslsting of eight stores- was consnmed, with n good share of tlieir contents. Tbc firc here, as I oiir own city, bears unmlstakable evldenco oí being the work oí an incendiar)'. The are ns follows : Noves & Glazieu, Drogglsta and Bankers. Loss 7,000, Inattred for $4,000Tnos. Wii.kixson, Merchant. Loss 5.000, lnsured for 4,400. James IIüdlei!, Grocer. Loss $2,000, no Icsnrance. JIkxüv Kemi Furniturc Dealer. Loss aboiit 2,800, insured for $l,G0O. IIuxteu & Allen, Grocers. Loss $2,000, insured for $900. Gko. Rüel, Tailor. Loss 2,000, Insured for 1,200. L. TlCHENOR, Boot nnd Shoe Dealer Loss $1,300, Insured for $500. E D. Gkegoky, Boot and Shoe Dealer.- $G00, Insured for $300. TLo ar.nual meeting and clection of the Ladies Library Association was held on Monday aaernoon last, with a large attend anee and a spirited canvass. The following directors were elected for the regular term of thrce years : Mrs. A. E. Kellogg, Mrs. S. II. Douglass, Mrs. C. K. Adams, Mrs. Ten Brook, and Mrs. Dr. Wells, nnd Mrs. Jiulgc Lawuence to flll a vacaney caused by the resignation of Mrs. J. F. Miller. The following oflicers were elected frora the Board of Directors : President.- Mn. Judge Cooijey. President. - Mrs. A. E. Kellogg. Secretary.- Mía, S.W. Hukt. Ireasurer.- Mrs. L. B. Gilmore. At the Charter Electionheld in Cbelsca last Monday, but one ticket waa in the flcld, the best selections being made from both partlcs. The followiug are the officers elected. President. - David L. Thomas. 2'r astees. -On-in Thatcher, John Gates, Martin McKoue. Ireasurer. - Aaron Durand. Clerk,- George A. Crowoll. Street Oommissioners. - C. Z. Chipman, John Letts and John Gregg. AmoDg tho many improvements which are constantly going on in our city, we cannot fail to notice that which has been made by Cuas. A. Leiter& Co., in the corner store of the Gregory block. They have thoroughly renovatcd and ro-fltted the store, and placed therein a fine stock of Irugs and Drop In ana sec tliein. In the mcantime see what they have to say for thcmsolvcs In next week's Auous. The Common Council proposes to iet the little printing it hs to do to the lowest bidder. Our offer Is to publish ordinanceí and other legal notices at statute prices, and do bilis and blank work at the same prices as charged private individuáis. Aud not a continental dirty slünplastcr less. 1 -+ I I I B _ Isaac Maoook, the Supervisor elect rrom Manchester, has reslgned, and Marcus D. Care has been appointed in hls place. - Mr. Maoooh is about to remove to hls farm in IJridgewater, which is the cause of his reslguatlon. Those friends who remembered us ast Tnesdny evening, and awoke our honscaold from their slumbers with such pleasant music, will please accept all that we can offer- our heartfelt thanks. '!■ I I I - ■ I I ■ _ The iilth and dirt whioh has aecumuatcd in the streets and gutters of our city during the winter has been partially removed, but considerable may still be fouud around the Court House Square. Joiin' II. Maynard cornos in for his share of the Spring trade. Read his " ad." and then go and seo what he has to scll. At a meeting of tlie Senior Class of the High School, held April lötli, the followlng resol utlons were adopted : Whereaa, It lias plcased God to remove from among us our much respected classmate Edwï Lxhob, and Wkereas, Wc have known only to respect nml esteem him, and feellng tliat In liis deatb we have lost uu excellent acholar, a favorita compauion and valuable frlend, therefore, ■'eed That nrhile we grieve the lepartnre ofone so yon Dg aiul whose future was 60 fQll of promlse, yet we bow to the will of the Qreat Ralerof the universo, who holds In hls hands the destlntes of us all, (■?, Tliat In thdr ainiction we, liis clasamat, extead to his relatlves nml Mendsour heartftlt sytnpathy, and that we mouru wtth thein the common loss. Retolved, That n copy of these resol ntlons be sent to liis parents, and also that ttiey be publlshed in the papers of the city. R. E. HAIHIC, ) P. GORMAN, Coinnilttce. L. DAV1S, Jr. )


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