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RRTS HALE, M. I'. BESIHKM"E mil offic N'o 1S, corner Wllliams tod . tlïcc hours, 1 to 3 p M nü'l Precfriptlons from 6 to T I'. M. eicli daj, 'rtip to the poor. 1ÍC4 "fl. E. FRÜTHINGHAM, M. D., PHYSICIAN .AND 8UEGB0N. Office over Drns gtofd '"■ ' Huron street. Resldence, N'i. 91 Thompson atreet. OfBce houf b , 8 to 1 1 A. M , and Ho i P.M. _____ GEORGE GKENVI L L E , DEALER IK DRUGS nd Medicines, No. 5 South Hilo Street, Ano Arlmr. ' HÏÏLÏ7, ROBINSON & CO. OSOCERS, Produce nndCommisskm Merchaats, No. li South Main Strei '. ELLIS & K13SELL, JHTJGOISTS, nnri dealers in Paints, Oils, etc No. 2 South Mnin Street, Ann Arbor. THKODORE TAYLOR & CO., DEALSKS ; :'"'! Country íñdd in Albor. JOHN & CO., IEALEB8 in Furnlture of all kinds, No. 33 South Mun Street, Am Arbor. J. Q. A. SESSÏONS, TTORNKV :ind Conntelloi at I.fiw, Heal Ksr i : tn (in liberal term, otflee one áoor Bonth of Piret Natlonftl iiank, up sWirs.SoiUh tfain Street, Ann Arbor. W. H. JACKSON, DSNT1 - (o O. B. Porter. OSce. cornor Mtln and ITóron Strcete, oser th Btöre 1 ïi. W, Ellis t Co . ftdmln1ste re i'. w. f. hreakp:y, m. d. pnraciAN and coroer of Haron and i"1 Easioí Presbyterian I ïhureb , Ann A K. J. JOHNSON, DEAT.KR 1' EIAT8 i . trOoodê: Main Strekt, Ann Arbor. SUTHERLAND & WHEDON," LIFE and Fire lusuranoo Atronts anrt dealere in Real EstatH. Office on Hurou Street. Also joll firstw1Tholmes, i'iNT r ■■■-'■■ i ■ ,■ - .vipp; Machín".. nnrt dosier in Piaures, Frames, &c No. Bi Baat Huron Street TËWIS C. RISDÖNT" ÍEAI.KR in nimlware. Stovee, Ilouee Furr.ishlng Ouls, Ti:i Wre. &e„ No. 31 South -Ut.iu Btr Tbel, DEALERS n Dry Ooods, Orocoris, &c, &c. No. Í6 South Mftin Street, Ann A rh-.f. C. H. WILLEN, DEALER in Dry Goods, Oroceries, &., &c. No South Main Street, Ann Ai hor. SLAVYSON & SON, CHOCERS. -i,n and Commleslon Jferehnnte nddi-íli md Piaster, and PlaetarPada, . reet. S. SONDHEIM, rBOlKSALB andreUH dealer in Eeady Made ClothUfT, Cloths, Casslraer Cíenta KuribkhicOoodii. No. 9 Soath Main Street. wmVwagnee, PEALER in Ready MeíIo Clothe, Cass!raeresaüd V.Htm.-, Hata, Cape, Xrunlis, Carpet 8,&c, ;i south Main 5 GILMORE & FISKE, OOKSEU.EüS anti Statloners, Medical, Law and Cojijo Tisr Booln, School and Miaoelianeoofl Books. No. 3 Kuriii Main Street, OCL'ory Block, Ann Arbor. FINLISY & LEWIÜ, PEALERS in Boot=. Rhccs, Gaiters, SlippeiB &c, No. íKast Hurón Street. R. TA KRANT, LAMES' Faíliionable Shoe Ilouse, No. 2-1 Sonth Main Strecí. QROC KERY, SLáSSWARE & GPOCERÏES. J. & DONNELLY BT In torca Urge tock nf Croctcrj, 01aiwar(-, JUUiWtM.C cerie, fcc. üeT.all tobe Mlattunusuallvlmv prio-p. N'o. 12 Kut Huren Stift, Ajjn Arbor. 112f J.t T. [pONXKI.LY. QITYLINE OFHACKS! EOBISON &AZTER, Prop's. P, mi'' vejaucieto and from the WJMn I ■ the city. ■ i ' L'ant turnootafur""""'feiMkii!; cal]. Prlces reasonable. "Mers iKft at Cook'sllotel or at theirofflee prompttended to. laUtf JOHN G. GALL, DEALER IN FRESH AND SALT MEATS. LARO, SACSAGES, Etc, Crjltinolicü,,,! .i' fnid wlrh tbe beit ""'. in them!irin-t. r.'ift Washington treet. AaArbor,Sept. lOth I 1235tf LIVERY AND SALE STABLE. AXTKLL te Tt AjVT AG-IC, „j „ 'npr tin and Catbarine Btreet. 1 1 nn ei ter..";?"""11' ■ '; ■' ■'' : ■" entÜsrncsi tbr ale. lïüïyi D1 C B. PORTER, DEÏTTIST. :e u the KLW 2 ANK 2L0CK, ASlf AE30E. WI Opetations on the Natural Teeth, n ; '■Til CA UU. "NSUIUPASSED FACILITIES AND EXPERIUNCE SETTING ARTTfíCIAL TEËÏö, D ''" '■ :! INDIVIDUAL, "itiríj „f ,;,, . !mpc, color, jirmncu and ___ fiaiTr; rr'pretêion. 1244 Xü JLAKU1SMT AND Best selected stock of Plaid roPlms; also the new and elegant PLAID EEPS to be had attne 1240 FARMERS' STORE. hphe MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INS. COMPANY OF DETROIT, MICE (ESTABUSHEDIN 16C7 JOHN' J. BARÍ EY, PnrsipitNT, JACOB 3. FARUA.VD. Vle Pregidmt. JNO. T. LIOfiKTT. Secrelair. JAMES C. WATSON, Aclnnry. D. O.FARUAM,M.D., Medical Ensiner. A Successful Michiiftn [Jfe Tnpurance Compan.v, oranizftd Tor the purpoye of luraisiiiug Insiimnci' upon iivea at THE LOWEST COST COMPATIBLE WITH Absolute Seenrity, and for the furthor purpose of KEEPÍIV6 HONET AT HOME, which heretoforo has been sent Eaet, RATES AS LOW AS SAFETY PEEMITS. EJNTIRË MÜTAL1TY AND STRICT EQTTITY Mark tli e ystrn ,ind prevail in tbe dlatrlbutlon &i ANNÏÏAL DIYIDEIsDS TO TUK IN8UBKD TVlii]o,bj iroviHions of tb State L, and by their own terms, ALl FGLICIES AKE NOK-FORFEITABLE. I.v.1l"RAN-CK FÜJiNIEHED CPON ALL DESIRABLE PLANS. AU the nEfT FEATCRESof th Old Companies ADOrTED,a]ltLcr EBRORS AVOiDt:.'). SECÜRITY. ECGNOMY, EQÜITY AN'D THE WEST, ITS MOTTO. S3T For Agencies sppiy at tiic HOME OFFICE, Bank Bloei, Griasrol.d Street. X3f L ". TIUYER.Gen'] jrent. FREfl. L. HAHN", Agent. 1289jl A. WIDENMANÑ7 REAL ESTÁTE AGENT, AXX ARBOR, MICII.' OlFFEItS FOR SALE: 53 eres oí Isod, wítbin ene half mil'? frnm tbe city, tobe oíd in wbol, or parcela, as fullowfl : „ 24 acrr on pection lt in the town of Aun Arbor1 bortferin g en the eaot en tbe rond leasing to Cornwclls' paper mi lis, and on the Fou'.h on líijí acres sitúate'! on the noríhwest corner of the úiíiham rond and tbe td totorj rod. (Thin s r.neof tho bandiOBMtt fituationn ni ihe DOlghborbood of Aun Arbor.J 13) a' acrfR lmproTd IftBd jofning the above 15} Rcresand {routing GorJiam Koad. Fort ) aero? nT Kir5Í Class Farmiug Land, vi:h pood O rcha rd irA Barn, ti y ntilM f rom the Court IÍousí , on the upper Dix'joro rcad. 1 era of land with a new tffo fitory fram hOQ86 on TbompHon, Spoor & Tlioinpfcoa'B addition to tlie City of Ann Arbor . 7 lo of % ere eaoh.oa Thompson, Spoor k Thoropscn's Additiou. W acres of lfti)l, vr]tb r sp'pndid grore, joining the Fireinen's Park on the West. 1 Honso and IJ{ lots of land, wifh Barn, Wagh. Kitcbcn, CarriaRf' llouc, nnt a number o f modern iniirovtnit'ntf, on the nortbwest coruer of Fourth and I'aclcard Strects. 1 Ilnnso and Lot in thc 2d Ward, on South Iibertj Street. 1 IIouso PiD'l 3 Lots Ín the 2d Ward, ncar 2d Wnrd School House. 1 House and i Lots,near the tl. O.B.H. Depot. 320 acrp of land in the Firh of Ihe Siatn of Miesouri , near tbe iiannibal V.St. Joseph Hailroad, 2 City IotB ronr Cd Ward SrhoolHuse. A. VIDENMANN, FOREIGN EXCHANGE BROKER, ANN AHBOE, y.lC3. SELLS AÏID BUYO EKAFTS, ISSUES LETTE BS OF CREDIT ON' ALL PRINCIPAL I'LACES In G RFAT BRIT ATX . GEHlf AK '■■ . -"■.VITZKltLA Ni, etc. My öireoi conDectione wlth Barope enablenaeto offer .m fair raics ns nv Nw Yort lldiiK'. KMurnibf-r, I m ooi nu agent of :iny hf uní in tbl cu ntrv . hut I ain ba ving direct communietien iUi .!"■- l)L'Ht fiauees in Kin - COLLEOTIONS IN EUEOPE BV POWER OFATTORNET OR OTHERWTSE.WltL BE l'KOMFTI.V TO. PASSAÜE TICKETS per Pteamer to anl frrm N'ow Voik to all prlnol ïüil po rts of Ktn"i 1 irlll leJI as iollows : From Nrw Vor!c to Soulbttnipton, Havre, Lonon, Brcmou ür Hamburg, 1-i'iasB. 2dC!as. Steemga. $120. S.'. " $i.'5 ia Gold. ReturDÜckctn, 2Í6. 135 ■ i From above places to New ToTk, ÏClass. Sd $l0 Í7-J. 140 in Goh!. Frora Kow York to Llrerpoo! , rnbin, ÍS0 to ?lt!fC-urrincj. Steerage, iO ia Curreucy. From Liverpool to New VorV, r'tjin, Slon. SteernRi-. I37t &. WIDENMAÑÑ7 FIRE INSURANCE AGENT .OMI AEBOB, For the Howard Insurance Co. , in NVw Ynrk, ne of the oldestand beat (.oinp nies in the country. Xh Tea toni A Insuranoe Counpany ín ClT1uid( Tho hnniirabli? ard niiinaeiiirnl at tbi inftlt ution hm made it ono of the mnt regable Fire Inüurenee Compnoi nin the Vt. IflWyi i


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Michigan Argus