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The Re-argument Of The Greenback

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queation ia set down for Mondny next. If a reversion of the recent decisión has beeu determincdupon wliy go thiough tlio motion8 of a ro-argument. Poll the oourt iiud lot the new Justices Sfxono and Bradi.ey overrule the fato decisión. It inattcra nut tliat is said to be tho Attorney ol a great oorporatiou and has advised it not to poy specie ou old debts, nor that Stkong isnstockholder in anothcr corporfttion to be af fected by a new decisión. Grant sud Congrcss have sn ax to grind aud thcy must givo their aid. It maj havo tieeu the price of their appointment. - Lnto advices say that Judge Beadlbt Las disposed of liis tailroad stocks and supposed personal interest in the result of the caso he is to hear - since his conjlrmation ; ard that .Tadge Stronq announces ''lis in tention to disposj of railroad shares which be now owns, before the caso comes to a hearing " Wil! these gentlemen also dispose of the legal npiniocs thêy-have also given as corporation attorueys and listen to tho argumeuts with uubiaxed minds ': It strikes ua that they are letjdiug themsolves to the coniuiission of a great outrage upon Justioo, - Yesterday'a difpstthes aonnance the withdrawal of the Uvo pending greenbeck casos, mu! tbat no re-hearing willbe had in the case of Hbpbdrn r. Griswold, alroady det-idcd. The rule forbids a re-hearing without the tsssent of oue of the judges. Tue Legislatura of MaspaehuseU haviüg ciiteitiiiied a proposition to fir one huudrcd guns on Boston Commot in celebration of Üio ratification of th XYth Amecdmeiit, Mr. Adams - an hon ored recmber of an honored fttu;;, - s reportad as pertineutly payiog: "I was onlj sorry that I wns uot lo th Legislatura to propose, as an aroenclmen to it.tliat the United States be liumbly ko licited to allow tlie Stat ol Manactiasetto to tire that salute frorn Fort Warren, aiu tlint tlie {í""s mlght be liotted ; lu ordi to show thc procesa by whlch the auurnd ment liad beeu cnrritd." Hiíting tbe n:iil B.]uarfi on tbe bcaiï Throttled Siate?, militnry eotnmandauts bottod guus, ")our mouey or youriife,' ratify tho aniendui.eiii or Btay out of thc Union, ratify it vbile you are out and wc'U let you i wben we get ready. - Did the framers of tbe Constitution imagÍDeW(7i a wsy cf auieuding it ? Locis Napoleon liad nct then taugbt them hoto to hoiá_rí ek'Otions, On the 13 th tbe House turued out two Demooratio memberp, TIunt of Lousiana, and Readino of Pennsylvnnia, and gave their se:its to the Radicáis. - Tho country is now probably eafe : if uot, two or throe more of tbe BmallDemocratio aiii'iOrity can bo turaed out aoy day. Applicauts sbouhl put in tbeir cluims at once. It iairt st all necesfary tbat tboy be fbanded íb justioe. Just select tho seat of a Democrat onforlunate cnough to have a mnjority leas tban a thousand or two and "go for :(." ThtHouso is competent to the rest. The House is still pegg H55 avray at the taiiff bill. Ou Mouday last tlie iron parogvjph was rcaehüd, and after a spiritod Bkirtriish a motion to reduce the tax on pig ron froin $7 to 85 per ton pre' vailed by a vote of 66 to 64. A ïuesday telegram suys that the pto'coiioniais don't propo;o to "be aisy" under deftat, but will attenipt recorskleration. The iron makers of Pcnnsylvuuia nnd Mich igan - all poor scalawags like E. 13. Ward - will go to the poor house or the bad if Congress ia to cut up thualy, Don Piatt describes Tjibodork Tii.ton es "a slender man with a boyish face, whose appearauce autl wanner make a strange cross between the Rev. Crearr.cheese and Uriah Heep," and then adda: Tiiloi'Oke is all that bis appearanco indicates. Ile ia a theologian without coDviction, a poet without poelry, aud a moral editor whose pen ia at the Bervice of the longest purse." Don Piatt thoukl bo thuuib-scrcwed for bis portrait. As old negro woman and a crosseyed negro boy have been kissing GitAXT'Tland, by way of coramending bis approval of tho XVth Amendmeut. He stond the former like a gallaut hero, but didn't exactly reüsh the manipulation by tho boy. Cause: he iquirted tobáceo juice all over tbe hand, and Graxt dou't ueually take hie tobáceo iu that way. Howevor, the negro lookersou were mightily pleaeed. Mr. SüMNBB has ntrocluced a bilí oppropriating 6100,000 fur expcditions to climb tho Norlh Pole, the mouey to be espended under tho direotion of tho Prosident, wbo is to select the oflicors. Tbo Scientific operntions to be prescribed and directed by Ihe National Acado my of Seieneo. Well, thc people have money and thcir pocket books aro at thc service of toe governuient, no matter how foolieh the project. OlO. W. Juman, of Indiana, a Radical of tho líndical, the father of tho einbryotic XVIth amendracut, atd the chief fugler of Suban 13. Anthony & Co., bas been defeated in tbo nominating conveution of bis district. Is this to be takeu as an indication 1 ha t the wouian guffrage movemcut Lo had been chosen to ohampiou is to go lo the wall ? Whin Mark Twain nnnouncod his choice of the Agrioultural department of tho Galaxy, because "he could writo best on a Biibjeot of whieh he knew thö the least," did he intend to rnake light of the veteran writist for the N. Y. Tribune and his "What I know about fármingV" If so, Mark is "ongrateful," very, and sadly lackiug in reverenee berídtiS. An: now comes Senator DüAKE, of Missouri, with a laudable di'sire to BODÜ hrs name down to postcrity as a annaUtution mendcr, n task for which hc - in cominou witb every other Raitioal mem ber of Congress - bo doubt tliiuks liiifolf admirubly fitted. II is ameiidment proposes, in tbc languago of the fe!etrrupli, - a resolution baving aireadj ben introdueed, - tbat "the President of the United States sball havo power to proteot tiny State against cloincstic violence, on sufCnúent proof being prosented to him of the existence of such violence, and that Congrega ehall have power to enforoe tbo amejidmenl by appropriate legislation." As Congross is novT expressly aulhorized "to proTide for calliiifc forth the militia to cseeute the laws of the Union, Eupprcas inaurroctious," eto., it is not easy to perceive the necessity or design of the propoaed amendment, nuk os it is desired to subject the Slato pólice to Presidential control, or to autborize that officer to interfyre when the Governor and St:ita authoriües do not a?k bis aid. There can bo r.o good in it. Sumneb proposes to linker tho postal lnws, reduciug lclter-postage to onecent each half ounce for all distances, and woiking other so-called "reforms," such as doiog away witb the fraukiug privilege nnd eubstituting stampod envelops. Now, c are in favor of cbeap postage, but have bo hwitatioo, however, in ex pressing it as our opinión that a dfipartment which can not 8U9Uiti itst'lf on n tbreo ceutrate will mo&t ceitainly be a pauper on a ono cent ralo. Penny postage in Englsnd, so frequently citcd, is irithio a fraction of two cents of our currencj ; and wbat is more to the puint, is : EnglaDd is but an onion bed eompared to tho great stock farm ot (Tnole Sam. Mail routes from Portland, Mniup, to Portland Oregon, and frora Lake Superior to the Florida Keys are a littlt: longer tban can be measiired off frora London or Liverpool, Edtnbargh or Dublin. Betíor try a two cent rato, or leave it as it is uutil deiicienoy bilis are unnecessary. IIavinc; played the play of re-construotion iiearly thiough - Georgia is undergoing a eecond turn - CoDgress propases lo engage in State raaking. - New Mexico is tbe ncwest subject, and a bilí is now being rushed through for traníforniing that Territory of a miscepciKited population into a full grown State, and admitting ber into the Uuion. At the last clection in the Territory - in 1869 - the immense voto of 14,467 was polled. In 186S Wayne couoty in thtfl State pollod 19,470 votes, or 5,003 votes more than New Mexico, aud yet New Mexico is to be made a Stato witb cqual representaron in -the Senato with New York or Pennsylvania or Obio. - Can the rotten borough eyskom of England or even of 'Connecticut beat that? - Takiag tho pecond thought, Wayne county bas two United States Senators, and perbaps will be cited as a precedent for giving Jiew Mexico the samo nuniber. That must be it, The New York East Conference, con sidcrste of Ihe feelings of Kev. Horace Cooke, dcolined to put him on tria], bu permittcd him to withdraw. The same conference - if wa mistake cot - smoth ered tho minority report of the cominit tee of investigation iuto the peculatioDS frauda, or ínismanngement in tho Bool Concern. That conference has evident !y a blind bidé for evil docrs of its owu persuasión. California proposes a novel way o checkiug the importation of Chmamen [t s by laying a heavy osport tax upon ihe bodies of dcad Johns- so heavy tbu it would be prohibitory. If John Chi laman oan't be carried borne for buria it is supposed that be will stay at home ;o die. Tiie HowARD-peculation investiga ing committee, raised at the Dstigatioi of, and on charge9 preferred by, Fui'. vando AVood, sits with closed doors ind allowa none of the evidence takei to be made publio. "Wbite-wasbing' s evidently the word. At tiik late election in Dubuque, 'owa, the negroes gave an exhibition of otal depravity by voting t.ho Democratc ticket, every man of thera. We commend the perverse "men and brothers" o tho fatherly oare of Sumner and Butlkr. They need rccünstructing adly. Tuk Senate passed a Georgia bilí on Tueecïay, by a vota of 27 to 25, no Jemoerats voting either way. lts proisions are of no account, the House ng rpferred the same, on Wednesday, otbe lteconstruction Committee, togeth r witli a substituto, írom which it will oubtless come back "a horse cf another olor." Alien resideiits wbo have not yet eclared their intentions to becomo citiens must do so on or before tho 7th ay of May next, if thcy would vote at :ie coming November election. Tho cclarntion must bo made and filed in ie office of the County ülerk. Now is ie time to attend to it. Mit. Stkickland, of the 4th district, ia at home, laying his corus, as is understood, for a rcnominalion. Moantimo his salary runs on, and his vacant Beat oan do as effective work - esoept tlio voting, wbich would be of such a kind that nothing will be Io9t by his aböfence. We aro a íull boliover in the injunction : "Givo tho devil his due," and, thereforc, tnko jilensure in eaying that Gen. Butleij ia reported in favor of abolsbing the incomo tax. It is now paid that the result of the recent election in Cincinnati was a maonty of 3,000 aguinst reading tbe Bible in tbe schools. Mits. Lincoln has writtcn to Pregi dent ükaxt that tibe i o a suffering condition, and wants her pension. If Qongrew ia ffetenuüied to set the bad oxample of quniiüiint; her upon the treasury let it Lavo done with the bu;inesK at odco r the sooner tbu botter, lt makes no difiere-neo that sliu has naither just nor legal chüins, - noilhor had Stanfainüy to (bat yenr's ealarj of an office ho never Iield, - tho people have more nicnoy than tliey can UgUÏKatelj spènd, nnd Mrs. Lincoln aiay as wcli have it as the corrupt haugers-on to the skirts of the government. Tiíe stoamor fSilssia, which arrived at New Y"ork on thu lOlh inat., brougbt the remains of Ansun Borlinoame. The funeral services are to tiike place in Uodton to-morrow, lbo liev. Mr. Gakdettk officiuting. The Jacksnn Citizen tilles a leader ''Democratie llonesty." No jourualiat was evor so reckless of Lis repuiütion as to liead an artielo "Kadical lloncsty." Lopez, itIio bas run tbu Braziliao governmont such a olíase, is at last reported deud and the Paragunyau war at ao ond. Tiik losa by tiie roeent fira at Medinn, Ohio, a village of ahout 3,000, is now put. at $200,00, with cu iosurauco ol S70,000. Hov (onnerlicut Sioppcd a Prizo Figh(. Conneeticut haeshown by her summary treatment of a g'ing of roughs and priie ftghters that üho dosires to rctain her title of "the land of steady hatiits.1' Tho dispatibrs gave an aecotmt of the breakiog up of u little "mili" betwten two notorinuB members of tho prize ring en Charlea Lsl ind, noar Milfnrd, by tbe interfertnee of tho ïuilitia. The pugilista- Ed Tuohey and Jim Kerrigan - wero matched two or three moatlis ago, tó fiijht at 132 lbs., in a twentyfour foot rii'g, on the ltli of April, fjr 81,000, ond Cliarles Jwbtid selected as the batch) ground. A largo crowd of rouf.hs left New Törk on Mondny at mldiiight, on board lbo stsumer Popo Oatltn, for the sceno of the figlit. Tho Milford authorities tek2rnphcd to New Haven for axl. Tho rrsult was the airival about noon of an extra train, containing throo cmpanies of the Sscond Conneeticut Mihtia, and about fifty New Iiaven, in all about 300 men, 1 ger for tho fray. When the erowd saw j what tbey had go-t to cnoounter they fled in all directions, but tho colonel oomnifinding had laid bis plans well, and nnother column was seen cominoup the road, while still another line of bluc-coats caiuo over tho brow of the hill in front. The route was complete No means of escape being open to the pugiüstic ocswd, they surrenderod at discretion.


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