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"S=:=MORRIS HALE, W. D. MsrnEN'CE mul Ofllce No 1S. corner Wil' offire honrs. lol PM Advine and Profrriptions froai 6 to . P. M. tien da.'. frl;e Kratis t0 tIlc poor1M q$. FRÜTHINOHAMÍ M. D., WT8ICIAN AND SUKGEON. Office over Drac rnïi No I Harón strekt. Residence, No. 35 TÏÏpion street. Office hours, 3 to 11 A. M , and '■'■ _ , " GEORGE GRENVILLB, MiTER IN DRUGS and Medicines, Ho. 5 Soath ■ ■i.Ann Arbor. "göLL, ROBIN&0N & CO. OBOCF.KS. Prodnce nndCommission Mercbants, No. ïlSootli Mato Street. "ËLLIS & KISSELL, -■ . and deálera in Paints, Olls, etc. No. 2 Soltb Main Street, Anu Arbor. "UTeüDORE ÏAYLOll & CO-, ImTjnw in Groceries, Provisions, and Country Produce, No. IS Sonth Main Sireut, Ann Albor. JOHN KECK & CO., DEALERS in Fnrnitnre of all Uiods, No. 33 South Mam Street, Ann Arbur. J. Q. A. SESSIONS, iTTORSKV anti Counsellor at I.inv, Estáte and iMimno! Agent. ConveTancing 8nd Collectlon of Clsim jrninpüy attcneed to on liberal terms. Ofin one i!oor south of First Nmional Buuk, np (Uir.Sont!i Haln Street. Aun Arbor. W. H. J ACKSON, KSTIST, mccecKor to 0. B. Portor. Office, corner Niio sad Uuron Streel, over the store , Ann Arbor, Mich. Antestheties adminiikrcdif re!j;;irel. W. F. BREAKBY, M. R ParSICIAr KON. Office at residence, corner of Hnroa aod lilvitiou Streets. fint door . Aun Arbor, Micll. E. 3. JOHNSON, DEALER IN HATS and Cup Fars, Straw Qoodc indsblug Goode. Jtc , Nu. ' South Mam S:ret, Auu Arbor. S'UÏ'HKRLAND & WHBDOM, UFE and Firc Insurance Agenta and dealers in Real Ksute. Office on Hnron Street. Alau ecll ftrsti.ijy Macluues. y. dT iíolmes, IgEJT tor the Florence Seirtag Machine, and dealer iu Pictures, Frame, &c. No. '1 Kast Uuron Street iBWIg C. RtSÖON,. ÏIEALEK in Hardware. Stovcs. Bonn Furr.isliing Goods, Tin Ware, &c. No. 31 South Mi,iu Street. bach"&'abel, DEALERS in Dry Goods, Groceries, &c., &c. Kö. !í South Slsiu Street, Ann Arbor. C. H. MILLEN, DEALER In Dry Goods, Groccriea, fc., tc No Simtii Maiu Street, Ann Albor. SLAWSÖNfc SON, 8R0CKRS, Previsión and Commip-'ion Merchants inj dealers in Water Uiie, Land Piaster, and Piaster Paris, No. 14 Kast Utiron Street. S. SONDHEIM, Í IIOLESAIE ar.d retail denier in Ready Made ClothIsg, CkHhs, -':iss:meres, VcstinL'S, and Gents' FurïUWls Goodi. Ko. 9 South Molu Street. WM. WAGNER, " 8F.ALKR !n Tieady Made Clothin. Clothe, Cassl.oeresandVistmi;!", Hats. Caps, Truuks, Carpet Bs,&;., 21 boitth .Main Street. GILMORE & FISKE, MOKSELLERS and Stat;oncrp, Medical, and Collego Text Books. School and Miscellaneous Books. No. 3 Nonh Main Street, Grcyory Block, Ann Arbor. FINLKY & LEWIS, KUXBS In Boott, Shoes, Gaitera, Slippcis c., No.ïEastlluron Street. R. TARRANT, IADIE5' Fashio-jablo Shoe Ilouec, No. 24 Sonth Main Street. QROC KE R Y , &USSWARE & GFOCERIES. -T. & P. DONNELLY Bve la htorea large.ttock of Crockerv , (ijassware, 'ltedWaM,(;.,tlf ry , Grocene, Sc, trc.,all tobo lold atunnsunlly low pricef. No.lSEut HurcnSticit. Ann ArborH28tf J.fc p. OON.NEI.LY. QÏtFline of hacks ! ROBISON & BAXTER, Prop's ?orDishes?ipwllt!on6 Oonveyances to and from the ■■s. and all part of the city. ST" Funerala attauded, aod ;]t.-;ant tnrnontsfur ■ed tarii.s mnkiui; eall. Pricor. rpnsonnble. "raerslprt at UookVIIutcl or at tliuir oülce prompt tended to. lïUtf JOHN G. GALL, FRESH AND SALT MEATS. LARD, SALFïfAGESi, Etc, Crdtrsso-.litB.l au'. iTomptly (Tllwl with the best " ïi the iiiarkct. o] Kant Wasbiiigton street. nArbor,Sept. 16th,18t)9. 1235tf jTvèr"y and sale stable. A2TELI, fe RAMAGK,;iui and Cathnrinestreeta. Horeefboard,on rsonalile tcrmfl. Soconu haud bngcies, cutKfanáharnc?j fur eale. liitSyi [)& O. g. PORTER, ÍDE1STTIST. Ece in theNEVBANEBLOCK,AKN AEBOE. N Operations on the Natural Teeth, PEllFORMKI) HITI CARE. UNSTJRPASSED FACILITIES AND EXPERIBNCE SETTING AhTTriOIAL TEETH, TO GIVi: BACB INDIVIDUAL, '""■""ƒ' prnper sizt, rhapt , color , firmnr$t and natural ezpri 1244 "pUE LARüÜST AND Best selected stock of Plaid poplins; also the new and elegant PLAID REPS to be had at the 1240 FARMER81 STORE. npHE MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INS. COMPANY OF DETROIT, MICH. (F.nïABLlSHED IN 1SC7 .JOHN' T. BAOI.EY, President, JACOB KA KR.1. XIi, Vice President. JNO. T. I.IOnETr. Socretarv. FAMES O. WATCOJIi Acluiirv. D. O.FAKKAND.M.l)., SUdical Eximiner. A Snccessful Michigan Life Insurance Ompnny, nrganiied for the purpoe of furuishing Insurance upon üves at THE LOWEST COST COMPATIBLE WITIl Absolute Security5 and f'jr the further purpose of KEEPIiYG MONEY AT UOflE, wliieh heretofore bas been sent East, RATES AS LOW AS SAFETY VERMITS. ESTIRE 3V1UTALJTY AKD STRICT EQTJITY Mark the Bastero and j-revai in the distributiou of AN3UAL DIYIDE.NDS TO THE tXStJBKD I rovisiona of the Stal La-?, and by htlr ow u u-mi!, ALL POLICIES ARE NON-FORFEITABLE. -i 1 IXU'RAXCK FCRKISHED ITON ALL DESIRABLE PLANS. AU he BEST FETl'RFS nf the OM Companies ADOPTED,n)!their F.KRORS AVOIDED. SECURITY, ECONOMY, EQÜiTY AND THE WEST, ITS MOTTO. For Agencies apply at tho HOME OFFICE, Bank Block, Griswold Sireet. JZ3 I, M. THAYER.Gen'l Rfnt. FRED. I-. HAI1N, Agent. 12S9jrl A. WIDENMANÑ7 REAL ESTÁTE AGEHT, ANN ARBOK, MICU.' OFFERS FOR. SALE r 53 icren of land,withln one half müe from tbccitj-, tobe nold in whole, or pareéis, a follows : 24 acrei on ection 19, in th toT of Ann Arbor' borderin g en the eapl OD the rond leading to CornwoIU' paper milis, and on ihe ou'h on 15 í acre situated on the northwest comer of the Gorhatn ro.d aud the sai'! Cornwell Faelory roid. CThii is ene of the hundsometit situatioos ni tho ueighborhoíjd of Ann Arboir.) 13á acres mproved land joininií the aboTe 15} acres and fronting Gorham Koud. Forty acres of First Cías Farming I.and, wiih good Orehard and Barn, 2)á miVe from the Court Iloust, on the npper Dixboro road, 1 ■ ere of land with a new tivo story frame boiue on Thompon, Spoor & TbompMjn'n additton lo the City of Ann Arbor . 7 lot s of y% ncreeach,on Thompson, Spoor & Thomp son's Addilion. 9 crea of land, with a plendid grore, Joining the Firemen'a Park on the Wet. 1 House and l'i lot of lanj, with Harn, WaphKitclxn, Carnaje Huuae, and a number of niod ern iniprovtment, on the nortbwest corner ol r'ourth anü Packard St ren. 1 Home and Lot in the 2d Ward, on 8outh Liberty Street. 1 IIounc and 3 Lot n th 2d Ward, near 2J Ward School House. 1 Home and 4 Lot,near the U.C.R.R. Depot. 320 acres of land n the Boulh of the Plato of Missouri, uear the Hannibal 4rSt.Jusph Railroad. 2 City It ncnr 2d Ward School House. A. WIDENM ANN, FOREIGN EXCHANGE BROKER, ANN ARBOR, KICH. SELLS A1ID BUTJ DKAFTS, ISSUES LL'. TE 18 OF CREDIT ON ALL PRINCIPAL PLACES InGR.EATBRlTATN,GF.KMANY,FRAXCF., SW1TZERI.AXll.etc. My direct conncctions itli Earope onttble nieto offer a füir rate sanj New YorK lloupe. Ketncntber. I am not an afrent ol any hcuno in th is country . but 1 ;im bftvlag direct comm unica tiou witb tbt baürt huuses n Europe. COLLECTIONS IN EUROPE Dï POWER OF ATTOHNET OR OTHKRWISE, W1LL Bli PEDMPTLÏ ATTKNLKD 10. PASSAGE TICKETS per ftoamer tn an1 from New Yoik to all principal porta of huioj.e 1 il! te 11 as folluws : From Now York to Soutbamptoo, Havre, Loaron , Brecien or HamViurg, I ■!. 2dCln.i. Stee'age. $1-0. SS. $25 in Gold. Rcturo tickets, 'A'.5. 135 til " From above places toKcw York, lbtCIn8. 2.1 Cl.,s3. S.l Cima. $l0 í"á. $10 in CoW. From New York to Liverpool, Cnbin, $S0 to Í100 st crage, $30 ia Curftncy. From Liverpool to New York, Cabín, $100. Steeraí, 37. A. "WIDEÑMANÑ; FIRE INSURANCE AGENT VI"XC AUBOR, For tlie ITowardlnBurancc Co. ,in NewTorktO& of tli e oldebtand bcwtCompaolasifl the country. Tb e Vratoata Inmi ranee Compsny in Clertland. The honorable nnl safe mnnagement tl thif n-t tution has marie il one f tho mopt reüaMe Fire ïnHurRBce Cpmï"i'in tbo Went.


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Michigan Argus