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New York, April 16. The money market Is extrctoely easy, tlic average tbr cali loans beiug 4@5 per cent , witli ezcepttons at 2%'Jc. Tlicrc is a decidcd llow of curréncy to tlic city, whlch wlll continue until t.horc is icall for money to move the wool erop of the nest. Gokl Is strong at ll.'iJá. The payment of the May Interest, r:',S00,0ü0 of whlch, or about one-flfteenth of the wholc, was paid yester(iuy and to-day, would naturally tend to weaken the gold market, but clous not seem to have liad that effect, or at least, the tendency to tilia end has 'neen ueutralized ]y adverse reporta froni Washington as to the fate of the fuuding bilí. There has. b lecided arlvancoon the week In breadgtaffs. In Liverpool the adv&uce s 2é 8c all roand on wiieat. This is equal to 4(íü(; Amciicau, bul up with au increased deinand frotn the other slde the ad■ liere is relatlyely les titan tlicre. Flour qnotatlons show : ! 1!). April M. loper. 8tt and W8trn,..$-i.55?.6S .6i -. ■ tcni -IV wiiiic WhMtucIra f'.'-'u ;o.i."i 5.8O@.ïO Coarse gralna show no material chango. riiei'O is uo moveiaent in hops, bal iuIls oi Ca'lfornia al ín buUer, ;hero Is ás 3 1 ( uo shlpplug margin (br west ern. Yet there: is n s: ncyto run lairy stook on ohoese, and when cl nakiii;; I I I pro ml t r in ate wlll qulti 'lik for supplles froni other qua 'oth Irled Bi are dull. U wlll hardly ay to hip green ones, unies the best kind oi' ruaseis, ns so inauy decay at Una season. ■ oír, April S7. Spring business opei - heerlngly, illy iu warebouses and manofaotorles. ui of rallroad linea througbóut the State has a perceptible effect apon the business of Detroit. Au ice jam on the St. Clair flats for inoro tlian a week past, has compli ; navlgatlon In that direction, and cirt oft" temporarlly all trade to the upper l-.ike ports. The rlvër opposlto the city is l!!il witli vcssels boumi ap, and eastward boimd crafts &re equally held above. Wlieal Is qu laat wi . ertain. 3 are lat. Butter is weak at a decline. Kgj;s sirady. Fetd scarce. Maplt sugar scarce at 18@ 20e. Sccda nro down. BeefCftttle impioved 2öc on ih; v.


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Michigan Argus