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Radical Tariff Beauties

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We want evory Radical farmer in tho fttatc to read the followiucr, wliich wo out frorn a speech of Mr. Marshall, of Illinois, mady in tlic United States Honss of liepresentatives, oa the 29rh of March lat oo the tariff. Wo want tho Radical farmers to road it, and then bear in rnind what they are supporting when thoy fdfo the Radical ticket. Bop.r 'm mind at wliat txpeuso to themselves ihey ore frustatoijig thut party of huge rascalitiea - the authors of tho preseut Tariffkwa of the United States :-i'rcc Pres. "Tbe farmer sfarting to Lis work lias a Elioe put on hishorse wit'.i nailg taxed 67 por c;'nt., c!rivc:i by a bammer taseti 54 pr oent. ," cuta a stick TÍ;h a kuif a tased 50 per ceot. l-.iiches liis horsc to a plow tascd 50 per cent., with chains taxoJ C7 per cei. He returus to bid home at uiht ;;ii layshiswearj limos Oii a sheet tased 58 per cent , asa covers hiinself witii n bï-.nket tliat bas paid : er eont. llciisesin the morpiog pata on bia bTirole flannel shirt tuxed 80 per cent , Tiia coat taxed 50 por cönt., ti'ioes taxcd 35 per cent., and bat taxcl 70 per oen t. ; epens family wprship bya chapter from bis Bibio taxed 25 per eer; , and kr.eels to Lis God on a hamb!e carpet tased 150 per cent. He siis down to his humble meal from a píate tased 40 per cent., with a kdfo and fork taxed 35 prr cent. ; drinks his cup of cofiee taxed 47 per cent., or tea 78 per csrn., wfth eugar 70 per cont. ; BeaaoDS bis ibod with taxed tOO per eoni., pepper 2Ö7 per cent., ov spice 397 por cent. ]Jc looka around upoa bis wifá'nn'l o!ildren, al! tajed ia the samo wav ; lakes a chew of tobáceo tased 100 per cent., or lights a eigar taxed 120 per coat., acd then thanks his slara that lio livcs ia ihe freest and be9t government uuder Heavea. If on the Vonrth ot' Ju ly he wants to havo tbo star-spang!cu bftüner on roal buntingho must pay the Ameriaan Banting Corapaoy, of Ma?saehü?2ts, 100 per cent. f.r the plovious privilege. No wonder, sir, thut tho Western farmer is struggling váth povetty, and conscioas of a wrong somewhere. although be koows not whence the blow eomea that is ehaiaing him to a lire of emiless toil aud reduemg bis ■sife and childreri to beggary."


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Michigan Argus