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II. Co'burn of Windsor, Mc, wbom the editor of tho Maine Farmer snys is " one of tho best butter mnkt-rs in Ken nebec countj," seuds that paper tiio fol lening : " In winter wben my cows cive milk ] feed scime r:ots and moal. If they caí have jood hay and some mea), tlia but ter will bo a.s gooil color and flavor as in tlio sumoner. In making butler, there are tliree thiugs t bat are iodinpensablo tirsfc, pood cows; eecond, a good cellar a:i'i tiürJ, a person thiit understande tiikiug care ol the ïmllc. But to the po'mt in your request. We think we have the threo requieites mentionec abovo. Our cow8 are milked rcgularlv at ftated times; the milk is straincd - as soon ns milked - into lin pf4US that ure well scalded. As soon ns the creaui risfis it is taken off, aud churned aa goon as we get enough to niake a ohurDtng. The bvitler is taken out as soou as gathered and worked ia cokl water until tho battermil'i is viuked out. For marL:3t buttet we put one ounco of s&lt to the pound, tlien the buttcr is worked uutil tpeealt ia well iocorporatcd into it. If worked to ntuch tlio butter beeomes salvy. Theereaiu is never eorored over beforo churning; lf covered it is liüble to ïiüm'd in the vessel, after whicb butter caimot bo made. Crcam sboiïld never be llowed to stand on tlic mili; after t lias risen ; il so it will mould nnd grow thia. When we I;iy down butter for winter we use stono javs that ha3 riot been used for anj' othcr purpose, and fill tliem to%withiii in inelilrom the top. ne make a picklu of tbo best rock 8alt that we can pet, and iül the jar. which will rsise the butter from tlio bottüin of tiio jar. To lscep it down wc put a smal! stone on the butter, then put thé caver on and a weight ou that whieh will keep the batter in i:s p!nce. I never bsTo ttoown butter put down ia the wy ubove incn'.ioued kut would keep good any lcngth ot time. Tho jars shuuld ba kejit in a Opol, dry rilaoe; ours do t'i;; bt-st to stand cq the bottóm of tho OE " In regard to the beM breedí of cor. Asl far as my experinuce had gons the Ayrshire?, all tb i lidei'ftd, are tho best. They are moro eásilv resred and will maka more butter from the saaie expeus-: . oilier breed."


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