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What's The Reason?

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Take twenty boya of gixteoD, ín ónf or auy towu in tha State, and let thotn go to wort, tbree or four in a dry good store, boot and shoa finishing estubliahments, and priuting offices. Ia ten yeara they will have becomo men of twentysix, and the majority ot' theiu wül then bo about as far alont; in tbe biiaines as they ever will bo. Oae or two only ia each of tho abore branche, will be etablished in business for thomselves or connectcd with some firm doing a good business, and tho rest will be barely getting a living and growliDg abont their poor luek. Now we assen that there ië good reason for tbcir poor success ; and tliat luck has but little, if uDything to do with it. If we take the troubla to asoertain Úá real í'acts in their several cases, wö shall find that those young men who becaine masters in their trades, or leading mea in their pursuits, were not nfraul (o work acd were determined to eucoeed. They looked beyeed the day and weck. They made theruselves valuable and usoful to their employers by buing always faithful,reliable and willing to do what they couid for the interest of those for w hom they worked. Wheo a press of busiDess carne they were ready and willing to work extra hours, end without skulking or grumbling, well knowing the business must be attended to when it came, and and that there were plenty of dnll times during the year, whieh would more than counterbalance aoy extra brisknesa of the busy season. To eum it all öp, these young men deotiüed thomselve with the establisbments wherethey wers euiployed - beoasie useful to Iheir enï' ployers, in fact, fiztures, who cou!d be illy spared, and in duo course of time, haviog gained esperience, wero invited to take a hand with the nlready estV lished house, or else boldly strück out for themselves. Here, theu, is tbe lesson, whioh is, if you ffish to become succcssful waaiers, deem first to beoouio faithful servants.


Old News
Michigan Argus