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Alien Negroes "out In The Cold."

Alien Negroes "out In The Cold." image
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In e.vplanatiou of the following letter 'roui Attorney General May to our Jounty Clerk, it is only necessary to itate that Mr. Romsov, doubtiug the iglit of alien nogroes to filo daclarations i inteutiou to become oitueBs, and he ng persistently urged to permit thcm to lo so, sought ihe opinión of tbo law )fficer oí the State. To his letter of injuiry Lc received the reply bolow ; "KAl.AMtr.oo, April 28tli, 1370. 'J. J. Kobison', Esq., "Jhar. Str :- Tfpur favor is reccivcd. I .lo not know whether Cougress has cliaiif;;d tlie Naturalization Laws or uot. 1 do aot ï'ccollect seclug any such bilí beiore ,hem. Unless tlieio lias been a change, ;olored nlicus can not be uaturalized. 2 Uomp. Laws, pago 1,054. I have no weaus at huntl to ascertain if racb clinnge has been made. Perhaps a line to Gov. Blair, your M. C, TVOUld proluce what you desire to know. Yours truly, DWIGHTMAY. We are inforined that the Clerk of Jaekson County, having sought the opinión of Gov. Blair, has beeu advised Lhat thero is cot only no law under ivhich colored aliens can be admitted to jitizcnship, but that the naturalizaron laws expressly prohibit them. We dow trast that those euthusiastio Hadicals ivho have been poking sharp sticks at Mr. Roeisok vfill vent their spito at the law instead of that gentleman who only seeks to do hia duty. - It ia probable that Congress at its present 6ession will chauge the lawa, aud irovido for the naturalization of negroes, Dhinamen, Esquimauxs, Sandwich Island írs, etc. A bi.l ia already announced in jreparation. Tuk House, on Mouday, by a vote of F5 to 5 - a bare quorum present or vo;ing - pasaed a bilí directing the Secreary of the Interior to place the name af Mrs. Lincoln on the pension roll, ind pay her a pensión of 3,000 per anlum. Now let the Senate pass the amo and have dono with it. It is not )vcrcreditable to the nation to have moh a claim - oven though without precedent - kicked about like a football between the two wings of the capitol. The House has adopted a joint resolution providing for a sine die arijournment of Congrccs on tlie 4th of July. - rhe day of jubileo is coming. May there be no postponement on account o the weather. - The Senato hesitates to adopt the House resolution. Why ehould it pause. Let it listen while the band sings : 11 Roll swil'tly rouml ye wheeU of time, Aiid briüg the wckome d; TnE Senate concurriug in a House resolution adopted on Monday, a new and permanent "public holiday" is to (ind aplice in tho calendar, forevor. It is the 30th of May, being the day appointed for the decuratiou of the graves ef soldiers who died in defonso of the Union." Tur. gratifying intelligeuee comes over the wires from New York, that John Moiutissi'.ï is ill, - do, we ilou't mean that, but that Jüun Moruihsey is abou to resign hisseat iu Congress becausOjO ill-bealth. Wo aro satiefled that Democratie friends can 't do worse in choosing his successor : heoee ourgrati Scation. The McFarland trial still 'Mrags its slow length Blong," beforo Kecordtr Hackett, twenty-two days haviug been chalked offi JuK.u Barnard, of New York, so icklüiu finds timo to do a commvndablj tliing that we eheerfully givo liiai credit for a churga to thu graud jury to "indict tlio organizad body of vagabundo, lofer :iüd tbieves iniVsting tlie city, kuowu na pr'ze fihUrs. Ligüt dawiia in tlie Kus'. In tbc Houso of Commona on ïhe 4th, a female suffrago bill passed ils si cond reading. - lts sponsor said that if it bcciiuiö a law 'thero vvoukl be ons f'.-male to tiine male votes.'' We go for sucli litnited femnle suffrage : providcd tbat we cün make the eelectioQ. Tiik SeDiitc, on Wednesdaj, passed the Honse juiut resulution to puy the widow of the late Secretary BaWMNS one year's salary, $8,000. It bas not yot nctcd ou tlie Mrs. Lincolm pension bill.


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Michigan Argus