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Detrot, May 4. The Wiirm weather Imparts a general actiyity to business, aud it seems more like August thau May. Priccs of produce are steady, wlth poohanges of consequeuce except in wheat, whlch looks up flnely. Priccs of principal .grades compare as folio ws: Añil ti. May 4. Extra white $1.81(81.32 tl.37ij51.38 No. 1. " J.41@1.22 1.28@l.l Amber 1-1101.12 l.lSigl.lá All coarse grains are flull. Apples in demand forgood lots, whlch are becomlng somewhat scarce. Beans dull aud unchanged. Butter is a littlc stronger, with outsidc quotattons obtained only for strictly choice. Dried Apples uuchanged. Pried l'eaches, 17@18c. Ejïgs are loWer under n free supply. ílaplc sugar 19@20c. Fptatoes, per bu, 31@32c. Clover seed, lowcr, at $8.25@S.5O; Umothy, 77.25. Uve stock active. Mílch cows are in demand, both for the cast and Lake Superior. Sheep $5.25(36.25 per lOÜlbs., wlth the supply not np to the dcmaml. Froni tti IiulleLin, 30th. The Horton U'ool JInrkct. In the wool market, with gold tending up tliere has been a little better feellng during tlie past week, and we also note a sllght Improvcment ín tfftcTe. 'ihv demand, howover, is ]iii(e moderate tor t!ie season, and likely to continue su until the goods trade L-.:t ii be es,:ilili!ieü upon i liasis which shall warrant inamtfactuteEs In startlng uptheir raachinery and resuinihg tJ'e parllaily suspeutled protloCtlon. lititthough the feellog is.sunicwliat itifouger, therelsBoaetaal iiiiproverneii!, in prlaaa of any grada of doinustic wool. llokiei-s, ut Ibis stage of the Bfiason, are anxious to seU, and on odd and undeslrable lots conecssfons continue to be made In órêer to close out. In l'act the ouljr doscrij)tijiis of wool that aro not presAcd, auil on which selléis have an ad vantuge, are comblng fleeceaud light ern super pulled. These are wanted, and can only be Obtained in very smal 1 lots. The supply of all grade of flecee is very linlted, hut quite suuicU'iit to bridge over to the new clip at the present slow rate r absorpt'.on. Henee holders are meeting tlie market quite freely and do uot often let u custsmer glip tlirough öugers when i thcy are able tö iurnlsh tlic iiïyfe of i wants. Nor is there any great cflbrt Ijcim; made to torco pricesto a hlgher range, in vierf of the near approach of the nêxt wool season. It Ia manlfestly for the interest of dealers, as well as of manufacturero, that diere should be. no exciteinent n the wool market d uring ihe next two months. Aa mattere now stand it is pot merel; probable but certaln, that the new clip wlll opeti at very low prlces ; and in view öfihé loases euöered y vrool tfuyera doring the last three or lour years, it is very evident that it wil) not be bought üp in a hurry. The present condition and prospecta of trade wlll not warrant the payment of prlces now asked In the oonntry. Urnwei's are lower rate.-) tór their product in .luly, and henee they are ■leni-in out all their olcl wool as fast as xsslble. Sales of clomcstic. for the vveek liave been air and ftjot lip abon't 675,000 )bs, at a Woge of -iüí ■"'. ijc ïor il:ece and ;J2@50c for the varióos gradea of pulled. Incladed u-e 5,000 Ibs fino Michigan at -lüc ; tí.Oüü Iba iztra do, at iTc. Prora the New York Ectmomisi,29Ui. We have bad auother very quiat week 3Ut there are si'ns of iniprovement. There are a few very l&rge bnyers round In the liü'erent markets, and tliouïh soraooftliein ii'o maklngtevcn for these times, cldlcoioosy low offers, yet tuis is bettertban na offer it all. There are a!so ittempts at speculaion. and we he:irofiV heavy trausaetion In ■hc Boston mftrket of a lot of abont 250,)00 Ibs ás haring been taken by a large wool house. There Is no doubt there are slgOS of a revival in the wool trnde ; yet we, )L;:iin expresa the hope that it wlll not itiinulate dealers to be too sanguine When trade o])ens In the; wool growlnt; dlstrlcts. DETROIT PRODUCE MARKHT.-T!ie followlng uutatioiis represent the corwnt net ptrlcnreaUxed lycommlgion dealers, andarecarefiiMy rei I ledeven vci'k.icr .,' Akucs, by our DatroHcofrespondeBt. lis (n.ra tlieee irices for commleslou and willsbuw ;hv net ratea tóñn banda: Apples,- Drled í@10c; Grseo per bbl. ÍS.OOfflS.ÍS Burley- perewt;. $i M forNo 1 i íwax- peí Ib. : Benne- whlt . '".'■ ■ S'-c.j 1 rkln,?4 26fperJb., Cheest- MichiuaiiKni-liirv, I9@2O Dairy, 1416 uuckent- dreued, perlb. , it is Curn- por lui . M bW. ifi.0OSl4.00 for wild !■■-,'-■-:- p'Tilnz., M'i l.-.i-. Hides- dry, perlb. ,18@20c.;greeB," 3c. Cail Skln- Cri'iMi. dry S. Sliecp SUi;is- -lilr-i 70: l.imb ukii40a69 Hops- New. piM-ri).. 14O:éc. Lard-rperlb.. VSilTc. Oiirs- perbi . ■ ■. Onlona - perbbl. ï 5p@2.7ï. Potatae- Bestvarietlesprbbl, 128 Tallov Tufkeys- (irfssccl.;M'iih.,2(llc. W'lwai- extra vrtalte, 1.87(á l-38 No, l.$1.2S1.59 AM AïtüOR PilOUlCË ÜI.tRKRTS. Anaus Office, llay 5, 1870. We qnote this aftrnoon as follov : Wil KAT- White. 100c@110c ; Rcd,9c BÜOK WHBA.T-TIÍC. CORN- Töc.ft) OATá- soc. BEAH8- 1 naï -.(■-■ ■.-!. BGO8- I2e. LARU- Kc. HAY- 1S9Í15. WOOD APP 60c. POTATOKa- lósisec. CSICKBNS- Ut. TURKEYS- IGc.


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Michigan Argus