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Tilings Worth Knowing

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For gnll's on horses' backs or necks - one of the most eflective remedies known ia an application of white lead moisten ed with milk. AVhen milk is not a hand, couimon white lead paint will an swer. If applied in the onrly stages o the injury, the oure is certain. To cure scratchee io horses vvach wit! strong soap-suds, then with etrong cop peras water. Kepeat twice a day unti a curo is effeeted. To iest a liorse's eyes, look nt tbe eye carefully, wbon the horsa is in ratber n dark siable. Note the sbape and s;ze pi tbe pupil, carry tbis carefully in your mind while you turn the horse about to a strong ligbt. If the pupil eontracts and appears much smaller than in the first instance, yo'J rnay infer that the horse bas a good strong eyo; but if the pupil remains nearly of tho same size iu both cases, bis eyes are weak, and you bad botter have uothing to do with kim. An excellent liniment for wounds. bruises, rains, and swellings, inny bo mado as follows : - A pint of good vinegar, a pint of soft soap, a handful of salt and a tablespoon ful of saltpetre. Mix tboroughly and bottlo for use. This is very efficacious, and is cheaply and easily prepared. An cecentrio American was lately visitiog an English nobleman, at his eeat in tbe aouth of England. Our fellow countryman was in the babit of laying, "IIow very appropriato !" by way of commendation, whether apropos or not. Tho etntuary in the grounds received this comraent so often as to nettle the host, who dütermined to nrnplus his guest. So, stoppiug before tbe family vhuH, aud pointiucf to a figure ncar of General Jackson on borseback, he said: "How do you like ihat slatoe of General Jackson f "IIow very appropiiato !" was tho ready reply. "How do you mako that out?" ''Oh, General Jtickson was always nt home among dead Eiigü.shmon,'1 was tho aüswcr. - - ii - in A celebrated writcr paya : " No woman can be a lady who can wound or mortify anotber. No matter how beautiful, how refined, or bow cultivatec she may be, she is, in rcality, coarte and thu inate vulgarity of her nature uiatiifests itself here. Unilormh' ièii d courtcous and polite treatmeut of al persODS is one mark of a truo woman.'


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