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DEïROJïAPVERTiSEMENTS The Cards il tkif cnbnnn ure. alt ff Itgitimate enterpriaes. None of a rhatnrur accrpu-d. G& H. McMILLKN. . IMPORTEKS and WHOLESALE GROCERS! Have n Stock a full auortmaat f Tía, Uoffkkí, Agents for Bü53fKTTia CslkbraybA Extract. Ousse ft l'icklee for alp. Physiciana al Druefcists can nUv.ivs h1 Rupptifid irlih genuine Wini-s, Biandies, Champagnes, Scotch Ales and Londen I'orter. ■pvRY GOOPS, WHOLESAI E. ALBERT D. PIERCE & Co.. AVholesale Dry Groods 35 'Wcodward Avenue, DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN QtIJEI.Y'S Exlracls and Toilet Articles, For Sale all flrst clasi Desleía. MANUFACTTRHD 2C5 & 207 Woodward Ave, Detroit 171 RAYMON'D&SON, Wholosaleand Retail BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, BOOKBINDER3 axd BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS, No. 7 Fort Street West, Opposite the new City Hall, DETROIT ÏH B. SMITH & Co , 11Ö and 118 Woodward Avenue, !l Detroit, in their new and elegant e$tabliihment will iuotü thün ever deht'rve the encourmgment of all lovers of booka in their vicioity, and fiienda of literature throughout the country will be glad to learn tbat palatial bookftotes, tike the courae of cm pire, westwnrd take their Fhü Eñqnirer, Detroit can now take pride in its new Bookstore, one of the largest, and I think the most beautifuliu the whole country .--Boston Tiantcript. The mout elegant Bookature in the country. - Advertistr and Trihwuc. Aa oroameot to the city.- Fret Prest, REMOVAL. E. LiebkbmaN', nianufhcturei ot Clothing, Importer and Jobber of Goods ior Meo'i Wtar has removed to tbc spacious preinisen, 71 & 73 Jefferson Aveuue, Detroit. Mieh., And is now manufacturïng a very Uree and handsome .itockof Clothing Buitable for the Western Irade.- lliiu ahva.vs on hftnd a large and FaahionAble Asftortment of Cloths, Caesimerea and Taiior' Trimmfnga, aud a full line of Gents Furnl&bing GoodB. pARRIAGES! CARRIAGES 1 JOHN PATTEN & SON. ESTABLISIIBD IK 1843. Haring bouht a large stock of material ilnce Ihe decline ín gold, we are prepared to fnrnish Bufrpit-s and Cartiagtfl at less rateti than can be bouglit for elacwhere. We excol ín fiui&band durability, wbtcb has raade our work the beat in the country. Manufactory and OfGcc, cor. Woodbridgö and Urush Sts DEMOVAL! HENRY WEBEtt. Wholesale anJ Retail Dealer, and Mamifacturer of Fumiture, I'ianos and Ililliard Tablea, ! as now removed to his newiix utory, free stone front, Mammoth Furniturc Establishment. 141, 143 & 145 Woodward Ave., Detroit. And haa adopted the One Price Syatero . Keep án end le sa ahortment trt guit all, and with unsurpas.Hetl facilities, tbe lategt and moit approred machincry, iltfii'a all cumpftition. Cali and jiulge for nmrwlvrs. IETKU1T MACHINERV ÜEl'OT. JAMESJENKS, DEALER IN MACHINERY Ko. 29 Atwater Street East, DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN. 1n' IHIES PrOMPTET AlTKHPKO TO. MACHINE SHOP AND BRASS FOUNnRY. Do jou want flrst elasa BRASS WORK OR BRASS CASTINGS Iron Pipe and Kittinra for Ga, Steani or Water, High or Low Prctnuro Stcam EnglnoBand Bollen, Brewhouse and üisüfírj Machiner.y,c. Send for Circular and Price List. JAMK3 FI.OWEK k TSHUS-, 9 Biuh St., Detroit. N. B. - All kinds of Steam ileating done. TOAX8 NF.GOTÍA1ED i roR Counties, Cities, Towus, School Districts and Railroads J''Cnonty, Town and Railroad Ofllcers, who jnny hare LOANS TO NEGOTIATK, are fnvited to confor wiilj ii. Special attention ven to tlie XKCiOTIATIOX OF SCHOOI, nlHTRTOT LOAN8. WILKINB & Co., Detroit. T EASONS ÏÏHÏ YOU SHOULD BUY DETROIT JT0VES ! Int- Ther are made of I.AKE SUPERIOR CIÏARCOAL IRÜ.V, the best in tho world. 2d- Theyarewarranted NOT TÜ CRACK by flre: ■ 3d_Tlie Patterns are &1I nevr,and have the latest improvcmenta. 4th - Thelarffp nnd varied assortment of Cookioff, ['iirhtr and Heating Stoves adapted lo the Western trado enablea tbe coosumcrs to get jut tbe article denirfd. 5tli- Tby nrt1 made by pr"ctiral aml experinced mechanica POS I'SKañd in Worln(f Qualities are jctter adapted to tho wants of All Puople. -Kxtra l'latep to Detroit StoTes eau be easily obtninoil. r-cijui-ntly ;iving the cot of a New Stove. 7tli - Jtetroit StoviiB have fujly demnnstrated ttit WtóTKItN IKON, with WKSTKRN BKILL can make Stovcg, nt excellfl lv any in the l'nited Staiei and ought to linvf a largo share of patrunage f rom the [tiini uf tho Wwst. BN.LIARD TABLES 1 C. Schulbxbuko, Billiard, l'iiffoo Hole, Ilfigntclie and Jeuny Liod Table lunutdcturer. Siitisf.iction KuaranteeJ, JJilüard Gooüb of all kinds always on hand. ltctroit, Mich., and St. Joseph, lío. ITANTLE8 & GRATES. P. A. Uilling, dealer in U MantJes and Grates, 29 Woodbridge Street, Vest. S uA íor Circular. MOMUMENTS AND HANTLIB. Scnn.THKiB Mar ble and Brownitone W o rki, corner Baten Ptr?et nd Michigan Avenue 3iuli?flS, rpiIE BEAKS ARE AHKAD! JOHNSON, THE HATTER, I Has jugt oponed a Largo Stock of WINTER COODS! Incluillng Ncwnt Stylcs of HATS & FÜRS ! Whichwill baiold IjO"W:e:R. THAN EVER 1 ALSO A LARGESTOCK 0 GLOVES, ri)!,l,AKS, NECK TIKS, IIANDKRItt 1IIF.KM, 8ATCHELS, CAJÍE8, Umbrellas. Parasols, &c. PIparo cftllandexamine my goodibeforepurohfis ing elbewht're. NO. 7 MAIN ST„ - ANN 1RB0R MICH. November, 169. 1216tf "Slieridan 20 Miles Away!" . A.. TERRY, (fltOOBBSOB TO KEMPER 4c D1EIIL,) Has on hand a larga and well pelee ted stock of ■WINTER OOODS including a full line of HATS & CAPS! Lateet stylefl anl ln-t qualiljr. Ladies' and Gents' Furs, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Gloves, Collars, Neckties, &c, which will be sold at the VER Y LO WEST FIGURES! Z3T lïemember the place, No. 15 South Maiu Street, the old store of John West. Ann Arbor, Drc.ïS, 1P69. 124Rtf f ADIES'FASHIONABLE Ij SHOE HOUSE. 21 Bonth Main Street, Dealer in LADIE'S BOOTS AND SHOES, THE NEWEST STYLE8 xTsr ïLid, Oalf, and Cloih, Alwajion hand(ind Stock and Work Guaranteed. IF YOU WANT A. BOOT, A GAITEB, A. BUSKIIST, OR A. SLIPPER, CALL AMD EXAMINE HI8 STOCK BEFORE PUB CHASIXQ. PBICES LOWEH than the I0WEST. R. TARRANT. Ann Arbor. Maj 17th,18f9. O EMEMBER THAT HÜLL, ROBÏNSON I CO. KEEP A FÜLL ASSOETMENT OF c ir, o c k: e irts", SOLD CHEAP. 1Í45 0LÖAKÏSGS7 BBlVERS, CHINCHILLAS ! ASTRAKAN AND SCARLET BROADCLOTH .A.T TIHCE F A li MEES' STORE. A FULL AND CHOICE XjIJSTEOT1 GROCERIES! HAY BE FOUND AT Hull. Eobinson & Co's. 'jOlí THËNEXT Sixty Days the Farmers' Store will Sell Goods Cheaper :han any other Store inthe lüj. Goto R. W.ELLIS & CO's for strictly Pure Drugs and Medicinad .Paints, Oils, &c. OU Y YOl'K Looking Glasses OF W. D. HOLMES, Ann Arbor, FOK 3 RKASOKS. First, beriiuse ho kf pc tlie Wt f ImportodGlaM, inda guod tuortlnenl "f square an$'arch top f rarnui , au) aeÜs CHEAP 1 Seconll j, bcruse lïioy ín-lonp tu hls bupIoeRS. He maken tliem a flpeciaü.v, domhií OWDWurk, and eau afforil to ucll CKEAPEB 1 Thirdly, Becausc he mnufactutes thera, aud can and will sull tüe CHEAPEST 1 of any oneintlitcity. Hciilso sclls PICTURE FRAMES! ThecbOftp?t of any body in the Sta te - au fur as licard f i huí . NICE OVAL FRAMES FOR 6O CTS. Picture Cord, Tassels & Nails! FRECH GI..ASS- bj tlic light or box- ForTictures orfor 0EIOXTÍS33 ! 32 EAST HUROSÏ STREET, . ANN ARBOB, - - - MICH. msif gWEETESMïNC ! SWEETENING ! TOR YOUR] SÜGAB and SYRÜP C3-O TO HULL, KOBINSON & CO. DRY GOODS! GEOCERIES, CÜBPETS, OIL CLOTHS ! AT THE FARMERS' STORECommissioners' Kotice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Coimty of Washtenaw, ss The nnderelgned ba-ring been ap'polntedbytha Probate Courtfor said Countj, Comml ceivc, examine mul adiust all clalma and ilemaiidsof all persons againet thfl estáte of Bber Pattas, lata of eaid County, deccased, taereby ftive notico that six raonths from date. are Rllowed, by orde] Probate Court, lor creditors to present their claim agiiiupt tlie estáte ofaald dece&sed, andüiatthe wlll meet ut the office uf .Toslin & Blod;,'et, in th city of YpsUantl, in said County, on Satnrdaj thp eleventli day of Jane, and Prlday, the aereDt day ol Octobcr. next, at ten o'clock A. SI. of oac of said dnys, to recelve, exnmine, and vtljust sai claima. Ddtod, April Tth. A. 11. lTo. 1205W-1' Commissionors' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN. Countyol Theundersiened havlog been appointed ly tb Probate Conrt for f aid Coontj, CommUi toners to r Ceive. exrn'lio. :md adjliet all claims anil dLjm:lin; all persons againet the cstatu of Henry Bowe lato of said County, deceued, hereby glve 110 tice that six raontha from date are allowed bj "r der of aaid Probate Conrt fonreilHorB topresentthei claims aitainsttbeestoteofsaiddeceased.iiiidtbattho will meet at the stort: of said deceased. in Ui City of Ann Arbor, m said Uounty . on Saturdaj the twenty elghtb dai of May, and Tbursday, tb twenUetb day of Octooor, next, at ten o'clock A H ofeachol sak) days, to receive, exaniiue and adjus said claims. Datcd, April Oiith, AD. 1SÏ0. JAMBS II. MiiKKIS, Ipommiagjon-,., 1267 WUXIAMCHEBVER, i -omuiissioners Real Estáte for Sale. STATEOFMICHIGAN, Couutyof Washtenaw, ss In the matter of the estáte of Frank W. Goodale minor: Notice is hereby given, that iu pnmuuce u au order granted to the understgued, Guardian o the estáte of sald minor, by the Hon Jndge of Pro bate for the Couoty of Washtenaw, ou the twenty iifth day of April, A. D. ISIO, there wlil be sold a pnblic vendas, to the highest bidder, at the office o Uoodale & Henly. in the rlllaga of Delhi, in tU County of Wa-htenaw, In said State, on Thur.'day the slxteenth day of June, D 170. at ten o'elock Iu the forenoon of that day, tsnbject to all encuui brances by mortgage or otherwise existing at tht time of the sale, and nlso Bnbjeet to the rk'M o dower of the widow of Norman C. Goodak;. de ceascd, therem), the following ecscribed real estáte to wil : The undivided onc-eighth of the " Delh Mili l'roperty,'1 (so-caïled). beiug on gection two in the town of Sclo, lnsaid County, ou the north eicU of the Huron River, commenciiig at the northeas corner of the bridge near the Saw Mili formerl' owned by .Incob Dorenuis, rannlng thence north rtl' teeu rods, thence cast thirteou rodn, thence uoutl flfiecn rods, thence west thirteen rods to the plact of beginning, contatnlng ons nae of land; also the undivided one-eighlh of twinty bnilncbei ranare, o 570 oabic iiKhes of water, to be meíisured at tht throat of the mlll or bottom of the flmne on the above deucribed preniiscs under all the head that caí bc raiBed there, wlih the privilege of making a rao 8u8icient for the water above menttoned frem tlit dam of said Jacob Uorcnuis, to the projiertj above deicribcd. and thence to the river: nlso the undi vlded half of each of the followinp deccril)cd parceli or lots of land, vir. i Lots nine and twelve, in bloei four and that part of lot eight iu blck four wblcl lies southwesterly of the Michigan Central linilroad also of lot aoven in block niiie. and lot ten in block fonr, nll iu the village of Delhi, Couuty aud Statt aforestid. Dated, April 'JTtli. A. D.1SJ0. 12CT EDWAKD L. BOYDBN, Gaardlan: lleal Estáte for Sale. STATE OP MICHIGAN, Coante of Wailitenaw, h In the matter of tho estáte of George Sutton, üd Inronipetent: Noticf is heruby given, thnt In puran anee of nn ordr granted to the uudursigued, Qaax(lian of tho ewtatc of süid incompetent, by the Ilon Judg6 oi Probate for the Couuty of 'ahienaw, or the f-enty-ihlrd day of April, A. 81 . there wül be aoK: :it public vendue, to the lil ider, at the northwet corner of the premi-t h hereinaftttr deBCribedt In thetown of Northfleld, u the Cuuntyol Washtenaw, in snid Stati-, on 'fhursday, the kIxteeuth duy .hiñe, A. D. 1870, at two o'cloek in the afternoon of that day (subject to all encumbrauco by mortgage or otherwise alalina ut the time of sole). thé following described real efetnte, to-vit : The eaxt half of the norih two-thmls of the east half of the northwest quarter of section tltirty-flve in townphipone south of rauge öix east, coutaining twenty Hix and two-thlrda aerca ol laud more or less in s:üd State Datod, April 25th, A. D.18T0. 126T 8EDGWICK DKAN, Guardian. Keal Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. In the matter of the estáte of Lewta A. Rackraan, deceased, Noüectte herflby.giyen, that in pursoaticc of an order sraa ni t. tbe nndorstgned. Exonitorof the estere 01 sai'l i ■' -isc I . by tile Hllll. .1 l'rcbate for tho C'ounty of washtenaw, un U ty-ihint day of fart:h, A. P. W ', there will nt pnbllc vendue,to Un: blghcst hiddur, at the dwellIng house on tlio prembea hercto describo!, tn the County oí Washtenaw, lu'ealíStale, n Thnredar, tbs niHtli day of June A. I lLTO,at one oclock in thc aflcrnoon of that day, fanbject to n!l encambranees by mortgupe or otherwin exiatíDg tu the time of tb death ol eaid deeeaaed, and also tablut tothe Ufe catate of tdi widow thersln) the folfowmg dcBcribcd real esínte, viz : 'l'iu' west lialfof the aorthent qnuii t of BeetiOD Heven, in rownship foor toutli ol nngefotireaatineaij State, ezeeptug the part thereo! taken froni the aorth-eaet corner by llie Olintpn road : aluo :1! 1 1 ■ a t pAri ot theeaethslf oftbe eaat half or tbe iorth-weet qnarter f ?!iiil peciion Beven , whteh lies north of the liiirhw.'iy . aod oontaloiug furty acivH ; rtlrto ji parce] ,i! I.muI !(-si-ribed t)S collimeneiag In t e seouon line at apoint ten cbains eaet of the north w't corner ol ifi! eaat hall' of the nortb-west fnactíonal quarter of aald -4' ii'nscvcn, ranning Üience Ruuth one degree easi iliinv one chiiin-i and rorty linke, thence along the north 1de of highway north tlfty-slx deg-iee nnd thirly minates west six chaina and live links to a etake. thcnce uorth one dc.gree vet twi niy Beren ohatna and niiKly-ïlve links to a stitke in north line of said aectlon even, th i ■ ild Une eagterly fonr chaina aod nlnety seven links to the place of beglnning, contalnlng foarteen and thrcc-fourths aeren; alao the west half of the north'weal fraotlonal qnurter ;i .■: i 1 1 aectlon seven. exceptlng and n'aervinir that portion conveyed hy tlii" l'o.lowiiu: meiuionei deeda, all ■'- cordeil In tha office of the Register of Deeda foruld Countv, vÏ7. : J'.v ilicil froni Lewla A. Buckman nnd Phebe Rnckman to .lohn W. Norris, recordad in libet Gi ol Deed, on ijhki' ;-'-. b deed fron Willlam Bnokman, Lewla Boekman and Jamea Penlmin, tè Michigan Bonthern RailroaJ, recordi-d in Ilber86 of DeodB,.paire 406, aud by doed ,n' jA:wJt a iiuckman nnd wifc to Mary B. Euckioan, retorded lu libel Tl of Deeda, on iiage :.:;'. wn.i.IAM M.OKEQOBY, Excctitor. Datcil, March ü3d, A. I'. WTO. 1M4 Go to E. W. ELLIS & CO's for choice Wines and Liquors i for Medical Puiposes . töortgftge Salo. Dmade in the condlti -n of ;i tartfiin morljgage. oxeen ted by Charlea Moon aud Mellwa Moor e hla wife, oí theclty uf Ann Artor, ('onnty of Waahtenaw, and sintr" lïïi the twelfth day oí Jnly, A. i). 1864, to Josepn ' . Lawaon and Efrederlck wurtter, of thacitY tt Aun ■:■'. and recordad in the I U íiU'ikiw . afo on the I5tn day otJuly, A. J). I 64, ai ; ;ocluck P.M of aald oay Ín líber ft2ofnvvtfi ■ ■:■{ : whlcii pafd mortgagc wiía dnlyassl Joseph W LawsoD and Praderick wumtor, tomo, tlio anderalgncd , on the -uili day of Novansbi r, a. )). ISOfli asd raoorded lo ili: Rejjlster'i cf Wnahti uw County, on the 23th day of April, A - I. l'-TO, m 1 1 o'clock A . M ot snid d.-iv. in líber 82 of mortgaffes, page 621 on whicli moi tfaere la clalÍDoq to be dpe nt. the date o( this aolic6i the Hiim of three humlred nnd Tiy-four dollam and fortj two centt; alao, an attomey twenty-flvo dollftTB, shoald any proceedtaga h to fbredoae tMs mortgago ; and no fvá law r cquity bavtna; been Insütated to re: 1 debt Of juiy ]);irt thereaf, oottee is hereby í:ívcí'. tlnii by virtiic ofthe povor (' sale in Mtd '.1 liiH'il I abjul Bell ;it public aoct Ion - to the t fgnesi bidder, olí the sotti doy of Joly oext, at two oxlock P. M. ol eaid day, at the froDtdoorof tbfl Uoort Hou--, hn tbe City of Ann Arbor, I of WaanteuRW, lint premiaet tic --i ibi'il la siiici mortgage as all that certaln plece orpí laod siniíUed In the riiy of Aun Arbor, County of Washtenaw, and 8tAl6 oí MichütaQiiciiowDboiifld ed, and doscrlbed as follows: Commenclog at the center of aecttOD aanber twenty In townanlp two sonth of rango nomber bík eaat. and running went foarchaini and thlrly aoves links to a black oftk tree eiht lnchea tn (lifitni-tpr ; theuct; somii degrees, vtresi two chaina and ftfty Hnka to tho Slead theace eaaterly alctng th: center of aald thenortband pouih center Une of sald ec tioa iiuinVr twcuty; thcnc(i norih pcvitn chftiriS íifid forty-flvc links to ha plaoi of beglnnlng (axcspttng mul reserrlng 011e acre of land l'rom the oast öide of the parce! o! land above üesoribed. April 28Üi,1870. BARXABt'S K. HTTÏRLE, Ajanee of said Mortgage. John N. (íott, Atturney for ApRiirnec of saidilortgago. I Morí.gae Sale. DEFAVLT havin boen made In thecondülon of n ertstn m i '-■'! bi Elias Kicii to Harriet O. Aíhby, on ihc twenty-elgnthday off ber, A. i). [864, recorded, wlth the power of sale theruiu rontained, in the office of the Register of Deed for the Oonnfa' ot Washtenaw, in the State of Mli blgan at one oxlock i m., on the nineteenth tl iy of September, A. 16fl6tln liberNo.81 ofmortgages onpage768, and by an Instrument i beanngdat the t wenty-fourth day of Jnnunry A. D. 1866, and recorded In che office of the Register of ilnrt'sairl, at 1!. 'i oYlnck v m. , oli tho eecoud day of November, A D. LSfl, in Uber 2 oi i mente of mortgages oa page 8?4, duly assignedby thfl Bald Hïirriet Q Ashby to Lucy A. Olfls. on wliicli mortgage thore is claimedt o ík hu; at the date ofthis notice, the sum of twelve hundred and teu dolían and foor oentSi principal and Interest, and no snit or proceediiijrs at law O tin chancery having been instittitcd to recover the sum ?■ ■ e, or any part thereof, notice is, therefore. herebj pi ven, that by virtne of the power of salo con ;; laid mortgage. which has beconie operathr by I defaolt aforesnd, and In i ; r-uaiice of tiu piatutc -ii surh oase made an provided ,the unid mortgage will, t tbs Courr Hons in the City of Ann Arhtir, in the Co-mty of W&abU naw, and 8tateof Michigan fthntbelog the place holding the Circuit Court wlthin Bald Couiity) o the twenty-thlrd day of April, A.D.187O, at. eleve o'cl'ick In the foreclosed by a sale of tl premiBesdescribed In Bald mortgage, nibstantfally t ioIIowr: Bltnatcihthe townsbip of Vork, in theOoni ty of Vashtenaw,anrtState of Michigan . thosecertal tractfl r pareéis of land known and desctibed asth northwest qmrter of thowütherotqffarter, and th sonthwest qnarter of the northeast qmrtet of secdi No. twenty-two C22),ip townshlD fonr soutlt of ran, eix eaét. contatoiiïi etghty acres : also one other a jolning ]arcel of land, belng all that part of tl northeast qaarter f the sontnweet naner of sa Bectlon twentj two, which lieasotnh and eaetof th Qreat Ridge ïroad, rnnninKthroQgh8tldland,exoep Ing theroirom two ucres lying in the sonthAast con thereof snd bonnded north by eald road, east by tl land hereindescrlbed, and south by land owncd b I,. M. Kose. Dated, Ann Arbor, JnnnArv 27tb 1R70. LUCY A. 0LOS. Aaalgaee ofMortgag B. F. Obangfk, Attorney. The nbove Bale is hereby posí poned to Saturda June 4th. at the same plce and time of day. Datcd, Aun Albor. April 23d, 170. í.icVA. OLDS, Aesiguce oí Bfortgage. B. F. Ghanobr, Attornfy, liVt Mortgago Sale, DEFAXTLT having been made ín the condition o a ceri aln mort zage mde and executed by DaVI L. Gatee and AminaaJS, Gatea, of the city of An Arbor, Waahtensw Connty, Michigan, to Aaron 1 Vanatta, of North fteïd, Uonnty and State aforesait igd&te the flfth day of April, A. 1). 1362. ar recorded ixi the Registert of Deeds for Wa! tenaw (o , Mihian, on (hestxteentiitday of April, A look A. M . in überNo. 29 of mor gages, ol page IÖ4, by which the power of aalecoi t;tn ni therein become operativo ; theamotmi cluimoí to be dne on Bald mortgage and accompanyiní not at the díite of tliis notice. i.s the Btim of flve hundri and Bixty-ntne dollars and flfty centi andlnterep and the ftirthcr snm of ft f te en ctollnrs provided i e as an Vttornoy fee in case any pn ceeding shonld be taken to foreclose the same, mu ik Bult or proceedlo ; having boen institotcd at hu to recover the debt oenred by aatd mortgage, or un y part thereof t Notice is herpby gtven that on Monday. the eleventh day of Jniy, A,D.1570,attenoclocb . m. of that flay, at the front door of the Connty Court House, In the City of Ann Arbor, in said Connty of Wushtenaw, the same betog the place for bolding the Circull Conrt for eald Coonty, therewlli lii sold al pnb. tloD.tothehlghest bidder, the premises deBcrlbed in said mortcage, or go much thereof aa may eSBary to satisfy theamoantdue on s.tidnote and mortgage al the date of tbte notice, with interest, costs uiitl cxpi: nc%proïritd for in saM mortfCagtf. and allowed by &W, that is to say : All that certak) , arce] of land sltnated in thecity of Ann Arljor.'. lehtenaw County, Ulchïgan, descrlbed aa fullows. to-wil : lïf'iiir lois number one. fonr (4, live and eight, in block flvo. in Brown & Fuller's addition to the villï city, of Ai.n Arbor, accordini: to the reconled plat thereof. Dated, Ann Arbor, April Tth,187O. A A RON lï. VANATTA,Mortcagee. Tract W. Root, Attorney for MortLaLec. I-05 Mortgage öale. DKFAI'I.T having been made In the condition of a certaln mortgage, execmed by John Uiehl and Murgarette Dichl. hu wilV, of the city of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw, Michigan, on the löth day of July, A. D. i6", to Philip Bach, of the same place, aml recordeü, with tho power of saie tlierein contato ed in the office of the Tiegister of Deed for the Connty of Washtenav.-, iu tho Stut of Michigan, on the VÍh day of August, A. 1S05, at two oclock F. M., in Hber 34 of mortages, on page Uil, on which mortgage and proraiet-ory note accornpanyiny the same there Í3 claimed to be due at the date of tliis notice, the gum ofseven hundred and Dlnetyfour dollars and two couty. principal and interest, besides the coats and expenses of this foreclosare, and an Attorney'i fee of twenty-five dollars, shoitld any proccediug be taken to foreclosesaid mortgage, and do BUft or proccedings at law or in equity having been had to recover said sum or any part thereof. NoWt therefore, notice is bernby yivcn, thathy virtue of the power of ale in Bald mortgage containcd, I shall sell at public auction to the highest bidder, on the -Mii day of Hay noxt, at two o'clock in the afternoon of that day, at the south door of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, Connty of Waantenaw, And Btate of Michigan, (being the place oí holdintr the Circuit Court within said County.) the premises rlescribcd in aaid morigago, or tío much thereof as i may be necessary to satisfy the auaount due on suid inortcrapc, with interest and costa and expenses allowed by law, wnich said premisos are deêcribed a folio wb: All the piece or parecí of land beglnnlng at the southcftsterly corner of Traver's Addition number two to thevillage of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County. Michigan, thence northwesterly alonj; the sontheriy bounda of aafd addltion fonr chüine, thence northeaster-y aloni;tlie westerly line of lot number two in said addltion eleven chaina and twelve links to the northwesterly corner of asid lot uumberlwo, thence north fifty("iir desrees east, one chain threc and a half Hnki to ifinds di'cdfd by AbsaJom Traver toZ. Pulcipher, thence south thirty-six deirreew east, alonp said Pulclplier8 land slxonalns anti twenty-two links to the easterly boonda of said iddition, thence south forty degrecsaml flftpcn minutes west, nine chalns and fifty and ono-half links alonar sftid eastarly bonnds to the place of beghuaing, contalDing live acres and flfly-eight hundredths uf an acre, be the tame moru or ie ss. Dated, Ann Arbor, Fb. 2Stï., 1870 l'IULIP BAÜII, Mortsragee. Rioiiak lïrAHAN, Attorney. 1269 "ÏÏTIIEREAS, Charles Sconton, of Graes Lake, ii T theCouniv of Jucksou, and State of Michigan on the scventh day of Oc'ober. A. I). 1888 executed a inortgage to Charles WhedOD, f the State of .w Yuik, to secure the paymciit of eer taln principa] and interest for the parchase monej o ihc prt'inÏM'i thiTtin meutioncd, which mo was recordcd in tho ufflee of the Register of DeedB inthc Coanty of Waahlenaw.and Stato ol Ml aforceaid. on the IStfa dny of Octoher. A. D. ltiü, at ! o'clock of raid day, ín liber -ïl of mortgages ou pa;e 3fi : And whereas, denralt haa boon mad fur more than thii'ty days ín the payment of au InBtallment of Bald Interest money wblcb became dm on the scventh d:iy of October A. )). 1860, by reaeou f, and poraaantto the terma ofeaM mortgage aald mórtgagee elocte that bo mach oí Mld principal in renuüna onpatd wtth all arréarageè 01 interest bereon.ahal] béoame dne and payftbie hnmedlateTr. tmi whereaSi there is clatincd u be due and anpald ms&tdmortgageatthedateof thls notfee the eam f two thonsand and thlrty-five dottan for principal tnd lutere&t, also an Attorne;8 fee ut thirty dolían ihftnld any proccedin;s be taken to forpcloe said Dortgage, and no sqlt or proceedlngs have boenln itituti'd either In laworeqolty to recover tho same n-iiny pftrttherflofi NotiCe, therefore, is hrrcby Mriveu", th at on Süturday, the elcvonth day of June, icxt, at two o'cloi'k in the afternoon, at the ou th door of the CourtHotwe, ta thê city of Anc Arbor, b tding in whicli the Circuit Courc ör tin; County of Washtenaw and State aforesaid 8 held, andby vlrtae ofthe poweï of tale confatned n Bald mortgage. I shall 611 at public anction, to the dghest bidder, tho premiaes described In BafdmortLhearaonnl of principal and lote reet clalmea ns dae, wlth the Attorney hlrty dollars and charces of eald tu-wit AJ] hose ertaln plecefl or parcelt of (and iltnated in the ti'nhip of Sharon, and County o( Washtenaw, and bate "f Michigan, deecribed u Polïowe, to-wlt : the astpartof the southweat fractlonal quarter of gecou N'. Beven () In town three aooih of range iree (ñ) cnst.oontainingcihty acres of land ; also ie west half of the Teouthweft qnnrter of sention [nmber Beven (7) En townsliip tlirec (S)sonthní ingothreeCS) eutGontalnlngizty acru of land, tyr Oí ICflíDated, Maren Tth, 18T0. CHAEL1 8WHKD0N, Mortgageo. John N-Oott, Attorut-v for Uortgagee. 1860 Eötato of Thiibuelda Sayers. tTATEO MICHIGAN, Ooanty of Wáfthten&w.M. i Mot ice la herebyglven, tbal byan order of thn Pro■te Oonrt for the Oounry of washtemiw, made os ie ei'Meeuth day of Aprtlj A. l. ihto, vtz lonths from that date were altowed Tor creditora to reaeul thelr claims aíraloal the astatttof Tbusoelda late ofeald ConntTi fleceaaeö, and that all ■editora of Bald deceased are reonired t preeent ieir claiine to said Probate Court, at tho Probate ce in Uw -ity i f Aïih Arbor, for examlnatton nd filU)vance, n or befbre toe elghterath ñttj of )etober next, and ;har Btich claims wlll be heard L'fdi-p sjiid Probate Conrt; on Batnrday, tho sixeGthdny of Jnly, and on Tnesday , the elchteenth ayofOctobor nuct, at ten o'clocL in thoforeDobn f cach of thoae days. Dated, Aan Arhor, April isth A. D.. ISTo. aiUAM.T lïKAKKS. 15C6 Judeof i'robatc. Mortgago Sale. DKFAtJLT haring boen maüe In the condftlofi of a cercalu mortgage ex cuted ':" Fr -dei lek Mayer iini Bai bftra Mayer to Fredericfa Bchinld.on the Ut y of June, A. 1). 1644, record d wftn tl. e pow mie thcreui contained In the offlee of the Re - lor the Coanty of tbe f Michigan, on the 8 tn day üf June A. I. : l:l'i o'cltjck P. M.. Ín ;;l of o ui page W8, ui'i ii an In&trumtjut oí attsfgnmeDi be .:ml recordetlin thci office of the Raster ol Deeda afo Dr. the üd iUy -Juiv, A. l. 1880, nt n-'-.j o'clock a. M.. In ItbcT S of aftslgmnentii of mortgag ! d by í-JiiH i-'redmek Schmid to íarbara Mayvr, .and Bubsequently byanother Instrument of asslcnment, bearfnjg date the Ist day üf Man . . .ind recordad In the. oiiice of the 1 tdfl afori sald, on '■ be Bd day of A. l. 18ï IX o'clock P. M.. In libar ï of asslgnraento of mortgages, on page 436, duly ro-ai by said Marta Barbara Mayer to sald Fre Schraid, and afterwards, by a funher instrument of aaslgnment bearlng date the 2d day of March. A. D. flrecorded In the office of the Register r Deeda nforcpnld on the 4th day of March A. J. 1870. otioVá o'clock A. M., in liber 'i of aasignments ol ges. on page 440 ;i oed bysatd Frederlck Schmid to said Maria Barbara Hayor, on whlch ra re la clafmed to bc doe at the dAteofthis Dotlce, the snm of iive Imndred nnd ■ wo dollars and twemy-two cents, and Lntftt eet from the date hcreof at the rate ofelght p( r hecosta and expeuees of this forecloanre Includlngan Attorney fee of twenty dollars, shonli any proeeedinKsbe tnken to forcclose eaid mort and ii' snit or prooredtnee at law tfr Is chaacery nav hl' been Inatltnted to recover the sum o due ör anj part thereof: Notice i, therefbre, herebj thdtby viriui ol the power of sale contalned mortgaffe, wblch ha beaomeoperatlTe by tbedefaul atbreeaid.and in porsaance of the statute In tad i ase n..iilc and provlded, I slmil&H] at public nuction tothe htghesi bidder, on the fonrth day of Jone. ]). 1870, al two o'clock In the afternoon of thatday at the sonth door of the Conrl Hoase. in the Cityo Ann Arbor, in the County oí Washtenaw nnd Stat (f Michigan, Cthat belng the ilace oj holdJng thi Circuit Conrt wllhln said Conotyj, tlie premino , ■:'7. '. Sltaatei In the Connty of Wftübtaoaw and State of Ulchigan in ïirown rnller'fl Additlon to tlie vUlage ol Am Arbor ,(now city), commenciiiir eerenty-eeren f nortDweeteriy from the southerly corner of bloei nnmber eevcn in anM Addltlon. on Mlll Street run nlng thence northeriy alons MUI street. abont slxty two Peel to the lne (i" Pontuc ttreet, thence nortn wardly along the line of Pontiac etrect sevcnty-twr feet thence eaatwardly abont ftfty and one-ha thence northeaatwardly flfty.elgbt nnd ono huif feet thence southwestwardly and pnrnllel with Br abont 'nw. hondred and forty-two feot to the place o" bezinning, contalnlng forty rods of land or more, b . a more. or le8i It belnff the same premipe ponveyed by warrant? deert to the sald Fret! e riek MayerbyVolneyöhapfn nndwifc. Norman Chapli anawifet Charfvs A. Chapín nnd wlfe( on the29tl day of June A I). ; Dat-, d, Aun Arbor. MlchM Mnrrh ltlt MTfl MARIA JÏARRAÏiA MAYJEK, RioHAiïhBüAn-iN, nee of Hortjngee. Attorney for ABSioce. Mortgage Sale. jlkKFAULT havíns been nu le [Q thr condition of ■J certaln mortgage ezeca by Prederlch Mare r:; Barbara hayer, bla wife, to Densmore c'ra nier, on the lHh dny of June, A 1. 1807, recordé wlth the power of sale therein contalned, in thcoffic of the Jtufiister of Deedp for the üountyof Washte jinw, In the State of Michigan, on the ïoihdavo Jane.A. D.1867. at TK o'clock P.M. , In liber 86o : [es, on page 77, nnd by an instrument o aaslgnment bcarf ng date the 2d dny ofjtily, A. D nd recordca in the offlee of the Register o iforedald, on the üd dny óf Jtiïy, A. D. ] 5 o'clock P. HM in liber -' of assicoments of mon flnly aierned byttald Deosmor Cramer to Uaria Barbara Ma,yer,on whlcb rao Ihere la claimed to be due at th date of thlii notlc the snm of thrct1 hundred nnd one dollars and iei cent, andinteiefit from tho dato hereofot the rat of ten percent,, beMdes the costs and expenses o thifl forcfdosure.including an Attorney fc-eoi ivM.t Bve dollars, shonld any proceedtngt be taken i fon close sald mortgage, ana na snit or proceedinfrs a law or la chancèry having b en Institoted to recove the sum so due or any part thereof. Notice ísthert fora, berebygivea, tbat by vlrtütj of the. power sale contaiiied in said m ■rti;at. whlch hftfl becom operattve by the deftnill aforesald, and in pareaano of the statate in sach case made and provlded, shall sell at public auction, to the higbest bidder, o the fourtb tlay of June, a. D. 1870, at 2 o'clock In th aftarnoon of tbat day, at the south door of th Court Uonee, in the City nf Anti Arbor, in th Connty of Wasntenaw, and State r Michigan, (tha beine the place of holding the circuit Oonrt withl sald ('nuiuy the premiaesdeacrlbed In sald moi aa followa. vlc : Tbatparcêi of land belng ontba lüirr. (if eection twenty Ijing easterly ofewlft tau Deubells miii pond, town two Bontta (f ranfte si eaft. and State of Michigan, commencing ,i;t th Boothwest corner of a certaln street running fron PODtlac Btreet werterty to the northeast corner o land deeded by Norman phapln and wlfe to John T !Sv:ah', thence northerly along tlie line of land noi owned by Jacob Seabolt, to land owned by James m Smith. thence westerly alnj: the line oftald Smlth1 land to s:ü(i nrllpond, thence southerly alom.' in margin of eaid jionii to land now owned by sal 8 wathei, thenoe along the north#rly line of al 8wathel8 land In nu easteriy direct ion to the place i beginning, cnnlainlng ftbonj flve acres, more or lesa always reaeivüig r!.p ri ;hl i enter apon i&ld prcni 'i times -' Üie weterly end of the abo mentíoned str rain aocese with n tam o othecwii d nnw owned by said Swutlic and lyingsoutherty ffomsaid five acres. DuLed. Anu Arbor. Mlch., March mth, 1ST0. MARIA BARBARA MAVER, RioiiAitn Beaha-v, Astignee of liortuagce. Attoruey lor Assïgnee. l'JCO Mortgage Sale. DEFATTLT baring been made in the condltione ( a cettaln mortgage made by John QoorgoKlage to Anthony liuikc, John Hurke, Jr., and 1 ,.datedthenlnthdfty ofjannary, A.D.l&K and recordeU oivthi flav ofDannaryf A. I 1S8, in the offlee of tlie Register of Deeds for Wasfa icnaw Cciiiity, Michigan In liber ss of mortgagea on page .-■'■. whinh sald mortgage wan duly ai by the said Anthony Bnrke ana JohnBurk,Jr., u the said lid war tl Barke, by deed of assignment datet venthday of September, A. D. tso1.', whlc asaignmcntwac dnly recofded In the Registe] a offlc aforesaid, on the eleventh day of Uctober. A. 1). L8Q Ln liber S of assignmentfl of mortgagea. on page S ■ upon whk-li mortgftce there is nowcTttimed to be du thosnm of fivO hnndred and eeven doltare1 beside the stim of thirty dollars as an Attorney of Soüc Itor'a fee provlded for in i&ld mortgage; and no euit or proeccdimrs haring been Inaututed at law to recover the sum nowdaeandswored bysaid mort gage, or nny part thereof, now, therefore, by virtu of the pweji o( n contained io eaid murtasre and bv virtue of the utatutein snch case madeant providi'tl, Jiotii'e i;1 hereby j'iven that on Batarday the twenty-flret day pfMaj oeit, ai IS o'clocl noon, of that day. at the south door of the Cour House, in tlie City of Aun Arbor, County of Wash tenaw. and State of ïllchigan, Cbelog the place o holding the Circuit Conrt within said Couutv), there wíl] be sld at public auction. to the highest bidder tht' premisas deacrlbd i'1 S:li(l mortgaae, or so mud thereof as nny he nèceasary to satisfy theamountdue ou said mortgage, with the Interest and costs, Inclnd inoran Attorney fee of thirty dollars as aforesaid which sald premisos nre desenbed as íollows : The southwe1 tquarter oí the foutliwest quarter oi'sectiou No. twenty-öïght, township No. one eouth of range six east : and ouo ■ atnp oï land two rodJ Ia wldtn taken from the sonth eód of the northwest quarte of the BOnthweBt ijnurtcr of section No. tweiity-eih townsblp one south of range six east. except a stri of land two rods in width. taken from tbs eaet sidt of the first-fibove described parcel all the abovede sciibed lands belngln the State of Michigan, Datcd, Kcbruarv 23d, 1870. EDWARD IÏURKK, R. TÏkaiian, Mortagee and Asslgnofe. Attorney for Mort pagee and Aiddgnee. 1288 Mortgago Sale. DEFAL'LT hnrlng been made in the conditions o a certaín mortLage, mude and executed by Gott fried David Frledrlck, and Jakoblna Prledrick, lúa wife, of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw Connty. Ulcblgan tó Troman Schram, of the same place, on the 17tl dny ai February, A. D. lstio. and recorded in tht Regtster'fl Office of Washlenaw County a;'un-anl, oí the 18th dny February, A. 1803, at UJí o'clock A M., of saldday in líber 88 ofmortgages, un 84 which said moTtftagowafl duly asstgned by tnesah Tnniian Schram t.o E. H. Spanldlag, byanasalgn ment ditcd the l'th dav of March, A. D. 1SU", and recorded in the Reirister'tí Office of eaid Conntv. ou the ISth day of March, A.l. 18U, al '.".. o'clock A. M., in líber 68 of mortgages, on page Mí wblohsald mortkr:i was agaln daly assIiriH'd by thc said !■: 11 . SpanMtng to James F. Iioyoo, hy ao aMlfroment daih dnyof September. .v . I). 1 SG5, and recordte Rejriíter offloe of eaid Connty on the2Tth Janniry, A. U. 1SO. .i'rloclv P. M.,in ■.- 'ímu-nts of Morijja.L'i'K, on page 666 Dponwhlch mortgnge, and Hu1 Doteaacoommmylng tht.' sanie, there ís now claímed to bu rim; at thc daíe of tilia nottee, the sum offocr huodred and sixty three dollars, and leventy-ninecentt. bosMea an Attomey 'e fee o( twenty dollars provided for in uid mortgage,aiid do BÚlt or proceeding having beeu iiiKiitiHed at law or in cnancery to recorer the same or niiy iart thoreof : Now. therefore, by virtue of the power of "■Ui' contaloed ie said mortgage, and by virlut: of the statute in such cace made and provtaed, ootlce 8 horeby ffiven, that on Sattinlav, the íth day of Mav, A. 1). 1870. at 10 o'clock in the 'orenoon of said diiy, at the sonth door of the Court House, in thc City oí Aun Arbor, Connty ol Wftahtcnaw, and State o( Michigan, fliciiiü: thc place of holding th1 CircuItCourt wiiliiu snid C'ounty.) there wil] be soldat public aacü thc highest bidder, the premipes described in eaid mortcage, oreo much thercof ns my !■ necesstry to satisiy thc amonnt duc on saitl moa tL'.-it:c, with interest ándeoste a tul extllowed by law; whlch eald preolsefl are de■ : v followe: All the followlug desciibed plecee la ii land altaated In Aun Arbor, and Connty if Wwhtenaw, md State of Michigan, beleg the sontheast qnarlnr of the northwest qnarter, and the ucrth half of the northeast qiïarter of the aonthwest inarter of Beetlon nuniher twcnty-thrcc, in township woaonthof ranaresiz east, oontalning sixty acres r land, more or less. Dated, Ana Arbor. Peb. Mth.lSTO. JAMES r KOVCE.Assinee. BdWIBD H. Si.awsox, Allorncy. 168 Drain Commissioner's Notico. VTOTICK is hereby given that the Praia Commis.i Blonerol Waabtenavi CoonlyWUl beat the lum-c i Wm. Qeddes, In ilic townihlñ ol' I'ittbflckl, on the th dy of My, T0. t ' o'clock P. M., to nicct artio-s to contrac! torthe ezcavation and con..tnicon of a drain, with hrauch. to be kuowu aj T'ittseld NO i Draiu, commtúcing on the sonth line of "limi No Mi running thence sonth and south Mterly acrofs lectlone 22, 88, T and U. I wUl at the house oiw'm. Gcddcs onthaSddai f Mav, lSTf, at 2 o'clock I". M ., at whlch tinu and lace 'l will Pzhlblt maps of the aïtovc proponed rulu. faocordlng t rarrey), and deeorlptlons of Uu■vcr:il parcela of land deemed by mo benellted thcrey. .'.■,■.', ilin nnioiiiu and ileecrlption hy dtvldona ñd hiiIkIívíkíous of the above described pro rain hy me apportloned to Iho owner of ea I lotion, to construct, and to the townnhlp of Pittseld to construct ou account of such drain heueñtintr ghway, a n,i to reasonsi If any are oifered . wny ich apportioumem should bc reviewed aiul corected Aun Arbor, April 21, 18T0. james ,r. PARSHALL, 12C0w" Counly Draiu Commiteloner. IVE GE E8E FE ATI I E U S Li PIEST GiTTVX.I'XTr, Constautly ou haud and for sale hy ABEL. PnYSlcÏAN&rreseri}t!onS Accurately and (Jarefully Prepared by E. W. ELL1S è Co. Estato of Iienry ï. Speer. ÖTATÏ OV MICHIG of oshtenuw, ss. - At n eanon of the Probata Conrt for tii i ounty tenaw. Iip1U'h at tbe i'i n iin; Olty of Aim Ariior, .m Tnesday, the twen ty-lxtfa day of April, in tliu yuar one thuusand eight bandred and seventy. . J. i lu Uw maller of in; catete oi ei -i. : ni mi i David il. sjofT. Bxconton of tbe laat ivillaud testament ofeeld deceased, oom Court mui ri'pn-M'iii iliüt theyare -ed to render th.'ir doaJ acoonnt aa uch Bxecatora. Thereupon it. i ortlcred, tlmt Monday ihetwenty.thinl iay ol , al ten o'elock la the iorcuo'-i . ■! for examinlDg and .-r '■nu!, and thot thi . . e ana !i rs at law of laid d , mtsou lutereated In Bald estáte ar !r m a Beuion if ?niil Court. thi-n to '■ tluldcn al 1. 1 1 . - Probate Office, i:i the City of Ann rbor, In Bid Connty. and ihow canee, if any there bc. vhj thecaid account hoold nol beaflowed It is fiirtheuordered itmt :d(l K to the persons lnterested In aaid estáte, o? the penif sald account, and the hearing theri ■ copy of tiiic order to i bï a newspaper prlnted and circulating 'm s:iiil Connty, three snccesslre rloosto said Uüv of hearing. (A trtic copy.l HIIiAM J. BBAKBU, lsTtc' Jndge of Probate. lístate of Samuel M. Fay. DTATKOFMH.I!(AN.C.::niyof Waí htena W, BS. O At a 8s8on of the Probate Conrt for the Connty of Waeotenaw, bolo -obnte Ofticu. In tbe City of Aun .rbor, on Wednesday, the twenty-4ev. emndayof Aprll,ln the ytar one thoasand'eigbt bundred and sevunty. Present, Hirám J. Beakes, Jude oí Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Hainuel M. Pay, dccoaaed. On roading and dllng the petltl n i ::lcd, of Sarah Jane Pay, praylng that Newton ShelAon or ■!i:-r other soitable person may be appoiutcd Adminlstrator of the estati of sald 4ec Thereupon it is ordered, that Mi twenrytbirddaj of May oext, at ten o'clock In tl oooo be aaslgned the hearing of sald petltlon and that the beiis at law ofaaict deeeaeed, anda] other persons int" rested ín said estáte, aré reqnired to appeac ai b bcsbIod of c:ii:l Coart, theo i be hold ui. at the Probate Office, in the Cliy of Ann Arbor and how canse, if any tbere be, the the petitioiier honld not be granted : And it in fur thrr ordered, tbat aaid petltlonei totbi yersoii bstoreeted in :-i( estáte, of the pendency o said 4i:ïii . iii.d tbe hearing thereof, bi da copy of tbls order t" !.; pablished In the Al Argut, a n wspaper, priuted and drenlatlng Connty, three (occesslve wi Baiddaj of hearing. (A trae copy.) HIUAM 3. BBAB 120T of Pr bate. Estáte of Richard L. Allen. QTATKOF MICHIGAN, County of Waslttenaw, ss O At a sesión of the Probate Court for the Couutv 4)!' Washl.naw, holden at the Probate Office, in thi City of Aun Ar' or, on Friday, the twenty second day of April, Id I i6 year one thouyauj elght hun(Jrtfd and bc i Presentí Hlram J. Beakcs, Jude of Probate. in the matter of the Estáte of Richard Allen, deceased. On reading aad flling the petition, cluly verifïcd, o Sarah O. AlUu, praymg that Frank Jofilln, orsoint. othcr suitahlü persn may bc appoloted Admtnlstra tor on bo mach of the estáte of - ! au lies In the Stftteof Michigan, ov soch othex order as this Court muy grant. Themipon it is ordered, that Momlay, the twenty third day of May nexi. at ton o'clork Ín the (ore noon. be assüfned for the hearing of saM and that tha heiraat law ofsald deceaeedi anda] other persons 1 In said catate are re to appear ai a sestrfon of said Coart, thnn to be hold the i'robait: oili'-ir, n the City of Ann Arbur and ihow catiae. if au wny the prayer o Ihe petitioner phould not ! granted: And il f;ir ther orderedi that said petttioner give notice to the persons fniercsted in aul estáte, of the pendeney o sald petitios, and tho hcarliie íYn aating a copy of thia order tobe puullshed In the Jtf a nespaper printed and cireoiating II aait County, thrE saccetsive wekB provlons to uid da; of heanns. CA trnecopy ) HIBAM J. BEAKE8, I-i'T Jodge of Probate. Estáte of Thomas Bentley. STATE OPMIOHIQAN, County of At ti sesston of the Probate üonri for the County of Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate Ofticc, In th City of Anu Arbor, onFrlday, I i &ty o April, in tlie year oue thouand eight huudredam seventy. Present TTiram T. Beakes, Jndge of Pro' i In the muiter of tlin estáte of Thomas lïentley deceased. On re ad mg and flllng the petttion, duty rerifled o Solden v. Bhurttefl, Admïufstrftcor wuh ths wil annexed of said deceaaed, praytng that he roayb d to sU certain rea] estáte wherenfsaid de Ceased üied sïezetl. Therejopon it Is ordered, that Monday, the thlr ti(-tii dáy of Har, nextj al ten odock In the tore noon, forthe hearing of s niet petition and that the lega tees, devisees and heirs at law o saitl deceased, and all oiher persons Interetted ii said estáte, are required to aypeat ataaession o uaid c'niirt, tliL'ii to (-■ holden, at the Proba ■ in t!f City ot" Aon Arbor, anM show cauge, if aa; therebe, why the prayer of the petuiunershonli ■ ijranteil : And It is farther ordered, I petttioner ive notice to the persons Interested U satdestate, of the pendency of said petïttont an( the hearing thereot )y ecuxsing a copy of th) to be pnbllshed In tbe M prlntdd and clrcnlattng in said Coimty, tour success Ive week previoos to eaitl day of hearing. (Atruecopyj HIRAW J. BEAB 1WT Jttdire oi Probate. Estáte of Ilenry Cacfield. STATE OF MICHIGAN. Connty of Wi At a session of the Probate Court for the Conni of V;ihtenüv. holden at the Probate OWce, in th City f Ann Arbor, on Monday, the eleventh dn of April, in tlie yeai one thonsand eij;iit hm dred and Beventy. Present. II i rm J. 'lïeakr?. Jndge of Proï In the matter of the Bstftte of llcnry Canfieli deceaaed' On readiDiranJ filing the ptition, fl,.ly veritletl,o Charles H Kerapf, Administratori prayng that h may lx; llcenscd to teil certaln reaj estáte whero said deceased dieri seJced. TherenpOD It. is ordered that ToMday, the thir l-first day of Hay, next, tL ten o'clock in tb forenoon.Deassifl'ned for ihc hearing of said pei tii-ii, itmi iiiat toe beln at law of said de and all other persons Uiterested in üid estat are required to appeai at a sesalon of said Coort then to be holdon at the Probate Oitlct', in theCii o Ann Arbor. and show causo, ii any there be, why th prayeT of iiie petitfoner honUl net be pranWd:- And it (tfurthtr ordtred, thatswid petitioner piv oottee to rho persons tnterested tn said estáte, of th pendency oí said petition , and the hearin: thereof, b caobingacopy of this order t be pnbuahed in th MM iffan A rgw, neWpaper printcd and drculatinj in said County, foar sncceeslveweeksprerioasto shh davofhearlDK, UIRA.M J.BBAKE8, Á truecopy. luducof Probate 1'iGTtd Estáte of Orange C. West. STATE OP MICHIGAN, Connty of Wasbtenaw, M. _ At a session of the Probate Conrt for the Connty Of V:ishtenaw, holden at the Pi olíate Offlce. in the City of Aan Arbor, on Saturday. the sixteentbdu f April, In tht' year one thousand eiht hundred aud sev;i:ty. l'rcsftut, Iliram .7 Heakcs, Judge of Probate. Xn thn matter of the estáte of Orange C. WVst, (Iccc.-iscd. On readlng and filin: the petltion, dnly veriflert, of Hattte S. West, praying that Daniel Ualdwoll . w omeother snltable peraon, mav be appolnted Ac!ministriitor of the ealate of s;ii(ï deceased. Therenpon ii l ordered, that Mond&y, fhe slxtecnïh d:iy of Mny itext . :U ten oVlock in the (oreiioon, bc asslgned for the hearing of eald petftion and that the h irn t law of sald d-ceased, andail othpr pcrson-í interestedin sald estu are reqnin d to appear nt a testten of asid Goárt tben tobe ■holden, Mt iho Probate Office, In the City of Ann Arbor, und show onte1 If tny there be. whythe prnypr of the petitioner shonld not be ofrantod .- And ii La furthiT oniiTüii, th:it satd petlttonei plvenodce to the peraona Interest ed In lald estáte, f the peo(ïi'ii'-y of aald jietition, and the hearing thcreof, by eonaing a oopy of tbtfl order to bepobEahed tn the Michigan Arguê, a oewapapev prlnted and (drcniating in Fïild Connty, three auccessive weeks previoiiB to tald day f hearing CA trücccpy. XIIKAM .T BSAKSSi 1266 Jndje of Probate. Estáte of John W a tl ing. STATK OF MICHIGAN, Countyof Waafatenaw, as. At aaesalonof the Probate' onrtfor theOonnty of w ashtcnaw, holden at the Probate Offlce, lu the City of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the fourteonth il;iy ol' April, in tliöyear one thou.sand elghthnndrrd and eeventy. Present. Bi rem J. Beakem Jndge of Probate. In the matter of the Kstate of John VatHng, deceased Alvah Prntt nnd Wil Ham Watlln?, Erecntom of the laet will aud testament 'f tiii deceased, oome luto Conrt and represent that theyare now prepared to render theiniiinl acrountas Hch Kxecutors. Thereupon it ie ordered. tbat Woiuiay, tbc alx teenth day of May, iifxt. at ten Odock in the forenooii. be asalffned ior ezamlnlng and aUovlng surh tccuntt and ihat the legateta, deTisees and heln at aw of sftiil deeeaaedt and all otlier lïcrsoufl ÍnterBted in said eetate, are required to appear ar a schíoii of sald Court, theu to oe holden at the Probate Míii-c. in the City of Ann Arbor, in said Connty. and any there be. why the said account shonld nol be allowed ■ And 11 "is further or bat aaid Kxecntors gite nottce to the pera ns Interufted In aajd estáte, of the pendency oi aald aooonnt, and the heaiing tíiereof, by caaftig n copj of this order to be pvblished In the Michigan Arpu, a newsïnptT prlnted and cticulating in said Couuty. three cce88lvc weeks previuus to said ilnv of hearing. (A trae Copy.) 1UKAM J BBA1 19ÖÖ Jud'e of Probate. Estáte of Euoch Jnmee. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Waahtenaw, ?n O At a eesalon of the Probato Conrt for tlie Connty if Wartitanaw, holden at the Probate oilice in the it y of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the elffhieentfa day f April, in the year one thotuand elght huudred ind seventy. Present, Iliram J. Hoakef, Jmlpr of Probutc. In the matterofthe estáte of Knoch James, deBased. itftiiy Ij, Jamee and Lyman T. JfftDM, Bxecitors of the last will and testament of eald deeased, come into Conrt nnil represent that (bey are (ow prepared to render thelr ürs-i account as euch izecBtors. Thcivupon it ie Ordered, that Monday. lbo bcteeatb day "i Mny. nvxt, at ton o'clock In fbrenoon be asstgned tor examislog and '!'- jwiiil' neb accouni, and that the legatees, dei:i-,v o! sal ■ ;'llli 11 other pereonB Interested In said estáte, are reoired to appear at a seerion of sniii Court thento e holden al the Probate Office, In the i IVrbor in safd Connty and show canse i f any therë be, vtiv the aald account shooldnot be allowea: Anditis Iriher ordered, thai atora gtve nottoe the persons interested In sald estáte, ofthetenency of sald aeeonnt, and the hearing thereof, by anauig a copy of thia order tobe pnbllshedln the (ichyran Argus, n newspaper prlnted and clrculating ' i aald Connty, three snocetalve weeks previo aid day of bearlagi CA traecopy.j HXRAM J, BHAKES, I266td JndLp of Probate. .„. _____ - __ J PHYSICIANS' Prescrip 1 tions Accurately aiia Care( fully Prepared by J. W.ELLIS&CO. Estáte of Bates C. West. OTATBOF Mcn;(;,X,Coi,ntyof Washtenaw . O At a enslon of the Probate Court for theCount, I tenaw, holileu at the Probate Office lnthí MJ of Aun Arbor, 011 Haturday, the sislcenth yril, ín tha ycar one thousaud ekrht hut dred and gerent?. Present, ilirám .r. Beaksa, Jndge -r Probate In the matter of the estáte 1 Bates 0. Wen Onreadlngandnlbigthe petltln dnly rcrindo( Hen West, praying that Daniel M. Caldwell or ome otner snitabie jifrton may lio appointcd Ad Oí the of siihl deceared npon It is Ordsred, that .Mmday, thetli eenth day of May, atíA, at ten o'cloci in th," "cd fr the hearing of sald petitioo, and that the luirs at law of Baiddecai mid all otber persons luterested in said emu" pear nt a ses.!on ofsaidCoar! hen to be holden t the Probate Office. In the city of Lnn Arbor, and show canse, il any therc be whv the iprayer of the petlttoner shnuld not be emnted' i'nrt hrr onlrrcd. that Biildpctlttoner eivcnol Ice to the persons tntereated in uia estáte of thepnu lency of said petitlon, and the hearinp Uiereor l„ ■ copy ofthis Order tobepnbUshed Inthi ', anewspaperprinted aud circulatln n said county, threesuccessive weekf irevioutu uaid tlay of hearing. " CAtroeeenj j HIRAM .1. BEAKEB, I2td Jndueof Probat. lístate of Daniel B. Green. ÖTATE Oï MICHIGAN, County of Washtcnaw.i O At a Bession of the Probate Court for the Couuw )f Waahtfenaw, holden atthe Probate Office, in th City of Ann Arbor. on Batnrday, the ninth day of April, in the ycar ouo t!ioimand"cl;ht hondred aai Beventy. ■:. Ilivam J. Beakpp. Jude of Probate In the muiter of tbc estáte of Daniel B. feer, . ' On reaiilni; find tilns the petition cinlr verifled of d, praylng thnt CgbertP. 'Harper nu be appolnted Anmiuistrator of the estáte of said de. ceased. ■ipon t is orderrd, that Mondar, the nintii Maynazt.atteno'dock In the 'fnrenoon b for the hearing of said petition, and thai th iiiiiN at law of ïaid deceaeed, und all otber pe aterfsted in taid estat.', are required to appear at s sesslon ol sald Conrt, then to be holden at Ui Probate Ofllce, in the City of Ann Arbor, and how tfanythere be, why tbe prayer of the peii. tioner shoald not be granted : Anu lt i fiuihtr ■ :t inner give notice to the pcmoui Interested in faid c.t:ite. of ihe pendency of snid pe. tition, und the hearing thereof. bj canslng a copy of Mlshsd In the Michigan Argut.i aper. prlnted and drcslattng in s'aid Conntj, three snecessive wciks previous to sald day of hear. int' (Atioecopj.) HIRAM. T. BEAKES, Jndge of Probate. Estáte of John Whclan. QTATEof MICHIGAN. ComrTTorWAMTBinr. a k" Atasessionof the Probate Court fortheConnw ofWaahtenaw, holden al ihePrnbateOfflcein theCity ol Ano Arbor, on Mond, the eleventh day oí April, in the year one thousand eight taundred Present, Hlram J. Beakes, Jndge of Probate. In the matter of tno Estáte of John Wheltn deccased. eadingandfUlngthepetltlon, duly verified.ot Catharlne Pnander, praylng that she or orne other sanable persou, may be appolnted Adiuhuutratrixof ■ ■ of gíiid dei Thereupon It is Ordered, that Mondar, the ninrli day oí Miy,next, at ten o'clock in the foreI for the hearing of naid petifcton, and that the heiru at law of eaid deceaned, and all other persons Intereêted In pMd eetate, are reqnlred to appetr ni n session nf said Court, then to be holden at the Probate OÍHce, In the City of Ana and show cause, lfany there be, why thepray. er ofthe petlüoner shonld ñot be grantedi Andit i Hirther ordered that sald petltioner gire notice tt the persona Interested ín saldwtate, oí the pendeney oí said p6titlo&( and the hearing thereol, by caningí 1 ihis Order to be publíshctl in the Afirhiga% . a newapaper prlnted and drealatíng in íd Ooauty.three eacceasiTe weeka previous tosaid d&j of heai Atrnecopy.j IIIIÏAM ,). BEAKJEfi, 1-C5td Judcre of Probate. E-Uate of liiram Tuttle. QTATEOP MICHIGAN, County of Washtenftw,M. At u sesflion of the Probate Conrt for the County of V;.-ht.cnuv, bolden a i lu Probate Office fn the City nf Aun Arbor, on Mondny. the elerenth iiy of Apri!, in ihe ycar one thousand eight huudred and Borenty. ■ Hiram J. Beakef t Jodge of Probate In the matter of the estáte of Hlram Tuttle, deceascd. nfl Tnttle and John V?. Tnttle, Administra, tors of tuaid estáte, come into Conrt and represent that they are now prepared to renocr their ftual acconnt ;ï socb Administralors. Thereupon it. is ordered, that Monday, the ninth day of May, next, at ten o'clock lu the ►n, be aaatgned for examlning nnd allowlng siich account, and ih;it ihc heira at law of aaid de. ceascd, and n) other penona Interested in snid eatato are rfquired to appoar at a session of fald Coart' thon to b.: holden at tlie Probate Office, in the City o Aun Arbor, in said Connty, íiíj'l show cause, if any ■ rhy the sald account Bbonld notbeallowedr And it Ui further ordored, tliat sald Adininistrator give notlce to the persona interested in said estáte, (i the pendency oT sald acconnti and the hearing thereof, by canslng ft copy of this order to b publUhed En iti .', ti newspaper printed and clrcnlating i Bftid Connty. three auccefloive weeks prerloas to said day of hearing, (A tl . HJKAM J. BEAKES, 1265 Jude ot ProbateEstáte of Goorge P. Drury. S;'A'l BOPUIOHTGAN.Coant) of Waghtennw.M. Ion oí' the Probate Conrt for the ('ounty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the Cfty. of Ann Arbor, on Thnrsday, the seventh dy of April, In the year one thousaiïd cight huudred and Beven ty. Preaeut, 'Hiram J. Tieaken, Judce of Probate. In the matter of the Estáte of Gcorge P. Drury. deceased. On readlng and ftlinthe petition, duly verificd, of Mary A Drary, praylng tliat Bhe may be appoluted ratrtx oi the estáte of eaid (ieceased. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, th ninth day of May noxt. at ten o'clock Ín the for ïiiKHi, be aaelgsed for the hearing of aaid petii ii. and ihai the heln ai law of said deceased, and :il! other persona Interested in said estáte, are required to appeu ar h cession of sald Conrt. then t be holden at the Probate Office, in the City r Ann Arbor, and show cante if nj there be, why the prayer of the petltioner ehould not b granted : And It is furlher ordered, that eaid petitloner gire notice to tlie persone iutereeted in wid eatate , of the oendency ofe&ld petition. and the aearln&r tbereor, hycausinga copy of tliis order to bepubllíhed In the MitMgmm At-yus n uewnpaper, printed and circnlaiiu in faid County, tliree bucceaslve weeks previooi to eaid day of hoarinp. (Atrnecopv.j I1IRAM .7. BEAKES, 1209 Judge of Probate. í,stnte of Thomas Kano. OTATKOFMICIIIGAN.County of Washtenaw, O At ;i scssiou of the Probate Conrt for theConnty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in tb city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the twenty-nintb d iy theyear one tbouBand eight hundred and seventr. Present, HlramJ. Beakrs,.Tndfc of Probate. In the matter of the Estáte of Thóma Kane, deoeased. )n readlngand nliner thp petlüon, duly verifld,oi Kane-i Adniiuistrntrix, praylng thatshe niay b llcenced to eell certaln rral estáte whereof said deceased died seired. Therenpon itis Ordered, that Wednesdaj, the elevpnth dny of May, next, fit ten o'clock in the forenoon, be osslgned for the hearing of said pctition, and that the lieirs at law of aald dcceased, and II other persona Intercalad in said sítate, are required to appear at a Bession oí said Conrt, then to b kolden :it thr Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor. :un! xhow c.-itii1, IfaoT there be, why theprayer ofthi oetltlonershoold Dot begrsnted: And it isfurtherorlerd,tht suid peUÜonergtve ootlceto the personf [otereeted in sald estáte of the pendencyof safd pe t'tion.ani! the hearing tbereof, by caiisinp a copy (.1 thls Oraer to be pnbliabed In the Alichiijajt Arqur, t newepaper printedand ctrcalating in paid Coanty, tour sncoessive weeks previou to said day of hcaiIng. f A trnecopy.) IIIRAM J. BEAKES, 1205td JndKe of Probate. Estáte of Sally A. Pray. STATK OP MICHIGAN, Coniity of Wanhtenaw,!' At a sei-slon, of the Probate Conrt for theConnt? f Washtcniiw1. holden at the Probate Office, in tht City of Ann Arbor, on friday, the the cisrhth L-.y ol April, in theyear one thousand eight hun dred and seYenty. Present. Hira m J. Beakes. .Iiulge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte oí Sally A. Pray, de6a9ed. On reftdingand filing the petition. dnly rerifled, of Mary J. Geef, preylng that snrac euitable pcraon na v be appointed Admiuiütrator of the estáte of aiii deceased. Theren;.)ou it is .Ordered, that Mondar, the n'ntli itay of Hay next, at ten o'clock in the örenoon, be asalffned fbr the hearing ofsaidpetin, and th:u the heirt at law of said deceasea and all other persons inlerested in said estáte are required ti appear at a sessiou f said Cour! theD o be holden at the Probate Ofllcc, in the city of Ann Arlxn-, and show canse, Ifany there be, why theprayei ; t.he potitiouer should uut be graoted: Anditi 'urt'ncr ordered, that s;asl petittonei give noticc to the tenonstpterestedln said estáte, of the pendency of aid petitie J, and the hearine thereof, by causing a opy of thls Ordir to be pñbllshed In the MhKga Argüí, a newapaper prínted and elrctüatlng in sald onntj ■ three snccesslve weeks previons to saidday 0 tniecopy.) HIKAM .1. BEAKES, Jndge of Probate. Estáte of Margaretto Taufltirch. C"T ATE OF MICHIGAN, Counry of Waehtenaw.e 5 At aeeaslon of the Probate Court for theConnty maw, holden at tlie Probate Ofllcc inth ity of Aun Arbor, on Fridiiy, the flrst day , f April, in the year one thousand eight honi f-vr-nty, " , m J. Beakes, Jodge of Probate. , . In the matter of the estáte oí Jlar;arette Taulkirc Ooreadlngand Ulagthe petition.dnly veriflcd.of , ). prayJng that he may be appointed idminlstrator of the cstme of said decoased. Therenpon it i! Ordered, that Mondny, tn Inth dny of May. ntxt, at ten o'clock i ie forenooo, be asslgned for tile hearing oi ,iii] petitton, and that hcirsat law of sniddeeased, and allothcrpersonslnterested insaldcstóti. i :it a i -t sftíd Court, te lbo bolden at the Probate Office, in the City of Au rbor.and ghow caose, Ifany there be, why the praMl fthe petitfoner should not be ranted: Annitif ■ lered, that sald petitloner Rlvenotttatotn ireona lntereetedlnsald Mtateiof the pendency ol ildpetltlon, and the hearing thereof.oj ruusinR pyofthl Order to be publlshed in thc.tffrnv newspaper printed and Hrcula'inpin sw onnty, three successivo weeks previons to said d) VATruê'copy. j HIRAM J. BEAKRS T2CÍ Judsc of Probate; riALL AT THE Farmers' Store, and see their Goods and Leara theïr Prices. Everything in Dresa Good Markcd Down.


Old News
Michigan Argus