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The Woman's Protest

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A large nurnber of tha most prouúnent women ia Washington, with Mr. Admiral Dahlgren as their leader, are engaged in obtaining signaturo3 to the following memorial to Uongresg. The list of signers is already very large, nud thc movement is rapidly g&iuingatrength : We, the undereigned, do appeal t jour honorable body, the Congress ttH8embled of our beleved country, in tha íirra belief that our petitiun represeots the sober convictiona of the majority of the womca of the country, Deeply and painfuüy mpreissed by the gravo peril which throaten our peaco aud happioesa iu the movement iuitiated by eome diacontented oí our own sex, aDd whícb haa found its espression iu yoar honorable body, through a resolutlon reoeDtly oiïcred in the House of Representativas propoBÍng tho adoptiou of oertain radical ohanges in our civil and politioal riiíht, as a Sixtcenth Amendmoat to the Contitution of tho United States, we desire bereby to enter our protest. Becaugs Holy Seripture incnlcates different, and for us liigher sphere, apsrt frera public iiie. Beoause wa shrik from tbo notorlety of the public eye - restrained by that raodoaty which we esteerii our ohicfest ornaraant, and which bolongs to us as our most precious iualienable right. W fiud ourselves iu a measuro defengeleis against tbo public cssaults and declamatory harranguus of those few discontent cc' onea of our own sex, who claim for u& an extensión of oivil aud poLtioal rights. Buoause tbose of us who aro wivaa chorish as saorcd toe vow of obedienco iu exchange lor the honor and reapuct wa reoeive in yiolding it. Because, as, wa find a ftill meaeure oí' .uties, cares and responsibilitieá devolving upon u, aod we ara thsixfore unwiiling to boar hoavior burdens, and thoae unsuited to our pbysieal condition. Eecauso bistory teacbes us that whetevor attempts have been taade to chango tho legitímate ordor, and imposa upoo us couditious uasuitod to our pbysical organizations and womaoly nature, suui changes havo been found to degrado us - witneas the extreme dissoluteaess of the Spartan after an extensión of civil righta had baen grantfd ihem. Becausc thesa chatige3, desired by some wouicn of masculina ininds, must iotrodaoo a frihtful elemeut of difcord into the cxiitÍDg mr.rriage relation, aod tLerüby incronso airoady aiarroing provaleuco of divorc, throughout tho land. Becauso no enora! 'aw affocting the couditioa of all women sbould Lo framed to tneot exeeptioaal disconteut. For tlieae aod many more reasons do wo beg of your wisdom tLut no law exteodiDg suffrago to Víomeu inay bo pasaed, as frauglit with danger so grave against ths general ordet of the pouutry." The mnveinent bdgn íq ofiioial circlcs, aüd the intention of those engaged in it is to extend it throughout tho country.


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