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The Baltimore Tragedy

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Mre. Dvvyer, tlie mother of the maniac, Mrs. Marsti, who killed four ehildren, has liugered up to the present time at her residouce 011 Central avenue, near Jefièrsou etrcet, suffuriug froru the wounds she reocivcd at tho time of the Lorrid tragedy, wiili somo hopcs of her recovery. We regret to lcaru that a change lias taken placo for the vvorso, and that now the uttcnding pbysiciana aro of the opinión that dench is but a juestioo of a brief while. The murderess 3 still in jaiT. She doen uot realize hor act, and inquires coutfnually for her children, and why they do not brfng theai to see her. For a long time she imtgined she was in a hospital receiving treatment for a pain in her head, but she now understands tilafc she is iu jail, but doss not know for what. She is verj uiet and woll cont'ucted, and neat in her appearance and very cleaoly in her habita, She does not liko to bo seen by visitors, and covnplaius very much when any one is sliown to ber cell. Sho cats heartily and sleeps woll. She walks up and down her cell during the day, as if impatient of conjinement, and evidently ia sufforing rauch at the absence of her little ones, vrbom pho so rut'.ilessly and uukuowingly destroytd. Her husbaud, Win. Marsh, bas not been heaid of. At tho next term of the Crimiual Court she wil! doubtless be sent to eome insano asylurn. The Senate committee's report adTerse to a pension to Mie. Lincoln 6nds o authority iu tho Couetiiutiou to give b peosion to tbe widovv or children of a civil oíficer, which it construes Mr. Liucola 'to havo beeD, although ex-ojicio Commander-iu-Chief of thu Arinies ol tbe United States. No pension to a member of tha eurviving family of a civil officor has ever been grauted. Au to Mrs. Lincfclu's allojreri destitution, they. find tbat ehe had 22,000, the balnce-of t-he alary of her husband for the unexpired yeur, that ia September 1867, ehe reoeived 50,765 60- aud her minor son, Thomas, the eame amount - as lier ehare of the personal cstütí of Mr. IJnsoIn, so that sho has and controla about $00,000. Tho Committee also observa that Mra. Lincoln also received no inoousiderable aniouut of clothing, plate, houfohold goods, etc, at'ter tho dcath of Mr. Lincoln, which, iu cousidring her pecuniarj cendition, Bbould be dded to the above mentioned eum. - We think the Sécate Ooiauiittee entirely right in its report adverse to an annua ponsiou to Mrs. Lincolu. - lietroit 'l'rib (MM. Tub French soldiors votod almosi unanimously for tho plebiscilum and the Iwipoleonio succession. Ihat'a it. In X864 tho oldiers in tho American anny wero not ailowed to have Democilitio tickets and voted aluiost unanimou6ly for the Radical pltbiscitum and Lincoln iu his cwn BucccEsor. Another parallel, and, proof that Zj.gk Cuandvtf proved bimsolf a Bucceeefil instructcr of Louis NAroLto.N.


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