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Editorial Chips And Splinters

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- An Insurrectfon i.s reported In (Tapies. - '1 iic Chluese embassy. vefust tu nmnc a ssor to Burllugame. - Braqkljn has had a f200,000 flre, and Peoría, UI ,jfoes It 1100,001 tter. - Oen. Jourdan, the Cuban Bepub dmnnaoder-iu-Chlef, is in Ñow Lork - tüx Ufe convicta have dled at the m Stai' Prlson withfn the last mautli. - The majority tor the plebJseitum will i-cach (,0UO,000. Taris gave 00,01)0 agaiust il. - The clamor for the removal of the aatloaal capital to Bt. Louis soems lö bc dylng out. - A. $80,000 bronzo statue of Fninklin Is to be placed lu Printing House Square, N. Y. City. - [t is stated tliat tho Hormons are looking to Uexloo as a place of tofage. l'oor .Mexico ! - The French govevriment lias squeklied tbc rebels in Algerla. Can it bc ;is successfal in Paris ? - The natlonal debt pJ Great Britaln on 8t ofMarch laat, was 8pi,000,000, or $1,005,000,000. - "A Woman Stops a Train," is Uu: headlng of a telegram. It luid norelerence to Gcorge Francis. - Soine Eugllsh tourlsts havo been raitared by brlgauds in Greece, aiul tlic Eiilisli Hou is iu a terrible roar. - Y:ieht races are now attractlng considerable attention. John Jiull thluks he can out-sall Brother Jonathon. - Jliss 8usnn Ü, Anthony confessea to a " great admlratlon of the western douiocrais.'' Don't flatter us, Baste. - TheEnglish press are of the opinión that tho conspiracy agalost the Hfe of Napoleón was an electioneerlng !" - Boston has ralsed : - or fire works, and f3,000 for the guppoit ot Oapt. Wiilhim's ehllfiretf. Humane Boston ! - Graiul Rápida and Jacksou are trying hard to abuse each othcr throngh their papers. Both are too couceitctl for comfort. - The Red River difflculty stands iu a fair way of adjustmeat, and that too, without the aid of" Our Zachariah." Treason ! treason ! ! - Are statcd last week that the X. Y. Sou wanted Seward for Governor lnstead Qreeley. It now wants rm. M. Tweed. QdocI joke. - The Lieutenant-Governor, and the entirc Board of Pólice Commissioners, have been imprlsoncd and flned $05 each, for contemyt of Court, in New Orleans. - The poet Whlttier bas attendcd lïeech i's rharch, and Beecher iiis prescuted iiim with a bouijnet. AU of which Important news was pald lor by the Ahsociateil - The reinains of a deceased devil, with a pair of horos, and a tall ono foot in length, has been discovered in Mooresville, [nd. Indiana aguinst the world iu the devil line. - The Toledo Commercial is responsible for stating: " President Grant has made a lonattou of $500 to the Wllberforce ünlversity." Hovv can L'lysses be so reckless with liis money f - Grasshoppers, Congress, the measles and the Qentlle editor, are all figUtiiig poor old Brlgham ïonag. If he can live peaccibly with .seventy wlves, it will take more Ihan all comblned to kill him. - A bilí has been introiluced in Congress Tor furnishinji artificial l'unbs to disabled soldiers. If Congress woukl give more to tin; deserving soldiers auct less to mouupolists, ït would bc in better reputo. - The daughtcr of Downlng, the coloretl door-keeper of the House of RepresentaUves, is to niarry a Frenchman, white, and of whom little is kuowu except that, as the I. Y. World says, " lie is nol obnoxious on tiocouut of lus color or future condition uf servitude." - One Sniythc, a Presbyterian minister in Qotiiam, luis been reprlmaaded tot In dnlglng in i little gin and milk ou tlie Êabbath wlfli Bome newspaper reporters. Almost a rival of " Whisky-skin Kallock but Kallock had a Traman witii hiin Issteac il leaky reporter. - The prees and the pcople geiierally are coming to the conclusión that t!ic Independent is fln inimorul hambug, and thui Theodore Tiltou is a conceited nothlng whlch is but another instancc of that oM saying : " Truth croshed to earth wlU risc agaln." - An item is golng the roinuls to the effect that a Toledo minister, wlthln ten months, married a conple, baptizcd thcii flrst ehilil, jircached the funeral sermón o the husbaiid and married the wldow. As the boys woñld say, " that'e bualnesa." On Tuesday next, Maj 17th, an elec tion is to bö held n tLe Stato of New York for a Chiuf Justico and six Assooiate Justices of the lüw Court of Appeals. Eaiih elector votes for the Cha-: Justico and for four of the Associate Justices, so that the party iu the niinority must eloct at least tvvo Assooiato Juatiees, and way gct auothcr by splitting. Tho Democratie candidatos are For Chief Justice- Sanfoku E. CiiurcuJ Associates - Wsi. F. Allen, Makïi.n G-rover, Chaulks A. Hai'allo, anc itDFus W. Peckuam, all uble men. The Ilfipublicans havo nomiüatcd : For Chic1 Justice - ELenry P. Selden ; Associates - ltoBERT S. Hale, Chakles Andkkws Charles Masox, and Charles J. Tol gei:. - Tho eloction ia New York oity under tho new charter, aleo takes place the same day. E. B. Wauu, of Detroit, returned as his uct iucome for 1869, the paltry sun of ouly 8185,000. Poor fellow, f Con gress dou't hasten to his relief and in orease the tariff on iron, steel, etc, we fear that Wa&d vvill have to bo taken in and done for by the Suporintendeuts o the Wayue Couuty Poor-IIousc, uniese his poverty shall luako him mad, in which caso charity viil compel Dr. Yan Dusex to oare for him at Kalumazoo. A gentleman (Yom Wlsconain bas pur chased :i camel's halr shawl In New York for his wile, ut an expenso of five thoasani dollars. II u is a bloatcil saw-mill owuer. - Ex. Just ttiink of tho poor woman being put off with only a 5,000 shawl ! What a shauie. Congresa ought, fortfiwith, to pass a bilí for her relief, pr what is the sume, inercase tho import du'.y on boards, lath, and ehinglea. Only do thut and shc eau wrap a 10,000 shawl arouud her next year. Hucii Hastirob, a nrellkuown Eadical politioian, haviug proposed to kick Tueodore Tilton - a lladical brother - on sighfc, tho Boston Post, in an exceeditiglv genorous but rather meddlesomo streak, remarks : "If Hastingb spoils his boots in kicking Tilton, we will givo him a new pair."


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