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Nvh Vüi(5, Aly 10. A week ajeo moneywafl (uotedati8@6pei Moueycontlnti ■ ploutlfhlly from the aterlor, i ly of National V, ;,lc billa, whlcb. h being 1' uut oq ton daya time, without lntereat, "' i '.v.r rctarn - Tbi movenent U in anlleSptttion of un imption :iYllli:llS, . . wHl . play before the fcil alecUona. Wall ■ ü oficu Mtray on ach m . lypre;iriii Kir th" event by accnmulatiug ■hiel) wlllbo equivalent to gold In the rodemptlon vt tank bll's by M Peoplehere bellave tary f -:iry. He v.-.l!. ii ho Attempte reanmptlon llher [inmortalizo hluiaelf iromfofed i-r:i -li. ('" -i leve! arylng j to-116. To-day It tioged at ui for Kovernmout Bccuritlea. luiliujMt bondn wool market conlinaee ulo waa i tamo affafr. Uoldera bellere tliat tbc armera will markot the coming erop jit present pri. :oa, aiiii i :' thelï stocks on the market. ■Muur i ttill galuiog atrenatb uuder a fair export and tome (iruuini!. Bverj day notea rui Improve I ■a miirket i.i in fnll yin vith llour. nuil hf4M ;,. iboat 6c dm . weck. Barley and outa tluïl. Coruactlveflrra. lelonaqnlet. Battorquiet hl Si'c forbestwi 'he dry K"11'11 nimkrt appeara to have l;dl . i.'.'it, whlch]waa u Hhort unc, and pricufl te iu favor er buyera in uil linea. Dïthoit, Uayll. The ru-li of Bnrlng I naineea conseqaent npo openlngofua )-.: iijout over ourcityls prodace umrk:t is generally active b'lour i atiracungmore ntttntlon weekly, and prtcca contlnne to strengthen ju n dagfee correpondine to Uu; rlieatlha ist2öcutter duriug the week : i i ■ l trio Inqnlry greater tl falla to come forward, and prlce arorlnng almoBt iljiily , the Rain slnce ■■ week ::'■ i nbont heavy Bnpply wonld tond ra thanto ■ ■-liii, woald atuact buyera here i forcèd to go e'-; wliuiv. whlle thesti , ; i] in the w the tradfl. Extra la worth to-day 1.47, Ño. i. i. .. ■ i] . ■-■- Oata Bt e idy :■■■'■'. C ifu flrm wley dutl tt 1.60. Cheese scanii! at 18319. pies Deglected. Butterfirm at 3(lc forcholce. Kxi: plenty at 15c 1 uanri Ma plc augar i.i settlne out of season, .-iühí,' llghtly at ; lillluthy seca at i7. rututoun "played uut," ompuatlcally. Bfcw York Woel Jï;rkct. New ïork, May 0. The market contlnues qulot, Uiaugbthere are soniü looking rooud and picking up siniiH lots al low figures. Tlia trade coutinuesgeuerallj' very ans itislactory. Manui'acturers can not aiul wlll not lay in stocks at the presenl aocertaln state of the woolen rods trade. Dealers do not feel lndlned to make fartUer conc ssloas as wooi ut tin; present tlnus la very low - mech lower thau ten years ago. lu 1860, wool opcucJ In Michigan at 46c, and sold is high ns rue, lt was a dlsastroua year to the wool trade, for aftet theelectionofLiucoln, carne civil war, and as lts cousequences are su recent, i. tre well known; but the prlce of wool mij;ht have been U ten. Fine sl)s ure neglected, mediums and coarae are very scarce, whtle the bulk of transactious ure in extras, of whicligood eoiuliiiniini iota ;ire gettlng scarca. Palled wools are Id good supply, and inferior kinda can bc bougbt low ; bat tvools, whlch are the do doubt, brlug better prlccs, and are ïujt crowded upon the market, i)iit the lowness of the price ol' the poorer kinds keeps clown the prlce of the best. Tberels :i vide range now to the prlces or the nm grades, as there i.s a vast dtflference in the conclition of the wo l, andagreat dlfference la the stauding of the parties buylug, aud aleo it differenco iu the terms; some ure r actual cash, some on 60 days, and some even on longer time, whlch maket) il very difflcolt to determine the actual íuar ket price of any grade. Dealers are not very anxions to scll at the present time, for Indlcations are that farmers vil! not bo likely to svll at any whicti would warrautrolther dealers or manufacturera being free bujers iu ilie Wct. Aud unless thlugschangesooo.and apidly, wool will in all probability sell lower than for seme years p;:st. Last year dealers were pretty snre thac wool would go up, lience the forc part of thi sou tliey luMd lor higher prices, bot wool went down, uuder the . of a very tlght money market and matuulDg obligaties forth iclude abont ISO, OQO@300,000 Iba tteece, ranging trom I .r2i.,c, Inclndlng 20,000 IbsXandXXX Ohlo, at 50@52Jo; 12,000 Ibs State and : Ie; 10,000 tbs Michigan and State ai .-. ; 5,000 tbs low and X Uhio at 49@50c ; '75,000 Ibs XX OhlO and Pennsylvanii @50c , 4,000 Ibs Western at 40c 1,000 Ibs Btite at 4(i',ic; 1,600 Ibs medium at 48JLc;600 lbs Oliio" ou private terms; 8,600 iba Ohio at'inöOc; l003 ü)s " Ohio at ■!.'■: r,000 Ibs Ohlo al ITc ; 11,000 Ibs Ohlo 8 ■-■.." ■■Ai Ibs N X ohio at 48c -, In lots, al Stale, Mictügau and Ohio ; (,01)0 Ibs Micliigan on private terma ; 2,500 Ibs Western at abont 44c ; 8,000 Ibs scoured at 81 ■ ; ' . O the pulled 107 bales sold at 89@40 super ou private terms ; JO.ÜÜO Ibs do Ko 1 super and extra a . IncludlngshearUngs ; 20,000 Ibs Mestiza pulled on private terma; 230 bales Mestiza pulled on prívale terms; 33,000 Ibs Texas, part at 22@83c- U. S. Beonoftütt. DBTRÓÏT PRODT!' b M AKKET.- Tbo followlni qnotatíona repreaent the cnrreni nel pricetrealizei hy commialon ctea!era,and :irr carefully revli ■ week.for the Aboüb, oy our Detroltcorraapondent. De ! li H ■ns Irom these price foi c mmlaali na aud charges ,wlllahbm the net ratea toflratbanda: Apple.- Dried 9S Oí Green per bbl. S.008.25 Barley - per cwt. , $1 00 forNoi Beeawax - pex Ib. ! Beana- v, Botter- 30c forcl Paclory, 18@19, Dairy,li@16. Ohlckena- dren d. perlb. , . Obrn - perba . 90 Cranberrles- Per bbl n.0O(ijM.00 for wild. -perdoz., 1 liluea- dry,pcrlb, Cálf Skins- (ir,'. -M. 14S H-c; dry, -■ TO lam!) akia W(g,i0. Hopa- New, perlb.. Ttiiic. Lard - perlb.. 16 -perba. 57 Onloni - perbbl, 2 50@2.Ti. i itoi a - Ño market. Tallo- 83 , Tnrkeya - dreaaed, perlb., 206! 21c. Wheat- extra whlte,1.46@t-4T Xo, l.$1.3C@l S Ambar, 1.211,92. Un ABBOlt riiODlft: MARKETS. Altoos Ofwcb, VÜ8y 12, lö70."1 We quote thls afternoon n follovrl : White, 125o; Red,95o BW KWHEAT- TSc. CORN- TOc.@ OATS -80c. TIEAXS- S1.1&. BüTTEB ■ 12c. I.AKD- 16c HAT- 13 i 115. WOOD I . APPLES- 5O@60o. POTATO CHICKJEN3- 14c. TUBKXT8- 16c


Old News
Michigan Argus