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Michigan Publishers' Association

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fljB Fourtli Animal Meeting f the Michl(10 Publlshers' Associatlon wlll be held ia frgfjniazoo, on Taesday, Juue 1 Itli, 1870. On behalf of the Assoeiatlou 1 earnestly jnjeyoo to be present, and to uso your InfliK-iiL-e wlth brother Editora and Publlahedto induce thelr altendance, and thus secure a full meeting. You wlll couler i favor on the Assoclatiouby giviiig notice in your coluinns of llietinie and place of holding tli3 ïueutiufr. Fraternally Tours, Toil S. APP.LEGATB, Secretary_ We commend the above card of Secretar iírXKaATí to the Publishers of MIchl" „su. Au address wlll bo delivered by S. p. Bi.vuiiam, Esq., of tlni Lanslng RepvtUe, President of the Associatlon ; and a pocm by L. J. Bates, of the Detroit Post. Kalamazoo has proved lier hospltallty on iiumcrous occasions, and we can guarautee thst her latch Btrlngs will be out. A hun il.-nl papers ought to be represented. Il ivül be good to l)e there. - The Esccutive Comniittee bus not yet jnnomiced a plan íor the proposed excurikiii, but probably will soon. Get your "crpct-bags" ready. Wre cali tbo atteotion of our City Fathers to tlio (act that if there is not &n ordinaacc prohibltlng eatUe running at lar:e it is liih time one is enactcd. BoorjsrIs, gardens, lawns, iruit-trees, everpeeiu, shobbery, flower-beds, etc, are uow litcrally at the mercy of the arniy of bovines whlch possess our Btreete by day amliiiglit. "Legal fences" are uo protectiou against them, and they will open a ale qnlcker than a college student on a iniJnigtit spree can take il froin its hlngcs, Uld "go through" one's premisos quicker i'.iiui ever did "SuERMAll'8 Bummers" ihruugh a southern plantatlon. Are not cilizens who do not keep cows, or wiio keeping them do not let them run at large, entiUed to just a littlc cousideration and lirotection ? - If there are auy poor wldows who can not afford to pasture tlieir cows, we go for pajlng forpasturage froni the city treasu. ry, aud wonldn't even scruple to quarltr t .eaon the "lone cow" of soine poor-rlch mau who alvvays sides with the poor widows wlien tlie freedom of the city is tlirettened to be taken from tbe cows. Yüat say the CoudcU to the ordinance and tbc tax f Never inind the charter, it isn'.t scrutiuized very closely in some other nitten. Zkxas 15ukd, for somo eight or ten years a resident of this city, and bsfore that areiilent of Northöcld, diod quite suddenlyonTliursday afternoon of last weck, of ossilkatiou of the heart, a dlsease with wUeh he had been afllicted for some time. Hr.BuKD was a rcf-iiccted and worthy elt{zen, aud his Ix-naved family have the sympttliy of all who knew him. He was a membsr of the M. E. Church, and a Trust;eo( the Society, and will beserlonsly and longmissed by his associates. Ilis funeral ■ulargely attended oa Suuclay afternoou. In ourgings to aud fro about town we notice that a nnmber of cross-walks are being pnt down. Rlght. We ulso notice that some of them are being lmmedlately covercd up, so that belbre six months the clamor will be heard that they aro too low and In the mud, and must be taken up and raied. Thisisnotright. Belore any more strtets are graveled or cross-walks built a jradeshoula be establislied, so that when done it will be well done, and not need to txi undonc or over done by the anext administration." At a meeting of the Common Councüon Mouday cvening last, a petition was lirtscnted askiug that the lavvs bc enibn-ed ud the saloons closed ou Sunday. The same was referred to a coinmittee of mx, consisting of Aktennen Pauth, Johuson, Cbapin, Seyler. and the Mayor and City Attorney. Evcry order loving citizcu will rJte aye oa such a proposition. There will be a temperance meeting attUeCourt House, iu this city, this - Fri%-evening at 7; o'clock. Kev. Mr. f'SK and othcrs will address the meeting, ndall persons are iuvited to altend. Come ie, come all, and give us a rousing meet'"L There will be some good temperance "ougssung, and a pleasaiit time is expec- - - . - i. ii We Lave in stock a fine lot of Letter nd Note papers, ruled ior Letter Heads Bill Head Paper, 2s, 4s, and Os, piala ani 'inted ; also Card Board, white, tlnted, au Wlored, for business, visiting, wedding, 01 show cards. Orders solicited and prumjit 'ƒ ailcd. There was a white frost on Tuesday ttoraiugi but uot severe euough to do ao; Pefwptiblc lnjnry. Fruit trees cí almos cvery variety promlse well as yet. Tlio Porter Zouave Baud opens the season vitQ a Picnic and Concert, on Mon dly aext, Hay Kim, at Relief Park. A "Wij time may be looUtd for. Tlie Chicago Specimen fur April ha ome very aUrnctiv pages. Looking a tlicm made us Involautarily wish thfl every Auous subscrib?r and custome WouldPAY op, so that we could mak Hessts Mahder, Ldsb & ''■., a visii. - The April Typographio Adcerliscr- M, ömitiis Sc Joudan's popula quartcrly- is a beauty. If our pocket wa P'ethoric witli grwnbocks next mail woulc take a rat onter to 600-614 Banaom Btreet rtlkaelphU. Sketcuks os OnKATios: A popular view of f ie grand coucluslons of Scieuces in reference tö the tllstory aud Matter of Liio TogetUer vvlth a s,tat the Lutlinatious uf Bcieuce ig tho primordial couditiouof the ultímate destlny of the Earth and the Boli Win. i., i.L. 1)., Professor of Géology, logy and Botany lu the Unlversity of Michigan, aud Director of the Btate i i Ioglcal Survey. Wlth 101 illustratious. ETow Vork: Hahper & Baoxnusits, 1870l;i thls handsomely prlnted volume ■ pp,, - whicli lu:s Inuii on our table somo . bat whicli poslti ve engagements OQtsldeofour sanctum havo forbldtlea us to notice, - Prol'. WistJBJthL Bketches hls theory of-the werk of creation, beglnnlug thousands of yeara back of tUe commouly recolved account fouud In Uencsla, aud followluj? dowu tho ages, through the ordeals by water and Ure, tho gaseóos period aud thu relgn ol' the ooeau, the reTgn of ice and tlic resurrectlon ot' cootlneuts, the auticipation of -Man iu Nature and Primeval Man, to a dlscusaiou of tho future iu counectlou wlth sach topics as : UI there be au Animal superior to Man? Will the Mountalns bc Leveled ? ïhe licign of Uni versal Winter, Tlic Sun Coo'.in, oll', The Machlnery of the Heavens running down, Tiio Óyeles of Matter. The author is an euthusiastic scholar in hls department, aud treats his subject in a manner which will insorc readlng, and cominand jiraisr, even thOUgh he falla to conviuce the incredulons that tho work of creation commenced and progressed as he dea rib B. As onr readers may nul know what llfe Prof. W. throws Into hls subject, witU what eloqueaoe and power he portrays what hs tliinks, bellcvee, feels, ivc extract a few pages: " THE KEICX OF FJItE. " Whatever may be tliougiit of the cvidence bearingupon the former gaseous condiiiun of uur world, or ut' the eutire solar system, it Is generally admitted thatthe evldence of former igncous i'.uidhy is somewhat coneluslve. This Is a doctrine whlch wo may regard ;is resting on legitima! olo.nieal data. Tilla is a conditiuu o' liic world we muy prococdKo contémplate with out uerlou mlsglvlngs. Qur earth was o;icc a sell-lumiuous star. At thu temperatare which wouUl fuse the mass of the rock.s, all the merevolatllesutstance coukl oiily cxist lu the form o!' an elastic vapor surroandlng the earth. AJÍ the carbon iu the world must have existed in the form of carbonic acid ; uil the sul3hur as sulphurous acid; all the the chlorlne as cblorhvdric acid ; all the water as a:i iuvisl.üe claslie vapor, ixUndinir ut beyond the limita of the present atnit sphcre. ihcre could henee bc upou the earth 110 ■.'. iou, no animáis, uo Umestone, do salt, no gypsum, no water. All that we now b(-ho!d must havo been represented by a glowing, liquld nucleus, euveloped in i dense atmosphere of burnlng acrid va)ors. This orb, by the inmutable laws of physics, mast have revolved opon lis axis tu.'l performed il revolutions around the Ban. The sun and moon, ii the lattei' existed, must have raised the fiery oceao to a tidal wave whicil roüed around the globe- ■ ■; an aetion which has coutinued to .e present perlod. There was also day aud . The sun rose iu the morniug and ent a lurld ray throngh the deuse refracive atmosphere, and at nlght sank into the moke Ihat ascended froni a buralng world. 'lie moruing and the twUlght almost met ich other iu the mldnight zenlth, so high ud so refxactlve was the heterogeneoas ;iti re. Bat was thera auy ueert of willght. An ocean of lire sent tip to the octuraal heavehS a glare that was d o.e earful .11 ai t .e poisoned ray of the feeblyiiining sun. llere was chaos. Here w;. ne death and t.ilence of primeval ages, vlien the Unereated alouc looked on, and saw order, and beanty, and llfe germlnatiug in tlie lieat of universal dlscord. n obedience to the law of thermal er.ull - brium - a law which andoubtedly rose .nto being wiih the birth of maller - the high rature of the earth graduallysubslded hroagh radiatlon Into esternal space. A lizatlon of the least fusible elementa nd simple coinpouuds eventually took )lace iu the superficial portions of the molen mass. Th's process contáñued till a rystallii.c ernst liad been fonncd.r stlng pon the llquid mass which stiH contstiated the chief bulk of the globe, lt lias sometimes been objected to this view that the Bolidified material would possess superior density, aud would, ácordlngly, siuk into the liqoid pon f tliis were so, the solidilicatiou of such a molten mass would either commence at the centre, or a uniform refrlgeratlon would proceed till the whole would be coDSOlidated. It is the general belief that the central portions of the earth still remain in a molten condition, while the habitable exterior is but a comparatively thin crust. fSee Appeudix, note 1.] lf this beliet is wcll founded, the lirst solidilled portions dld not descend toward the centie Moreover, we kuow that, in the case of water and several other substanees, Ihe newlysolidified parts are less dense, and floatvp on the llqnld portions. This apparent exception to the law of expansión by heat is accounted for by snpposing that, wheu the molecules of a solldLfying fl lid arrange thems'ilves in a regular crystalline ínannor, they inflóse certain minute s;aces, so that the regultlng crystal isa little more bulky than the unarranged molecules from which it was coustructed. Aud this may be the case, even thoagh a cooler temperatura has caused them to shriuk into closer proximity (for they are never in contact) thao before crystallizatlón. If this law appllea to thc refrigeration of water, ty pe-metal, iron, aud other substanecs, we may reasonably Infer it to be a general law of matter. We should expect, then, that crystals of quartz would íloat upou molten qaartz, or solid trap opon molten trap, just as solid iron lluals apon molten iron, or solid ice apon mollen ice. We have, thereibre not only evdences of the fact of a íbrming crust, but nlso a nrohable means of aCCOUUtlns for it. We muy qpclude, then, tliat ;. solid fllm ■egan loform over the BUi'íace uf a molten lea. Hut the earth was even, as from the egtnulng, obedlent tu the law of axial 10tatlon : aud the sim and muon reached forth, with their attractlve intluences, to solicit the mobile rocks into tidal elevatious. As the wave pursued the moon around the earth, it daily ruptured tlie forinlug lilni, and only a wilderneas of floatlng fragmente reinaiued, strewii over the surlace o' the lery abyss. ludue linie, however - let us be liberal In our coucessions of time- the rocking and jostling fragmenta became permanently frozen together, as the brokeu iee oí Arctic seas, after beiug worried by wlnds nul ourrents, Belzes au interval of ealm to consolídate into a vast and rugged (loe. So the rock-floc of this ikiry ocean formed, at length, a bridge of rough aud sturdy strength. lt was a mixed conglomérate of crystalllne fragmenta, such aa we uuw witnes8 in sonie of the granitet, whlch are mixtures of qaartz faldspar, and mica ; or the syeniles, which are mixtures of quartz, feldspar, aud liornblende; or the diorilet, whlch are mostly mixtures of feldspar and hornblende. Or, perchante, the solidificatlon took ))lace nnder such circumstanees that the crystallizatlop wS more obscure, as in the various Merites, whlch eveiy one admits to have been boni of Ure. We Bay that the procesa of refrlgeration must have resulted In sneli rocks as these ; and it ís a curloua and Instroctlve act, that wiien we turn our attentlon toan examlnatlon of' the oldest rocks, wc lind granltes, and ayenltea and dlorltes, and dolerltes restlug wbere we ezpected them, underneath the rocka tlia came iuto belng after water exist. d npoi the earth, Bprcftdlng out the'.r bases ii every dlrectlon, and constltutlng the ver; abutment whlch supports the lithologica pile. We thus trace a certai n sucechsion o events which must occur In accordanci wlth the establlshed lawa of physlcs, am flnd the aequents conflrraed by t!ie (acts o the rocks themselves. Though this mod uf reasonlng is not in the spirit of' moden natural BClenoé, lt must always lead os t thetruthif we reason correctly. Nevei ,, it is leldom the case that v.e ar ustined in the attempt to predícate th phenomena frora the laws whlch lnvolv them, :s long as it is our privilege to con (trio the laws by a study of the phenomena In the present lnstance, the hlstory o Science slmws that the laws were lirst ai rlved at by acareful lnductlon from lacts and the llttle deductivo reasonlng in whie ,vc liavfl lndulged is but truclng the threa a liltle t'arther back, ïvith the phenomeno it hangs upon all the time in full view. In the procesa of refrlgeratlon the stirtti ng crust would bccome tot) large lor th uucleus withlu. Thls would nccessar] snit from the more rapld controctlon ■;' n e more highly lieated portions. 1: the fcoüd auü the nulten portioua sulferecl cquul oi'l.or, the mol ten, by shrinklng tin; nuisi, i ecarae too small for the euveloplng 'I Ue crust, thcrefore, must wrluklu, to fit the Bhrlnklng núcelas. Thns Inclptent neqaalltieB of the surfaee began to appear. These wcre the germs of uiouu and o( continente. Prom new bom wrlnkle grew the lofty Cordillera. V scène o ' tewlflc subllmity approi As yet no water existed npon tiie earth. : 1 tollen npon the parchcd and blackened ernst. -VU the water vvhlcb now BHs the oceaus, and tl:.: rlvers, and the lakes - all wlilch sataratesthe atmosi and the soll, aail the rocks - resled tlien upou tlio earth as au ftrld, elastic, invisible vapor, extendlng au unknown distance into surroundiug spaoe. Tliis vapor was not cloudliko, but lutcnsely liot and trans] arent. lt was o fi-ls Hke thü StCftllI jus; issuin iroui the eseape-plpe of a team-boiler. Urne had now arrived, however, when oioter regions to whlch thii aqoeoud gas extended began to be so Mc redoced In temporat tl re as to cause COndennatlou to begin - as the heatcd steam, rushlag Orom the locomotlve, sopn coola Into a cloud of visible mist. Au Inielllgeuce located Qpon earth at thls epoch would have Been the dusky atinosphere begin to thlckcn, Zn the far-offreglons, wlsps of vapor crept along the sky, as clrrhi in oor dav foretoken the gatherlng storm. They grew, and thlckeu(.(1, and darkened Uil a pall of impending clouds euwrapped the earth, and the light of sim, and moon, and star was simt out for a geológica! age. Pactlcle drew partióle to ltself, aml rain' drops began to precipítate thcmselves through the lower strala of the fervld atmosphere. In their descent they were Boorched to evaporatlon, as the meteor'a üht vanlshea in mld-heav( u. The vapors, hurrylng back to the bogora of the cloud, wi i ■ again .sent forth, agaln to be consumid. At length they rcached the fervld ernst, bnt only to be exploded iuto vapor and driven back to theoverburdened cloud, whlch i'i'! an co;an to transier to the earth. The clouds poured ocetiu continually lorlh, and the seething ernst continuallyrejectlog the oflerlng. The field bctween the cloud and the earth was ono stnpendous scène of ebullltlon. But the deseent of rains and the aseent of vapors dist iirbed the electrlcitlce of the elemeuts. In the midst of ihis cosmlcal contest between fire and water, the TOlcea of heaveii's artillery were heard. Llghtnings darted through the Cimmerian gloom, and world-conAuislng thuniera echoed through the universo. Brownlow has to be broaght to the Senate by attendants ; hla voico is .one nul he votes by proxy, sendlng hls vote to the secret ary by a page. Tet he Is In bis scat every day. - Tribune. Ekownlow hopes Deatli will apoar in the Senate soine day, anned nd cquipped as seon in tho old illustraed fable, and cut him dotvn at Lis post. 'he farce is so prolonged, however, int it is becotniug aoything but imtressive. IIoeace F. Clark, tho ncwly elected ?reai(Jent of the Lake Shoro and Michjau Southern Railroai Corapany, is a oii-in-law of Commodore Vantbíbilt, "om which it may bo surraisod that the Sr. Y. Central interest controlled tLo lectiou. In the Sonate, on Weduesday, the üivil Appropriation bill beiug uuder colideratioD, an amcndmeut was mado aj' ropriating 000,000 for a ncw building or the State Department ; and anotbcr ppropri.itiug & liko surn lor the oulargenent of the Capitol grounds. Which on't look mucb. as though the Senate vas in favor of eitber the reraova! of tho üapitol or of the practico of eeODomy. 3ut tho dear, "loil" peoplo foot tho bill nd not the Senators. In oppos:ng t ia motion of tho vcry enevolcDt and philanthropio John Van lKMAN to have the new triul of Yanerpool set down for Jackeon county, Ir. Ciiukcii gave certain busy people in be "Central City" the following capital it : "It was bis opinión that a place ïhere the miuisters were offeriug their noney and urging praters in the case, vas not quite tbo city to try tho caso, ae irell as a placo where Mr. Smith hnd sked 400 citizens thcir opinión and 309 f thom thought as ho did." The total auiount of premiums reeived by the various foreign Insurance jompanies doing busiueas in this Staio, sshown by their reports under oath to he State Treaaurer, for eluven montha ading December Sist, 18(39, are as folowb: 3 Lile Insurance Companies $1,348,091 89 BFire " " 1,340,730 43 ?2,Gü:J,S12 82 Adding to tho abova ooe-twclfth for ho business of January will produco 32,918,290.08, an increaso over tho precoediug year of nearly 13)i per cent. Tho revenuo derivcd by tho State 'rom thp specific tax of throo per cent. 'or tho last year's business amouats to 80,814.7-1. It Is a singular fact, that while Quiuino and Swco fjuinino pegsess such grent and uiiiquo powcrsiii orinL fever and agu6, and all forma ofdlseMCof an interraittiii character, yüt tbat they are not in 'loy sense poisonous, i)roducing 110 nnfavorable of. oct even in ]arx;e dofces on persons in perfect health. .'bis it remark.iblo whOD we contjidcr that most of onr very active remedies, while valuablo iu Bnialj coutrollable doses, aro intenseiy poworful poison ín arger ones. Sold by Eborbach & Co,


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Michigan Argus