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PETROITA RTIgEMENTS The Carel 1 Ihis iwn art a l of ligitimalt cnUrpriKI. Nont of a quulionabl rharaclir acccjitvd. GSc R.McMILLE. . IMPORTER8 amS WHOLESALE GROCERS! Havo In Stock a full uutttoent "f Teas, Cots, Siv;ars, v'il :' ; ;i r i-l ! ( LASéks. Adonis fot líLlNKTl'S CKI.KnnTKP EXTEACT. Jt Mlttckwcll'.i l'icklcsfor 6!e. Pliysl'-ins uni l)rttglt ■■nn lwiv8b auppllel ;iami:ign, i-cotcl: AIesjtni ixtndonP' rpo T11OSK BCILDIItG. French and American House Glass. Thchesi wntnnnt, ktaa bt brind, andthebMt ti In tli6 State. Suhud. EnamtUd, WMU l c„i. Class lot Froots, Vc#libu lea, Offices, i-o (,vi;r,i 8al gol dp i tho Maten tjrl, warrnnloil aaf homa ny .ltnnoo, al nrj low figures AlUlcscriptioDS of Doort ii'l Blind a pure took of Pajnt and 011. Si-n.l for Trico List " 'k.P.KAB1i,8 50JefTerson Avo., Detroit. nn nrr Acrr of vuiuniir pi and A ,UUU FurmliiR kond on Tliuu , At Prioesranpfng from $2to $10 Pur Aore. WH1RK Locatkh.- 0,3(-." nrr.-s of these Pino iro located on the Wiaoonnla Kivir, T.250 , i1.. CUl..i.;::n Itiver, Mich., leailing tn Cllboj(!ii ol 1'iinc.m. 4.':-:n ncrns m tli Autrrea (■) on TliumltT Baj ,v:ii-rs leading sa mi til Kanistpe Rlrer. BSO ,n tln TlttbCwanM riviT. 8,500 ncreti in (hi.lvvin ConnlTi Mlch., for farm mid timher. 1 ,272 acrM ■' ■ ■ I and Hari Tlmbr lamis near UutuQ&gou. 1 6C0 .i ■■ Prlri Landslo Ns tlïe l'n: ti Pc(pc P.ilrnail. 2,500 aerHS Koice Whii l'iu In Sclmolornft Gouniv, I.. s., Micli. 400 acrit " tbo.Au Saabïe. Por teil dïsci'iiJtiou priwsand terms, v,iil tor Circular, , u.vVIU PRESTON h CO., BankoM, Detroit, Mich. TTvUY GOOI' AI.K. ALBERT D. PIERCE & Co., Wholesale Dry Goods 35 Wcodwurd Avenue, DKTKOIT, - - JIICH1GAN. HEELY'S Extraéis and Toilet Arlicles, Fir Sale by all flr.-it rln. Dèaleis.' UANVFACTORED 265 & 207 Woodward Ave., Detroit. Tjl KAYMOND k SON, Mlirili;=alo n npl Iïct!il BOOKSELLERS AXD STATIOSERS, BOOKBIXUÏRS and BLANK BOOK MAXUFACTUIiKKS, No. 7 Fort Street West, Oposite tbe naw Htj Hfll, DF.TPOIT EU. 8MITH &Co , llönnd lis WoodwdH .vnu Dtrolt, In thetr vtic and tlcqanl etltif'iynncnt A-ill more tlt:in ever deerve tbs Dcouragoment of ll lover of booki In tbelr vicinity, nnd friendaof literature tlircuíout tb cumiry ill be g]&. to lürn 1 1 1 i t palat'nl bjokstoieê, Iike lbo ennrtieof em plreLwestWhrd tftke Iheir wy lul Km,-rer. i fttróit Cíin niw tke prtd m its nw Bookniorv, jue of tho larL'O-t. anri 1 think tin rnot bunutifulin i ■■country. - TJatton Tt;:;xrript. íhe mosl elegant Bootstoro lotbê countiy. - Adcertiscr and Tn Aa ornament to the city-iVer V?i. REMOVAI.. K. ÊikJbkkmax, manifhcturi ofrCloth ing, Importer and Job bei offloodi lot ftlen'i ■ u ri DDOV4 il to the pCÍO I 71 & 73 JeÖVrsou Avenue, Detroit, Mlch., .nul U nw manufacturi Dg h verj lanre anti haadtom itttck f GlothlDg m:í!;i1mí' for Ws)e "l Inde. - Han :ihvavf OD hund a Urjíe nui Kashiunable Assoríi Cloths, Caasiftxerea and T:u!tv' TriunmDgfl, and a f all line of Gente' Furabuiag Qoods pARBIAQEá ï CABR1AG] S l' JOIÏN PATTEN & SON. ESTABLIBHBD IN 1843. II.Hving bduiíht a largfl stock of in teii;t l sinco the decline Id gola, we ure prtpared to forUsb Buggtei ;md Ciirriag at i ratM thD cfti bt bonglit for i-!si'v l.tip. Wc excel i'i t..i-li Hifi durfttiility. wdirii hay made our vork ih'o best in tlie country. Uarïu Eactory and Ónice, cor, WoodbrMfee an-1 BniHb Ötir DEMOVALI HENRY WEBEft. Wbolenale an.l ReUI] Dealer, n.l Mnufaistuter of Kamiturej Planos and Btlllard Tables, m d w ihüovJ t liis Bew six story, lïee Itoue front, Mammoth Fumituie Ksiablishnu'iit. 141, 143 & 145 Wooctward Ave, Detroit. And lias adopted tïte One Trice Sstím. KflOpfl n ient to sult all , and tli unsurasoil IHcilitiee, tbe lules t . spproved macliiin-ry, dcflaa all competitli o datl od Juogé for vi.uraeivrs. I ETUUiT MACHINi R V DKl'OT. JAMESJENKS, DEaLER IN MACH1KERY Xo. 29 A.twatcr Street Kast, DETROIT,' - - MICHIGAN. lm ;riüIEe PBOMFTVT AlTKKDKD TOa MACHISliilIuP AND ÜUASS KOUN'IHtV. 1 rjü yiiuwan. liift ckis.s BRASS WORK OR BRASS CASTINGS Inm Pipeiiiid Fittinis for Oa,Slatn or Water, High er i.o' Preure Steam Kn(cins and Boilers, iirewliuuso and DiatilU'iy Machinrry,! Stnd .r C'rcular and Friet. List. JAMES FLOWEB& BKOS., s0 Hin !. St., Detroit. , lj._A!l kitxln Sf Sleara Hcaliiix dono. T OAX8 NEUOTIATEn Ij pr Countiee, Cities, Town, School Districts and Kailroads. '.J fiiunty. Town ml Rnilrcad OfTicors, win may beve 1.0ANS TO M:r;"ll AÏK. ure invite.' to cnt'fer vlthna Special atteotloo given to the NMïoTlA110X (JF SCHOOL lilsTHin1 1.0 AN8, W1LRIXS & Co., Detroit. Bir.I.lARD TABIES! C. BCHtnUBOKO, Billmrd, i Igeöa IIoli', Bagatllfl aml Jenny Liud Table Manui'.icturi-r. Satifttaction liuar-iateed. Billiard Gccjiie uf VxwtÏA al.viiy.' du hand, Detroit, Jüch.,andát Joseph.ilu. M ANTI. ES k. GP.ATES. P. A. UlUIMat, dealer in Mantl'K anl Oratfs, 20 WuodbridKO Street, West. S nd lor Circular. MOVUMEN'TS AND MANTI.ES. ScnrLTHEie1 Mar ble and Brow..ntjue Works, corner Baten Street and .Michigaa Avenue. SmlüCö. T ADÍES' FABHIÜNABLE Lu SHOE HOUSE. ti South Main Stiet t , Ikalei ui LADIE'S BOOTS ANO SHOES, THE NEWEST STYLES I3ST Sidj, Oalf, and Cloth, Alwayson hand, and Stock and Work Guaranteed. IF YOU WANT A. BOOT, A. GAITKR, A. BUSKIN, OR A. SLIPPER, CALL AND EXAMINE HIS STOCK BEFORE FÜR CUASIXG. PEICES LOWER than the LOWEST. R. TARRANT. Ann Arlior.MH.v 1870. JHURNITURE TTie r.argost and Beul stock In tltecity, of all valietk's aml stalen, ut the cid Store of O. M. MARTIN. Finest Assortment of Toilet Goods in tho City, by TTR. KELLOGG'S LIVER INVIGOEATOR, WIlUtruKtban tlienH'tilo,cl?ansp thaatomieh, anri the b lood, o thut od i I h l fear of A.GOK, B1I.IOU8 FEVER, 80MMER COMI'I.AINT,rny MALARIOUi DISEASF, during Iba lnt monttaa uf Pninmer,!! noplo;r9 tartag mr Iv warm dayn of Spring. Romein bet in oon f pi-evfnuti is w-.ii th a pouBd 'tl' cure. Ouu butilo mj B.ivua Mar; MU ol cxpenae. rvK. KELLOtiUS Zndian Remedy, Cinbc empliyoil ns a I.inamon. nrl i.i iiially ,d foi mur beast. I will nsriaot it to ourp Bi RNS,SCÁLDS,CUTS,BRUI3ES,nd 1J kind ol fresli mmuihis, wiiti speod au! AKÜ, SCRATC U K-S, UALLS , mini, to ., OB hoMft. HjlIB CATHART1C PROPTSRTIES OF Dr. KXLLOQQ'8 FAMILY CATHART1C PILLS, 0NtracU1 froo simple nrticlcB f foort, by doto] and scientiflc proces. Tliey nciiliiT rip comiJpate, onickon. but leave dlgeftUoo vlgorous, the ajuötit(' íoot), nuil th bowela rreo ;"n1 rflgular. Uoutd be employcd in cjisís of Blllloasness, Fever, Ague, Cnntlveaott, Bowel d mplaini , Dyspep4a, Dtarrht-a, I.ivor Complal&t, Kht-uuiuttsm, Colda, &C-.&C. ALL OF DR. KELLOGG'S MEDICINES Aro preptred by himsolf, arul warranted pure and to bc vegetable io all respecto. rU. KELLOGG'S CHAMPION O1JVTMEWT, Ctfres PILES, 8ALTRI1EÜH, ITCII, and all SKIN DISEASES, witbuul fail. Sold by Druffirifitw and Cealers evervwbere. 1-icl-Jtf OW OPENING, WIVS. WACNER'S, An Elegant and Largo Stock oi SPRING AND SÖMMER aooDS, 1NCLCDING CLOTHS, OASSIMERES, VESTINGS, &C LATEST STYLES 4ND BEST QTJAL1TIEB ■HIIICI! IIK0FKR3 LOWER thanEVEE # Ah o in Store a lar ge stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING AND Gents' FUKNISHIM Good?, GARMENTSMADETO ORDEIcIK THE 230E3ST STYLE. Al o LADIEi'and GENTS' MOROCCO SATCHELS No. 21. South Mala Street- Esat side. CALL AND SEE TI1EM. WILL1AM WAGNER, Ano Arbor, Vay, 1S70. "DEMO VAL. J. KECK CO. Have removed their STOCK OF FÜRWTORE And Undertaker's Goeds, To Mnck U Sehmid'B Block, No. 52 South Main, and No. 4 West Liberty Streets. THE LARGEST STORE ÍH THE CITY, AND BlII.ï EXPEBS8LT FOR THE FURN11URE TRADE. THEY HAVE NOW IN STORE THE LAKUESTandFINEST STOCK OF FURNITURE F.VER OFFERED IS TH 18 PQUNTY.OF THE1R OWN MANUFACTÜRK, SÜFERIOR BOTH IN QUAI.ITVANDSTYI.K, WHICH THEY ' NOW OFFER TO THE I'CBLICCHEAPBR THANCAN BEBOCGHT ANYWHERE EI.SEINTIIE STATE. THEIR STOCK IN'CLDDES EVERY ARTICLE NEEDED TO FURN'ISU THE BEáT HOUSE FROM TOP TO BOTTOM. Tlieirolrl patrnns an'l tlie public generallyare ïnvited to give them a calL J. KECK ft CO. Aan Árbol) Januarjr, JS7O. 1251 pOR CASH YOUCAN BUY Lumber, Lath and Shingle AT A BARGAIN, AT TUE YAHD OF C. SUTHERLAND & CO. Ann Arbor.January , 1870. 1252 A NN AHBOR CITY MILLS! BEST FLOXJR $3.00 per 100 lbs. ORAS LOW AS THE LOWEST. I.EAVE ORDERS AT THE TOST OFFICE. J. T. SWATHEL. SEPT.21t,1889. I236tf "PHYSICIANS' Preecrip tions AccurateJy and Care ; fully Preparod by I It. W. KLUS & CO. JgüY YOTJR Looking Grlasses ov W. D. HOLMES, Ann Arbor, FOK 3 REASOM. First, borause bok6(pth6 best of lm port ed Glase, a Uil a guüd a.iMrtiiuni of square and urehtop frames, anti se lis CHEAP I Secnl]y, bfo.niKp tlioy beton g to Ms bufrfness. He mnkbs tin m n. apoefolty, ti( ' m n trork , uli'l vau altor'! tt ut' il . CHEAPEB 1 Thirdlj, Becaun( h manufactures them, and can and 11 sel 1 the CHEAPEST 1 of any one n Ihecity. Healso ell PICTURE FRAMES! The cbeapest o( anybody in the State - au faras hoarc fl'UUl. NIC JE OVAL FRAMES FOB 5O CTS. Pieture Cord, Tassels & Nails! FRE.VCH Gt,ASS- ij the Iiglit ot box- ForPictures orfor ECOTTÍS23 GrTLMA.amjsrGr J 3 EA.ST IirilOX STREET, ANN ARBOR, - - - MICEC. 117Stf , s e 8 ■I I I f; 1 h hl I 2 'M en i 's g IU Jh j s hifi! t5" 0 !.:tó i ï Ooi' e M CO u Dj nog B S H Q 5 ! W O Pi Q M. MARTIN IS AGAIN IN BUSINESS, Witli a í'ull line of Choice Furuiture, Parlor and Bedroom Sets, Mirrors, &c. Cali and seo him. 1268 Drain Comraiesioner'B Notice. TVTOTICE ie hereby given thnt the Bruin (iommis il sinucr of Waahtenaw County wlll he at tl huei' t JobD B. Stark, In the tovrnship of Angus u, on Urn 23d aJ of -Muy, l-7. at '2 o'clock P. .M.. ti meet partlea to contractTor the cïcavatlon and con Btructlon of a draio known a Weflt l!r:inh of Con tral Draln, commeuclBjt on somh line ofaectlon s runntne tbenco eaet alöng line to Central Umin in iM Towníhlp. 1 "11 nlso be at tho house ol IdI.ii B Btark, m nlfl Townihlp, on the ltn dar of May, 1670, ia o'clockP. M. n t Urne and plaoe 1 wil] exhiliit mnp of tbc ahuvc propoavd dram fac cordlng to urvey) and dncrlpUon of töveral parcela oï land deemed ly m liinfu il tlitroby, umi tho nmnimt anti descriptioo hy dlvliloEa and BubdivUIons öf the rtbore deBcrlbed propösed drain ly me apportloned tn the owoer ol each aeacriptloni to constnut. and lo the Townfhlp uf Augusta tu construct on account of sucli draiu benefltlng hl !hwav and to heai reuona. ifany are offeral. whj ■och apporUonmèüt ehoulJ bc reviewcd and cor"Ana Arbor,M!ly4lS70ÁMEg _ jóos Counti' Drain Coinmissioncr. Urain Comtuissioner's Notice. TVOTK'l' ' hereby piven that the Pralu Commlsii aiooerol Waabténaw County wiU be arthe hotel ol 1! F' the townablp of Augoi ihoïlsl dayof May, 1870,al - o'clockP. M.,.tomeet iMrtien to contract for the excavaUon and icomtrucion of a araln. to be known a the North Branch o b„b Creek, comraeneing on the uuth line of SecÜonNo 8, running tbence southerly on ectlona „a 18 to Bwan Creek drata In nld pwnihlp. tVhi ó be at tl.' B. P. tChitaker on hc.Tth :' "VlnckP.M , at which f,.,.,, ln,i ,,]„■,. l will exhlhit map or tho above pro. SSJddraln. faccordlns to wirvcy ml lovclj, mul - í i , ;,s„f ii e m vcr:.l pareen or land decaed by nebenefltedthareby.and the anionnt and detsrhv '„" ,v dlvlsions and rubditotoa Jl the abovo ',iidra,.. bymoappqrüoned to the pwner of „. ,i ■...■ription 't conatruct, andto tha townablp c,r Au"l W construct on accOQut ol och dram ben. entlïfhlghway.and „s ,t ;,„y a,,. ,iir; ed. why nch npporllonment shoiüd be revimved and corrected Aun Árbol, Mï . AMES j. PAMHAIi. l"CSn3 County Dúu Cüniaillonor. Oommisaiooert' Notico. STATK OF1 MICHIGAN.Connty of W The uuderelgned having been appointed I Probafc Conrtfor naidCouuty, ( examine and n lal pei ■ ! :l T 1 Í ■ 1 lï. ( il'rl'll , ftt(l of sald Connty, deceased, bereby kItö notlce thai teCourt. for credltora to presen! Lhei n-y n il i meet at 1 the town of Sburon, in safd Connty, on Saturday, lic ntnih !:iy of -;:t]y. mul V.Vdr.i'Mlny. th d;iy ol Kói . oclockA. M. ofeaah , day i, to j ■'■ tlve, examine, aud adjuut eaid Dat' d. May Qth, A. D. I 1269w4' 1Ol,mll: Cominillo ñera' Notice. QTA.TEOF MICIII' The . ■ ■ Probate Cour i Cor .-:■' ' ceive . ■ tms and dein all persone i ■ : glve 110 tice tliii. (lx mos tl tul by or n:ite('onrt : nuhetr claims igalnsi tUeestateoi hatthey will me ■■ the ei i of eafd I In tnje Cityof Ann Arbor, tn aaid Coanty , on Saturo ay, the twenty el hth flay of M:ty, and Thureday, tra twentieth day of O ,at ten o'dock A M. ofeachoi sald daya, toreceivei examine and adjoat saïd i Da cd, 1207 w;;.u.u;;íiu:kií, {Coramii Reñí Estáte Fpr Sale. SyATKlOF MICHIGAN, Coúnty of Washteniiw, sa. lüthe matter of the eptate u f Thomas : minor. Notice is hereby given. that in p n nn order granted to the nnderfig f the estáte "i paid minor, by the Hum Tudge i Probate for the C ■ oawi ontbe elghteenth day of April A;D. 1870, there will be. eoldat public veni öco of ; n. Palmer, Id Manchester, Ln the Connty of Washtenaw, ;. day t' ■ lock i the afternoon of thatday, (anbject to all i or oihenflc i . ftrter of the southwest qnnrterof section (hlrly-two, tn townr-Mi iour Bonth of ranije threeeast, In said .s Datcd May2d, A. D. 1208 RICHARD orEEN, Guardian. Ileal Patato for Sale. STATS OF &HCHIGAN,Conn ln the i":' : e Sutton, 2di lnoompetent: Notic ia h . tbal tn purea. . i anted to tl: . d, Quartftan of the estáte of enld incoj ie Hon Jndge of Probate for the Coiinty of Washtenaw, on the tv. en;;, ihird day of April, A. 1) i iduo, to the htghest bidder, t the ooi tbwflsi i orne of t Ij - , ecrib?d, In thetownof Nortbfleld, fn the Oountyof : i h i v. ■:■■,,. m :iii Stat-, on Thnreday, the sixteen th day June, A. I). IÖ70, at two ociock1n the (■il df ihatday (sobjeci to all encombranco by m'jrlgago or otl llns at the i &tate( to-wlt : Theetsl half of the north two-thlrda ofl huif of the imiiiiwi-M quarter of section tl ; ln townshlp o I tat oontalnlng acres ol laud more or le#a : State Liated, April 2ctli, A. p. 1S70 8EDGWICK DEAN, Guardian. Real Estáte for Salo. STATEOF MICHIGAN. Oonnty of Wáshteñnw, s. 1 ii the matter ol the eetate of Frank W. Goodkïei minor: Notlce Is hereby given, thai in pura an order granted to the ander . rdianof the eata linor, by thu Hou Judge of Probate for thi Con ut) of Washl ;.-:■.■■, on th twentyOfth day of April, A. D. 1870, there will be sold at public venduo, to the hlghest bidder, at the i uoodal ■ . Delhi, in the Connty of Wahteni i day of .Tune, 1) 17ü. at ten in the (brenoon of that daj iiy mortgage or otherv ■ at tl e time of the sale, aud also subject to the ii;bt of w ei Norman V. Goodale, defbllowlng escr!bed reaï to b tl : one-elghth of the ' Mili .'nipir y. "'-■-- ai!ed),bolng on section twoin tiiL town of Sclo, Ld sald County, on the north ride tl tbelluron Eiiver, commencins at the northeasl corner of the bridge near the Baw SliU formerly by Jacob Uoj i nee north flfte a ro 6 thl roda, t henee eoutb il:M-D roda, thence wesl thl r teer roda to tbo place ■ ■ of land ; also the B-eighih of tweüty fonrinches q hes .'f water, to be me i throAt of the mil] or bottom r the flnme ou thr above ñ bead that can - ■! there. wiih ihe priviU ge of making :i race :.t for tbe water above mentioned from the dam ol said Jacob Doremos, lo the propertj abovo detcribed. and (honce to tbe river ; Is - the andU vlded half of cach of the followiugdc or Iota r huid z: Lots nlne and twrlve, in block four and that part of lol elfrht in block four which lies Bouthwesterly ui' thu Michigan Central Raürond ; bIso of lot scven in block nlne. and lot ten In block four, all in the viltoge of Delhi, Coanty and State afore iid Iatel, April : Tth. A. P.1SÏ0. U67 EOWAUD L. ItOYDKN, Guardian. Retí Kstate for Bale. STATE Oï1 HICHTGAN County of Washtei - Iu ? ie estnte ol i , kruan, d. Notlce is hereby ufi"tn. tlial ■ of an oí I o the undei - Probate for tbe Connty tf WflshtCDaw, on the dayof Marcb. A. D. 18T, tberé will h Ing lm;iM' on thopi a deocribed. In the County oí Washtcnaw, h ■ n Thnrsday, the ii!i,t!i day of Jane A 1) 1870, at oneodocfa ín the afteruoon of th:it day, (eubjectto all ent , ces bj mortLage or otherwlse exlsling at the time of aleo subject to the ticofhis widow therein) the follown Bcri'ed real eetftte, viz The vreet balfof the northd, in fownship four sonth ni range foar eaet in .■■.". i . State, excopting the part ■ aken from north-east corner by the Clinton rotd ; ..Iho all tbat part of the east half of tl half of the uorth-west qñarter of said BectUn Beven , which lu-s north of the highway. aud coul . ■■■■■'. ,: ■ ■■■■. '■ . meneïng int ■ int ten chai] of i he Dorth w eal i oer i ea : half d!' the north-H aid se tion running iJience aonth on ty one Chain and forty link.-, tloi rthside of highway north fiftytx desfeea and thirty min . . i: .;l. tO ■: " ■ '■■■- uortli bne cl twcniy sevcn chalns and uní ty-ftve Hnka to '.'- Btake ln norih line i tion seveu, Uiei ir chaina and oiuéty seven links to tbe pi ■ I Inning, cuntalning fonrtecn and thrêe-fon th-woel fra tlonal q i ■ evevu exwptïnfi and reservlug tbat portion conveyed by tlie fo lowinj all rcorded in the ■ ■ ■■■) from Lewla A. R Mrded In llber (il of l-)ci!s, uu );if 82S, by deed from WHHam i, Lewfe Knckmnn and Jamee Pcnlmnn, to tbe Mii ' .11 Rüitroad, recordfd in I] ■ i ü , aud bv d 1 of Lewls A man and wffe to 'l, rt-cordcd iu llber 71 of I). EGOBT, EsGcntor, Dated.Marcb 23d, A. . I v -i JMortgage balo. D SF AT7LT haring been made in the condltion of i c riain morí ;age,executed by Charles Moore and Melitea Moore Eis wifei of Uu-city of AnnAr■v,v, nul State of Michigan, on the twelflh day of July, a. i, 1864, to toseph v. Lawgon and Prederlclc wareteri fr the r;t y of Ann Arbor, Coanty aforofiid, and recorded In the ier'eofflc6i of iid County of Waahtenawtai dn the Ifith day of July, A. 1). lstií, at4%o'c]ock P flrf eaïd 4ay, in líber 82 of mortj 521 ; wkicn -iiiit mortcaff e waa dn)y ftssl ;dc by eald Josepb W ! . on and Prederfck w mater, to me. the , - on the SOth day f November, A. Dt recorded In the i; ■ cf Washtenaw Conoty, on tinkpril,A. l. 1870, at n o'clock a, M oi öftidday, ín ober 32 of mortgageB, page 621 : on whlch m thera Is claüued to be duo at ibis date of tbla Dotlo4 the auto of three hundred and öfty-four dollar and forty two centa; also, an attoriiejy fee of twenty-iivc il ■' 1 any proce d1 to fon ■ ; no niit or ivintt been institutcd to recover the debt or any p:irt tïiereitf . noties ia heroby . that by virtuu of. thé po i raortgage coiitnlned I sball wil al public auctïoa,to idder, ou Ihe 3' th day "i" Joly noxt, at two ocl b . ■ , at the front door of the C'ouil lluu-c. ia i L6 city vl' An;i .Ai'bur, in eaid naw, thü pr emití e decrUied In s;iiii mortgage aa all tbat certain plece or parce] of land iltuatd in the city of Ann Arbor, Connty of Washtnaw, and State of Michigan, kuowntboond ed, and dcicrlbed ae follows: Coiamenctog ut the center of sctLiou m 4' two Bonth of riiiiíío nnmber stz east, and running; west and thlrtyseven links to i black oak tree eïght Inches in diameter ; thenoe south elght deerees, :haina and flfly links tol 1 . alón ; i ht conl t of sald road to the nortli muí touth center Une of satd sec tion number twenty; thence north eoven chaina and forty-flve liuka to the place ol b Eoepting and rosi'fviin1 taud trom the cast uldc of the parcel of land ubove dcücribcd.} April 2itb,UTü. BAHKABU9 IC. WBBtE, Absïui'c of aatd Vtortgêgé. Juu.N N. Gott, Atturney for Aniigncc of aaid Morta. . Mortpage Sale. DEFAUIT lrniiiu' been made In the conrtition of Lé and executed by David L dates and Amolda B. Gates, of the city of Aon Arbor. Waetxtenajv County, Michiean, to Aaron B. Vanatta, of Nortl llcld, Cunnty and State aforesaid, bearlqg date the flfth day of April, A. I). 1802. nnd recorded In the Regieter'a OfUce of Deeda for WashCo. Michigan on the sixt VprIKA. lock A. v , 'm Iib3r No. -■■ ofmort. ; [04, by which powei of sale conulive the axvooni ! t.' duo on sald mortgage aud accompanyin : note ut the date of thla notlce Is the snm' of flve 1 cty-nbie dolían and - andinterest, and the i of flfteen dollare provided in shM mortgafre as au Mihti-v fee In case any pro! ! be trtki'u to forecloae the Bame, aud no aalt or proceedlng havine been Inetítnted :it law i over the debt secureel by said muri; ttny part Uiereof : Ñotice is hcroby elven that on Uonday. the eleventh day of Jnly, A.D. teno'dock i. tt. of that day atthe front door oí' jij.' Connty Conrt ïïouse, in tlieC-1. "' Lnn Arbor In sald Oounhf of W naw. theBame beioe the place for holdlug the Circuit Conrt for s:iil eonnty, therd wlll be böW nt pnblic anctlon, t the h I r, tin1 premi acrlbed in aald ni'r: ■ aa may ■ amonnt dne on 'tiil doi e .nul '.)■■ il i! Dotice, v.iiu interaes providfd lor in sald -mortum'_'i and allowed by law, that lato aay: Allthat oertaln pieoe or pareel of land sitnatcd In the city of A ti ti At-iior. W tanteo iw Connty, Mlchl a folio ws, ro-it: Bolugloti aumber one. four (4), Rveand eight, In hlock flve. in Browi additton to tbe vlllatte, uow city of Ann ArborAC i, Ann Arbor, April Tth,18T0. a B. fANATTA.MortgagM, Ti:.liï V.'. I: Attorney lor .Mortgagee. 12J5 T IVE GE ESE L'EATHERS Li FIRST QTJALITY, ConBtantlyon naad and tot sulBACII $■ A BEZ. Chuncery Sale. SBOV MICHIGAN- The ( Irctdt Coarí Ibrtht Jane l Lev. i , Jumes W. Lcwis, i lackwood, Defendan!ín pareuanceaiid by vlrtueofidecree of I . of VVuabtenaw, Mli ' Court, on ; ■ llrown lílru kWiniíl, (ici i: lts ben I) Bel) at ptibüc (iiictïou tu ;ií!t-r. at Ti O'düClc hteenth dáy of Ji i .Hoatti door of the Cotirt Bonsc of Aun Arbor, In th Couuty of .-'.ate ui folíows, to wíl : The equal umlividcí il ' Liu knowfi ; ■ . oí ■■ rij eouth ol ven (7; i Connty f ' ■ ■ - of lantl, howuvi r to tb ívIsbü u v. iiv li r ate hnnband. John i ;n.'l dnrins I vphile alie liould re Dumarrled Aun Arlior, Muy ítli, .i. D 8IBLEY i. TAYLOR, One oT thp Circuit Conrt Coraratseionen lor ';i iiit-nuw Uounty, Mií tiitran. At.piiri's FEKuu.Sülicilorauduf Coui:kl1 !■ pbinaut. ; Mortgage Sale. WHERE-AB I ■ am isleo, li theCoantv of Jackaon. nndStal uto d.iy of October, A. D. . jf Hu si-ii.1' of New ïorfc, to & ;iiii principal and h ordedln the oflloc oï tti i ii the ■ aid. Ou tbe T2th Va ƒ oí October, A. D I ■ k A. M. ol' eaid i:iy. in III pp :,i oi mo ■ t r more than thh ty daye ín the , .:ï oi aid 1 1-on tbesevootb day o wherci :ih remi wil h all ai thereon.sholl and wherca?, therc ' : ■ aúpala on said ■ of two tl oU&ra for prlnelpn and interest, aïéo n Attorney's fee of thlrty dollart èhoTildanJ proceed ad do puit or ; stitutca eltheríu Jaw or eqaity to recover th orany hti thereof : Ni, re, is hcfebj '.■■i"i 11, !:■■:;!. oo öatarday, elt lu-xi, at two oclock In the afteruooiit ;:i in Ëotith door of the CourtHooae, In the ciivnf .m Arbor, betngthe bnfldinjz in whlc i! Couri Tor the County of Washtenaw and State aforesflii [9 lukl, and by virtae o! r :. 1 ntafne! naortgage, I.ahall sell at] o, to iln : bidder, tho preralses descrlbed En eald niortainonnt of principal and I lollarsand charges of salí, to-wil .i ü thosi certain picceö or parcele of ehïp ofSharo ■ arity 01 Waahtena lacrlbed as Follóos, to-w!t: the eaatpartof Üieaonl ona! qaarter of sec . BeveU (7j In town tbr of range ) east.containlngMshty acresoflan I t!ic? weal half of the eonthwot qnarter ofsertloi Nnmber Beven (Tl in township three ::, ■ Í8) enst, contatnlsg slxty acres of land Datod, Hareh Ttli.iTO tforl -.liron. John N-Gott, Attoruey. fur Mortaaee. 1260 Alortgagn Salo. DE7AÜLT haring 1 ín thecondltíon of a in i;i:n morttfflge sec itéd hy Prededck May i and Barbara Mayer to Frederlck Schinid on l (l:ty of JnnO, ' unlrd wltfl I sale there o eontalacd in the office of the R of Decda for of Michigan, on the i .une a. j. 1864 tt lock i'. M. ■ -:■ ■ . oo pagt i-N, and . ameni of . . bearlnc date 8(1 day ofJuly, A. I). 1869, juk! i cd in t ; oi the :h èay Juy A. o'd K-k A, M. . In lil ■ nmcuta of m ■ ■ Barbará MnytT, aud SubnequenOy hy.-. iirnfnt, bearina dtite Ine of March, A. :. 1870, aud recorded In thé ■'.. on the Bd d A. D. 1ST0 at K o'clock P. M., in líber ï of j . i María Barbara Slaycr : eaid Frederlck Schmtd, and arterwar4. by a furthcr ínstrni assignmi datethoSd day of March, A.B. u r ol b 'lay of March A. 1). 137. at 10% o'clock A. }.i ., in Uber 2 of ■;- ■ ; i -. re is claimt ■'. . ■ . at the cliiteofthts DOtlce, the eum Of live I wo dolían and bweiityWo contfc and estfroni the da bcMdei ' ■ .■ and ]:.-■'.: orprüwedlnes atlaw or in I ■ ' or ;u:y part tbereof: Notlcè Ie, therefore, hereby ffiven, ■ ■ ■■ of i he etatnte lu ■ ■ ■ at the s ouse in the ■ ■ v snd State ■ holding the Couri whl ii ■ nlyj, tlic pi ■ tl in said mortcage. aa rolli)ws, viz: Sitnated in the Gonbty of Warnteniv in IJnn-. Arbor, ,{now clty)) commenclng : !y corner of block ■ Addltion. mi Mili etroet, run■ ücü Dortherlv alone Mül streel aboul two fi el to the liue of Pontiac et reet. thence Durthwardly ■ of Ponl lac - ■ y-two I one half feet, tis' ■" i tiortti ■:' h t w ;i rtiïv lïfiv.ei ï)t jitul i . . westwardly aud tdway ihuudred ■. : tor) ■ et to the i : ■. i oi nlnlng forti an or n . ". . Mayer i . ad v-f No: sna wifd Charles A. Chapín and wife, on tl tiiiv o( June a i). (804. Dat il, Ann Arbor, Mich., March I1 rh. l-rn. MARIA BARBARA MATER, Riciiri Uk.umn, iL'ee. Attorney Foi ' ií:)(■u. Mi - .Ie. D; í he conril Ion oTñ : ed i..v frederfi k Wayer and María Barbara fcayer, hi8wife,to Densm mer, on the H th doyof Jne, A l. I witli tli ■■ powcr oi ale tbereio contal ned, fu the ffice ■ oí Mk:h:ur:in. 011 i : . raortjra and by an lustrum Lhe 2(1 ility OÍ July, A. I. July,-A. D i 5 o'clock 1'. M . ím ti : mort ■ iLfgned by h i r to Mftrtn Barbará Mayor, ön fthicb mortgae ■ due at the date o . . tndred and oue dollare and ten beceof at ihe rato ti aud í xpeiisafl o thle foreclosuK laclading an Attorney feeoi i . Qonld auy pn ■ . :o tbre' n .aiuiii'i euit or proceedUigs t law or I : " bei n tnstitated tu i u so dúo or m Kotl o I . for#, !; . - that by vlrtao f the p . BaJe contal oéd ín Bíild m regace, wtalch has ■ be defttult aforesnidi and Lo pan . uch t:;!'1 made and proi i! at pnbHc auctlon, to the bighest bidder, o the íourth day of Jone, . D. 1S70. al 2 o'clock in th afternoou of thíit dy, nt the sonth door Of tí Court lloare, tu I Inn Arbor, In i. County oi Waebl suaw, and State of Mii tiigan, ftha the Circuit Court wlthl ed in sald mortgagí as íoilows. vlz: That parcel ofland bclug ■ ■ i tw-Mit;. lylng easterüy ofSvrift aui DeubeU'fi mili pond, town two south of r.-in-! 1 ojist. and State of Michigan, comme: Bontbwi 'fa ccrluin sirect nianiitr íVui i :i1 ■■'- ■ I easi corner edcdby Norman Ohapln and wlfe t Johnï Swathel. then the 1íd of I and no owned bj -Tacob BeaboJt, to land owned by Jam b b Smith, thence weeterly aloug the lino ofsalQ Smíth1 land to Bootberly aloug ui margin f mi w pond to land do . ■,.■ gal . iioiiL' tne northerly líue Swathelfl land in an eaeterly 1 1 r ■ atainlngnbont ftve acres, more r leus always reseiving the ri_rhi. to enter apon sal I Istsatall Umei a1 t!i ■ weaterly end o f the abov mentl ■ mis to gain accesy wiíh a team ■ otherwlse to the land now owued by B$áá :-■.. g south i i'lv fromeaid flve acresDatetT, AnnArbor. Mich., March mtli, 1ST0. MAB1A B lBBAIU MA2R, iïu-m m:: BrAHAN, Astiguoe uf jrin Attorney lor Aaelgneft. íioa Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT havlogbéen made in theconditlon of oertain mortpago executed by lilms tüdh i" Uur riot Q. Ashby, ou the twenty-elghthday ol Septen ber, A. i. :■■!. recorded, wlth the powi therejn contaiued, i:t t,iv offlco of the itfot tha Countt ol Waaoienaw, In the Státe i n at one o'dock p. u., od the nineteentb ai ■ llborNo. ■_■: of mo en T B, and by n instrument ofassi oarta day of January a.D ■ "f Ufe i:ld, al '■'-, o'clock p H.tonthe sccmu : lbOT A l. , meptuüf Igases, on page 8?4, duly asslsuedb' the gald Barnet Q Ashbv to Locy A. Oída ■: üiiird t, be dua :it i date of thl the sum of twelye hundred and leu dollïui and foorcentö, principal unct Interest, and no snit u I l:r.v or in chanctíiy havlng be n notlce i Rlveiit that by 7irtae o the po 'ntalned in sald morage, whlch imo opcrative by the defáult aforeaoid, aoi In pur.-tianrr of the etatatc in racfa case mad aac :', . the K;iiil mortgage "'in . in ttae Olty of Ami Av'.t'M-, in i! ■ . !i:iw. ;i : U tiL'.in ■ that beiu the Circuit Court wlthin :üi Coanty) on the twenty-tblrd day of April, ..1) 1870, al i o' k-k in Uu1 forenoon, bo foreclosed by a s.-j!r of the prenilsi Poll ivs: vit ;;.:!(■ in ti.'1 lowneblp of Volk, i 11 tl;. ■ ashtenaw.ftndStateuf Michigan. thoMcertnin i parcela of land Icnown and deacrlbed as the norkbweat of theaomheaetquarter, andtba Southwest quarter of i norl beaal qnai . No. tweniy-two f22) in townsblp (bnreonth of ivmalz eaal conl lores; alao one other adloining paroel ui land, belns all that part of the : the soathwe?t quarter ofsaid went} two, whlch lfea aoutb andeast of the i ; r.-:i i Rldge Road, running throoerh aald land, except■:l'. .-■: corner I, rast by the and horeindescrlbed, and soath by ] ul owoed b' ■;.i3e. l-uL'l Aun Arbor, Januarv 2Tth 1ST0. U (V A. OT.TIÍí. Aesignce of -Mortgnse. B.P. Gbanoeb, Attorney. The al t ppatpond to Saturday .. ut the same placo and ; ine ut' day. Dittud, Aun Arbur, April '.'Od, ISTO I V. OLDS, Asdgnoe ol Morteage. B. l'. Graxoik, Atlorni'y, l-'Oi M ortgage Sale. DEFAl the condl ; . .! and Margan . '. u tho j .". 1 1 1 July, A. l. I8ÍS, tu Philip Bachl of ü. talned In tho i ' i in, on I8t, A. U. 1805, ai 1'. M., : whicb ; tlii-; DO Four dolían ai the coste attd n andan Altorm weiujr-flre ii andqo nitl oí atluw orín ■ mi or jiny : Now, then Fore, ilotl of ni' ] ■ i m I símil sc:]l :it publlcauctloo :i the :! tllC Smlth ifAnn Arbor, Coanty of plnc 'ii hblSIng tho Clrcnit Conrr wlthlii i tlbed in mi ot só much thereof a the amonni dxte un sniri mi ■ i-e tre ih-.-criheil os fullows: Al] ; Inning at the ner of ' non nnmbi t :■■ : ni" Aun Ai'b" County, Michigan, I iioriliv.f.-si r'y nlom; Un' Routlierly 1; addltlonfour ■ "' l"t Damber two h i eleves chaina wd ■ córner of aaM'lot munbértwo, thence l"Ur]cL'r('(ínn8l,(ji: I eded b.v Abealbm Traver tó Z. 8. Pul ■ u h thlrty-Bl eipher' I twenty-iwo linke to the ■ lidftiWirton Ins and ttfty and one-half links along a I lohnda i the plnce "í begin nrty-cight hnndredths of an acre, 1 ■ nmrc orlcs.. Jj.iti;il, Aun Albor, Feb. 28tn, : I'Hil.ü' BACII, Mortgsgee. Riciiak BEAnAN, Attonuy. 1469 Mnrtgage Salo. DEFAU.T!, made Id (he condltl a curt;: in d le by John : 11 Aiitliiniy Bwke, .jiIim Etarke, Jr., the DÍnth day of-.Jauuary, A. i :orded mi the .-, a. !'. . ; the office o w.-Hitenaw Conntj (in ],,: (i ■. Jr . to 3 ed of ni ' day "I1 September, A. n i i lie eleventli .11. 1 . ■ Pn v. tmed to be due dred and seven di :-i üf tilirLy dolían :i 111 Am Itor's fee provldec l'or 11 sold morí - having Ihm n institntfd nt íaw rer ihesam dow da d-nortpart theraof, now, vtrtue p wor of sale contained in saidtnu rirtaeofthe ta.ta(eid uch case m: the twenty-firít úny of o'clock dood, of thal day, iit tha sonth door of ti Honse, In thi ■ if Waslitenaw.andí holdin ■ Court withio s:iil 1 wül be 'Ut at pnblic .■iiü'IÍ'jh . ti rh.' htghest thc ['' ■■ ■ . or 80 mu -i thereofae m iy be 1 ■ . isfj theam iiiL' :m Attornejr ice oí' t í í t - dollars as aro whleh '.(i )).■ i u- tollov oathwi 1 ItheRonthweítqnaríerol Xu. twcnry-iM-jfit. towushlp Nt. one south ■■ ntnj) of land two rods In wldth, taken from tho Boathendof tha Dortbwefil f the eouthwest qnarter of ■ cction Ño. towBehln one sonth of raoge sil est, 1 of land two '"'i in wldth. taken fie: 1 of tne tirsi above de scrllx'd landa belng 11 the State oí Uatud, February 23d, S70 EDW'ARD T5ÜRKK. 1:. 1:: aü.in, ' isee .1111! A.Attorney forMoi ■ (258 Estáte of Thomas Crawlpj. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Countyof Waehte i At n sesslon of the Probate oort ftr the of Wasbtonaw, bolden at Ihe f i Oiiy oi Aiyi Arbor, on Pridtur, the eirth Hay ( Muy, in the ycar oiic thousmd elght hnndred and geventy. Preseuti lïiram J. Jïeake?, Jadjpe of Probate. In the matter oí1 tbtt Sstate of Thomas Crawley, . John Smitti ana John, Execatorsof the laai will and teatan me Intó Court and represent that theyare now prepared to render ttrelrflnal aeronatas such . tapón it is ordered, that Monday, tl . June, ncxL. ut ten o'dock in the forenoon. be aeeif allowing gucb iic:' tint. :mk) tbal the h g it ts. ffi lawofsafd deceaeed, ;i%i aH other i .. .-i.iifl estáte, i 1 lourt] then t i at the Probate Office, iü the ril v of Aun Albor, in sa id shon canse, it any there '■ ■ allowi d : And il ' fnrthei ■ that paíd Bx . Inter;infl the heat] of this order ti pnbllsbed ïn the MM ■.-. m ws County, tlirce ■ Ive weeke pn I áay of hearios. (A trae Copj.J EIB KE8, I2ó9 ate of Frederick A, Bolle. SXATEOP MICHIGAN, OouDtyorWaehtenaw.Ba . bf rho Probate Conri for the I kteoow, holden al the Probato Office, Ín tft City ot Aun Arbor, on Thursday, the the íHih May, In the eight hunPree I idee of Probate. lo ihv iriiiíuT of the estáte of Frederick A. ■ ■il. idtngand filtng the petitión, d . Bolles, prayfug thftt a certaia Instrument uow oo ñl e ii. thu i the last . :i..iv be adinit ■ iiKiv be piüluted Ad ministra trlx wítl I di I aiineied. Ther I. tht Monday, the liiyu! Jone iif.r at tou o'olock in thoforenoon, b letition, and and iill other peraonn iuteretíted Ii are requíred to appearata BOPMon of eaid Cönrttheu to be bolden al the i e,in the city of Aun Arbor, aud show canee, tfajoy - oí the petitioner shonld not b nditis ■ ordftred, thüt. said petitionei g1v doÜ persons irterested ín aaía ■ adeneyol safd peti . ■ héreof, lv c i thí;; üitUt to be pabltehed Intoe ; Ir rui, :t newspaper prini eounty. tiirce suece-preiious to ol hearinir. py.) niKAM J. BKAKIS, 1208 JudueOl Probate. Estáte of Thomas Kaao, QTATE OFMICHIGAN, Conntyof Waehtenawjw k' At a se?si(ni of t!e lrobutc Courtfortbe Connty ■ir y of Aun Arbor, on WeÖin Bday . in.v of M:iy, in ihc year ou Khousaud uigla hunven ty, Pref ui Hlrara .r. Bèakes', Jndgèof Prob&te. In the matter uf the efcUte oí Thomas Eane, ted. On reailiug and iilinir tbc pekltlon,daly vcriiH'O.o! JasAD Kané, prayiug Vaal bcudower iu the re&l enlate .. d i-iay be ■ i her, Thercupon it is Qrd,red, that Munday, thtiih diiy oí June, nat, ju ten m'cIim k in hc forcinoon, be a ir uur heaj said pètitton. and Ihat the heirsatlawof Böjade(■■[-■.■ii. and allothor persons ttttereet3 in said reauired to appear at ;i ■ to bo holden t tae Probate Office, in Che City of Ann Aibor,and ahonv cause. Ifany t&erebe, whythu of the petitioncr ehoiüd □ fürtheiordered, rli.-u $aH pi ■ aotfcetothe Iniereatediusaid estáte, of the pendency oi Bald petitioa; nul the heariui: thereof,by causma oppyoftMfl Order to be published in theü Anuís, a n e w spa per prlnted and clrci I Uooaty, threeaucceftfliye vreeks previouB tasaid da) of hearl . ÍAtruecopy.J HIEAM ItKAKKS, 12ti!ï Judce of Probate Estáte of William S. Maynurd. STATE OFMICIiríJAN". Cotfrily" öTWaahtei At i BOBBion of the Probato Conrt for the County oí Washteoaw, holden at ihe Pr i , in the ,-iiy oí' Aun Arbor, on Friday thé sfetn day Oí .May. ín tltu yeur une ih I hnudred aiiü eevfenty. Present llirain J. líeukeeu JuíIsí of Probate. In tlie matter of the KüUUe üí.Willlam B nard Wíl Mam Cbeevw, Admlnlstrátoi of t:u ebtate, comes iiiio Court and represent that he is now pre pared to render ma fiual accouut as such AdmïnisTherenpoD it is ordered, Thai Monday, the : .y ut' Juin', iMtXtt ut ten öcloek tn ■ oooDf be asslgned foc ttuuululug tuul ailowios Bach account, and that the heira at lav of-Baid deceasvd, and all other pernoca hiterested Én snid . ■nr rttciuifcd to appe&r at a sesaiou of said . then to be bolden :it the Probate Office, In the City of Aüii Arlmr, In tald C'iutniy, tndshow [f any therebe wny thesaldacóounl should not tiu all o wed: Aiidltia fbrther ordvred, that eald ú- muiisti'iiitïr it: Dotloe i i intereíted In sala i-í[;ito of the pendency of said account, amï the hearinsf theTeof, hj (Ma order to be publlehed in the il , a aew spaper j r í i i 1 1 ■ ■ : and círculating ín b ijd Connty. I ii tu aaid daj ■ CA trueco BJÊAKBS, lístate of Fredcrick Broessatule, Jr., QTATKUFMïf!' i i ftaw,B8 u AtaaeaaloBof theProbaie Court foc theConniy of Washten&w, holden ut Proba ■ t :y of Aun Arfjor, on SftturdftJ , :y e!' M.iy, iu tbeyear o ik ÜLOUBOnd Ight lniudrctí ( Lilly. Present, lliram J. Ttefik'--i::..][KlO()rPnii' Jq tlic matter of the Estáte of Eïti . nii:rr. Ou reacUngtrod tïlinu' the peütion, dnly vcriricti.ef Paul CSuardlau, praylu that he may be ,1 tu seU ci'iUiiu real csiatc belotigioj minor. Therenpon i; is Ordercd, that Monday( the ilxthdayof Jttne, next, n ten o'clock (n l toon, ■■ , iiiiiiü ind tlinL tho iu'xT ui" Idii of 64JQ minor, and all tther persous uferested in sald estntc, are required o appear ut ;i sesalon o '. thïn lo be loldcD at the Proba oi Aim Arbor. lid bItow canse, If anythére be why tl etitionerahoi ered,that Bala betíi 'ticeto tüe persone said eetate. of the oeudency of ■ lien, nul the hearing thereof, by cain 0 ter to be pabllshed in the Michigan Argus. r ewapapei prluï&dand drcnlating in saldi iree uccessire weol(i prevloua to saidday ofheaii". CAtraecopyO HIBAM J. BEAÏ V2wu Jmlireof Probate, PIIYSÏC1ANS' Presoription e Accurately and Carefully PrejKiral h, J2. ir. ELL1S L Co. Estáte of Absalofn Travcr. CTATBOFMICHl ÖAtasewlonofi ,, :';... An. Arln.r wedü, ,!; fh. íny, ... the yeai one thoosand elUn?1 dred aud aerenty. r1"' bun. Present Hlram J Beat , Jndgeof Prnhut matter of ti . Mal, Anmiida M. TraTer, Adminístratrfl aH ,t _ i: -í C'l'üVt „ ,Wl" iöcrhS-W" mlntatralrix '" r-"-tr cr jSi !"'lny.thcth!rr , M.yi„siuMt,.H!:..„,,v!„,i;hl,r nrtWh rtlornxBininlDg aml (..?'" '"' amlthattheii !,' '!ccouo'. :;;' ",n ofMMn ■ r,'JU" Aun Al i.v or givcnol of the nendency ñ 'I.' .1 CODV Of thi ni-,1... ,""ril'-i; and ctr week" I W day r hearhiT WesM (A truc c. HlliAW Hkakfs . 1i3 fnfM 01 ProlSft; Estáte of Anthony Efy. QTATBoi MICHiaAN.CoOKit ofWaíht., ö A.tsesslonofi ■ , ti , f ' "' "' A"" Artjor, on Momlay, Present, lliram .;. B eofProbaíé Therenpon it la Ordered, that Mond.r v thè bearlnc ofïïjd iÍÍh and all other pen , ;"!. :. .tha. why ih,-,,,, o petitioner should nut be era Jrartheroraeredthatsaid, i ■ he i :.,:„, non. and the hearin-r ti copyofthis Order tu bu publishedln the tlickS. I n .,í Countj. usíve vpeekg p '■rdd. Atraecopy.J UIliAM.I. BEAKES V-CStd Jmloe o r Probate. Estáte of Susan EJiz&heth Neetell, OTATE OF MICIIKi IH, Counly of Wathtena . kJ M a bcssIoh oí the Probate Cuurt lor the C'iiújrr 'itcir.w. holden ut the P i .. n .J !, un Saturday, the thirllelJ April. In the year one thousand ei'hthm Present, Hiram 3. Beakes, .Tu.'Ve of Probate 1 the matter of the estáte of Su-an FJizabetk Nte w llah I'ri.rst, (iuinli.ui of H'Uci estáte, coma : iow preparedtg Qont afl encta íoan apon ii la Ordered, th.-u Monday.tbethb tiethday oí May, iuxv al ten o-clctí iñ thufore" iiiiin, be aseii'ued Cor examlning und alluwin-suth acconnt.and i!:u the next ol mi'nur aiHt all other persons ínti estáte are reqolrpd Loappearal : eeseum t,t sald ("onrl t ènu ' ol A Arbor. Ín satdConnty, ani it' ájiv ihere I shonld nol lie niiowedAnrl it is further or ■ QnardUu! 'Lict; to tho pe f. by cansine a copy of thU orde il the .V.' ki tan Argut, a new and circo latlng lo aald Ünunty, three sncccssive wecka prarlqus tu said day of hearing. ■ Ca trnéco] HIRAM J. BEAKES 1S89 Jndge of frubate. Etute of Ileiiry Ï Fpeer. STATBOPMICHTOAN Coontyof VTashtenaw.w. ■■; of the l'robrue Court for Huí ouiiit i Waehtenay. holden at the I' róbate i ce, inito . Uur. cm Taerday, tfaetwenty-elxth y Ll,ln tïiü year oue thotuand clght hundrcdaiid seventy. Pn -int. Ilirnm J. Beatos, Jndge of Probate. Ju the niattcT of the gstate of lluurj T Spr, deceased. Newton Shel Ion and David H. sjccr, Kxccutonot asedí rnmeinto Cuurt i v prepared 10 render thrir iiual account as ímicIi Bxecatora. ■ lt! twcaty-thlrd day ol' May, next, ni. ten o'clóck in the forenooi for oxamining and allowtog snch account, and thal the ïcgalees, deriseei an3 Uiw vi' sald di : ■ .- i!, and all other jwrsous ,.;rrd to appear ati M Conrt. tlifii to be holden at th o Office, in the City of Aun Albor, in and Bhov cause, it' any there bè, wYiy t!n! fiiiicl BOCOant íif[)kl not he al'lowed : Jad it i furtluT ordered thal said Eiccniors Rive notki to the persons ipterestet In said estale, of the pen deacy of said account, and Uu: hearins tliereof, bj ■ i ofthl! order to !.■ uublished in tb Inted and circulatltf in said Connty, three successiyo weeks previoQt said dii f o (A mie cuy,} ' IIIKAM .1. BEAKl'S, JndgeoJ Probate. Estáte of Samuel M. Fay. OTATE OJP MIGHlGAN.Coontyof Washtaiair, o At a eesslon 'í the Coontj f Washtentuv, ho ■ Office in tLc Cit ol Aun. vibur, on Wednesduy, the twenty.per. entlidayof April, ín the year oue ttaunsand eigki bnndred and eerenty. .. Biram J. Beakea, Jndge o! V: In the matter of the estáte of Samuel M. Fay, deceased tn readlng and fi!i:iur the petitton; duly vcrifitnlof Sarah Jaiie Fay, prayfng tbat Newton Shelrioa ■ i Imt other si ■■ m. iv be appoiatd Ther U-red, Ui At Moml.-iv, ihe twentjthlrdday of May nest, at teu o'cloek liithefo. iring if said petttioñi ;.; Kiw ofsaid deceajród, nndiü othei p . -: d In satd estáte, arereqoired hei ■ be boïaen, al - Office, in the Ciiy ofAnnArboTi and i. . wiiy the praj r oí the p tlilouer i-houiü not ba ttranted : And it furii r miei-ril, that said pel . noticc tothe perBone tcti n . state, f the pcndeoeyol (ilion . and tbe hearing ibereof. by caufiógi : order to be pooiinhed In the JMehige ■■ ■ piiutêdand druul atine ins'aid Connty, tluuo bucceselvü weeks ptevioua tu eaiddaj or" hearing. (A trnecopy.) HIRAM J. BRAKES, 1 67 uf Pr.ibate. Estáte oí' lui hard L. Allen. STATE OP MICHIGAN, CoOnfcy ofWashtpnaw.. 6ate Üourtfor ilie (Juuoiy of Washtenaw, holden ;.t the Probate Office, in tb . oii Friday, the tipeniy wcosri day of April in the ycai ouo thouaand eight Iiuddred and s. -. ces, Judffe o( Probate. In the matter of the ftstate oï Richard L Allen, Uu n luling and Qling the petitiondnly verifled, of O. AHi'ii. pi-:uii.'.' iiuit Krank .luslin, orsom be Etppoivtwl Adnuoistrtor on Bomacb Ideo ased ai li atof ftíichljían, or such öther order asthi Cotirt muy yraiit. eupon it is orderod, that Momlay, the twentjtblrd day oí ; tes öclock in the iorenooii. be asslgned forthe hearing of said peUttoBj and tha i) law ol said doased, :iuria!l eraons intere&ted in gaid t'ïïato. are required tu app on of said Coort, then to Ie holden, at the I oilici-, in the City of Ann -rbor, and ahow cause If any there be. why theprayero :-iio:i hl not be granted : And i( la fnrtlieroi!. ; givo notice to the . of the i endency of said petition, and ttiu boaiins rtiereof, by capdnxi copy of uu order to be pupHebed ïn the Michiya .-. newfpaper prfnted and drcnlating ir. said . three Buoccfsive weelu pröTiooa to suid diy of hearing (A trae copy } HÜtAM 1ÏKAKKS, 1267 Judge oí Tmbiite. Estáte of Thomas Bentlcy. STATE OFMIOHIGAX, Conntyof Washteuaw,. At ;i sëision of thr Probate Conrt for the Couuty of Wjishteuaw, holden ai the Probate Ofïice, in ihs CItj of A i : 1 1 Arbor, on Frlday, ihe fiftocuth dayof Apiil,in ihcyeur ouu thoasand eiht huudredand seventy. Preeent. Ilirara -T. Beakés, Jadge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Thomas Iicníley, . ied. On read ng and mng the petition, duty verifletl of Selden W. öhurtlefl, Adounistrator with thcwill annexed of saïd deceaaed, prayïng tht he may be l to ■■! 1 cfriain real e&Cate whertof aaid decea8 'i died slexed. npon it is ordered, thiit Mondiiy, thetMr. oí May, tiext, at ten o'clock ín the fon noen, bO asslgned fortíie bearlug of euid pi . and thal - dtTisees and heirg p: I said deceaaed, and all otiu-r persons Intert .ai m to appear at anessloii'of tuit} Court, then to be holden, ;it the l'robattOfflcc, iu tt"1 City of Aun AAor, and show cauee, if toy therclK'. why the prayer of Hui petil loner ehöaid nol be granted; And it, m farther urcred tbat saM ler glve notlce to the pereoua Interesied i said state, of the pendency-pf ftkj petition, and the hearluif thereof, by causfng a copy of this order tb be pablished la the tichigan Argvt newspaper prlnted and circnlating In :iil Coonty, foar Bucceáfl ';■■ pteriouí to said day of hèarltfg, CAtraeoopy.j Hl KAM J. BEAKK8, L26T Judjce of Probate. Estáte of llenry CaDÍíeld. j OTATE OP MICHIGAN, Connty of Waehtenaw, O At a sesalon of the Probate CourtfortheConnlJ ,i Washteuaw, holden m the ProbaleOfflce.intM City of Aun Arbor, üd Monday, the cleventh day ofAprll, in the jreai ooe fchoosasd eignt hontin-il and aéventy. . . ut. iiirtm J.Beakes,Jndgcof Probate. In Hu; matter of the Estáte of Henry CanfieW, deceased . I on readtDsraad BImg petition. rtnly vorfílcd.of Charles II Kcrapf, Admlnutrator pray'ing thal be Ö esécd to eell certftin real estáte whcreof saiu (leccacd (lied H ThereupoD i: is ordered thai Tnesday, thc thir íj-ltrt Uay of May, iuxt, nt t'-n oYluck in the i for ilji' he&riae if said pei tfon, and thal f ;iiíl deceaeedi (id aíl ci Iüt psraosfl Interested ín aaid i aro required to appear ai a ees! o ol sald t'oarl. then tole holden at I in theCltyw Auü Arbor, und ehow cnu.'-r. iínny tlnri: b, m hy Ibe prayer of tho petltloner sbonld not be pranted:- And n ü "■'!■-,■ .,,-t ,.!, thataafd pêtitlonêr 2Ïe notlce to the persons ín ter sted tn eaiu estáte, of tbe ■ } tbe :n:irin:' tnereof,Dj acopy of ti;■■ publiehedin th r aii.inl and clrcalatíng . .mihív, foiii euccessive weeks -tiid ft vof hearing, HIRAM J.BBAKBS, A trueoopy. Jodireoí I'robatí. "PMSIIMS1 PRESCRIPTIÖSS IURATELT ANIi CAREFULLY PREFABED BY W..ELL1S & CO., DRUQGIS18. ------ iii -


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Michigan Argus