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The Tax-payers Heeling

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The tax-paying electora oí trut! city win jml notice in anolhcr column wblch materlally interests thrm : that is, a cali for a meeting to be held at Flremen's Hall on Taesday next, May 31st, betwcen the honrs f.fll o'clock A. M., and 3 o'clock p. M., to Tote pon certain proprosed approprlatlons, toheraised in addition to thcsuins authorík3 to be Icvied by the Cominon Council. The Items are : Ist. $800 for liose and conpllngs for the Ure departnicnt. We take t there can be oo differeiice oí' opinión as to the uecessity of this cxpeuditure. 2il. $1,000 to build a tower and purchnse abell for the flredepartment. It isclaimed that a tower is absolutcly necessary that tbehose may be propcrly drled aftcr betng osed; and that the Cotirt House should not be left opea nights, that its bell may be used to sound a ñre alarm. We are certain the latter proposilion is correct, and tlie claim for the bell and hose tower seetns plausible. 3d. ?S0O to bnlld public eisterns. An estímate much too gmall If cisterna are to betay relied upon as a sniiceof sopply tor water for the fire departnicnt. We need i dozen new and large eisterns to-day, Insteid of the two or three proposed, iniless Trcaresoon to have the Holly or soine oth rsystciu of water-works. . 4th. To purchase the right of Way and titnd West Jefferson Street from First to Main. This extensión should be made, and It will doubtless cost less to make it now than at some future time. If we remember correctly, it was once resolved to open it - la 1853- free of cost to the city, but jealousy of Wm. S. Mayn-ard, who it was fcared might by some hocus pocus, make tometblng by the extensión, procured a reversal of the order. The CeuDcil shoold haredcftnitely stated tUc aniount decmed necessary. Tlie tax-payers will be at llberty to vot? for or against any oue or more of the propMitloos, each lieinsf separate and independctit of the others, Tiie questions are whether all are necessary, whether either can 1 iostponcd or be provided for out of tlie taxes the Council can levy of itsown raotioii. Tliesc are ; $3,000 tor general pnrposcs;f2,0ü0 for strect ór iiighway pnrposes; and 1 1,000 in each ward foi strect purposes : an aggregate of $11,000. Thesu qncstions the electora must decide for tüemsdves between now and the meeling. Nt Monday, May 30th, tho day Kt apart for decorating tlie graves of the ünion soldlcrs who feil in tlie late war, aud to bc known as " Memoriat Dar." Ampie arrangemcati ttare been made in this city tfl observe the day In an appropriatc manner, and an invitation is extended lo the citizens of this connty to join in the ceremonies. The stores and business places of tiic city will be closed, so that all may have the opportuulty of paying respect to the memory of those who feil while battling torthelrcouutrf. Eiercisei appropriatc to the occasion, iMliding an address by Col. C. B. Gkant, HU be held In the Court House square, wmmencing at 1:30 p. Jt.,after which a procession will be formed headed by the Mayor udCommon Council, and followed by the 1'orWr Zouavcs and Band, such civic organIzitioas as may desire to particípate, solüers hearing flowers, etc, which will protced to the different cemeterics of the city, ml go through with the cereraony of decrating the graves of the soldiers who raay kve foand tieir resting places there. OueGEOROE Williams was arrested "ar the residence of H. Ahnold, on Uie north Dexter road, on Sunday afternoon K by offlcer Plemíng, of Chelsea. It Kemstüit oü Saturday last, this Walsliired a horsc at Goodteaji's livery stablc ' Jackscn, eamc to Chdsca and ffacted a tradc, but fearing ]ie was susPectcd, did uot walt to take possession of W new propcrty, but slipped arouncl a corner, untied a horsc belonging to Mr. Gonxas, of that place, and pursued liis jourBer. lic rcxle all night but found himself Mt mornlng wlthln a short distance "f Chelsea, having lost his wny during the "'S1'. The next morning offlcer FhBitwa 3 put on track and overtook him at the 'ivc mentioned place. The atmosphere reaboms seenis to be unhealthy for tliis individual, for we are Informed that he was rrestcd hcre some two years ago for theft wmmitted in Jackson, and has bceu out of Pr:son but a short time. - He was arraigned bcfore Judge IIigY ywterday, plead guiUy, and was senncea to flve years hard labor at the State "risou. Brother Pattiso.v, of the Ypsilanti wmct-cwZ, came up to do Anu Arbor on Incsday, and en route to the depot, wward, dropped into the Court House, „ "to see lt was goiiiR on." The nllat" was calling a jury In a pesky aslult ntl battery case, and 'the regular l)ae! belog exbausted and tallsmcn in roer, Sheriff Torter callcd " Charles R. fMTttos." Nol expectlng the honor, and S111S taken by surprise, Pat said to the on tl1 that '1C wasn!t aware hls nW was wc list, that he happened n incidental'} e., but all of no avall, tlie Judge recoRain him a u moaa jul.or„ and ,lgtuck He ditln't reach the depot forthe that i' '"'' dWüt " get to go " t0 YPsiI!"i inigjit even, and yesterday was doing u y' Pat must Sivc the Court üusc a ,vltle berth hereafter Id 1)c full faiih that tlio slimmer 4"u win b"S warm weather, Clame vaopSKThüTe plnced in thcir store one 1 moge Ice Creara Soda Fountaiiis, and


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