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"O. M. MARTIN, nüUER TN FtTftííITÜRB of all klníe. Pirlnr od Bed Koum Sets, Mirrors, &c. ïj Souili líalo _ _ ' FARMERS' STORE, ilSonthMsin S;rvpt. Everythlng kept la a flretc],,, s;[)rf wlll bi! foiuid hpiv . "MACK.& SCHMtD, nFtLFliS in '' Good8. Grocerics, Crockery, la 5 Saulh 5I"iu Str'"''G A LEITER& CO., DEUERS IN TtRl-'OS nnd Medicine, Pure Wines .,'■ for Medicinal Parposes, Cigiirs tc. So.lQr?irr iiloek. A. WIDENMANN, FORP.I('N Ksrhance Broker. Ronl Ksíaíf Rnd Fire Ioüirsnce Aaent. No. 25Soutb Mala Strei-t. TRAOY W. ROOT, CONDENSE O Records of Washt(naw Connty, and HeatEítfiteKxchflTiiTc. ÑO. 1 ir iroryBIöck. "1)k7kellogg, pRrTICiyo Physicinn. nnñ Proprl'tor of Dr. ■ Celcbratfd Remedies, Aun Arbor.Mich. MORRIS ITALE, M. D. USIDKNCS and Ofllco ÍS, comer Wilüams and Tbompï"" :treet Repular oflloc honrs 1 to 3 p. M Advice fln'1 Prectciiptiona from 6 to 7 P, M. di da; , free gratis to the poor. 1264 G.E FRÜTIIINOIIAM, M I)., PHTSICIAN AND St'ROEON. Offlr-e over DruR Store, No. 7 Hurón tire-t. Besidence, No. &S Thompson atreet. Office hours, S to 11 A. M ,and IluSP.H. HÜLL, ROBJNSON & CO. ' 'omniission MerchautP, No. jviatli Main Street. ÈLLIS & KISSELL, D8ÜHGISTS. and dealen in Paints, Olls, etc No. 2 SoQth Main Sftvít, Ann Arbor. joiíñ"keuk & co., DEALERS in Fnrnllore of all kinds, No. 33 South Miun Stxeet, A. a A. Jk Q. A. SE8SIONB, ATTORXEY aud Counsellor r Law, H Insorani-'' è fl Collecrion f Claims promptly attenced to on liberal tenne. offlce one d ' First N itional Buk, up Btairs, South Main Street. Ann Arbor. W. H. JAGKSON, OEXTIST, nccesior to C.B. Porter. Office, corner Mjin and Huwn Street, over t!n; store of K. W. ■ ,Ani: Arhor, Mich. AuaestheiicsadmiDisu-rcd if reqaired . W. F. BÏÏEAKEY, M. D. PHTSICIAX AND8ÜRGRDN. Office ar rtísidence,corner of Harón and División Stre Kust o f Presbyterian Church Aun Arbor, Iflch E. J. JOHÑS DEA1.HH TN HATS and Caps Fors, Straw OoodsOints' Furni'hini; Goods. &c , X.-. T South Miiin Streel, Auii Ar ! IERLAND &"wIIËDÏÏN UFEsndFircIusnranoc Afrenta ni;d dealers in Itnal iiiaic. Office en Hurón Siruet. Alá" eull ñr[. ciuiScvin; Machiues. "wTTholmes, iSEN'T for the Florence Sflwlng Hachine. and dealer ia Pictums, Frames, &c. No. 82 East Huron Street ' LEWIS C. 1USD0N DEALER in IInrdware Stovep, Ilinife Pnn.ishing Güodi.Tin Ware. &c, No. 31 South Mijn Strui-t. ];aGH & ABEL, DEALERS in Dry Gooda . Groceries, &c, &c. No. 2C Sonth Main Street. Ann Arbor. C. H. MILLEN, DEALER in Dry Goods, Groceries, &., &c. No Souüi Maiu Struet, Aun Albor. SLAVVSON & SON, SROCERS, Provisión and Commif-ion M'-r'i..ri! and dealers in W'aicr Li ut?. Land Piaster, and i'lasler Paris, No. 14 Kast Uaron Street. S. SONDHEIM, WHOLESALE and retail dealer lu Beadj Made ClothinE. Cloths, Cassimcres. Vestint;e. and Gents' FurnishinsGood. No. 0 South Hals Sirc.-t. WM. WAGNEÏÏ, DSALER In Rcacly ifnde ClotliinL'. Cloihs, Cassinetesand VstniL-.-. IL:u. Capn, Trnnks, Carpet Bsg!,&c., Ji i-uutli Main Street GILMORE &■ FISKÉ7" I0OKSELLEUS .ind Statloners, Hedfeal, I.nw and College Tcxt Bouks. School aud Miacellaneoni "oki. No. 3 Nortli M.iin Stroet, Gresory Dlock, Ann Arbor. FINLEY & LEW1K, DEALERS in Bootf, Shoce, Gaiters, Slippeis &c, iio. SEïitliuron Street. R. TARRANT UpiES1 Fashionable Shoe louse, No, 24 Souih Itóu ïtroet. Q R 0 CKERÏ, GUSSWARE & GPOCERIES. J. & P. DOVNELLY Wilnstorta largeatock of Cruckcrv, (,la?swarc, VTf Wate.Cutlerj . Qrooeri, kc. ,kv.. all tobe "ltunusully l(,w . ii oo N.12Ei8t lluri u-ticPt ,Ann Arbor. "2"f J.4 P. IIONNKI.I.Y Johñ"g. gall, _ rEA.X-ER IN FBESH AND SALT MEATS, JJV"Ujit!.l d1 promptly ffllcd irtt h the bel " ' tbeoittkct. l East WakLington ütreet. AfArtor,Sept. 16tl I235tf jVERY AND SALE STAJ3LE. AXTKM, & RAMAGE. ej'rawlJ:iii) and Catbsrioe street. Horeetboard" tr,i.r'ia.snn;'l'l';i'-Hn-. Sucond hand bURplee, cut"d harncsí for sale. ïïsïyi dh' - pokter, deittist. te ia the NEW BANK BLOCK, AHN AHBOB. 411 Praiions on the Natural Teeth, PBRFORUED UITH CARB. USURPASSED PACILITIEB AND EXPERIENCE SETTING AaWflCIAL TEETH, tnt T G'VE KACl1 I"IVUUAL', "Ta of tic proper ifc, fAn;.r,co!oT, f.rmntis and nd-al exvrctsicn. 1?44 MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INS. COMPANY OF DETEOIT, MIOH. (ESTABLISÜED IN 1867 JOHN" J. BAG1 ET, PRinonr, JACO FARRAND.Vlce PreMent. JNO. T. LIQdETT, Sseratarr. JAMES O. WA1SON. Actiiary. D. O.FAKIIA.ND,.M.D., Medical Exan.intr. A flnoce'ïpful lïichiiran Life Tnsurarce Conipany, orgsnited for tllepuJJOe of funiishiiig lusuruuct! ujjun üves at THE LOWEST COST COMPATIBLE WITH Absolute Security, and for the further purpose of KEEPIJVG MONËY AT HOME, wbfoh heretofore liae been sent East, RATES AS LOW AS SAFETY l'ERMITS. ESTIRE MÜTAL1TY STRICT EQXJITY Míii k the pyfem and jrevail in, the distribución ot AUKUAL DIYIDEKDS TO TiiK INSURED Whlle.hjr I rovisions of the State Lüt, an.l by thl ir üWq tering, ALL POLICIES AEE NON-FORFEITABLE. FÜENISHED ITON ALL DESIRABLE PLANS. AIl t'.ie BEST KÍVTURES of tbe Oíd Companie ADOPTED,al!tlier F.KROKS AVOIDIil). SECURITY, ECONOMY, EQÜITY AND THE WEST, ITS MOTTO. ES" Fr Agencies apply at. the HOME OFFICE, Bank Block, Grisvold Screet. 52$ L Jí. THAyER,Cen'l Auent. FRBD. L.HAHN, Agmt. 123Jyl A. WIDEIMMANÑT M ESTÁTE AGENT, ANN A.RBOR,MICH. OFFERS FOR SALE : Z aero rif ]h:i(] , within one hft'f mi le frm the city, i 1 in whole, oí' parcclí', as fotlows : 24 acre-i on rectinn lf, in the town of Ann'Arbor' borderíog en tbe un "d tbe roacl leadlng to Cornwells' paper milis, aod on the SOQ'.h ou 15 acres Fituatefi on the oortbwest corner of the óorham road an1 tlie s;ii 1 Corawell Fiictury roid . (Tíiis is ono of tlie hantlsoment situatious in ihe neihliorliood of Aun Arbor.} 13Í-Í acres improved lan1 Jolnlng the above ISH acres and fronling Gorham Kuad. : First Clasa Farroinj? Land, with good Orchard anl Bar, 2J miles from thu Cuurt IIousí, 00 che upper Dixbnro road, , ero of land with a oew two story frame house 011 riiompson, frpoor & Thomphon's addition to the City of Ann Arbor . M'itof % acreeach.oa Thompson, Spoor & Thompson's Addition. lacres of land, with a nplendid grove, joining the Kireinena Park on the West, [ HousF. (Liid ï lotl Of lan-l, witli lïarn, Wa8hKitchfD. Carnaiit' House, and a uumber of nood ern jmprov ments, f.n the nortbweut cornfer oí Fourth and I'acteard Street. L House and Lot in the 2d Ward, on South Iiberty títreet. l Hou e and 3 Lots in the 2d Ward; near 2d IVard School House. 1 flouaeand 4 Lots, near the H. G.R.B. Depot. J20 acres ofiand in the south of the Ptate of Miesguri , iicar the llannibal -dt.Joiepb Uailroad. 2 City lot 6 near 2d Ward School House. A. WIDENM AN N, FOREIGN EXCHANGE BROKER, ANN ARBOR, KICH. SELLS A1ID BUYS DEAFTS, ISSUES LETTERS OF CREDIT ON ALL PRINCIPAL fLACKS InORKATIlRITAlN'.GEKMANYjFIiANrKWITZEHI.ANI), tt . (.!i!jtcti"ns wiih Baropa enable me to OÉfO as T;tir r:lt. ssimy New Yorfl House , I ano not ftn act?nt of any hom in tljif evuDtr . but ï am baviiig direct communicafu. u witli tbe best houaesiu Eorope. 00LLE0TI0NS IN EUKOPE BY POWEK OK AfTOKN'KV Oi! OTHI "RWISE, W1I.I liE I'ROMPTLY ATTKNLtD 10. PASSAGE TICKETS y r Pteamer to anil from New Yoik to all prlucipal[rte uf Europa 1 11 ei'Il üflolluw: Krrm New York to Soutbampton, ;iavre, Lomion, Urttiitu or Hamburgi ttCI'f. CaClnsa. Stee'ago $l:o. ST2. $25 in Gold Return tlckctF, W.S. Io5 (il ' " t'ruw tbove lace to New Vurk, llClss. 2d Clusa. 8d Cil -. SlO iTi. $40 ia Gold Froin Nw f Ata Urerpool, Cbin, 80 to tlOOCurrency.. ragt', Í30 in Currtncy I'rom Liverpool to New YniW, Cahin, Í100. Steeraee. $37 t. WIDENMANN, FIRE INSÜRANCE AGENT ann abbob, i'or the Howarrtlnuoranco Co. .in NewYork.onfl of tbc oldtíHi.aiul bebtOompanieaia the country. The l't-utoiiia Insurance Coraban y in Cleveland. '1 boDor&btja and Rftfe management f thii insti"f the moat rcliablf fixf Insurauce CompaJ'it'1'1' tht Wc-nt. I257vl


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