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Pouter Zouaves

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■Tíiis fine coiupany was out, aiui was tne principal escort at tlie cereniony of clecorating the gruvis of tbe fallen bravea, on ïlouday. The flue. appearancc and soldlerly bearlug of the company reflect mucii credit ou the offlcers, and the company are deaerviug of great praise from the citizeus of Auu Arbor, lor the time aml moncy they have spent In perfecting themselves iii the drill thcy show umlcr arms. Besides being an ornament to Aon Arbor, they are of great service 03 all public occasions in escortiug processions. Their numbers are small, too small for a city of the sizc of Ann Arbor. The Zouavcs dcserve better of the city. Are therenotyouug men enough in the city to recruit the company and glve it a respectable size, - young mon of spirit, who would take pride in giving tlieir personal assistance in making the '. Z's the model company oí the State ? 'lie drill isa very healthy andasrecablecxrclse, aud the drill room a very pieasant lace of re? ort. Join the company youug men, aud my word for it you will like lt. Oi.n Soi.nTKR. We are pleased to learu that a movencnt is at last being made, looking to tb rcctiou of a hall which wlll not only be n ornament to our city, but wkich wlll apply an absolute ai;d pres stug nctd. The ubscription in circul.itiou, aud which we omiaeud tothe favor of our men of means, onteruplates ac expenditure of $60.000, aud s binding upon no siguer unless $40,000 is ubscribed, which suiu Ürst named lt i esmated wlll ijive us the most capacious ud best appointed hall in the State. It is lso estimated, and by meu who seldom listako in such matters, that the stock 'UI pay ten per cent., which fact sliould make it an easy work to get it taken. We ope that fery citizen will take an iuterst iu the project, not oaly an interest but tock In proportion to tlicir ïneans, and hat before anothcr year it will not be sald n all the towns of the State, Auj Arbor ïas no hall. The Bocond Froshnian exüibition was leid in the lecturc room of Uie Law buildr ig last Tuesday erenlng, aud we fteel jusliud In laylng that it was above the stauclrd. We have no timo or spaoe to particuarizc, but eau say that each oue actedhis art wcll. The music for tlie occasion was urnished by the Glee Club of the Class, ud being mostly original, and containing ome good hits on the Proiessors, City 'attaers, etc, was received wlth routids of pplause. The audicuce was large, and otwithslunding the extremo heat of the tmosphere which pervaded the room, v;is he most orderly gathtring we lave seen i Aun Arbor for some time,- which fact very complimcutary to the Freshmen. ui mm ii Next MoDÜay, Juue Ctb, the Turn Veivin Society of thls city give their flrst miual Turn Fcst at Relief Park. The ermaiis know how to niakc the people ■ho atteiHl these entertainments enjoy ïenwelves, aud the Turners will be fully p to the mark. In the afternoon the Soïety wi;l give some gymnastic exercises. 'he niuslc will be furnLshed by the Porter ouave Band, and those who desire to parcipate in the " glddy of the walt." ill have au opportunity to do so, both in ie aficnioou aud evcblng.


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