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WASHTE WAW COUNTY. ? S SpS@3 jBS 0 iÖWRYPUBLlCj. j TJ ■ - - ...ji üig ■A-ÏSTX) REAL ESTATE_FXGHANGE ! ! Tbeiinderlgnd Imvlnga perfect Kccnrd biitnry of wil 'i' thf Üenl Bátate Ttll m tbifl 'Jitv, anl in tiit County of WuhtentV takes pleitsure in ai nnunc!iji to tbe trabllc tbat ne will TftmlDtiU.glTab' htraola ot Lhl Etrtte titlu, iimke ntel mortgwei, oontraoti and otber lejal papers on tlm thvriMt Dtin: WiU aiso make ulfofGlty proper tj and Inruil, rent liours, and foreolQM mui nr1 Pftr ■ons wantiüjf u hitry of Ral Entato title, will rooolitïct that h H in Tak Titlctj mid ill calUtaral matltuft whlefa tu-'i oaoh part(oalardor lion; uii.l il morigagss, anlnc or mudara, wbleh apju-ar lu oc utill ëubsistiug uf record at the'iii time. 1 Btr the tollowing Kaal Juta te for Kale : s'o.lCO Tlm Malony House and Lot oa División Stret. Ma. 101. liiiiio and Lot in Iliscocit's addiLiou. l'nce $2.000. No. 102. IVo Stary Brjck House ou Spring Street. No. 10ö. Two .Story Wood on Spring Street. No.UH. N'icc Home, Lot ai flaru jubt ut of Law College. Ko 10). Fine Honne. Ont-hniinc, Barn and5acrR of Lanii.Wittr Fouut, c. - wrj uesirable Pruperty. No.106. House and 3 acres of LaucS am'de cotnora tiua. No.107. Hoiiie and Lot juet soutb of theUuiveraity building. No. 108. 15'i acresof Land eat of the ünirersity o'ioundti. No. 109. City Lote nearly opposite Tr. Chase'a Printing KritabliBhiuent. No.110. OneTwo Story Wood Dwelling on State Street. Xo. 111. Ono elegant Two Story Brlok Iiouae near University Square. No.112. 30acreswith building jast north of the City. No.113. One Tivo Htorj Uouso jast north Cemetery Oroundfi No. 114. ïwo Brick Houve west sidc uf l'nitersitv Square. Xo. 115. 6 acres just Wist of the Citj. N'o. 116. 3 acres with buildingi just west of tbé City. No. 1 J7. 160 acres with bulli'lngs and inprovemonls u iniie nonti - gooj siluation. NV H8. 320 acres - fine farm in Kuiawassee, Nu. 113. 2 ,000 acres of Wild Land n lh Coootiei of W'ayne, Monroe, Saginaw and Shia wasaee, il y Abstract Booki are postcd to date, N'o. 130. One eleirant Tlirso Story Building on lluro Btnct, mst. N. 121, 17j acres on UiclJIc Road to YpiiUnii. Nu. IÏ2, 40 acres on ScutU RoiJ wth UuilJiiui an improvtuicnts. -Vo. 123. 240 acre on Xorth netter Road. IU milo out,witb improeuients, No. 124. And mucU o'.bor Kesl Esiate not Uert'in n There ure imnr oM mortgaee n WaahteBaw rr,un ty undischarged of Ki-coril, and the laws of Limita tions Hg to Mortgages is diiferent fruui th't applica bet" l'.oal Estáte. Ttrms of Cominiasioa on of lïoal Estáte, ouc lirr oent. f sale malie. Kates for seareb of Keal Estato Tltle 0 ceotfl per-yeur for ltrds and six cents a yeatfor Uortgayet uu til chanco of notie-. Ko charges wi 11 be made forexsmiiiaÚAn of litte, makinti perf or recordniR, tci purtk-s lDdlDg nionc.y tiiroiigli me, Uoaej wantítd to loan on aBfnoum l'ürcil II-'a I EsUttti trom oue to üve ears, ut 10 jter cent. interest net t'- the leivter. Ana Arbor, Maich .0, 18. 0, TBACY W. IÍOOT. Jfwëet Quite ie f ís A ltECENT IltLK0VSMHk . EepuU-os the use of the Bitter SwPRatb (L'imke, wi:li whicli all aro fainilar. 1 Uoác lor dobt', it ia FULLÏ joüflL IN EVERY WAY TO BITTEfqUININE, AND L1KE Iï IS THE ONE J It! Lt, POSITIVE and U:VF1II.ESG CURE FOEkill DÏSEASES of MALAEIOUS (XUOIK. Fei r and Ague, VluttrnUtleiit Fever i'i.ii I ïm-r, Kcmlttent Fe-ver J I lSllluuv Ker, DuiuH Agne, anti üA long train of disorders iSiowlna these Ihcn neglected. SWEET (HIAirïli I is Tttide aolely from Iruv4an Bark, (so is I'slter Quinine,) therefoie is oí vAetable oriííln, and not a Mineral ]oion, biiïon the conth-ary is proved to bc one of the Jements rouiiG in the blood of all hoalthy pefcons. SWEET ttnjillVE I aois :V an antidote to, (as well ni a curo for.) imlorial or mlaamutlc poilon, the absortion of which by the lunfrsl causes Intenillttent Fevers, etc. The oiijyltiüvantugu clilmed for I SWEET Ql'l.XirViJ Over tlae use of old Bitter Quininells the cnilrila))e(ince of that Intense, perllitent JiHtel uess, whlch in tlie lattcr is anUnsurmouttjible obstncle to lts use with moot pereousf iu.ii ulways with childrcu. 1 SWEET QCHVEYE iil two fonns- in Powder for the nse of Wiyticians umi Dniggists, and Fluit, for uat n. t fuinily aud for the genuralAlibllfc. ateVns, Farr &.&, [ UFflCTURING CHEIBISfR, A i . vew tork.x y Sjiïe by Kberbach í Co., drpggists. Ifi4jl CHAS. A. LEITElt & CO., CHAS. A. LEITEK&CO., CHAS. A. LEITER & CO., CHAS. A. 1(EÍTER & CO., No. 1 Giegory Block, Nc. 1 Gregory Block, Na 1 Gregory Block No. 1 Giegoiy Block, ZW Sign of the Gilt Mortar "%3 GS" Siga of the Gilt Mortar "0 ÍW Sign of the Gilt Mortar "J tST Êign of the Gilt Mortar "L3 HAVE JÜST OPBNBD SÁVE JD8I OPtNKD IIAVK jl.-t OI'ENED HAVE JÜST OPEXED 1'he IPinoat StooU ot mie Iinest Stoolc oL The ïf'in.est Stöojt of Tlie Ifjiiest Stook oí DRUGS AiSD MEDICINES DHCGS AXD MEDICINES DBUGS AD MEDICIMSÍ DRUGS AM MEDICÍEAS IX THE CITY. IX THE CITY. IN THE CITY. in the air. PÜHE WINES AND LIQUORS Kor Medicinal Purpoaa. The Popular Patent Hadlolnea of il, e djr, and evertthing kii.t in u ih.itEXCELLENT BRAND OP CIGARS. TRY THJBBM, Solé Agenta in the City tor UUo U Hevndpr's celebra td 8UUCICAL AND _DENTAL INSTRUMENTS. ífT K8PE01AL AlTliNTKIN OIVEN TO THE COMPOUMilNf; OP PHYSICOAKS1 PBESCRIPIIoNS tOd FAMII.Y -MKDICINES. 1266 GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's for atrictly Pure Drugs and Medicines ,Paints, Oils, &c. f II, Uil - ",,„„ ,,,, H ti I


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