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DETllUlTAl'VERTlgLMEiNTS ThcCa' Humara aUof'ifr'tínaii i ses. Nom tc&fa ekMTueur aeaphtd, G& R. McMILIiEN, . [M1OKTEK8 nd WHOLESALE GROCERS ! H;ivc InSwok n full a!.jirtmont of 1 SU'i'-ï'' I ■ ' AK..„t fcr BfiNKTl'-i Oït-KBBAT KXTU":M. Cruaae .: ïlackwi U's l'lcklea Fo ■ pbyatowm and Dfueitati aan lwrbi BiippUed Wioet, Brandies,C Sootoi Ales an.1 Loa l 11 Porter. rpo TIlüSK UUIbDI.NG. French and American House GIheb. Thplji-vi R' rrment, tho bwt brands, nd I rh.i State. S.ilíá, EnnmchJ. - lot Front, vestibule, Office, up In tba Ditet tyle, ,..i .;,!.. }y me finy distanoe, t v.m-v [o tionj of Doort suJ Blin 1 ■. a o i ,.: Palnts an.lOIN. Stnd fur Trice witti stamp. E. I'. KARLi i & 50Jefferson Ave., Detroit. nn inn Avtè of Vnlunll Plñé ml i,UUU Fnrmlng I-amli on Timo, Al Priees naging from $2to $10 Per Acre. WaKRB i. B8 nori'a it Ihosc Pin on th Wlonlii Rirer, ï.-j.iii i u the Chboj75an ]v, Ulch., loullng 1" Clienojirn c' Duncan. 4,780 ere on the Augrea lint, ■ ■ ■ ■■' Thnndeï Hay o.iIits leailinc to Atpena. 1,470 acre on the Maniste Rlr. R50 ■ vassee river. S.'.'IK) acres in i CountT-i Bieb., for f:irm5 nn timber 1 ,'72 ftcrc oholoe Mineral md Hrl Tímber lamls nrar Untoaagon. 1 ,fioo crM Prlrle Lanas In Ke braak, Dear tha Untos PaoiSo Rallroad. '.'.soo ihoice White Pino in Soboolcraft Coanty, I.. . tOO acre on tl ■ ■ For full loscrlptlon. prloesand terras, send forCircntar, DAVII) PRESTON ie EO., Rankwa, Detroit, Mich. TV" Y GOOOy, WHOLESALE. ALBERT D. PIERCE & Co., ■Vholosale Dry Goods 35 Wcodward Avenuo, DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN. QREI.Y'S Extraéis and Toilet Articlcs, For Sale bj all ftrxtclasa Dealen, II INÜFACIORED 2G5 & 2C7 Woodward Ave., Detroit. FOND 4 SON, BOOKSELLERS AND ST.ÏÏIOXEliS, B0OKB1NDFR8 and BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS, No. 7 Fort Street West, Oppoaile the ncw City Hall. DETROIT Ïï B SM1T1I .''o , ll'! iiivl lis W'm, dwaril Avenue, :i:i:.::i their n'w flïirf ehüftnl trtablinhncnt rve the encoiiraccment of nll lovera of h'fl8 in their vfcinity, and frlendd oif III tnr throngbont tl. e country will be gïaMo . it paiutiil baohstoies, like Ihe courst' of em Mtwkrd take their l'kil Étmtrtr, DetroII oan now lakf prlde Inlta nw nookstow, oneof the largeatvnd I thiok tiie most beautifiU in ritrv. - lioxton T?t'iscrpt. ■ ; Buokstore in the country.- Ad■ t:;d Trtlutric. ,n .".n.-iinvnt to tlio city.- Tree Pteis. RKMOV U.. E. I-i :iu"h?tan', mannfketurei oi OlothIng, Importer uu ;. Jobber of doodt f"r Men' 71 & IS Jefiferson Avenue, Detroit, Midi., aikI ú nn' mnnufaoturinii a very larirf mul hiincleonie ■■ nothinirsiiiwble for Wte Inde.- : .i larffe nnd AsHurt :nires aiul T:iilir' TriiuuiinV'. ud A full lin.i of Gents' Furatablng GooJ. pARU!AGES! CAKB1AGES! JOHN PATTEN fe SON. 'ABU8HES IN 1842. H-m insr a larye stock of m terlaVflfnee the '. we prep&ted to fnrnfvh Bcggles KI MI rutes tbi.n 0n be OUght foT elewhere. W excel Ln finish and durablliiy, whlch . Ie oor work The lust in the country Mnnfactjiryand Office, cor. Woodbridge and Hm DK.MOV.U.: HKN'UY WKBES. Wholesale an.l Iifit;ii! Dealer, anfl UáDufaciorer t' rurmture, ih-w removed t" hfa new elx stury. t'rue stout frnt, MaramotL Furuiture Bsteblisbinent 141, 1 1" & 146 "Woodward Ave, Detroit. And hu adopted the One Priee Svstem. Kcpps n t-nilU'ífl i -Miiiin'-i.t tn uit all and with ansurpassod fadlitfea, tbe lateit and moet approved maentnery, difleiiall oompeitii d Oal] haá judgefor y a j jETUÜiT MAClllNiRY UKl'OT. jamesTjenks, DEaLER IN MA( HINKRY No. 29 At water Street East, DETROIT, - - SIICUIQAN. In ' I llVB PRO3IPTKY AlTKNDED TO. MACH 1 Do vmi wnn1 'iist claps KUASS WOBE Olí BRASS CASTINGS iron Pippan'l rutinas for Gaa.Steam or Water, HlBh er l Pre8nre Englnesand üoilors, Browhoua ifl Dlitlllery Marl i erj ,o. d for Circular and l'rire List. JAMKSW,OWEK BBOS., 89 Sniih st.. Detroit. N . B.- All kr.vU of Staam Healinx done. TOAN"s HKOOTIATBD 1 tob Countiea, Oitiep, Towr.s, School Districts and Knilroads. ' ''.unty. Toj and Railroad Ofü'-erp, who may have LOANS TO KEGOTTATE. are Invite to eonfer with us BpeeiaJ attention itivn to the 2ÏEGOTIATION OF SCHO'H. lI.TKirT ](■ WILKINS & Co., Detroit. Bi:.!.!v!!D TABLES I .'. ii:iriivnro. Billiard, a Hole, I ateile and Ji'imy Lind Table Mjiruticturer. Batisfaotlon Kiinanteycl. Billioxd i alwavn on hand, Detroit, Uieh.,andSt Joaeph,Mo, MANTI.ES & ORATES, i'. A. Uiixino, dealer in Mantlc and Gratt, 29 V.'oodbridge Street, West. S nd lor Circular. MONüUCNTS AND MANT1.KS. ScnrtTHKie1 Mar ble nnd lïrownatone Works, corner Bate Street and Michigan Avenue. 3ml203. fR. KELLOGG'S LIVEU INVIGOJtATOR, WiM streufïtl'.pn the appetitccleanne tbestomach. and ren ova te the blood, so tbat od Deed liftve no fear of AGÜE, B1LIOUS FKVKlí, Sf.MMKFí COMPLAINT, orany UALARIOÜS DISK ASE, during the hotmonthsof Sinnmrr , 11 omployfiï during t lie ear ]y warm dajfn of Hpring. RemembíT an ounce of preveniitive ia worth a poond of cure, One bottlc ma y eavea hcary bill of expense. rR. KELLOGU'S Indian Remedy, Can be erapioyed as a Lioatnent. nd Is equally (ood foi nwiiftr bi'axt. I wi'l warrant it to cure BURNS.SCALDS', C0TS,BRD18E8, and all kinds r tnëh iv !sp with Mpeod and cert4iinty. AKO, ÍCKATCHES, UALLS,wounda. &c.,on horaei. rpiIE CATIIAHTIC rKOPERTIES OF Dr. KELLOGG'S FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS, Are extracte! f rom Himple articles of food, by novel and scientific profiMi. Tbj nolther gripe ;; to, rr pieken, but leave digestión vigorous, thf fcppfltltfl enori, and the bowels frec and regular. Tliey shoald be emplojrad In oases of BUUouaiuat, ivi-r , As.'uf, ' ■ BowelCcmplaint, 3 sin, DiarrhM, LiverCouipUint, Kheuulatm, Cuai, ALLOP DR. KELLOQG'S MEDICINES Aro ju-Mpareii by him-iolf, and warranted jureand 'o lio v c:ti ui a 11 respect! MR. KELLOGG'S CHAMPION OMTMEKT, PttlS BALTRHXUM.ITCH, and all HKIN DISEA8B8, irltboul Ml, Solü by DruL-itH aad Eealern everywhere. Uc.-Jtf Q M. MARTIN IS AGAIN IN BUSINESS, Wiili a full lino of Cboice Furnitnre, and Boclrooni Sets, Mirrors, &c. Culi aud Beu him. 1268 PflYSICIANS' Prescrip i i tions Accurately and fully Prcpared by R. W.ELL1SAC0. HUY ÏÜÜR Looking Grlasses 01 W. D. HOLMES, Ann Arbor, FOK 3 KKA.SOKS. Kir.-t. be rLfttbe i r of lm port dfl laas, and a good .; re nihl arch top fraiúei, i ntJ nelto CHEAPi Seonflly, bMftaseth; lnlonp to bis bi:sIneB. IIo b tin m a Rpee bis ownwork, v.rA can uiri.r.l to m-h CHEAPEE ! Thitdly, Becaube he manofaotnres them, and can and will sull the CHEAPEST 1 of any one in tliecity . He aleo selli PICTURE FRAMES! Theohepesto( anj' thcitale- asfnr as beard frum. 2?7jF OVAL FRAMES FOR 6O GTS. Picture Cord, Tassels Sc Nails! FREKCHGLASS-tj thelight ox box- ForPictures orfor IIC3TTS533 ! 3 EAST IIUKON STREET, ANN" ARBOR. - - - MICH. IlTttf 3 tí i h a # í? 1 U ps 5 B -j & . S 15 hS i ttí 2 ,-z a h " í P 3 3 i : 8 J W i R Ul ! h w s 'O h í "8iB he i P ■ ■ 7 o s d!í : ! Qoi'j s . . os CO w li Qí8o P 5 u -J L td 2 L 5 . i sí 8 ■ v O H W O Ph : i jDEMOVAL. J. KEClT CO. Have removed theír STOCK OF FDRN1TDRE And Urdertaker's Goodsj To Maok & gchmid'l Ulock, No. 52 South Main, and No. 4 West Liberty Streets. l'HE LARGK8T 8TORE V. TUK CITY, AND DUII.j EXI'ltF.SSI.Y FOH THE FÜRNI1URE TKADE. THE Y HAVE NOWINSTOKKTÜE LAKOESTand FINEST STOCK OK 1 URN1ÏTRE E. VER OFFF.nEI) IN' tuis COUN'TY.oF THF.IROWN MANTKAC TUKE, SUl'ERIOK BOTH IN QUAI.ITV ANDSTYI.K, WHICH TIIEY HOW OFFER TO THE PUBLIC CHEAPER TIIAN CAN CE BOUOHT AKV WJIEHE ELEEIN THJ STATE. THEIR STOCK IXCLCDES EVEKY ARTICLK NBKDEO TO FIHÏNISH TUE BES r HOUSE KROM TOP TO BOTTOJI. TheírnM pntn ti a::,1 public gonernllyaro inrited to givti tiiem II cali. J. ICECK & CO. Aun Arbor,JaDuarr, 1S70. 125J pOR CASH youcAN Buy Lumber, Lath and Shingle AT A BARGA1N, AT THE YAED OF fc SÜTKERLAND & CO. ;nn ArtOr,Ja ïiiiary ,1870. 1-53 A NN AKÜOH CITY MILLS! BEST FLOTJR $3.00 per 100 Ibs. OR AS LOW AS THE LQWEST. LEAVE ORDERS AT THE POST OFFICE. J, T. SWATHEL. BBPT.Slit, l230tf öwöpënïngT WM. WACNER'S, An Ële.Gfuut iinti Large Stock oí SPRING ID SUMMER GOODS, 1NCUUUHG 0LOTH8, CaSSIMERES, VESTINGS, .&C. LATEST STYLES AND BEST QUAL1TIES WIIICH HEOFERS LOWER thanEVEE Aho in Store a large stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING AND Gents' FURNISÏÏING Goods. GARMEN'TSJIADETO ORDER ( .S' THE ! ES JE n? JB T7 "S",Xj 33 Also I.AniK-5'and GKNT8' MOROCCO SAT(!HELS No.2i.S"uth Malo Street- East slde. CALL AND 5EE THEM. Wil I 1AV WAGNER. Ann Artior , Kay, 10 T IVE GE ESE F K ATHËRS"" PIRST caTTA-LIT-Sr, Constantlyüu hand and forsaloby BA CJI $■ A WEL. 3.OOO FJEISTCE TOST- ! itltv of White oik Flooring, and Corda of Woud, lor sale by i-C5tf N. B. COLE. Dmin Commisioner's Net ice. "vrOTlCE is hereby givcu thai Ihe Draln Commlaii -iouer of Wa ■ Dty wil] be at the hoiiüc of Aaron L Feldkarap. in the town&hlp i f Saline, on thelOthday of Jane,18T0, at 1 o'cloek P. M.. : Mneei partieato contract for the excavation and conttr!iction of n drain known aa Saline RlverDraln, commendng at tho outlet of Bridgewater No i ]r;iin. on the town?hlp line rf Saline and Brldgewa tt-r, running thence aortheasterty ao secttons is, 17 '., s and 4, (accordlng to Bnrvey and ) vel.} I rill also be at tlic house or Anron ï. Pel on the Bib day of Jone. 1870, at one o'cloek i' M . ju vrhlcfa Hifre and place I will ezhlbil mapsof tbc above propoeeddrafn ai)(i deserf] -:ii pur cels of Innd deemed by me bcnefited tnorebj, and the amount and debcriptions by clvfsiona and au b-dtrisIodSi ol ' described propoeed drato, byme apportioned i( tbe ownersofeac descriptl"n to construct, and to the townehjp o' Saline tu c i :n_r htgbwa; to hear raaaons, If any are ofiéred, why snob appor tioumcat, shouldbü leviuwed iud correct l JAMES .f. PAR8HA1L, 1270 Wftshtenaw Co. Oraln Commlasioner Mortgago Sale DEFAULThavingbeen made iu the condltin of n Qcrtaln mortgage, cxecuted by Cliarlos Moore and HeUsM Moore lii.-. wlfe, of the ciiy of Anit Avbor, Couniy of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, on the twclfth day of July, A. D, 1864, to Joseph ". Lnu)ii aud Frederick Wurster, of thecíty or Aun Arbor, County aforcaul, and recordcd in the Regis ter'softk'e, of said Couuty of Washtcnaw. aforesaid. ou the )5th day of July, A. D. 186Í, at y odock 1'. M. of aald tt.iy, ín líber 32 of mortgages, on page 521 ; wüicn -aitl mortjtase was dnly assignod by eaid Joseph W Lawsonand Frederick Wurster, to me. tht; anderslgned , on the 30th day of Xovembi-r, A. D. i806f and recorded in thti Reglsterto ofllce Cf Waahtenay County, on the 'JSth dny of April. A. J. 1570, at H o'clock A, M of tmtd day, in Roer 32 of inortgaires, page 521 ; on which mortgage there is clainicd to be duo at the date. of ttiis uolicet the siim of threu hundred aiïd iifty-fourdollar-, aud fbttytWO cent--; also, un atUrney fee of twenty-flve dollars, shonld any prbceecHngfl be laken to forcclose this mortgage ana no pnit or proceedlngaid law or equity havlne been Institnted to rec vor the drbt or any part thercf, la.horeby :iv('u. thatby virtna if tho power Of eale in eaid mortgage contalnod I Bhall eell at public the hiL'tit'st bidder, on X' 8' th day of July n;xt, at two o'cloek I. M. ofeald day. at the front door of the Coort Honse, In the city of Aim Arbor, in said County of Washtenaw. the premises decrUed In Baïd raortffupe as all that certain j)iece or parecí of laúd pítuated in the city of Ann Arbor. County of Washtenaw, and State of Micliitran . kmnvn, bound sdp and described ne folio ws : CpinménclAff at Uw center of aection nuinbor twonty in township two BOnth of TQOgt nuinltcr eix east . and running west Tour chaina and thirty seveu links to a black oak tree elght inches in diameter : thenoe sooth elgbt iegrees, west two chaius and fifty links to tbe HIs;ock road ; thenco easterly alony the center of Bald road to the norlh and sonth center Une of ssid jec ion nomber twenty ; thence north teren GhaluB and 'orty-five links to toe place of beginning fexcoptiog ind reeervfng one acre of land f rom the east side of be parofli of land above desicribud.) -April 2Slh, 1870. BARNABUS K. PTBRLE, Aefgnee of said Mortgugo. Tohn N. Gott, Attorney for Asüignee of said Uortgage 1ÍCT Mortgage Sale. DEPAÜLThavinir heen made in the cnmlUIon of a córtalo mortgage made and executed by David L Gates and Am uuhi tí. Gates, of the city oí' A tin Arltor. WaahUnaw i'oimry. Mi chican, to Aa ron lí Vanatta, of Nöri field, üonntyand State aforaaaid hearing date the flftli toy of April, A. 1) [862. and reoorded in the RetfiLtera Office of Deeda for Wiuh tcniiw Co , Michigan on the slxteenth day of April, A. I) 1862, :u ii'li o'clock a.m, in iükt 'o. 99 of mortgages, in page 1 1. by whlch the power of sale contained thercln becoiue operativo : tne amotirit Clnlmed to hp due on snitl mortgftge and accompanj ; at tluí fíat; of thla notlce is the Bum ot ty-ntne dollars and fifty centi and Interest, and the rurtbar am of fiftecn dollara prortded in sald mortgage as an Attorney fee in case any pro ceedln(fnhonld he taken to forecloae tl i do aalt or proceedlng havlng been tsttltnled ut law to recover tho debt Mcareo by aatd niortgage, or any part thercof : Notlce is InM-cïty gtven that on Monday the eieventh day of-iuiy, A 1). 170. at ten o1 ;locb ■ m, ofthat day, at tho front door of the Coiinty Cottrt House. Ín the City of Ann Arbor, In said Coanty f W Dftw, the saine bfllos the place for holding the Clrctiit Oonrt for said Connty, there wlll be fcilrt al pub. lic anctlon , to the bigbaat bidder, the premlaea de■crlbed in sald mortinge, or so mucli thereof at may sarj to sattsfy the amonnt dne on and mortgago al the date of thle notlce, wltn tnterand i']K-: Hes prov1rl(d for in Baid mortgapc, aud allowt-d by law, tliat Ifl to sav: All that certaia ploc or pnrrcl of land ritaatefl in the city of Ann Arbor, WafthteuAW Conntyt Michigan, deacribed as foliowa, to-wlt: Belnglots nuca her one, f l,, Bvennd elght, in hiick flvc in (ir wn A PHller8 additloo to the villano dot atv of Ann Arbor, ac-i: to tho reoorded plat (iif-rcnf DtUud.Aiui Arbor, April Uh.1370. AARON B VANATTA.Mortgi Tracy W. R)t Attorney for Mortgagee, 1865 "PHYSICIARS1 PRESCBIPTIÓSSI VCCfRATELY AND , CARBPULLY PREPABED BT II. W. ELL18 é CO., IDJïtreGlSJS.


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Michigan Argus