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An Extra Session Called

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Got. Balüwin Las yielded to the prcssure, and issned bis proclamation convening tho Legislatura in extra geesion, on Wednesdfiy, July 27th. The cali ouly specin'es or suggests an amonduicut to the (Jonstitution legulizing the municipal bonds already issuod to railroads aud transferred to third partios. liut the gatea being now 8J'iriis epeciul message may throw thein wide open, and then for a scramble to enrioh speculating corporationii by taxation. We shall ea w h :i t we ehall soe. V, ' Uear that Judge Coolejr, ae member of a Cóinralttee nu the Aun Arbor and Northern Rallroad, w:is in Chicago early in ilie season entleavorlng to bonds lssued ouder tlio very Lavv whioh he has now declarad unconslilittional! If ii sliould turu out that he was a director in tlic proposed Ann Arbor rond, and t'hristlancy interested in the YVaynu &■ liol'.y, tlie " inilk in tlie cocoa nut " may be secn rlglit tbrongh tho shcll. Men high in tho railroad luterests, aud conversant in the wliolc matter, do not hesltate to sny that the de. was U:vlfd especial!}' at the Air and bat for that It mlght naVebeen different. - YpsOanti Stntinel, Mow, we dou't know ihat Judge Ooolet will thank us for so doing, novertheless wo propose to uail the aove lit to tlie counter. If fcuud oüly ia the Smtinel, and in the columns of its effurvesoent, cotemporary wo shoald let it pass, bat as a correspondent of the Saginaw Enttrprise and " ye local " of the Kalamazoo Telegraph, two journals whicli ought to be iuflueuced by ueither personal nor local jealousits, give currency to a similar charge, we will try and kill (our birds with oue 8toue. First, theD, Judge Coolky is nul ' a director in the proposed Aua Arbor road." SecoiuUy, he is nol a stock liolder, oven, in said r)ad. Thirdly, he was not in Chicago "earlj in the seaton," nor at any other time, " ciidcuvoring to negocíale bouds issued uiider the verv law which he has deelared uoconstitutional," or vnder any other law. Tourthly, frota first to last, duriug tlio ïuonths that escitcd and euthueinstic muncipalitie3 have been voting aid, Judgo Cooleï bas never directly or indiroctly udviscd our city to voto aid, and when theelection mu held for that purpoae did not go lo the polls and give tlie propositicn the sandio of his tole. So uiuch for the " miik in the cocoa nut " or in tho addled heads of th se who rnake baste to attributo his dicision to nnworthy motives, The liouse having baeo watched bo closely that the membera eould not be relied upon to pn;s tho long-pending aud odiuus tiiriff bül, evtn tliough shoro oí ajme of its moro obnosiou.i fojtarés, its putativo futhor, Gfltferal Schenck - better at cliargiug on the pockots of the people tiian on the buttuiies cf tbo enemy - couceived a ncw dodg, that of attaohiag Lis little bül lo the internal tax bilt. His euoeeai was admirable, and un Mondsy, soctiou aftcr sc-cliuu of the former bil! was added tü thk! iüitcr, hy a slricl party pot, the Radical membera who had bcfjra besttatejl to go the wholo Icugtli deinanded by tho i, roting yes lik-j n Bock of eheep followiug tLeir b;jüwethor, thiokiüg, ve suppósa, that tUew eonstituL'üts trould not loct; for turiö' to proceediags hewièd ' iateraai tax UÜ." Suoh u the result of the party lash and Blrati attributen the sikMi:. ■ of posiiiüi: of Senator Howaiü' on tlse San Domingo Treaty - !o uo aTori ita iat:fit;aüu!i - tu tlie rocent . of Miohigan's otüor ': disunruibhed ton,'1 Zíck Ciiam-lkh- in ivor of ti'.u':i.-it:oa c( that islam! ud all fiu ethers in tl a', región. Whei (jHANm.i:it takes a piuoh cf Bnuf HowAitD is expected lo sueeze, uuii] ïfter tho Senatoiiul etóoiion. PerKip hCj ftlo, hna tb i " gaitrid ('eer " when lkb tïkca too ïuuoh ttrjchniuc - in bis wiiUkv. Ohlobae tvyenty-ïvc woraan suffirage iggocla'ions. Nnmber i irsult'ng sufEfering hus'jamls autl chlldrcn knotrt.


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Michigan Argus