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New ï'ckk, Jnne l:;ih, isT'i. Gold strong, opened at 12?,', closed at 1;;. Money easy at 3@5 psr cont. Sterling cxcIimkc firm at "'t. Government securitie aro steady, and stocks quite flrm. The llour market since unr last report has grown duller. At the present it is ttill growlng less .iciivc, and western snperflni and Statu havo sold for r.-3ffi-, w. For common to good extra State and western 5 50@6.oo. Qood to cholee do. brillas 0.0(96.36. Common to cholea white extra western 6.-@8.85. Rye tlonr qnlet Corn meal do. The wheal marke is Iittle hetter roiiortcd In oor lalt 1!!it, winter red and amber now si'lling for 16, No.l spring Is worti i HftlMM. "l(yr oocbaaged. Cora dull. Oats botter, and Ihore seems to be a f.iir dtinand ut 55@50 for westaro, ana Tu n fr Ohio. State brings Gi. Hay eteady wkh a inoderate shipplng deniand Hops ñtjp%ei and Arm. The provisión market in flrm with good dfm.ind butpricc8 nnchaiii-eil. I.nrd sieady al l. liutterseils readtl; at 1S&18 for western, and 20@l!2 for state. Checsc (jniet at 7@I5. Tho dry iioodö uarket is as imittl inactive. TUE WOOI, MAliKET. Tho wool market Mili remaina In iit distreaeiuc condition. fjodemand for wooleu goodf, and the coamqQont luabliity and féar of manafactaren to bnj, renderi thé trade gloomy, There bas been a little aclivity .linwi'vcr, dnrlng the few days pa-t, lm! t. was the result ol the anxiity of hold. ré to dbpoM f thcir sttck at auy price rather than a healtby denmand. Extn-mely low pricea are pald except now oud then a rara grado of searce qnality is fomid. Tlie future look desperate fur the producer. Prtroit, June 15. The wheat irmrket apena a Hule bettcr tliis mornIng, thonjrh not active, the demand betng pn'ncipnlly to flll small orden for rail. Extra }a lieVt at 157 'i yestcrday waa sold for IJ58, bot at the tíme, mul this morning it la difflcnlt to renliie holdci-'t prieel. No. I rfalte 1 held at l.'.T-l.-H. In tho flonr mnrkot a fait ii.-lrvuil, hut promiwa of a-tiv nst dow. i-'iour. iiiiwcvtir, retaine Itaposition wdl. Oat ara in ralrdemand :tt 6cc ïor State and 58 tor westen The potato market la In x terl oí nnd dnring Ihe paat few days n i bnahel bj car load Um Ther K)d tlemand at th.n llinro, and airs are casily mude. Burga Lu good ilemand :tt I9@j!0c lïoth ■ ■ ::rc nominal, l:irlcy ín il. -uiiikI, but litlle ou Ui nuirkui. Fccd iu moderate damtad.


Old News
Michigan Argus