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New York Wool Market

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FniitAY, June 10. There bas been a (atramewit ofbnsiness lonc ttiis week, but nt a Stlll further conesslon in prlces. All wlio sell must do so it some saerilice unlcs it is some partien ar grade or descrlption of wool wliich is riiT SCfkrce. There is no activity in nnv lescrlption of wool. XX aud XXX has been freely sold latcly, lcrt the prlce at wliich it litis (en disposed ot has bten the :ause of the nctivity and not any special demand for that grade. X and No. I has sold mucli better tbaa flner wooj aiul at better prlcee ; bat comparativety there has been but very Itttie dlfference in the price of these grades. X and No. 1 are worth about48c, for Ohio and Ponnsylvanra XX nbout 50c, and XXX ö2@ü:!c, raaklng bnt a very slij;lit dlfference. Delainc wools move vcry Blow at presrnt, and the dclaine milis manifest little dlsposltloo to lay In stocks or to glve orders for the West. As far as we can onderstand, the laniest portion of onr man n facturera, and ofthoee particnlarly who have been in the bablt of baylng largelv in the West, prefer now to take their chances on the market, buyin-r only j'isl what thev want, and when they Want it; this (hoy thinkis mucli better and clieapcr for thora than to buy from the tarmers and take stnff whlcb thcy do not want. Buying in the country requires ready cash, cash advanced belbre the wool is brought ; liiivius on the market is oaab in thirty or sixty days ; bnying in the country means nniréshed and tinmerehantable wool at the same prioe as washcd ; bnying on the market mean 3 that all Dowasbed and unmerchantable wool wlll be discounted one-thii'd. and then givinir orders to buv excites the market in the West, the last place in the world where it should be excited. Combing wools are quiet, it is truc there is not much upon the market, and there are few buyers. Woi-sted manurbeturers have not been mftklng nioncy lately, the high prlcea they have to pay for wool, and the oompcütions tliey have irom Enrland, where wool is so very low, cut down proftts and leave bnt smal 1 marglns, soinetimes the margin son the other stde of the sheet, aa with the Lawrence Worsted Co., of Lawrence, Jlass., who unfortnnatelv have been compelled to swpend payment. Sonie persons have thouglit that warsted manu'actarers could pay any price for wool, and not suffer, bnt there is an end to all thinars, and the day of high priecs for comblng wool Is at end. People must re membep that gold is now only f 1 13, or very little inoro ; a year afro it was $1 30, H great fall since tben, ami this is what has partly depressed th prlce oiTnie wools. No. i and extra have not suflered so mnch from the fall in ffold, ;is forelgn wools, cío not entor hito competí t Ion with thoae to. snr:li an ex tent as in the fine grades, yet California wools run lanrely to No. 1 and extra. Wc wrlte these things as notes of warnlng to the wool jjrowcrs and buver.s of the V -t, that they tnay buy knowlñg all thecircum stauces, and that the farmers inay be saved fiom disappolntment and the buyers from ruin. The sales for the week ngresate about 100,000 Ib. Pie ce ranses from 42@50c, includhiír 5,000 lbs XX Ohloat 50c; 4,000 Iba X-X Oblo at 48c; 40.000 lbs Pennsylvania and Michigan at 43'-c for No. 1 and extra 0,000 medium to XX at 4T@50c; 15 000 lbs neiv heavy Georgia at 33tjc ; 20.000 lbs pulled at28@40c for super and extra ; r,fif)O lbs rio extra et 42c ; 40,000 lbs new Texas at 18@29c; 10,000 11)3 State and Oliio fleece and 80 baga, extract, on p t. : :;.5OO lbs scoured atöO85 ; 108,000 lbs Mexlcan at 10c ; 2,000. lbs California at 22 @30c. - V. S. Ktonomtet. DETOOIT PRODUCE M.UIKET.- The follnwin "yiiii'ii'iimiiríii'Jl'iVaiijrs.aiirt Jire'cari'fiillyrcviscd'cvi-Vy '■ir til" Abuu, by our Dctroitcorres], ■ Dedacttons fr m these prices for C"mmssi"iis and charles , will sh"W ihe net ratos to flrst hands : Aiple8,- Drti'd. 8'XíSOc ; Grcoi.l.v Barley- perevt.. í'í.tiv; for No 1 b bwsz - perfb. .".?!. ■is- wbitc. $l..'iCíM.Tii. Botter- Roll nuil crock ímazi. Firkin, 50S21. ('in'csc- -MidiinnFactory, 1S@1. í);iry, I416' Oorn- perbn., 90. ■perdoí., i9(S;20c. FIobp- white Superior, SMQfí.1J0 " uiiMlium. ;".oit{.[ o..."), '■ ftmbers, 5.2L@ f,fio. " low grades, 4.. ".U('2,5.((0. " rye. 4 !(!' ::■ Utden- dry.perlb. ,iel7c-;ereon,6)íe. Oalf Skins- Oreen, 13'ríl'c; dry, "-.'( :j". ■S; pSklns- 5(i'" 1.60; lumli sk'in -ji -i :,{„ IIclí Xr-j-, in r ID.. SllC, Luid- nerlb... lie. Uvi - ; ] Uií.' 1 0. Oats- per hi Ontons- per bbl. 2 5C@2.fL Pot.'ltOCB - 50c. TallowTorkeye- dreed,perlb.,19@ÍOe, Wheat- extra white, 1.5T : fío, 1 . $1 ,4f.


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