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r WASHTENAWCOUNTY. T unÖtarypubuc KCONVEYANCER Jc_J ._ jg ggj ftS ffiSSffl ïSS 3 REAL ESTÁTE EXCHANGE ! ! Tlic nnlorKÍp;nfl liaYtnjr n perfect Recorrt lmtnry of Ml "f the Real Jarato Tille In this Ulty, and In the County r Washten-tw, takea iloasure in aunnunc ing to the public that be wil! i-xaintoo titleive abBtrae-tsol r.-ii I !■ -t ite title, nmko ace'l tnortgaifes, cntraris and otLer Ifral pajer8 on the Rhorteat ii'itir.i': Will siso m&ke cale n f CitJ property nnd farms, rent honaea, and foreelose mortgagw. Persons wantiüp hlstory of Real Etate titl, will reUiathls Booka takfitn Tak Titira ml all collfttoral matten whfch touoh pjicIi partícula r descrfption; aii'i all mortgftgflB, anoient or modern, irhlefa appear to be still Bubsiatlug of record at the present tim. I offer tho following Real KsUte for sale : N'o. 100 The Malony House and Lot on División Street. IfO.lOl. Hoote and Lot in Hiscock:8 addition. Pi ice $2.000. NTo. 102. Two Story Brick House on Spring ?treet. No.103. Two Story Wood HonM on Sp.-ing Street. - Xo.104. N'ice House. Lot and Earn just weet of Law College. Xo. 103. Fine House, Out -house, Barn and Sacres of LandjWatw Fount, íic- very destrable Propcrty. No. lOfi. House and 3 acres of Land Inslde corpora tioo. No. 107. House and Lot just outii of theUiiivcrsity building. N'o. 108. ló'i acres of Land east of the Univeraity Orouodt. No. 109. City Lotfl nparly opposite Dr. Chase's Printiug Rstüblishiuent. Ko. 110. One Two Stoiy Wood Dwelling on State Street. No. 111. On elegant Two Story Brlck House near Univcrsity S'juüre. No.112. 30 acres with buildings just north of the City. N'o. 113. Ono Trt'o b'tory Houso jast Horth Ceinetry Grotinds. No. 114. Two Brick llouses west i cl o ot" l'niverBitv Square. N'o. 115. 6 acres ju ut west of tlie City. No. 11G. 5 aOTM with buildings just west of tbc City. No. 1J7. 160 aerea with bullninfri and inprovements 5 miles north - good situation. No. 118. 320 acres - üne farm in Shiawassee. No.110. 2,000 acres of Wild Landj In the ConnUea ot VFaynej Moa roe, Raglnaw and shia wiweo. liy Abstratfl Ituolis are posted to date. No. 1D0. One elegant Three Story Building on Huron Street , ireat. No. 121. 17. aerea on Iflddle Road to ypsilanti. No. 122. 40 acres on Bontk Road with Buildings and imprQTenentfl. No. 123. 240 acres on N'orth nexter Road. 1)i miles out, wi tli improvementa. No. 12-4. And much olher Resl E.stato not hercin incluiltd. Tlipre are mnny oi l inortgaga tn Wasatenaw Conn tv anisebarged of Record, and tho laws of Limita tione as to Mortgagea is dlflBraDI Irom tlut appllca" to Real Bátate. Terma of Coranaialon on Pnls of Roal Ketatc, one prcRnt. if salo made. Ratee 6r Bearofa of Real Kstate Tïtle 6 ctfnt ; i1 yenr for Deedn nd slx cents a yenr 1"t Uortgageg until chance of i Ho chfl :: niiiiJiUrn of 1 i tin, roaklng pajtèrior reoordiag, to partiea lending money Uiroogh me. M tu f wanted to loan "ii anlneamberedReal I'. ■■ to fiye yearsatlO per cent. interest mt 1 1 the I onder. Aun Ajbor, Uaroh -0, l'O '; RAGY W. ROOT. f is A RlSCfcXT mrilOVEMEl v Eoplces the uso of Uio Bitteu Sw.PltATE duiMIKX, wltli wliicli all ure familur. A Doso fordose, it 'm FULLïoUAL IN ElERY IfiY TO BinEFQUIKINE, AXI) I.IKE IT IS TUE OXeI GRiJlT, POSITIVJE nnd trrSFVrLIlVO ( CURE FOEfeU DISEASES of HALAKIOUS UGIH. I'tvlr and Ac;iiet Vlnturmittcllt Fcrer, C1U11 Fevcr, Kcmïttcnt Fe-rerJ I Bllions ïvWr, IuniU Asfrto, ftnd 11 long train of disordor lAlowlng these then neglected. l SWEET Ql'ISIXE 1 Is mdo solely llom l'cnivinn Halk. fgó is i-itcr Quhrine.) therefore is of YretfiDlo orifr In, and not :i Mineral poison, Imion tho conirary is jiroved to Ijí; on6 of the innc!ita fouiiU iu the blood of all healt hy iifrouu. S1VI3ET afllVrVK I net s iV !tn nntldote to, (as veil al a enro 1 for.) mlnrial or miasmntic po.Vii, the (ihs(ir)ltion of Vvlüch by the lunsl onuses Intcriilittent Fevers, etc. TUe oiilyliulvautagc cliiuicd for l swiüET QrrvirvE over yje xise of nlil Biltor Qiiinlnella tho om ii" ƒ absence of that lnt'ii-i', perliNieni toltteneas, whicb in the lattnr is anlinsurinoulabU' ObStBCle to its usï with ui' V1 l'erBOnbl and alwftys with cliildren. f SWEET ariXIXE ka ij two forms- in Powder for tho uso of XhyiiriMhs and Umggists. and Fluit, for ii mi t%e fiuuily anti for tlic (jnerHl AliblJft. skeWns, Farr &L(, ( IHluFACTURING CHEMIjfR. A I V VTEW YOBK-X M V For Sale by Eberbsch & Co., draggista. l:n4jl CHAS. A. LEITER & CO., CHAS. A. LEITER & CO., CHAS. A. LEITER & CO., CHAS. A. LEITER & CO., No. 1 Griesory Block, Ne. 1 Gregory Block, No. 1 Gregory Block No. 1 Giegoiy Block, Cir Sign of the Gilt Mortar tW Sign of the Gilt Mortar tW Sign of the Gilt Mortar '% 1 tW Sign of the Gilt Mortar '%J 1IAVK JUST OPENED HAVE JUST OPENED HAVE JUST OPEXED HAVE JUST OrENED rrhe Fineat Stook oí The IHinest Stoelt of 'X'lie Finest Stook of Tlie Finest Stoclc of DliüG-S AKD MEDICINES DRUGS AND MEDICIXES DRUGS AXD MEDÍOIXESÍ DRUGS AXD 1EDICÜNS IN TUE CITY. IN TUIS CITY. ÍN THE CITY. IN THE CITY. PURE WINES AND LIÜTJOES For Medicina] Pur posen. The Popular Pateni i sof the day , and ererything kept In a Öratfiltiss Drug Store.-, An EXCELLENT BRAND OF CIGARS. Solé Agenta In the Ktj fot Otto k Ueyndcr's celSÜRÜICAL AND JJEBTAL INSTRUMENTS. IW KSPECIAL ATÏF.NT1ON 1VKN TO TUK CO.MI'OI'XlUNti OF PHYSICIANS' PRE8CRIPHONS arnl FAMIl.Y MtliK lüijö GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's for strictly Pure Drugs aud Medicines, Paints,Oils,&c. T UMBER YARD! O. KEAPF Hna a IivríG Añil wt-U fltocked Lambw Yard, on Jeffcraon Straft, lu outh part ol the I ity, ml I! ki-.pi'.nimtaotly on Imndun excolknt varietj ut LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH, &Ó. wMcli will be ttold ns ïow as can be afTorded inlhig Qnality and pricCBsucli tluit no one needto 20 to Detroit. OONHAD KUAPF, Ann Arbor,Oct.Ut.l809. 9801 f pOB SALE. The nnbscribrr offers for :ile a liouso aiul 1 ',' acrr? of l:nuK wlth a bnru . 60 good apple tra60 iml well uuur khoSwond Wtañ Bchool EIoiiBe Euquin.: of JIACK & SCIIMID. Abo Arbor, April 8thJI8T(. 1Z0SU PHTSIGLáFS' rrescriptions Accurately and Carefully Prepared ly R. W. ELLIS & Co.


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Michigan Argus