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" WM. M SINCLAIR, COMMISSION MERCHANT IN GRAIN AND FtOUH, EOOM 1", I-' LíSAIXB STRBBT, CHICAGO. O. M. MARTIN, n-iF" IX PÜRSITORH ofall klnde, Psrioritnd Bd Boom Sets,, fcc. 33 South Main ftrwl. ■ ■"farmers1 store, - gngth Mln 8treet. Bwrythlng kept in a firstliortwlll be foundhere. MACK&SCHMID, OELER i'1 ry Goods, Groceriee, Crockery, . 54 South Main Street. " 0. A. LEITEU & 6o7 J1KUKRS IN DRUGS and Uedlcines, Pure Wincs inora for Medicinal Purposes, Cigars Jtc, No,lGrfgory Block, A. WIDENM A N N, ÍExcfcange Broker. Real Estáte andFirc Agent, N". - South Main Street. TR AOY W. EOOT, CONDKSKT H'"oorfl3 of Washtfnnw Connty, and fory Block. DR. KELLOGG, rRAPTICINO Phyeïcïan, and Proprirtor of Dr. a Celebrated Remedies, Aun Arbor,Mlcb. MORRIS HALE, M. D. residente and Office :n-. 18, comer Williams nud Thompson t ree tí Rcnliir office bonra 1 lo S P. M Ativioe nnil PrevcrlptíODS froni C to 7 P, M. each daj, free gratis to the poor. 1S04 G. B. PRÜTHINGHAM, M. D., PHYSICIAS AND 8ÜKGEOH. Office over Tms Store, No. T Hurón Btreet. Resldenc, Ni. SI Thomison street. Office hours, StollA.M ,and TtoSP. Sf. HULL, ROBINSON & CO. OROCERS, Produce iind Commission Mervhnut, Xo. 43Somli Main Street. ELLIS & KISSELL, PRUGGISTS. and dealen in Paints, Olls, etc. Ho. 2 Suotli Main Strcet, Ano Arbor. JOHN KKCK Tob., DF..VUÏKS In Furniture of all kinds, No. 33 South Main Street, Aun Arbor. J. Q. A. SESSIONS, ATTOKXETand Counsellor at Law, Real Estáte and [nsaruce Agent. Conveyanclne and Collectlon of Claims prnnipüy aUcnced to on liberal terms. ofce one door sonth of b'irst National liank, uu ulr,S(iitli Main Street, Anu Arbor. V, H. JACKSON, DENTIST, racecaaor :o C. B. Porier. Offlce, corner Kaïn ana Harón Streets, over the store of E. W. KiüsiCo, Anu Arbor, Jlich. Amcsthcticsadmin, Uujred f required. W. F. BREAKEY, M. B. PHÏSICiAN' ANDSUKGKOX. Office at rerfdence, corner of Hnrnn and División Streets, first door EMtoi l'resbyterian Church, Anu Arbor, Mica. E. J. JOHNSON, DEALER IN HATS and Caps Fnrs, Straw Gooas' Farüishing Goods, &c , Nu. 7 South llaiu Street, Auu Arbor. SUTHE IÍLAND & WlfÉDÖN UFKaLdFire A'-'enli and dealere in Heal MUtc. Office on liuron Street. Alsu geil flrstdaScwing Machines. W. D. HOLMES, MENT for the Florence Sewlng Uacnine.and dealer JiiPicturcs, Frames, &c. No. 32 East Huron Street LEVÏSC.ÏSDON, DEALER in Hardware. Stoves, Ilniise Fnrv.ishing ftwtt, Tin Ware, &c, No. 31 South Mln Street. BACH & ABEL, DF.AI.ERS in Dry Gooda , Groceries, &c, &c. Xo. 2 nth Maiu Street, Auu Arbor. OlirMILLEN, DEALER in Dry Goods, Groccries, &., &c. No sooth Main Street, Ann Aibur. 8LAWS0N & SON, SROCERS, Provisión and Commis'ion Mernhnnts and dwders in Water Urne, Land Piaster, und PlasttrParlü.No. 14 East Unrou Street. s. sondITeim, WHOLESALE ana retail dealer in Ready Made Clothinc.ClotKe, Cassimeres, Vesting, and Gents' Fur. tuui'Good. No. 9 South Maiu Strpet, WM. WAGNER, DEALER in Ready Made Clothinf;. Cloths, CaeiineraiiBdvtinKS, Hats. Caps, ïruoki, Carpe Bes,4;., -i South Main Sliroet. GÏLM01iE & FISKE, 'WKSELLERS nnd Stationerc, Medical, Law and Wlese Txt Bouks. School and Misccllaneoua Wö. No. 3 North Maiu Street, Ureuury Block Aon Arbor. FINLEY & LEWIS, H'S in Bootê, Shoes, Galtere, Slippeis &c, u. 2 Eaatllurou Street. R. TA KRANT, ti?!Kï Fhionablc Shoe Uoubc, No. Ü4 loü.ith wn Street. QBOCKE R Y , ÖUSSWARE & GROCERIES. J. & P. DONNELLY ■LtH,lStorea' 'argeatock of Crockery, Glamware, wUttu CutlerJ'' Groceri0' &!-.lltobe ,],.■'" 12 Ent HuronSiieet, Ann A rbr,. "' J.&l'. ÜONNELLY. JOHN G. GALL, FRESH AND SALT MEATS. Ord LARD' SAUSAES, Etc, ttaÍI(!!'Cit"i ani1 promptly fïïled with the best ■" tae msrkct. 31 East Washington ntreet. Sept. lilh , 1869. l-JSStf LIVERY AND SALE STABLE. c ATKLL & BÁMAGK, Uorseiboard"".ahaOr'nael.IrforrmeSl:CUU(1 hand ""íl""' Mapufacturer of ?3'C-r' Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, "eriaff ?HS "f RXftif "yl, mad ofihe best QOÜÏÜ AND CASES ! AFUIX STOCK AT MARTIN'S AJ-L caus PEoaTLy Arrt-NDtü tu. 'y HE MICHIGAN MUTUAL LÍFE INS. COMPANY OF DETROIT, MICH, (ESTABUSÜED INJ86?, JOITN' .T. BAnl.KY, President, JACOB 3. FARRAND, Vic Pretidcnt. JNO I. UOflETT, Sscrctary. JAMES O. WATSON, totntrr. 1). O.I'AHKAND.M.p., Medical Eiauüner. A SucceRRful Michigan Life Tnsurance Compny orfínnizd t'or tbe jurpo(ve of furimhiug Iusuranc upon Uves at THE LO WEST COSÍ COllrATIIil.K WITH Absolute Security9 anü for the further jiurposc of KEEPÍAG MONEY AT HOME, s■!);ch herelofoie bas been sent East, RATES AS LOW AS SAFETY PERMITS. E TIREMITAL1TY AND STRICT EQXJITY Mark Bjstom and prevail Ín tie ihstriluitiiin ol ANKÜAL DIVÍDENOS TO TUK IKSÜEED Wliü 1 rovitii.nn of the State Lav, and kjr tlit ir Dwn tt-rms, ALL POLIC1ES ARE NON-FORFEITABLE. IX31RAXCF. yrRXISJIED VI'OM ALL DESIRABLE PLANS. AH the BEST KF. XTl'KES of tlio OM Companies AUOl'TKI),nl!their ERROKS AVOIDKD. SECURITY, ECONOMY, EQUITY AND THE WEST, TS MOTTO. JS'ST For Agencies npply at the HOME OFFICE, ank Block, Griswold Sireet. S3Í L M. TIIAYER.Gen'l turnt. FRED. L. HAIIX, Agent. 12391 A. WIDENMANN, REAL ESTÁTE AGEIT, AXN ARBOR, MICII. OFFERS FOE S -A-IjE z 53 acres of land , witliin ene half ni le from tho ct t, tobo oíd in wholf, or paroftls, a- folio ws : 24 acre ob seetlOD 10, in the town of Ann Arbor border! d g en tlie csm un t he roftd lcailing to Cornwcll.s' puper iiiiil.-. a:.'l o thu .-mi h on l.Vá Hcierf situated n Ihe norUiwest corur of the tiürham road and the s:ii 1 Cornwell jpactory ro td ■ fTliíe Ifl "tic of t'.ie handuroest siiuatimiK in ihe neighborhood of Ann Arbor ■) 13íá acres im]rovetï lan-1 Jolplag the above 15á aoreí aad frootlng Oorlmui Koad. tartj terei Of Firnt Clan Farming T-and, vrith good Orobsrd hthI linrn, 2í mlp frop the Court IJouíit, on M{jer Díboio rHail, . ere of land with a new twp story framp house on nioiniüon; írj'oor & ThoinpMuii'i) a'i'iitiun tu the City of Ana Arbor . ' ïota of % acre eacU, fi(i Thompsoa, Spoor & Thompson'.; A-!oii";i. 9 acres uf land, with a gpiendid grove, joininji the Kirenieii's Pürk n the West. HoaM and % Iota of Iand,wííb ïlarn, Waelilitchop, fíav.iao iíoviso, and a uuinber of modprn iriipfüvi-iniMtts, on the BOTtbWMt corner ot Fourih and I'ackard Streetn. 1 ilouBe and Lot in the 2d Ward, on South Liberty fcilrtet. 1 IIoue and 3 Ixts in the 2d Ward, near 3d Ward üchooi Qoue4 1 Houcoaiid 4 Loti, near tho M.C.R.K. Depot. ;20 aerpp ofland in the Kouth of the State of Missouri , near the Hanaibal rtít. Joiteph Haijroad. 2 Cjty Lote near Sd Ward School Uouae. A. WIDENMANN, FOREIGN EXCHANGE BROKER, ANN ARBOR, 1KICH. SELLS A1ID BUYS DKAFTS, ISSUES LETTERS OF CREDIT OX ALL PRINCIPAL PLACES IdGRKATBRITAIN,GEKMANY,FRANCE,SWÍTZKKJ'AND, etc. M y direct connections with Europe enable meto offer au fair ratea a any Nftw York House. Keraember, I am not an agent of any heuse in t hi country . but I am ha ving direct communicatiun with the best bouecs in Europe. COLLECTIONS IN EUEOPE BY POWKR OF ATTOR.N'KY OH OTHEnWISE, W1LL BE PBOHPÏX.Ï ATTENDED TO. PASSAGE TICKETS per Steamerto anl from New Yoik to all prluci. palpqrt; of Eurojie Iwill Hl) asfollows: From New York to Suulbamptoa, Iliïte, LoaJou, Dremeu or Hamburg, lEtClars. 2dClaa. St-erago. tt. $72. $2S !n Gold. Return tickets, 22S, 135 Cl ff " From aboro places to Vew Yoik, Ut Cias. 21 Class. 3d Clasa. 12p $72. ÍW in üold. From New Yorkto Liverpool, Cahin, $80 to $100 Currency. Kteerage, $30 iu Currency. FromLiverpoplto New York( Cabin, $100. _ Steerage, $3! FIRE INSUEANCE AGENT A.IJBJ APBOB, Fur the Iloward lmuraiicc Co. ,in New York , ojio of the oldcsiand bftit Cumpa niesiu thccuunlry. The Teutonia insurRnce Company in Cleveland. The honorable and safe management f thtn intf. tutlon haa madeit one of tho most reiiable ïire Insuicnco .in tbc West,


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Michigan Argus