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"byron's Candle."

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" What do you thiuk of tho Byron soandal ?" askcd a caller ofj Mrs. Partinglon. " ByronV candle ?" s.%id tbe dame, as she indistinctly caught the sound ; and, not wishing to appear unposted, she went on like an arrow, hittiug not very uear tho mark. "I dou't think it-ie near as gopd as kerosene, aud it don't give half' the light, besides daubiüg up everthiug with grense, and bting disagroeablu for tho oil factories whon it is blowed out ; but gaslronornic light is bettcr tlian either, aud I sbould choose ono as soon as t'other bofore I'd tako to candles agaiu." " But, niy dear Mrs. P." said tho caller, "I mean tbo Byron scandie, by Mrs. Stowe." " Ah," said sbe, still not quito comprehending; " well, sho'd better let it stay in the would, for Byron'scaiujle, so long distinguished, will sputter aud smoke if lightcd, and sbo'll sanutch her {ïngeis with it, she mny dopend on it. It can uardly be worth putting a new wiekedocss io it, either, and it isu't worth reviving, though ho uiay do it with impunity. She was in a muddie, the dear old dame, lut thero was a equinting of wisdom in her remnrks, though it carne in by accident, and the caller changed the subject. Tho Inte James T. Brady was very fond of the ready, natural wit of his countryineu. Out) day, speaking of ihis to a friebd, ha said : " I'll just show you a sample. I'll speak to auy of these men at work, aud you will seo tl. at I will get niy answer." Steping up to the men who were at work on a cellar near by, he fpoke to them chcerfully : "Good day; good fl'iy to you, boya. That looká like hard work for you." " Faix an' it is," was the nnswer, " or we wouldn't bo haviu' the doin' of it." Pleased with tliis be a'-ktd tho man what part of Ireland he cai]ie from. ' Ah," said Bnidy, i hejiriDg the imaie, " I carne froni that place myself." " Yes," said the man with ano tbe r blow of his piuk, " there was mny nica ppople in that plaoe, but I never board tbat any of them left it," A Quaker lojd a young mn jnt merried : " Fi iend, thou art uow at the end ofallthy trouhles." The bridu turnsd out a visen, ond in a week the joung man oame back with the upliraiding rcmark : " I thought you told me I wae at the end of iny troubles !" " öo I did frieud, but I did not say which end." You never gaw sucli a happy lot of peoplü as wc hsd bere ypiterday," eaW a laudlady in {ndiaoa to a De-wly arrived guest ; "ilion1 vvero thirteeo oouplM ff 'em." " What ! thirteen couples juut inarried !', " Oh, no, ir ; tLii teen coup, les just divorixil."


Old News
Michigan Argus