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The Michigan Publisherss' Association

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Tne Michigan Publishors' Aseociatiou assenibled yesterday nftoruoon, in ilij rooun of the ]foung Meo'd Christin:) Assooiation, and vvas euilecl to ordor by tbe L'residt.vit, rt. D. Biughatn, of the Laasiug llepublican. The roll wa3 oalled by the Seoretary, T. 8. Apploifate, of tho Adrián limes. and thc folloivmg tuembers answcred lo their uames : B. n. Ponrt, Aim Arboí Argus. Tí O. Ward, l'aiv Paw 'i'i-ua JYorlhirnor. I, Rowlson, tlill ■■. ÏI. JJ. Clark, Grand Raplds Dtmoerai. irge Willard, Battlt Creek Journal. 8. ; ). Bingham, Lansing . .f. A. 15 Btone, Ealauas h. 'I'. S. ApplCgatJ, Adrián 7 W. 11. 11. Bartram, Bast Saglnanr, Bariram's Check. W. a. Clute, Tla-ee Rivers "Reporter. y,. A-. Btackman, Decatar Bepublican. Vi. Ktttritfge, Masón C'oonty Metes. i. L Warren, Bay Ulty Journal. H. L. H:iiin, Pontlao Óattíto, J. Cross, Adrián Jo L. .1. Bates, Detroit Post. .1 Lomas, x) UnetU. .!. II. ötone, Port llu: on Time. C. C. üíxto'.i, Qraod Kanuis linies. J)r. Stone, in behalf of tho local pros weleomcd the ussociaüon to Kalamazoo, esprossing tho wish thivt tlio stay of ils Hieinburs might bo agreoable, aud their meeting both iflterestine aud profiíable. lie anuounced tliat tho President of thc Board oí Vi lage Trustees, uot being abb to be present in psrson, liad lianded flim a coinrnunicatioü whiob ho eent to the Secretary to be icad. Tho eiinimuiication was an invitatioo to tho meiubers to visit the water work. ani was necepted with thanks, and five o'clouk üxed a3 üio hour for makiog the visit of inspoction. The Pres'dont laid before the associa tion two comnuirncations fiora Piof. II. L. Wayland, invitiug t!e association to ittend the Conimencement osorcisos of Kulumazoo Oollegs, this moruing at O o'elock, aud also the ceremonies oonpeot■'i with the decoration of the Memorial Tablet, at 11 o'dock. The iuvitutions were accepted witb thanks. The T reasuror theu submitted bis port, from whicli it appeared tbat the balance in tho treaeury a y car ago at Adrián, waB 93 ; tho rcceipts from ucw mooibcrri, nitiation feo and the nnnual duea during the year wriv $44. The öxpoinlitures for publishing the procceüiugs of the Laosing meeting were 842 50 leaviug a bjlaneo in tho treasury of 9-1,50. Dr. Stone and E. B. PoDd of tbe Executive Committee tnake n verbal report ihat their endeavors so arrange an editorial excursiou had proved unsucecssful The Ooramittoe eaid that they had tried to join with ihc Illinois presa issnetatton hl. an excursión down the 8t. Lawrence, around. by St. Johus to Boston, und homo by rail, but that it was fouud impossible to eiiect any such arrangement. The plan of a trip this Hoason had Iherefore been abaadoned. The names of the following gentiemon were then proposed for membership and they were received into tho Association. A. II llcron, St. Jobos RepuhUcan. "W. T. Kinney, öarauac Standard. E. Ii. Powell, ötanton Herafd. I. W. Van Foseen, Paw J';iw l'resa. M. H. Marsh, Detroit üh H. E. Baker, Detroit Iribune. ü. II. Littlc, Northville Record. Mr. Ward moved that the Association fend a dolegtion of threo to extend fraternal greetinrra to the New York Publishers' Association which meets at Canandaigua next week. Mr. Applegato moved to amend, by eending ouo delégate, which motion prevailed. Mr. Wurd was then appointed as that delégate. On motion of Mr. Ward, the Association then proceeded to tho election of offioera, Messrs. Cluto aud l'owell acticg as tellers. The following officers were eleoted for the er.suirg year : j 'resident- Goorde Willard Battlc CroskVict Presiilm'.s - JI. J}. Rowlson, Hllls dalo ; J. H. Stone, Port Iluron. Secrelary and Treasurer - T. S. Applegate. The question as to whcre the next meeting of tho Association should be held was then t;iken up, and Bay City selected, 19 votes beiti cast for that city, two for East Saginaw, and threc for Grand Rápida. Messrs. Warren, of B:iy City; Rann, of Pontiac; and Marsh, of Detroit, were peleeted as thu Executive Committee for the ertfuing year. Tlie President read a letter from J. E. Scripps, of the Detroit Tribune, and chairman of the committee appointed at the iast session to meko awards of preniiuns to the best "made up" weekJy paper, and the wcekly wboso local department was t!ie best managed durinjr the ninnth of June Mr. Serippa wrote thnt Hiere was only n Iritting competitioD, and the eommittoe tbought best to mako no award tbis year. On motion of Mr. Rowlson two promiuuia, of 810 oich, wero offercd respectrvely for tlic Best "made up" paper nnd tho paper wt oso local, during the mentli of August ncxf, wns tbe best managed. At tbis stage of tho proceediogs a basket of mammoth strawberries was brought in with a note from Dr. Van Deueen, eaying that Ibe gardene'r of the AfylumJtcridurcd tbera wiih Lis coinpliments. It ia ncedlets to aay that the fruit was accepted and thaoka voted to the donor. On motion of Mr. ljartram, a commilteo of three were appointcd to prepare resolutions on tlio death of Mr. Kennedy, the larnented editor of the liaj' City Sifftial, the President selccting Messra. J5artram, Warren acd Baker as sucli committeo. Mr. Pond made some remarks on tho bill whieh had passcd tho U. S. House flnd is now in the Senate, abolishing tlio fraoking privilege, and removing the exeraption now onjoypd by local papers, ou wbicb no poBlage is chai'ged in tbe county whore tbcy are publiehi.d. A co-mniitteo, oonsisting of Mcs-ra. liann, Stone nud McCracken, wero appoiuted to report on the Hubj-ci. Mr. Bartrum made eome remarks on tbe Bobjeot of foreign advertisements, wrging Ibat no comuiissioo Bhould bu allowed to agonts. An account from the Adrián Times for printiiig the proceedings of the last meeting was preseoteti and allowed. ïbe 88sociation then took a reces until tigbt o'clnck, the memberd proceeding over to tlie Burdiok House, where omnibuges wero waiting to eonvoy them to the water worki. Superintendent Phelps uxhil)toá tho works to tho viaitois, mid cxpcriinented with them that they might seo their exoellencius. The gentlemen expressed themselves liiglily jpleased with tho aystem. liVENINO SKSSION. At eigbt o'elock tbo Association renssembled, and President JSingham tbanked tho Aseociation for tbe honor couferrod on him when they elected him to the poèition, aud iutroduced Lis bucoeBsor. Mr. Willard, tha iooetniog President, upon aifiuniiug the chair, made n few appropriutc remurks. K. L. Warren wa3 appoioted tíocretary pro tem. Mr. lUnn, from tbe Special Gomraittee on the question of the Frankibg Privilege, rcp'orted tlio iolluwing which were unauiinoualy adopted : Wherta, A bilí is rtow pending In the Senate of the United States, ostenslbly abollshlng the Franklng Privilege, bat really maktos other aucl radicul chi in the posta! lawi : and . Whereas, Su h pendlug blll, lf pass to a law, wlll subject local papers canieci Lu the mails fur from four totwent; miles 'o the same ratea of postage that will be taxed for papen carrled from one thonsand to tbree thouaflnd miles ; thercfore, By the Michigan Pabllshen' Associatien, that wi igalnst the eoactment of anj iw whlch, cutling off the free circulation of papers wii.iilu the eounty where published, does not discrimínate In ratcs of postage on newspapers accordlng to bol h welgbt and distance, as an oatrage apon the rlghtsjof local publishi-rs, and a bounty to the prese of the graat eommetclal centers. ■ed, That the Sccretary be Inatrncted to communjeate this aetlon to the Senators and RepresentatlTea in Congress from thia State. Mr Kartraui, from tlio committeo np poiated lor that purpose, reportcd :i 86ries of resolutions of reppoet for the inemory of the late W. T. Kennedy, formerly publLsher of the Bay Uity Signad wbioh wc.e adopted. Mr. Bincrhain thon road his retiring addreas, whioh will lie found in full od our Beoond page. The address was atteutivoly üstened to and appreciated. At the conclusión of the sddresa Air. L J. Bates, of tho Detroit Post, tp: i capital poem on the "Presa of tbe Future" whioh, frooj its lenp'.h and the croivded oonditioo of our oolaniDa, we iro uDable to publisn this raoromg, of tbanks wero tendercd to the Orator sn) Poet, the cilizcna of Kulamazoo for iheir hospitality uid the retiring offioera, ifter whitb ihe Aesooiation adjouri


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Michigan Argus