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Since The Unknown Akerman Was

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nppnintcd Attoruey-General, vies Hoar rtíbigned, a leadirg Radical member o! of the Houfo is reported as s:ying : "I dou't liko Fisn, but I hopo le uon't resign, for Ukant would probably appoint soino Amos SnICKBB, of j?niokcr's Gap, to be Secrctary of State. - Akkiiman' ia a nativo of New Hampshirc, has resided in Georgia siiice 1842, was an oíd whig, snd a so-caüed UnioD man duriug tbe war, but joir.ed Toomms' Étaff to avoid "actual service.'1 He is now Attorney General of Georgia, and tupi red to tbe seat on tho Snpreme beneh giveo to Iíraikv. That's wbo Akerman i, though probably no lawyer or editor in Michigan kucw of kim until Hoaii resigued. Tni; Ilotiae, on Wedriesday, passed a bilí appropriating 8078,862, interest diie tbe States of Maiuo and Massachusetts on money expended dorios tbe war oí 1812, tbe same to bo paid to tho Buropean aml North Anierionn Railroad Company. It muy be all right, but why bas interest been allowcd to aecumulaU neariy CO years, whttt is the araoun t of Uie prinoipai, and lias it been paid ? It' not, wouldo't it bu wise to provida for it in advanee oí anotlier such aecumulation of interest ? Tho tbing has a bad looi; butthen iho paople are rich, and so glad to pay faxes. Besides, some member or merubers of Congre.-s or of "the Government" may Lavo un iuterest o ihe cliiim. Botleb nnd Farnswobth - two lladical liead centers - had a set to in tbc House on Wednesdny, Farnsworth ckarged Butlbr with baving advigod the Patent Oliiee against the extet Of the patulit of RoLLrN VVlIITI!, willi Bnbsequently taking a feo of $2,000 from VViiiTt; for íilinü; a bripf for the same White in Ihe Süpreme Couri, in the matter of the same patent, and then with iavoring the extensión in tho ll'iüse. BDTLUR retortcd that FarNSwokth hnd more beard than brains. und was to!d tbat long or short b"ard no meniber of the House should steal under its shadow with impunity. We are remiuiled of two proverbs or sayings: - The one about "Tbe Happy Family," the other "Wben rogues fall out.;' - These little love epats may enlighten the conimunity. The Detroit Tribune rcferring to, but not copying, our paragrapli on the position of Senator Nouris, saya : "ïho Ann Arbor Aboüs ntimatea that Senator Nokris, of Washtenaw, who opposed raihoad aid in the Conetitutional Convention, acd in tho last Legislature, boing now presidont of a projected raüroad that needs municipal aid, may sec railroads without tboslightest difficnlty at the approacbing extra Bession." Now, the Aitous "inlimoted" no suck thing. On the contiary, having stated the dilemma of Senator N., we said : "We think, in bis case, personal interest will go uuder to his convictions." And bis long-time convictions won't lot him "see" railroad aid very "muchly." The Tribune suggests that tho following members of the Legiilature have vacated their seats, baving accepted United States offices : Senators - John H. Standish, 31st dist., District Attorney, AVestern District; Jkrome V. Turner, 22d dist., Census Enumerator ; Hill Wooiward, lOth dist., same position. Represenlatiees - II. B. Howlbon, Ilillsdale, Iuternal llovenue Collector ; Gko. W. Svvift, Wayne, and Almon A. Thompson, Eaton, Consuls ; W. W. IIaktson, St. Clair,and Jacob Walton, Lonawee, Census Eaumerators. And tbat H. G. Williams, of Marquette, removed to Ann Arbor, and Maj N. S. Boynton, from Mnrioe City to Port Huron, bave also vacated their seats. The Tribune favors special elections, and calis the attention of Qov. Baldwin to his neglcet of a mandatory clause of tbc Constitution. - Wo eeriously doubt whethcr a Census Enumerafcr is an officer of the United States witbin the incaniog of the Constitution. In a recent upeech in favor of abolishing tho franking privilege, Senator Stochton said that the mcaning of the petitions which had ilooded Congrcss in favor of the measure was, that tho peoplo wero tired of the nauseating stuif which was uttercd by members and franked home to edúcate their constituents. Not his exact larguage, buk its essecco. Senator Stockton has hit the trutb. Members will talk loss when they don't talk to the country, and Congress will become a working body iostoad of a gas faotory. - - - - i ►► The Tribun names tho following cantlidates for tho Republican noinination for Congress in this district : S. M. Cutcheon, of Ypsilanti ; Charles T. Uokiiam and John C. Fitzgerald, of Marshall ; Geo. Willaiid, of Ballle Creek, who being an editor ought to havo higher aspirations, say to be Dn honest privato citizon; and E. W. Iakdeu, of Eaton. Jackson and Ingham counties are out in the eold iu tLis deal, and Washtenaw put off with ono to Calhoun's three. Such partiality is not to be tolerated. The House, on Tuesday, by a voto of 131 to 24, ordered the credeutiala of carpet-bagging and cadetship-selling WniTTEMor.E returned to him, und uent liim homo to bis bofooled constituents. Poor Wuiteemohe is the scape-goat of the body.


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